Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jun 1927, 8a

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June li, 1927. W~LMETTE LIFE 8a LARGE CROWD VIEWS 1Local Young People SEARS FIELD EVENTS: to Attend Summe~ I Pupils of Adelaide Jones to Give Recital Saturday BUD.DING ACI'IVITY SHOWS SUGHT SLUMP A piano recital by students of Adelaide C. Jones will be held tomorrow, A few young people of the Senior it was announced early last week. The Two Hundred Kenilworth School department Unusually Cool Weather Appears of the church school of program is as fotlows : Circus Parade Wright Children Participate in An· to Have Deleterious Effect the First Congregational church have Duet-The Jean Munro and Eleanor Williams nual Sports' Program been elected as delegates to attend ~larch of the I<'orest Sprites Gaynor in Early June .Maxim the annual summer conference at The Grandfather Clock . Richard Fuche ~fore than 200 children participated Tower Hill. This conference is held ,Happy Farmer Building acttvtttes on the nort :, Schumann Manna-Zucca shore during the first fi £teen days tlf in th_ e annual field day which was held each year under the direction of the The Lightning Bug Jane Roberts at the Joseph Sears school \Vednesday, educational board of the Congrega- In Hanging Gardens Davis June, proved something akin to the J u11e 8. The event for which the pupils tional church in Illinois, and is located season-a little backward; and especiEleanor Williams Rogers ally when compared with the splenditl had been preparing for some time, "-as a few miles from Sawyer, Mich., on GYJ)sies Are Coming Ruth Anderson staged before a record audience of Lake ~~ ichigan. Shepherds' Song Friml showing made in May. This year Rev. \V. E. ~IcCormack, Little parents and friend s. Forty--seven permits were issued in The Butterfly Wright Dick Hall The meet '"'·as run off in three sec- the associate minister of the local the four villages of \Vilmette, \Vin ~Iassenet tions. The fir st, class A, pupils of 100 Congregational church, will take a s Elegie netka, Glencoe and Kenilworth up to :\!arion Burtwell from Wilt te, · Misse~ delega te s pounds v.~eight; clas s B, 85 pounds to On the ~I eadow Lichner and including June 15. The total YalAlice Durhnell 100; class C, . lower grades. Several Faith Burge and Ruth Drayer and uation was $465,533. W~l.ght new records \verc established, the most Messrs. Delma Caldwell and Howard At Evening \Ninnetka, with 18, leads in the num !}h·n Colby notable gain being made in the shot- \Ve st. A week will be spe nt by thi s ~Iinu et Bach ber of permits, while \Vilmette, with group at the Conference. Butterfly Liege only one less, leads in total valuations put. Betty Palenski Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd and 11 iss The summaries arc as follows: Kern with $131,580. Winnetka's 18 permits ~larch · of thE: Quetn of Sheba (~lass A-Children weighing 100 pounds Bertha \\'heelock of \Vilmette will be amounted to $125,800; Glencoe's 9, Phyllis Richardson or oYer. on the facultv at the Conference. Miss :\Iinuet in G Beethoven totaled · $115,353 and Kenilworth's 3 50 '\'arll nash Schuuert totaled $92,800. \Vheelock \~·ill teach a course of Waltzes Hoy1;: Tim~·. 6 and 4-:i see. \\·on by 0. Junior Morgan .Jenks; second, \V. \Velter, third E. "~I ethods in the Primary Department Song Without Words Streaborg In Wilmette of the Church School." ~Ions . · Eileen Burke In \Vilmette, six of the permits were ·:iris: Time, 7 and 1-10 Rec. " ·on by K. Chimes Devaux Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd will deliver Dut>t-rathedral Bit>dman; second, A. ,,.atson; thirJ, for new residences, totaling $102,750: )luriel and Glen Colby the convocation addresses on "Tower :\linuet from Don Juan J. Sowers. Mozart four were for remodeling jobs amount Keats ing to $10,100 ;· one was for a con1· Hill, a Training School." The series Yokes of Spring . 80 Yard I.ow Ilurdles Helen \Vaterman Boys: Time. 9 and 1-10 St><'. ( nt ·w r('- will include talks on "Life's CleansShepherds' Song Frmil mercia} building, costing $16,000 and c·ord). Won by (;. Scott; second, D. ing," "Life's Control," "Life's ComNevin .six were for garages costing $2,730. Xarcissus Xrgaard, third E. Mons. Ruth 'Villiams <:iris: Time, 11 and 2-10 sel'. (new rt-- panionships," "Life's Co-operations," The permits for residences were Kern "ord). \Von by H. Swanson; l't>CIJJHl, and Life's · Consistencies." He witt also The Juggler issued to \Villiam Neetz for a brickPaul Williams Dubsky; third, A. \Vatson. teac h a class on "Life Problems." Thome veneer residence at 2016 Seeger street l'nder the L. . aves Running High Jum11 Ha:t·l Knepper This group leaves \Vilmette ThursB .. ys: Height. 4 ft. 10 in. ( nPw r··cord). Duet-Under the Chestnut Tree Carman costing $6.000. \Yon · by White; second, Hutching~; day morning, June 23. One to R. A. Fiske, for a frame and · Ruth Williams and Phyllis Richardson third, Wilson. Cood :-.:ight-from A Day in Venicestucco residence at 134 Seventeeutl:u t;irls : Height, 3 ft. 11 in. \\'on by H. Nevin street, costing $6,000. \Vehster : second, B. Brut·n; third, ~lurid Colby Cardinal Mundelein at Pauline Spit·gel. To Kemper K. Kna.pp for a resi~ :\Ioskowski Spanish Dance Ronning nroad Jum11 - Fr~nc ·s Stansell Mallinckrodt Closing dence of tile and - stucco,. including Boys: Distanet.>, 15 fl. 6 in. \\·on bv I: . Solfeggietto :-;eott, ~econd, H. Richards; third, ~lcD~;~n garage and chauffeur's quarters, in the The first colllmenccment exercises From an Indian Lodge Hutchings. Indian Hills subdivision, costing ever to be held from the ~1allinckrodt Lois Hanawalt 4 ;irlR: Dh;tanre, 11 ft. 2 t,~ in. \Yon by Bach $43,750. · Inn·ntion H. Rruen: second, n. Baa('hus; third, High sc hool \vill be conducted in the Schubert To Hartmann Brothers, for a brick H. ~wanson. auditc,rium ·oi Maria Immaculata on Serenade Lucy ~Iurdison 300 '\·urd nun Koelling residence and garage at 218 Dupee Ridge road, \Vihn ette, today. His Hung-arian Rhapsody H01ys on ly: (new n·cord). Time, ·41 anu Eminence George Cardinal ~f undelein ~largueri te Casey 'place, costing $i4,000. ti-l 0. \Von by \Velterer; secoml, ~y 'Varl'\er To ~1athew Zakowski, for a brick will present the diplomas to the stu- To a Toy Soldier gaard. J t>an :\Iunro Pole Vault veneer residence and garage at 845 dents and will addre ss them in re- nt:'adings Select<'d Hoys only: Ht·ight, 8 ft . 7 in. (nt·\\· rt·- marks fitting to the occasion. In adMichigan avenue, costing $25,000. Marg·ut-rite Casey c·ord)" ·on by Richards: St'('(JIHl, To Gustave Kroschel, for a brick dition t::> Cardinal Mundelein, it is exWhitt·. residence costing $8.000. pected that a large number of the Standing Broad .Jom}l Records Show Vilhtgers ·~iris only: Distance, 6 ft. ii in. \\.fll1 Ly clergy from surrounding parishes will In Kenilworth Pauline Spiegel; second, H. Swanson : · atknd the exercises. Two j>f the three permits issued in Read Most in Bad Weather third, J. Rowen;. The cold and rainv weather of the Kenilworth were for residences, totalR l~ound Shot Put past weeks may not. bring prosperity ling $91.000, the third nermit ·being for Hoys only: Dista.nce. 33 ft. 11 in. ( ne\t,.· Carl E. Schroeder, 711 Park avenue, _ rt·eo rd). \Von by D. Nyg-aard; S('cond, who recently suffered a broken leg to the farmers but at the library it a garage costi:~g $1,800. Howe; third, Montanara. Permits for the residences were isoccasioned the largest circulation of wh en he iell while al'ighting irom a lloJ·, Step and Juma1 sued to C. E. Blowgren, Jr., for a two- . Boys: Distance, 30 ft. 5 1h ln. 'Von by Chicago and !\orth \Ve ste rn train is books for the month of May that has storv frame and brick veneer residence H. Richards; second, Hutehings; third, reported well on the road to recovery. ever been recorded during the same and -attached -garag-e, at 531 Coventry . \Velterer. month in any year preceding. t;irls: Won by ll. Bnachus; second, B. road, costing $16,000. From the Main library \vas loaned Bruen: third, J _ Rcott. ('lu-.s C-Childrtn' in the lower grades. The other \\'as to C. W. Rosenthal 5,216 volumes and from the Laurel for a two-story residel1ce and attached r;o Ynrd nash ( ' luss D-Chilrlrf: n wt::ighing 8:-i to 100 Boy!": Time, 7th. \Von by J. Botthoss; branch 680, totaling 5,896 books; a garage of tile and brick to be erected pounds. second, n. Vall; third, P. <.ilbert. :tO Yara Dash Girls: \\'o n by D. Richard!' ; second, J. gain of 709 volumes over the corre- for D. F. Peak, at 145 Oxford road, sponding month of the preceding costing $75,000. Boys: Won by P. Gillett: second, E. ::\lclntosh; third, J. Dahm. Hoffman: third, T. Smith. year. Forty-five new adult patrons 80 Yard I,ow Jlurtlles (':iris: Won hy C. Orvis; ::;econd, B. Boys: Time, 10 1-10 (new record). \\·on and 27 children were also listed during Crowe: third. H. Kieth. by ~ewton; st·cond, I~imball; third, the month. The number of books now Distribute Home Movie 80 Yarcl Low Hurttles O'Connt>rs. Boys: Time, 10 <new record) . ·won by C. Oirls: of Lindbergh Welcome \\'on by J. Dahm; second, B. in the library collection totals 12,745, Phillips; second, Nelson; third, OsBonchard; third, B. Byrnt>. of which 275 volumes were added durThe Eastman Kodak company's good. Rtinnln~r High Jum1· ing the month of May. Twenty-five home motion picture history of Lind{;iris: Timt>, 11 1-10 (new record). Won hv Smythe; second, Cl'owe: third, B(,ys: Ht'ight, 4 ft. 2 in . (new recm·d). books were received as gifts during bergh's a~hievemf'nt is now completed \Von by Xew' on; second, Simon; third, . Keith. that period. with the distribution of · a reel showRonning Hlgb Jump K. Ht-ss. Boys: Height, 4 ft. \Von by Xelson; Girls: \Von by J. :\lclntosh; second, B. ing the Atlantic Ace's receotion in Byrne. second, Joslin. France, Belgium, and Englan~. and in LAURA DURGIN GRADUATES Girls: Height, 3 ft. 9 in. \Von by WilRunning Broad Jump son ; sP.cond, B. Driver; third, B. Boys: Distance, 11 ft. 8 in. \Yon by Washinvton. The foreie-n scenes have Miss Laura Durgin, daughter of Mr. Ketcham. Xf'wton; second, Harrison: third, h,.en selected from the best of the and Mrs. William A. Durgin of 627 Running Broad Jump Knauer. Bors: Distance, 12 ft. 10 in. Won by Girl~-\: \\'on by J. Dahm; sec.ond, H. Forest avenue, was graduated from the films from abroad and were redur.ed Osgood; second, Wilson; third, R. Or\'iS; third, G. Orvis. the amateur standard size of film. University of Chicago on Tuesday of Buck. SOO Yard ·Run Soecial pictures were taken of the \Von by this week. Miss Durgin, who was a C.irls: Won by C. Orvis; second, D. Boys only: Time, 43 3-10. New Trier graduate in 1922, attended Washington reception, and they were Driver; third. Wilson. Perry Shortridge; second, Fisher. 100 Yard Run . Pole Va111t Miss Madeira's school in Washington, rushed to Rochester immediately afBoys only: Time, 44 4-10 (new record). Boys only: Height, 7 ft. 3 ln. Won by D. C., for one year, and spent the next terward. The film is to be shown at Won by P. Gilbert; second, \Vllson; Tom Saxton; second, P. Shortridge; three at Goucher college in Baltimore, Sutphen and Sutphen's Picture Frame third, Hoffman. . third, D. Kimball. Pole Vault _ Standing Broad Jump Md. During the past year she has store in the Rockhold building. Boys only: Height, 6 ft. Won by Phil- Girls only: Distance, 6 ft. 6 in. (new been taking special courses in the lips; second, Joslin; third, Buck. record). Won by B. Conley; second, school of education at the university. ON MOTOR TRIP Standing Broad Jump H. Orvis; third, L. Watson. Gicls only: Won by B. Crowe; second, 8 Pound Shot Put Miss Katherine Burroughs, daughter Keith; third. Ketchams. Boys only: Record set in 1926 by \V. GIVE SURP·RJSE PARTY of . Mr. and Mrs. F. Coleman Bur8 Pound Sbot Put Wilson was 17 ft. 9 in. At meet this Boys only: Distance, 27 ft. 9 in. (new vear, Kimball won first place on 22 ft. A surprise party was given by the roughs, 1204 Forest avenue, will leave record). Won by C. Phillips; second, 2 in.: second, ' Otten 20 ft. 1 in.; third, Birthdav club for Mr. and Mrs. Sum- Sunday morning on a motor trip. to third · J · Hicks Barrett, Hop 19 ft. 1 in. · Louisville, Ky. Miss Burrouli{hs win R · B uc k · · Tamp ner M ..t: ason, wh o ce 1 e b rate d th e1r Hop, Step and Jump · St ... "" p and .. Boys: Distance 24 ft. 5 in. Won by Nel- Boys: Distance, 27 ft. 10 ln. Won by ·twentieth wedding anniversary recent- accompany her sister and brother-inson: second, H. Eggert; thlrd, J. Saxton; second, R. Mathieson; third, ly. The surpise was in the form of a law, ·Mr. and Mrs. Boyd-Relbertson Gi!f!~sDistance, 25 ft. 9 in. Won by l Gi:is ?'2fs~~~~. 21 ft. 4 in .. Won by B. dinner party . given at the Briargate of Chicago, and Mr. R-oberston's Driver; second, Smyth~; _ third, Wilson. Byrne: second, Conley: th1rd, Cowan. Golf club on Thursday evening, June 9. . brother, Duncan Rob~rston. Church Sesszons 4 to ,

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