Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jun 1927, 8b

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8b WI LMETTE: LIFE 1unc 17. 192i RAVINIA WDY FOR jl I A.nnounce Program · Reads First Mass for Commencement . 1927 OPERA SEASON '---------~ at Columbia School Louis Eckstein Announces Repertoire for First Week Which Opens June 25 . \ Vit h · the final touches gi\·en t n all details, the artists reporting singly and in groups for rehearsals, which begin Saturdav. June 18. the box-office men well pre-pared for the ticket sale, ·which ~tarts on that elate. e\·erything is in readiness for the opening of the 1927 . . cason of Ravinia opera and concerts. " ·hich wi ll take place Saturday night, Tunc 25. The first eight day s of the ~H'w seaso n is of such magnitude that it will long he remembered hy al l opera <·nthusiasts. Louis Eckstein has left nothing undone that would add to the ~ratification of hi s patrons. and as one contemplates the sched ul e of operas .announced to date, the many months of hard work he has deyoted to preparation s arc plainly apparent on eYery hand. Here i:-; the schedule: Saturday nig-ht. June 2~. "Andrea Chenier," In· Giordano. with E lisabeth Rcthherg, Giovanni Martinelli, Giuseppe Danise, Ina Bourskaya, Gladys Swarthout. Desire Defrere, Louis D'Angelo, Paolo Ananian and Louis Derman. Gennaro Papi, conductor. Sunday afternoon, June 26, roncert hy the Chicago Symphony orchestra. Alfred \Vallenstein. cellist, soloist. S1~i1day night . . J t~ne 26. " Romeo and Juliet," by Gounod. \\·ith Lucrezia Bori, Edward Johnson. Leon Rothicr. Margery Maxwell. Desire Dcfr cre, Jose Mojica, Anna Correnti. Loui s D'Angelo, Giordano Paltrinieri . T.oni .; Ha ~se l mans. conductor. Monday night, June 27. concert hy the Chicago Symphony orchestra. Eric DeLamarter, conductor. · G 1ad y s s,,·arthout, mezzo soprano, and J acques Gordon, violinist, soloists. La Boheme on Tueaday Tuesday ni ght, June 28, "La Boheme." ln· Pu-ccini, with Lucrezia Bori, Giovanni Martinelli, :Margery l\[ax\vell, Mario Basiola, Desire Defrere, Virgilio Lazzari. Palo Ananian. Giordano Paltrinieri'. Gennaro Papi, conductor. · \\.ednesday night, Jun e 29. "~r artha/' hy Von Flotow. with Florence Macbeth, Mario Chamlee, Ina Bourskaya, Virgilio Lazzari. · Vittorio Trcvisan. Louis Hasselman s, conductor. Thursday afternoon, June 30. Chi ldren's concert by Chicago Symphony orchestra, with explanatory lecture by Eric DcLamartcr. Followed In· entertainment. Thursday night, J unc 30. "Faust," by Gounod, with Elisabeth Rethberg, Giovann~ _ Martinelli, Leon. Rothicr, Gladys Swarthout, Philine Falco, De-.ire Dcfrere, Paola :\nanian. Louis Hasselmans. conductor. Fridav nig-ht, July 1, "L'Amore dei Tre Re," hv Montemczzi. with Lucrezia Bori, En ward John son. Giuseppe Danise, Virgilio Lazzari. Jose Moiica, Gladys Swarthout, Philine Falco. Gennaro . Paoi, conductor. Saturday nis;rht, July 2, "Aida," by Verdi. with Elisabeth Rethberg, Giovanni Martinelli. Julia Claussen, Gmseppe Da:nise, Leon Rothier, L.ouis D'Angelo. and Giordano Paltrinieri. Gennar.o Papi, conduc~or. . Ev~ry Sunday aftern..Oon during the s·ea!'i on · a concert of lighter music witt he give·n by the Chicago Symphony orchestra, while on Monday nights, except for . 's~cial occasions · . there will he ·a conceit of t11ore ·'Pretentious works by this same orgAnization; with s'o toists selected . from th~ r.:tttks bf · the opera · d<'~p·ctny . and orch~stra. The Children) ~ ~bhceftS and ;, entertainments· will be g~n;..'l{s;. U~UQl,. ·~ on. ~h~r~daY, after.-\n interest ing intcn·ie,,- was. had with Kathleen Air, principal_ ot tl~e \Vinnetka branch of tllr lolumb1a I School of ~'fusic in which she ga,·c an outline of the plan ior Commencement "·eek to he gin·n in Chicago hr her school. The school has it s O\rn recital hali and she says that three of the events will be given in its own hall _and, bco·inning on next Tue~day 111ght, the ~1cmhcr.:; of the clas es wilt tak e part in a conctrt by th e accompanying. and coaching department unclrr the _ dm~c tion oi Robert ~Icdonald. On \\ ednesda\· ~vcning. original c01npositions \\·ill he. pre se nted by student s o~ tl.1 c theory department. The program lS 111 charge of the \Yell known composer, and theorist, Adolf Brune. On Thursday evening the -concert will be given by. the Ensemble department under the cltrection of Ruth Ra ,., who is one of the most prominent · \\·omen violini sts of The first boy in Sacred Heart parish, the country. Thi:-; program is also Hubbard \Voods, to be ordained · as gi,·en hy memb er:-; of the c_la~scs ~nd )1riest, read his first solemn high mass \\·ill represent the piano, nolm, \'lOla at the church last Sunday morning. He and cello departments and will includ~ is the Rev. Luke McKenney, son ·of sc,·e ral trios and one quintet. ~r r. and ~Ir s. S. F. McKenney of 752 One of the interesting · feature:-; of Foxdale avenue, Winnetka. He was the \\'eek is the Children'::; Commenceassisted at the sen·ices hv the Re\·. ment concert and Honor program to he O'Brien, novke master at th e Dom- given Saturday afternoon at 2 :30 in inican hou::;c of studies at Ri\·~ r Forest, the Gold Room of the Congress hotel. who se rYed as deacon. The sub-deacon ~{i s:; Air san that all the children who wa s the Rev. Charles Gorman, chap- appear on this progTam were selected lain of the Philadelphia County jail. h,· competition before th e directors of Following the service, breakfast was tl~e school and those to app ear are to served in the pari sh hall to about fifty he congratulated for the excellence of guests. Fath er M-cKenney ha s been their playing. studyiryg for the priesthood at various The Columbia ·School Chi ldren's institutions, and was ordained about chorus. under the dire ction of Helen two week. ago, in Washington, D. C. Protheroc \Yilt render a group of chorur;es, after which the directo r of ~Ir s. John D. Small, 411 ~Iaplc ave- .the school. Clare Osborne Reed. and nue, attended a luncheon at the Edge- assistant director, Gertrude . H. M urwater Beach hotel last ThursdaY cl ough. as istcd hy ~[iss Air, will aw~rd given hy ~f rs. A. J. Dunham ni Bcr- the Academic and Elementary certlfi cates. Th e concert ,yjlJ close with the \Y _ n1, Ill. sing-ing of the Co lumbia School Song. Miss Air calls special attention to throughout the ye.ars that the op enin.c: the closin(! feature of Commencement of RaYinia season is a matter of week which will he g-iYen on Saturday special moment in thL' lllUSiC WOrld. nig ht . and will also he held in the Gold ~[ r. Eckstein has never permitted him- Ro om. On thi:-. o-ccasion the program se If to become bound b,· those tradi- will open with the conferring· of detion s which have limitc.d a compara- grees. diploma s· and certificates by the tiv e!\' few works as initial offerings. director of th e school, a:-;sistcd hy Hatt{er he has alw aYS schedul ed an members of the facult\·, to he fo llowed opera having an unus-ual aspect. This ln· the String En c:.emble of forty memrule has been adhered to for th e sea- bers. lllHler the direction oi Ludwig son oi 1927, and in selecting ".-\nclrea Ik cker. Chenier" as the first offering oi the season he has chosen . a \\'ork which, July 2 Deadline for although it forms a part of the stand- · . ani repertoire as standards are judged War Risk Insurance at Ravinia, it is not a sta nd ard in the The .-\merican Legion Xational headsense that it ha s been worn thread- quarter:-; warns all ex-service men that bare by constant repetition. This the final date for reinstating or conGiorclano ·opus came into popular fa- vertin~ \\'ar Risk insurance is July vor at Ravinia some seasons ago, and 2. 1927. last year it assumed an entirely new aspect when Giovanni Martiilelli was . "This insuran-ce cannot he eQualled heard in it s title role and Elisabeth ln· other insurance companies for the Rethberg- was cast as Madeleine. same amount of money and eve ry exGiuseppe Danise has also added much · servic e man owes it -to himself, hi::; to the pooularity of this. opera as it is family ancl his community to rein~ state as much as possible of this ingiYcn at Ravinia. · surance before it · is too late," the stateMr. Martinelli sang the role of ment reads. Chenier at Ravinia for the first tirrie "The Association of Insurance comin his c·a reer, thereby adding one of his panics ha s endorsed this insurance greatest creations to his already long and re-commends that every man eligible repertoire. This highly dramatic opera take advantage of the provision of the gives him every opportunify -for a dis- law." it continues. play of his vo-cal power, for it demands "For detailed information inquire of not only singing which is intensely the local American Legion post, state dramatic, but also calls for tone quality. headouarters of The American Legion, The same demands are made upon the 160 Korth LaSalle street, Chicago, or soprano, and it is wen: known that the United States Veterans' bureau ofElisabeth Rethberg, in- addition to be- fice, lll North .Canal street, Chicago. ing . one . of the world~·s· greatest "The zero hour is midnight July 1." dra!Jlatic singers, has a sweetness . of tone ·w hich ~ has · won. ' her wortd..:wide Mrs. W. D. Lawrence; ·of· 520 Lak~ acclaim. ·As Gerrard, ~M·r. Danise dis- avenue, has as . her house guests this plays _ ·hi~ bel cant~ - quali·t y to fu11 ad- week --M rs. J; ·W. Hart and .·Miss Fern vantage. LaW1'ence , of Cleveland, Ohio. · ·- · '· City Tots Revel. at Annual Frolic on C.ollege Campus The north shore and paradise are becoming practically synonymo~1s in the 111ind s of a large group of ch1ldrtn dO\rn in th e heart of Chicago, \\'hi' revel for weeks in the glamour ui an ti ci pati on or remembra nce of the a i Jnual children's frolic given for them hy the :-;t ucknts of the National Kinder garten and Eletll<.:ntary college. Fl?wcr:-, music, green grass, sun shlnt·. laught~r and play-,..·hat more could one ask for! Th e frolic ha s been helcl each sp rin~ ior the past thirteen year:-;, each year with an increasing number of chi ldren. Four hundred and sixty arrived via husse:-; and autos Tuesday afternoon. J unc 7, and the ~recn gra~s " ·ithout the annoying "keep off" stgns, wa s hail ed with delight. There were song s an<l happy games and dances around the balloon decked poles on the cam., pus; icc cream in little cup~ accompanied hy small spo~ms-whtch ,~·ere frequently discarded m favor. of pmk tipped tongues; and through tt all, th e happy, lilting music of the hand . Suddenly down the winding drivl' . like rainhO\Y-htted clouds floating and driiting in the wind, the balloon s appeared-and in a.n other moment wert· tugging and dancing at the end of th e strings clutched tightly in chubby li ttle fi . ts. As the mu sic changed to a march a processional wa. formed and \\·ith balloons and banners, curl. atHl :;a.;hes flying in the breeze, off th l' children skipped and danced and marched to the busses, where nosegay:" of fl owe r s for each child partially compensated for the loss of the grl't'll grass. The ch~ldren came from eleven :-.et tlcmcnt sc hool s and kindergarten s and orphanage s. and the students, with ~!i ss Harri et Howard, head oi t hv Supervision Department as chairman . mad e the necessarv arrangements iur the Frolic. enterta-ined the children for the afternoon, and took carr oi the expenses from their cbs . . trt':l' nne;;;. I Launch UVorkshop to Swell Coffers of Charity Fund Pnq>lc of the north shore and of Highland Park in particular will han· opportunity fnr the fir st time since thl· organizatinn of the Indu strial \Ynr~ shnp mo,·enwnt in Chica~o. to aul thi :-; philanthropic enterprise by mak ing purcha :-;es of the produrt. of tht"· \Yorkshop <luring the summer month:-. at the branch shop which is bein g opened at Highland Park. This shop will he ope ned 1\.fonday. June 20. at 19 South St. John's a\·enue. where various art icl es made in the 1ndu s trial \Vork shop in Chicagn will be on ·sale. These articles inclttdl' broom s, maids' dre sses and apr ons. bathroom rugs, textile s. negligees, bed jacket s, French night gowns, silk un derw ear. pajamas anct· a varied line oi gifts. These sales are not condu·c ted for profit and arc under the management of various women of Highland Park and ' the north shor:e who arc inter ested in charity work in Chicago. The shop, regardless of its philan thropic purpose,..,.,it. is - a~111_ounced. will be conducted on a ·· stnctly busmcss basis. ttoOJa;cMr. 1 / ', ~ tallfi·.fto :his younk iuditors. bas · btttt- " fully . demonstrate·d._ ·l)t-Lamart~r ·g·vmg the ·= ex- One of the first of . the season's events at the · Sheridan Shore Yacht dub was the supper- given Wednesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Harold .T4fty of Evanston in hQJlo.- oL Miss. Kat-her.. ine Bauer af Ev.atr!f.om .:~ !- . , ~ · ·

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