Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jun 1927, p. 11

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] une 17, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE · 11 ., I for the summer on Friday " the 24. Every Scout in the troop and The First Presbyterian church is lo- als<;> those who wish to be scouts are <~Lted where Ninth street crosses Green- ~~v1ted. .w.~ will ?ave a Treasure Hunt. leaf avenue. North Shore and Evanston Nurr said. Yo.u ll be there. <:ars stop at Eighth street and . Tenth .stt;cet just one block from the church. .Instead of .. our rl=!gu~ar Wednesd.ay rhe R~~· George P. Magill, D. D., mld-week sen Ice, w~ , Will .meet With 0 mmtster, 1011 Lake avenue .ther chqrches at 8 ° clock m the BapHesidence Phone--Wilmette 1893 t1~t _ch urch t.o hear Dr. Beck, o~. Garrett Pastor's Study-Wilmette 1575 Blbh_cal Ins.t1~ute, in a talk on A Commumty Rehg10us Survey." Hunday school at 9 :30 o'clock. of young p eople. elass and Ladie::;' clas~:~ meets o'dock. for all ages Presb"'terian Church .T Idi~ontinuing Classes Men's at 10 )lorning- worship at 11 o'clock Sunday morning. A service for MaRons. The :-;er~1on subject will be "Accepting Our ' Assignment." The following is the mul-;ical program : < h·gan Prdude "Festival Toccata" .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fletcher . \nthem "My Faith Looks UJ> to Thee" . · · ·........·............. Schnecker .\nthcm "But the Lord Is Mindful of Jlis Own" . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Mendelssohn lJrg-nn Offertory "Deep Ri\'er" ...... . . ....................... Arr. by Yon Solo "LoYe Divine" ............. Nevin Mrs. Heaps · lrg-an Postlude "March of the Priests" · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mendelssohn Isabel HNIJ)S, soprano . ll.ose Lutiger Gannon, contralto John B . ~tiller, tenor Harlan Hanclall, bass l·;rma E. H.ounds, organist and director .Junior church at 11 o'clo(·k. LeadPr, I.-rank Eag-er. Subject, "\\.here Do We Plaec Our Bes t Efforts?" Th(: next Sund a y will lw Junior Church Dav a.t which ti!IH: WP. will havf' a ::-:pecial pt:o~ram. All ··hildrt·n of tlw ~unday schrwl are in' itt-d. Sunday :·wllool and chur<'h ]lic~nic· this l·"riday, at :: o'cloek at c ilen\'i ew Forest l'reser\'t·. Everyon e invited. Come and ha \'c a. good time. Transportation furni slwcl for all who will lw at the chut·ch :tt 2 ::10. TI H· \Vilnwtte ~lasonic Iollgt' will attt- nd our morning ser\'kt· Sunday in a ht1dy in tht· observance- of St. John's I lay. It is t·xpe<'tt>d th e rt· will be a Ia t'l!'e a tlertll<l nc·t·. · Spec ia I st ~ rmon and "lw(· ial musi~ fnr the occasilln . Spokt' :'\o. 7 will mE·e-t TtH·sday at thP. honH· of ~Tt·s . (' . A. Kf:'ller. R~O ( :reen".""<1 aYt·nut·. l'hristic111 l ·~nclt ·a \·o r at :i :;;o o'C'lo<'k. This will ht· th e last mt· e-ting· until fall. 1 ·:\·l'l·y Etult·a \'orer bf' surt; to he ther<' . . \ rt ·port ttf plans for tht· \\·orld C. E. t 'on\·e ntion will be pt~e~t· nt(·cl at that t i ll1t'. 1 1 :irl wlll be held from Wednesday, J.une JJ to June 28 at the gymnasium of Concordia -Teachers college at River Forest. Glen View Forest Preserve St. John's wlll be represented by Carl At the last meeting of the voters of A. Fick and A. Butzow, lay delegates St. John's it wa:s decided to have no and the pastor, Rev. Hennan W. Meyer. business meetings of the congregation during the months of July and August. In case of necessity special meetings will be announced. Parish House, Oak street, Winnetka P~ stor, Rev. A. R. Rohrbach On Saturday afternoon, June 18, the 943 Spruce street Telephone 279.1 annual Sunday school picnic will be held at the Glenview · Forest Preserve, the Sunday: Confirmation service, 11 a. m. same place it was held the past year. The list of conftrmants is follows: Wilmette and Park avenues, 'Vilmette All those who have no means of transportation will meet at the church be- Myrtle Cederholm, Agnes Erikson, Betty Herman '\\'. Meyer, l\1. A. pastor ~06 Prairie avenue Telephone 1396 tween 1 and 1 :30 o'clock. Parents are Augdahl, Hildur Mills, Es!her Mills, Berurged to take a basket lunch with them nice Augdahl, Helmer Johnson, Everet Church telephone J111 and to remain at the grounds for the Johnson, Melville Augdahl, and Harold early evening. Games of all kinds will Erlandson. Sen Ires be played. Refreshments may be had Evening service, 8 p. m. 9 :30 A. )[. Sunday school and Bible on the grounds. Every member of the Subject: "\Vhite Garments Even in classes , Sunday school will be allotted a certaltf Sardis." 9 :4 a A. 1\[. F'irst sen ice and sPrmon number of free tickets. Mr. Walter L . 11 A. l\1. Second ser\'ice and Sermon Edwards and Dr. Wm. Ruesch will be Wednesday: Swedish service, 8 · p, m. in charge of the arrangements and prollet>tlngs gram. We look for a large crowd to "If you are estranged to our dear God, l\Ionday at 7 :30-Girls' chorus attend. ask the Holy Spirit to put your hand jn Monday at 8 : 30-Mixed choir His Hand-the wounded Hand-and ask Tuesday at 7-Boy scouts, Troop 6 The annual meeting of the Northern the Saviour to lead you right up to the Friday at 7 :30--Sunday school staff Illinois District of the I~utheran church Heart of nod the Father." S~turda~ . at···i~~~O~hlldren a.t church Sa,turday at 2-Sunefa.y school Outing, I Christian Fellowship St. John's Lutheran as W//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////. J.ut :il'l Sc··, uts : Tht · ::\1innc·ltaha 'f'.roo)) of S<'ollts \\'iJl n()t nwt'l this Friday, \\' ill ha ,.,. t hl'ir final llh ·t· ting- bdort· ..........~..................~-.....; ..... . ... ~I ~ilmy Chiffon and all other Dresses for Afternoon, Evening and Sport OCIO Man Has His Inning! Palm Beach and Mohair Suits MAN ... you're up to bat this ' month for a season of luxurious comtort;:> Ordei · .now that lightweight suit! Discara the cooler weather togs for a suit of tropical fabric that lets the summer breezes right through ... and why not consider having a pair of knickers made up in place of the extras. MR. Knickers as extra Trousers . lS !·. I greatly ln demand UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. Coplan, Prop. 1126 Central Ave. WILMETTE _ . s'! · · · · · · · · · · , · · · 0 · I + I Phone Wilmette 2403 ·-.:!.....!....±-!"_! .::!:.._!!__. ~ The North Shore's Leading Tailors 1152 Central Avenue WILMETTE Phone Wilmette 320 Schultz & Nord I ~////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////. :;1'////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////.

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