Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jun 1927, p. 18

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18 The Wilmette hoard of the Infant Welfare society of Chicago will hold its annual meeting next Thursday, June 23, at the home of Mrs. Robert E. Kenyon, 10i 1 Greenwood avenue. The nominating committee will make a report at this time. WILMETTE The Playwriting class is to gather next Tuesday in the garden of Mrs. Harrison B. Riley's home, 1822 Sheridan road, Evanston. The hours are 10 o'clock tilt noon. Theodore Hinckley of Chicago is to be in charge of the class. LIFE June 17, 1927 Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke of 526 Washington avenue enterta·i ned her Tuesday club last week. 1 CANADIA.N PACII'IC STEAMSHIP Travel Guide 1 Among the students graduating from Mo., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. the University of Illinois this June is Frank Hogan, 830 Ashland avenue. ·Bradlee Pruden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Pruden, a degree of Bachelor of Science in tne'Chanical engineering. · He was a cadet lieutenant-colonel in the student R. 0. T. C. during his senior year, and is a member of Scabbard and Blade, honorary military fraternity. He also served on the 1filitary Ball committee. Mr. Pruden is a member of Theta Upsilon Omega, Pi Tau Sigma, honor.ary mechanical engineers' fraternity, Pierrots, men's dramatic society, and Travel becomes a fine art under. the guidance of the world's greatest travel Phi Delta Gamma. He wa s a member system. Here are ways and ro~tes that wlll make your journey most successfult of the board of directors of the Star Course for two years, worked on the 4 Days Open Sea Art Crafts Guild EuropeanTours staffs of a number of student dramatic Canadian Pacl6c offer~ the thorteat# pleatantett Noted for contenlalat~odatlon· and peraonallcy productions, and was the production route to European portt. Much o the way oa of aervlce. More comprebeDalve, leaa espenaive, manager of the opera "Robin Hood.·' the .,water boulevard" of the St. Lawrence. -o:Mrs. Frank English of Kansas City, Science Graduate Achieves Distinct . Honors at U. of I. 5 Throuth quaint old· world French" Canadiaa tcenet. %3-hour throuth·train tervice, Chic:a1o to port of tailin1. 2 Empresses of the Atlantic Resal ocean-clubtJ ultra-luzurious in temce and appointment·. S. S. EmPTell of Scodcandfamoua cruisint ateamahip. Empreu of Frcance -twice choaen v H. R. H. The Prince ofWalea. EmPTeu of lu"trcalica-known aa "the dream ahlp." Firtt, Touritt Third Cabin, and Third Clauea. Sailin11 from Quebec. than lf you travelled independendy. Empra· Toura de luxe, 60 days for $1500. Cabin-Claaa Toura, 51 to 57 dayt, $8SO to $9SO. Colleaiato Tourt,apeciallt'oup taUin11, 37 dave for $38S. GrandCoUqiateTour, ~dayafor $725. Short tourt $260. Varied itinerariee throuah France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Belsium, Enaland, Scotland, lieland. Mary Lucille Cutler Weds Stanley Hall in Lincoln Miss ~1ary Lucille Cutler, daughter of Mr. and l\Irs. Henry Cutler of 40i Central a venue, \:Vilmette, and Stanle\· Hall, son- of H. ]. Halt of Lincolt;, i\ eb., were married on June 2, at 4 :30 o'clock in the afternoon at the Church (Ji the H oly Trinity Episcopal in Lincoln. ReY. Francis Sherman of St. ~Iatthe\Y's ~fission read the ceremon\· \\·hich \ras attended only hy mcmbc~~ of the immediate familcs. 11 r. and ~f rs. Hall, ,.,·ho ha\'e been honeymooning in Troutclal('. Colo., arti,·cd thi:-; week to be at the Cutler home tintil July I. They wilt make their h(lmc in Evanston. The bride \\·(Jrt a smart going a,,.;,~· co:-;t t111H' of King' . blue chifTon, with a na,·y · hlttl' C(lat and hat to match. \f r. and ).I r:-;. l'utkr \\Trc in 1,incol tl il)r till· rcrcinon\· and r('turntcl t<· \\' illnetiL' '-DOn aitcr the W('dding. llH't' t ing of th<" !>nard ,j i t h t' \ \ · o nn 11 ·.., ('at h (II i c rluh oi \Yillnt·ttv ,,·;1 .., held at the h 'lll l' nf ).fr". Frank flvlrich. 1201 CrtTll \\"OOd aHillll' f·ll lllt.t' /. :\cti\·itil'ior thl' co1ning ~ t·a;. "«.:IT arrarlgt·cl h, tlw chairlllen (ji till' d('partnll'n h a11:i ..;tanding comlllittcn. For the coming·'·ear. on ly. the lllL'(: tings nr t IJL· clu!> \rill !Jt' held l'\·t·n· f(, urth Tue-;daY in plact· of eren· fo~trth Frida\' as l~nl' to forc. in thZ· \\'oman's clt;hh :::nto;r at Tent :1 :-t rect and Crernkaf an~ nue. < 6 Winter Cruises-192 7-1928 Ftoatln1 house-parties, charming, luxuriously aerviced. Yet surprisingly moderate in cost. Sail around the"Wonder Belt of theW orld" Decem· her 2nd. To South America-Africa on the "Cruise of Contrast·" January 24th. The Medi· terranean, February 4th. Two W e·t Indiea Cruises January 26th and February 29th. Mem· berahip limited. Make reaervatioDa now. 3 Cabin-Class Ships Eleven of them-one class tervlce-the most popular moderate triced fleet afloat. AU facilitiet of a metropolitan otel. Continuout entertain· ment. Roomy c:abint, many with bedt and bath. FreQUent tallin1· from Montreal and Quebec. 4 Special Sailings The S. S. Marloch, reserved for Touriat Third Cabin and Third Clau pateengert, saUs July 1 to Liverpool. Round trip $170 and up. Also re.War Third Class, round trip $ISS and up. Aak about ,.,ecial European Tours. 7 Personal advisory travel aervlce la sladlv liven without charae. Come to our office, or one of our ravel speclaliatt will call at your request. Few f,.reh~.r fn/ormcation, f>hone or CGU R. S. ELWORTHY Steamship General Agent 71 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Telephone Wabash 1904 Canadian Pacific World's Greatest Travel System .-\ "IJt'l'i:tl 111 a 11 a g n" <, SPAULDING SILVERWA·RE for "I Refuse To Be Sick" That Is not n · foolish boast-It's a resolution, There Is no nece~slty for a large percentage of aliments, and they could he prel'ented If we would cooperate properly '"·lth Nature. If perfect digestive and eliminative processes are maintained, we en· joy good h e a I t b. 1\lountaln Valley Min· eral Water from Hot Springs, Arkansas, Is prescribed by pbysl· clans as an aid fa maintaining g o o d health and preventing disease because It as· slsts and promotes digestion and ellnllna· tlon. Make your resolu· tlon, "I refuse to be sick." Then phone us tor a case today, Wedding Gifts YOU WILL FIND A LOT OF "WORTH WHILE" GIFTS AT VERY MODERATE PRICES IN OUR COMPREHENSIVE .STOCK OF SILVER SPAULDING & 23 Rue de la Patte, PARIS MICHIGAN A VENUE at VAN BUREN STREET 1636 Orrington Avenue, EVANSTON Co. -We Delher~609 Broadway Greenleaf 47\ 'l Evanston, Ill. 739 W. Jackson Blvd. Monroe 5460 Chicago, Ill. Mountain Valley Water Co. ·

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