Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jun 1927, p. 28

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28 WILMETTE LIFE June 17, 1927 Garden Club Programs Keep North Shore Residents Busy Officers of Illinois IGive Pre-Nuptial Parties Garden Club Include for Winifred Bilsland North Shore Women The approach of the wedding uf After the winter months passed in planning the gardens that wilt blool)l in June and after, and spring- days ~pent in planting-, garden lovers are g-athering these days to enjoy the re~ults of their labor. Gardrn club activities stir the lull in general cluh activities brought on b~· the approach of ~ummer. Winnetka Bride The vVilmette Garden club will visit the garden of Mrs. F.. L. Scheidenhelm, 704 Lake avenue. Wilmette, this afternoon. Mrs. Scheid en helm will talk on "Garden Design : Color and Planting with Special Reference to Continual Bloom." The members will assemble on June 24 at Mrs. A. E. Logie's residence. 1032 A&hland avenue, Wilmette, to visit Winnetka gardens. Mrs. James Moore, 2024 Orrington avenue, Evanston, will he hostess at the meeting on July l. Mrs. David Cooke of Evanston is to talk on: "The Little Garden." The North Shore Garden c]ub is to meet next Tuesday, June 21, with Mrs. A. G. Becker. Mrs. Louise Hubbard of Winnetka wilt take on "Flower and Table Arrangements." The Home and Garden club met . last week at the home of Mrs. Oliver Barret, 623 Abbottsford road. Mrs. Gage was the speaker and her subject, "Shady Gardens," was part of a very fascinating program. Next Tuesday, June 21, is Wilmette dav at the Plant. Fruit and Flower guild at the North \Vestern station. and e_very other Tuesday following. Contributions are acceptable an~· clay, and those persons interested in the welfare of the Northwestern Settlement and Hull House arc urgccl to send in their additions to the stands. Members who cannot take their donations down themselves can get in touch with Mrs. C. D. Ewer at Wilmette 2014, who will see that thev reach the station. Next Friday, J unc 24, is the Winnetka Garden club's day of special responsihility for flowers to be distributed to Chicago charities through the Plant. Fruit and Flower guild. Mrs. Mark Cresap and Mrs. Hugh Foresman left Saturqay, June 11. as deleg-ates from the Kenilworth Garden club to the Garden cltth of America's annual meeting, being held this year in Rve. N. Y.. where thev will he entertained at one of the -large and very beautiful e.state in Rye, N. Y. l\ifrs. Howard Phillips of \~linnetka and Mrs. John Scott of Glencoe are going to represent the Lake Forest Garden club. The Garden Club of Illinois met Mondav at the Hotel Sherman to make plans for the f uturc. Mrs. Frederick Fischer of Lake Bluff was chairman of the meeting. Election of officers was followed by the adoption of the constitution and by-laws. The new Illinois organization is considered particularly valuable for the smaller clubs of the state. Mrs. Frederick Fischer of Lake Bluff is president of the organization. Mrs. C. D. Ewer of Wilmette, recordingsecretary, and Mrs. Cart Miner of Glencoe is a member of the hoard. Other officers are }.ifrs. Vl. E. Hoefer of Riverside. vice-president; Mrs. L. M. !t.f a son of Crvstal Lake, corresponding secretar)·; Mrs. George Kemba 11 of Glen Ellyn, treasurer. Other board members are Mrs. \\'alter Brewster of Lake Forest. Mrs. L. E. Childs of Elgin, anc Mrs. 0. T. Olson of De Kalb. Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell and Mrs. B. L. Davis represented the Wilmette Garden cluh at the meeting, and Mrs. C. Colton Daughaday and Mrs. Richard Walsh were representatiYes for W..i,nnetka. Mi~s \\'inifred Bilsland, daughter of 1\fr. and Urs. Benjamin F. Bilsland of 1228 E lmwood avenue, Wilmette, and Hugh 1\Iackdlar Robinson, son of Mrs. \Villiam Colin :Robinson of Chicago, brings a number of parties honoring the bride. The date of the wedding is June 29. Mrs. Charles R. Reese of Wilmette is entertaining this afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock at a kitchen shower. Tomorrow evening Miss Virginia Croft of Chicago, the maid of honor, is giving a dinner at the South Shore Country club. On Thursda\· of next week Miss Jane Ridgway of- Kenilworth, v,;ho is to be a bridesmaid, will give a lunchcon bridge and hosiery shower for Miss Bilsland at the Indian Hill Country club. Laura Emih- Slosson of H uhbard \\'oods. anoth~r bride's attendant, will give a luncheon and bridge and lingerie shower at the Union league in Chicago next Friday. The bridal dinner wi11 be given on June 28 at the Bits land residence. 11 rs. Harry V. Donaldson (Marian Reese of - \\lilmette), the matron of honor, will give a !'pinster dinner during the week of June 26, and Paul Robinson, who is to be best man, \Yill entertain the bridal party at a theater party thr same week. Illinois Pen Women to Entertain for President and Poet Cambridge Girl Becomes Bride of Roy M elind Miss May Lillian 1ohnston became ·t he bride of Ro,· Meiind yc ster<la\' afternoon in Canibridge. rll. l\Ir. · ).Ielind is the son of Mr. and 1vlrs. Loui::; Melind of (>93 Sheridan road. The ceremony took place in the Methodist Episcopal church in Cambridge at 3 o'rlock. and a reception followed at the re sidence of the bride's parents, 'Mr. and ~[ rs. C'. J ohnst'on. The bride's attendants wore georgette dresses in thr pastel shades, made with hottiTant skirts . . Their picture hats matched their frocks. Miss Bertha Johnston acted as maid of honor for her sister. Miss 1\f arccllitc l\felind of \\' ilmette, sister of the groom, and Miss Ellen Anderson of Cambridge 'U:"ere bridesmaids. Robert Smith of Wilmette was hc:-;t man. Edward Hintzpeter of Kenilworth and J ol111 Meyer of Edgewater acted as ushers. Mr. and Mrs. Melind left after the ceremony on a western trip. They will be at home after August 1 at 129 Custer street, Evanston. Select Groomstnen for Helen Mearns' Wedding When Miss Helen Louise Mearns becomes the bride of \\Tallace Whitmore Weld on Wednesday, June 29, the groom will be attended by Roger Low of Wilmette as best man and Raymond Roth of Wilmette, Hubert Sargent of Galesburg, Stanley \Veld and Herbert Weld of Winnetka, the groom's brothers, as ushers. The list announced last "·eek as the bride's attendants includes Miss Ruth Mearns as maid or honor, Miss Barbara Mearns and Miss Frances Weld of . Wilmette. Miss Helen Lane of Evanston, and Miss Lucille King of Edgewater, as bridesmaids. The bridal dinner will be given hr Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Whitmore \Veld, 315 Sunset road. Winnetka, the groom's parents, on June 28. The ceremony is to be at the Kenilworth l 1nion church at 8 :30 o'clock. Tht· Chicago branch of the Illinois League of Pen \Vomen is giving a luncheon at the Union League club on Tue sday. June 2!, at 1 o'clock. The luncheon. at which many prominent Chic~go ;;ociely women will assist, is to be giYen in honor of Mrs. Ernest Thompson Seton, national president of the club, and Swami Yogananda, East Indian poctl philosopher and lecturer. The League nf Pen \Vomen, which has been in existence for thirty year:;. has its national headquarters at \Vash ing-ton, D. C. Mrs. Rathbone, the wife of Henry Riggs Rathbone, congres.man-at-large, " ·as elected president of the Illinois League of Pen \Vom en in March. After the luncheon, some noted musicians will render a mu sical program and Congressman Hathbone will 1fiss Miriam Johnson, sister of Mrs. speak on "The League of Pen \\'om en · Cedric Smith of Winnetka, became the of America and Its Scope." The club will also he entertained by Swami hride of George Turnley Dyer, Jr., ot Yogananda, who will read some of his E\'a nston, son of Mrs. George Turn- poems. ley Dyer of St. Louis, on \V edncsday, Mr. Yogananda spent a part of the Junc 8. The wedding dress was of winter in Washington conducting a pink shaded tulle, made with bodice series of lectures. He intend s to Yisit wai st and full skirt, with picture hat Chicago in September, where he will to match. al so gi \·e a series of lectures. The noted scholar and writer was entertained hY the President during hi s stay Miriam Johnson Becomes in the .ca pital , and has had the honor Bride of George Dyer, Jr. of meeting- kings and queens all over the world. Cndcr a rose canopy, 1fiss Miriam Johnson of \\riunetka, in a gown of Among the prominent Chicago wompink tulle, became the bride of George en who . will assist 'Mrs. Rathbone in Turnley Dyer, Jr., of Evanston, \Vee!- rccciYing: arc: 1fr.s. Edith Rocker~cllcr nc :;.day, June 8, at 4 o'clock. The rooms ~~ cCorn'l_!C~, who 1s honorarv prest.dcl:t at 18 ]\a~t Elm street, Chicago, \Yher.e ot the ll11cago t;ranch of the T Illm o~s the ceremony was read, formed a har- League of P<:n \\i 01.ncn. Mrs~\\ alter .:'l. monious background in decorations of Drcwster, Mrs. Ch~rles I·. penecn , pink and green. De a 11 De\\"itt read the ~r r .~. Fletcher. Durhm, 1f rs. ~hauncy ceremon ". The bride is the sister of B_Ja 11·, ~ f rs .. \\ a lie~ Borclen,. ~ f 1ss .Olga ~Irs. Ce~lrir ~mith, (>2 \\'ar\\·ick mad. , \_ccn. pre:-.H.lcnt ot t.hc _Tumor Fnend s \Vinnetka. and the groom is the son I n t :\rt. ~lt..; s Pauh~le Palmer, 11rs. of Mrs. George Turnln' }),-cr (li ~t. .\t~gusta Peabody, 11tss Hckn B n,n ett , ] .ouis. · :\f t~s Bertha Tics and M r:'· Jay CoryMi s~ .\lire D\'(·r oi ~t. l.ouis. as tht· dnn T~dor .. Other promtnent wome n H' l1ridc's attendant, wmc a blue ·cape \Yho ':·til assl:it ~Irs. RathlHJJ\l· on t 1 ensemble " ·ith matching ]1at. John r,ecept!on rommtttce are .':\Ir~. Samuel Caswell oi Clen:lancl acted as best ~t. · :\('"·ton. 1lr:'. Ben1amtn I~an g man. The bride's dre ss of shad~d pink " ·_o r1hy, ~fr~ . .Starr ~T~ppcr, pre:-.t<lent tulle \\a:-. lllacle with a tight lJ< Hi ice and nt the. :\mencan \\ nter s club, and full ~ kirt. A larg·e picture hat rom- :\f~s. l·.ug-cne Garnett, noted E\'anston plett-d tht· costume. \\Tttcr. 11 r. and \[r~ . Dyer left fur \\.anpa ca. ':\frs. Rathbone is entertainit.lg ~fr :-. . \\'i s .. ,,.hL·n· the\· will he at the 1),-cr Ernest Thompson Seton clunng 11c·: sttnlll1l'r hutlle tt~ltil Juk 1. Thn· ~Yill c;tay herr, and is giving a dinner in her make their home at R](). Forcst avenur. honor and in honor of Swami YoganE,·anston. ancla on the eYening of J nne 21 at the Drake hotel. 11 rs. McCormick is al~o entertaining in honor of the two visiInfant \\l elfare Elects New tors. 1Ir:-;. Hathhone announces that Officers; to Meet Monday the luncheon on Tuesday is the closing affair of the club for the year. She ha s :\f r:'. ] . \Y. Shedden was elected planned many interesting affairs for chairman of the Junior auxiliary of th(' next fall. Infant \Velfare socieh· at a recent meeting in \Vilmette. · The other officers elected for· next year are: Mrs. West moreland Club Gives F. E. Parry, first vice-chairman; Mr:,. Series of Summer Parties A. J. Ruby, second vice-chairman; The \Yestmorelancl Country club is M r~. R. R. Ten ness. t hi r<l Yice-chairman; ~frs. Rannoncl \Y. Armstroug. giving a series of progressive bridge parties this summer for the women of fourth vice-chairman. 1\frs. ]. ]. Johnston, social chairman: the club and their guests. The parties Mrs. Roger \iVilliams. recording secrc~ are on Saturday and holiday aftertary: ~Irs. H. D. Lehr, corresponding noon s during June, July, August and secrctan·; 1\'[rs. Alice \:Vheelock, treas- September, at 2 :30 o'clock. On the last urer: Mrs. Paul Perry, birthday chair - Saturday afternoon of each month man: Mrs. E. L. Howard, chairman there will he a pivot game. ways and means committee. Season prizes are to be awarded for The auxiliary will meet on Mondav, eight choice scores from progressive June 20. at 2 o'clock at the home ~f games. The card committee members Mrs. H. S. Condit, 614 Laurel avenue, are: Mrs. F. M. Boughton, chairman; Wilmette. Mrs. Condit will be assisted Mrs. W. A. Brodkorb, Mrs. D. B. Kenby Mrs. Ward Jones, Mrs. }. L. Wallis nedy, Mrs. A. ]. Lindstrom and Mrs. and Mrs. Naomi B. Hamilton. A. R. Palmer. 1 · I

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