Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jun 1927, p. 33

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] une 17, 1927 WILMETTE non Brown, Allee .Dernahl, Paul Anhalt, Harry Hunter, Lowell Johnson, John Warren, Frank Wenter, Frederick Wille, Llewellyn Jones, Gordon Cutler, Ed. Diercks, Robert Kirtland, Ben \Vilson, Harvey Klunder, Frank Church, Frank Riley, Paul Potter, Dick Huck, Paul Sterner, .John Hellmuth, Edward Arden, Robert Sparks, Kermit Simons. L ·I FE JJ AWARD SILVER PINS TO POSTURE TEST VICTORS · Children in Various Grades of Public Schools Achieve Coveted Prizes The Sunday school of St. John's Luter, Margaret, of 512 Fifth street have theran church is to enjoy its annual returned from a ten day visit in St. picnic Saturday afternoon, June 18, in Louis. Mrs. Powers also attended the Forest Preserve at Glenview. Wal the -centennial and homecoming of Lin- ter L. Edwards and Dr. William denwood college at St. Charles, Mis- Rue sc h will be in charge of the prosouri. gram. 1 Mrs. Emitt Powers and her daugh- l The Triple Posture te s t \\'aS gin·u this year m the \Vilmette Public schools, from the third grade through the eighth grade. The test was gi\'cn c\·ery month and was divided into . three parts: the correct s tanding po sition, the correct marching position and the correct exercising position. \Vh en the child passed ihc test fnr t\\'o consecutive month s, a bronze pin \\'as av,:arded, and a silyer pin for fi"~ consecutive months. The following have passed the Sil Ycr Pin test: The North Shore Line has recently placed in service three passenger coaches equipped with the new-type ··bucket" 8eats, the most recent and most comfortable seat that has been developed for a railroad coach. It is interesting to note that on several occasions, passengers have offered the condudor an extra fare for riding in these cars, thinking them parlor cars. No extra fare is charged. The North .Shore Line takes pride in const~mtly aiming to give its customers the best that is procurable. In the "Good Old" Summer Time! Stolp and Central Schools Brown, 1-'llyllis Brown, Salli L· 1'lark, ~tarion Conely, Phyllis Fuerman11, \'irginia Hanson, (;race Johnson, Doroth~· .Tam~ Lundin, Jan e Springt~ r. Louise :::;hepht:-rd, Jean Lindstrom, ~targaret Bickham, J a lit ' ('ohn, Muriel Colby, Louis Han a walt, Fra nt :<·~ Lutz, .Cla ire Simon, J>o rotll~· \\'inzt ·nhurg-, F'annit : Brow11, \Y vllm a t 'obiJ, l\rary .Jane Elder, l!OS{: Marie C:ash, ~fary Thalcg-, Jsa lw ll<! Zimmerman, Elizahl·th Balllatchctt, Emma Bickham, J~ll cu I 'ozze n:::, Eleanor Cu llwr, 1\Iargarf't Ebf;l ing-, Lucia IIollistL:r, Shirley Popp, t ;,·org-ia. Aliee Voshurg·h, Elsit! \V'ad <·, Hl'it~ n Jones, Lueilk Dahllwrg-, 1\Iary l.aw·r, 1\Iar~arct Lindst rom, ])oris Tan:-;ill, Lorrain1· Borre, Lawrence Bucklllast('r, Donald Campbell, John Cutl er. .\ Ian in Fra.nli t" l, Clwster Hanson .l\Iarj··ri·· H<,ug-liton, ('harles Leonard,' Mar'-::t n ·t :\Ia <"i ntosh, J a'nel :\IcXulty, Eleanor I 'ot tt·r, Edward Solomon, Angus Steve:ns Katht·ryn Thompson, ( 'harlotte \Vachs' ~laziP 2\Touat, Donald Ur·izzs, l\Iario1; l:urt-'\\it ·lls, .Jaek Davis, Carrie ::\1aY l>ilkt·f', Paul Le \·y, E li as l\Tarkens, l\1ile.s .\klJonal<l,. Esthe r :'.lt· Kt·ig-han, Jan· · ~I· "'r~·. 1 :illy :\!orris, Yirginia :\lover, I·:J iaj(·::n 1-'ort ·r, All <· n Hossman, Flor~nc ·. S· ·llt·ry, H.uth :::;eymour, Harry Shank. Sdma \\'ax, H ell'n \Yin slow, Annahell1· I :rown, . .\li :-;on Burgp, Eileen B urke l··,·a!Je· ·s Elli~ . .Tanc· Engel, C:t:org-o Facl\t: l~uiH · rt Fld<'llt·r, ~Jary Eli:whelh Fn·n('h, .\lartha < :ilhoft·r, .Jun P Kd1l K :tll1l'l'illt· .\'at han, Tlull<' rt P <· lott. ' . Edward 1-icllrnidt, Syl\·ia Stowrk , Pris- 1 ··ilia \\' ht ·t· lock, Ceeil Williams, J1eth :\lt'llra it II, I ~i<'llanl Bom. :\[arian Cracraft .\ li< ·t> El.wling·, Dick Hal l, ::\lary .\!i r .'· !lay· · ~. Hilly Katz, .h·an L:t\\'l't' IIL'L', J;ill\' .\l· ·lc hior, E:-;tlH·r :\f organ, X ort nn Pntt \' 1 :. l:t·rnar<l 1-laxttn, J: ,·tt.\' f't'111nidt, l~utll , -"'··lt~lllfll1, E\'l'l'd U \\'a r:-;ha w:-;ky, \\'i llian1 I : .. w.·n, B..t ty Parkt·t·, I .:t \'er n l'opp, ·: n ·L:· \·onHPinspt·rg-, Elinor Sh:q>iru, .J. ·anl'ltf· I'L·anl, :\Iarie .\ ltlt· J·, H.uth Ul·i:-;l·.t. J't ·gg-y ::\Ir('alw, .fuli· ·lt·· Husnak . Fra Jl('f ·i; ~lc~ulty, .J a li P nr(J\\'11, nayii10il() \\'a rrl'll, I ,ois \\' olfr. J ft ·lt ·n Horn , Fll·t·· ··n· ··· J: ratl, 1 >onald T<lt ·!) j)l ·n , :\fary \\ "a i·l 11····. S!t'plll'n \ '~JotliH·ad, (; ·o rg-cttf' DL·<:k··r. l~t·s· · nt:try J>ay, :\farilyn Kohl, _.\ntoin··tt·· l~u sso, l\l:try Spt ···t·, Ew·l\'n Youn"quist, Jt,,J, Olson. 1-:lt·:utm· l[t·l:IJon BN~v f,, ·aeh, 1l· ·len Shauv, Ht·rtnan JJi rlaui· Hall ('lark. ' . I ldt~: .J:t.n·· I~os· · n, Su ;~a mw ~pimwy, \ t'l'Y :-ill a Jlll'O, .Jolll1 Lind strom. L lovri Snyd· ·r. l·'1·an l< Handa II, .I osv phinc· ]:;~ J . l1at t'llt·t . llt·lt ·n l!a \'l'llt11s, Dilly Cuht·r, .\nn 1· Bayliss, 1\Ltl·tha Jluff. Ca r ol Stir!, r. Ek:t nor "\Villiam s, ('I! a rlfllt t· ~\ ncl. ·r'-"ll, Jaui<'<· (iro"sma n, c:ra< ·t· Smith . .J_immi v t 'h r onis, Halpll Eb1111, Hichnnl 1· tll'h~. Jlarttld Han son, Ellt-n .f t'an TtHT\' \\.ill in m \\"n rrr·n. ·· ~lary Lake Geneva Twin Lakes Powers Lake Take North Shore Line trains to Kenosha, and North Shore Line Motor Coaches from there on regular achedulc . Through tickeu. Antioch Channel Lake Loon Lake Round Lake Lake Villa Fox Lake District Grays Lake Volo- McHenry 'Take No"h Shore Linettainsto Waukegan or Libertyville; North Shore Line Motor Coaches from there on regular schedule to these ooints. Throu~h tickets Oconomowoc Nashotah Lakes Nehmabin Lakes Silver Lake Delafield Waukesha Beach Nagawicka Lake Pewaukee Lake Take North Shore Line to Milwaukee-step into T.M.E.R.&L. trains at door of our Milwaukee terminal, for theae polnu. Through tickets . MICHIGAN Ludington Manistee Hamlin Lake Portage Lake Onekema T.ke North Shore Line to Mil. waukee; Pete Marquette night lteamer from there; arrive Michigan· next morning. Through tlckeu. WISCONSIN Sheboygan Port Washington Elkhart Lake Cedar Lake Crystal Lake Take North Shore Line to Mil· waukee; connections at door of our Milwaukee terminal with Milwaukee Northern traina for these point:IS. ILLINOIS Libertyville Mundelein Plan an early vialt to Mary of the Lake Seminary. Every· one should see this magnificent work costing ten million dollars. A mile-long lake within the l,OOJ..acre ground:. Hills, flowers, trees, inspiring architecture and lovely landacap~ work. Score· of wonderful things to see and enjoy. Best reached by the NorthShore Line. St. I ) 1-:ln im, Alburg-a , Loi:-; Eldritlg·l' I....or a in 1· <.'hnrlotte Tlan py, 2\I~u:ie Sko;..:·, I )Ol'JS <:oo<k, Florenct· H otTman, H elt ·n I in·t'n, Dorothy Kunz ~· r, Lydin H og-c· 1·s, I ~ut h Smith, Lucy l\Iunliso n, Alice EllttlmHls. Eunic e Hardt, Kathryn Grow ning, Caroline H err, Revill (· 'Boyi ngton ( :t·nt"v ievc Royer, ::\Iarjorie Eldred '\Vilnu~ <; uPnther, 1\I a.rjorit~ Cla r e Hum ~ .M.nrjorit! l\Iergt.>nthalt·t·, H~tz(· l Knepper: A.gn (·s Hose Schwall, \Vinifred Dingle, Jam c·f.: Chambe rs, John Brumbaug-h, Frederick .~schuach o r, Robert Fulton, Leonard l rochnow, Ruth Anderson, 1\1 a r g ar e t .To uPs, Blizabeth Koenwr, Mary Louistl Yarian, Nancy May, Elca. Carlen, MarJorie lvf'rson, Marjorie Patterson Dirk ~tL'e n, Kathryn \Yelter, Fern Ahl~trand Dorothy .A ndt' r son, nilly Greenh::llgh: H erbrrt .Jones, Richard Julian . .Jean Pt~ r rill, ·w alter Robinson, Doris Small, Billy Anhalt, Verna Archambault, Jane Brandt Donald H ermanson, Louise Hickman' ~[arion Pickard, Russell '\VIlcox, Bllli~ c.rant, .James Kraft, .Jerome NeYim~ Billie Sorsen, Betty Hurtt, Th eo lin ~ Lunde, Betty Kirwan. ITai~· !J, l'in tl'st at th e Howa rd s l'lwol · The foll ow ing- ha\·e passed the Sil\ ·· t· Howard School Baggage Checked For scMduks, fare! and other information, inquire at ticlctt o/Jia, or at Traffi& Dept.: Chicago, 79 West Monroe St., phone CentTal 828o; MilWaulc«, 409 Securiey Buildine, phone QTand 990 ur Grand 2762. Chicago North Shore .& Milwaukee · Railroad Cotnpany The ,Road_of ~ervice 1-122 WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION Telephone Wilmette 2514 Baggage Checked ::Margaret Schwall, Robert Knepper, Haymond Peterson, Reginald Green, Ver- Loa&D School

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