20 WILMETTE LIFE' Cut Fitted and Tailored To Your Order Suits NORTH SHORE MEN usually demand quality. You'll find it h~re-com- · bined with true economy. $35 $40 $45 $50 THE SERVICE WE OFFER is unusual to a high degree. Investigate .it. Chicago's Handsomest Exclusive Tailoring Salesroom CITY SALES-FOURTH FLOOR 3 19 WEST VAN BUREN STREET In an 8-page report issu:d to tl;c parents of Scouts and contnbutors ~c., its growth, both financially ~nd .t.n senicc, the North Shore Area ~ounctl, Boy Scouts of America, covenng th.e ter..ritory from \\'ilmett~ tn l.ak~ ~luif and to the \\'est for a dl::itance. oi ctght miles, out lin e ~ome accomphs_lnn~nt:: of the past six months and .obJ~Ctlvcs that it is trying to accomplish 1n the mm1ths and years ahead. The report states: "The North Shore Area Council-which is nothing more nor less _ tban a group of men banded .togct~1er .t)y a common interest and destre- ts wllukheartedly in earnest in its desire to draw out of the boy life of our communities its very best. '7\.Ve have been charged with the responsibility and entrusted with the priYilegc of being Trustees .of ~h~ Boy Scout program in our commumttcs. "\V c ha H been given a charter and authorized to cxtl'nd the use of the Scout program to th o:'e institutions that will earncstlr and \\'holeheartedly usc it in enrichin-g hoy life. Tt is our . duty to co-operate and aid in the ~ ,,· id~~t and most eff cctivc utilization of Scouting in con ·erving the finest furces in bov liie. "Ot;r happy ta~k i~ onr of cOllltllllllit~· leadership, the inspinng of institutions ;-tnd individuals in providing those experiences for youth that will appeal to Boy nature and Serve Boy Needs. "This Council docs not administer Scouting to boys. It do~s, ho:rnv ,·, provide, enrich and co-oJ~crat~ ltl t l lt' proper utilization of the ::3coutmg J>ru gram by the yarious cl~urches, sc_h~.ol:: and service groups wht.ch arc ~;l,lklll .-. Scouting a part of the.tr work. , . , · 1 Fi;..;-ur< ·s: Vt ·(·. 1, 192G-Scouts 424, ·11, l'atruls liS, Troop Committeemen ~;'./ iun· 1 1U~7-Scuuts 70G, Troops ··-· ijat~·ols '107, TroOJl. Com.mitte en; e~l. 1-1\l. · r10r.!.: y· ·t Xumill'r ruary ~IJ, :\farc·h 114. April SG, Prt' svnt Hank of 70G Sco':JlR: foot :t~ ·l, Se<.:OIIfl ('lass ~l:l, ftr!-lt :\lt·rit Badg· ,~ 11 ~1. month: D· ·<···mh··r or .\lent Badges pa~s e d 2:~ ··J:u~uary .~R. i· 1\~~Y 13 ~. i'l;,- lt· tul·~ t C'la~ s .,It, Junior School Friends to Close Season With Party Thr 1\orth End branch, Friends nf the Chicago Junior school, " ·ill clo:'e its season',. ; activities with an enter tainment in the place of the regular monthh· meeting, on Tuesday, June 21. at 8 o'clock in the evening, at the Sovereign hobel. . . An enjoyable evcntng 1~ . ass~lH:d, with many ~urpri:1rs in the \\'a.\' ot l' lltertainment. Members arc urge~) ~oat tend and bring at least ten 1ncnd" . This is to he mystery night and t l1nt· should be a good rally. The ,c hnol 1-: ncar F.lgin, on the Fox river. _ . Mrs. Charles :\. Lundberg, b38 \\ ~ 1 nut avenue, ha :; as guests fo: the weck end 1lr. and :Nir~ . ~· l~ ~r~c~:tr(J:11 and 11r. and ~Irs. C. K. Farger :,tro.ll _ 1 of Kansas. 9· pATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ~~~~~~It~~-~~ lj .~ ~ ~ ~ An Exquisite Bridal Gift . l~ ~~ ~~ ~· · I il appointments fN her home can be gra tifi.ed to the utmost with ~~ The Mildred A smart. original, sturdy street shoe for the college girl. Sty 1e d in many leathers. *) ~ · ~] [ a gift of DIRIGOLD Tableware, or any one One Hundred] of many useful Years of Beauty and DIRIGOLD arUsefulness $12.50 fm tides. · ~ I ~ .· ~1 ~ A Reflection of Dignity and Good Taste THE HALLMARK JEWELERS 8og Davis Street THE DIRIGOLD CORP. Display Salon 7' 0 ~ -~iJtiC~~ EAST JACKSON BOULEVARD ~