Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jun 1927, p. 7

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June 17, l92i WI L M E T T E ·L I F E ~ - Spring Lun,cheon Program .D elights Women's Society (Contributed) A beautiful rainbow effect graced the auditorium of the: First Presbyterian church at t ht: spring luncheon oi the \Voman·~ societ,· held la st Tuesday. The ceiling - was cm·ered with delicate colored strcan·H:rs making it very attracth·e and yery festin.!. The young people of the:- church planned and carried r1ttt the dccor::tting. 1 tures of her work, also taking us on M_ r. and . Mrs. St~ver Moulding of I an imaginary trip to China with its 934 OakwDed avenue. announce the I problems and its needs. birth of a son, Thomas Staver . .· "'. ".:...- · - -"-o...,...- ------- ,......................... I I I 1 1 I All during the yrogram the rainbow A daughter, Lois Theresa, was born candles shone forth \\'ith thL·ir starry to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Magnuson, lights characteristic of the light .\mer- 1~15 \Vashington avenue, on June 1. ica through her churches i~· trying to ·························~~[~ spread throughout thl' Wt>rlcl. reachi11g PLAN1""~S: ou.t to all countries. . 2c each I1 : 2c each ! M. Portenhauser,i I I Painter and Decorator Estimates Without ·obligation :ANNUAL l t 1 11rs. Youugberg- pr<:sidcd at the 1 Also perennial and pot · plant meeting. :\1 rs. Frank Clmr~h is prTesi- : A. B. PITTS : dent of the \\.oman\ soctety. Dhc 1 1 727 Oakton Street, Evanston : mcctin~ clnsed with prayer b~r. ; : · Phone University 1084 . 1 1fagill. . ··························~ 1030 Greenleaf Phone 2764 j · Tht· tablt.:s were arranged in the :-.llapt.: of a fan and tahll' dccorati~ns corresponded to those o" e r h c ad, graced with rainbow colored ca ncllt.:~. and hearing baskets of beautiful Ho\vt' r~ most of ,,·hich grew in the ~ar dcns of \\'ilmettr. Very fcstin· indeed \\·as the large auditorium \Yith· · its lntgc array of many colored flo\\·ers and rainho\\· colors overhanging tl'e tables. About 150 people attended. --------------------------: 1 THE WORTHEN~CARRICO 1 COMPANY Four Deliveries_Daily PHONE WILMETTE ~.8 8 1146-48 ·WILMETTE AVENUE + An unusually good dinner \\·as :-L·rn:d and enjoyed by all. ~r rs. Charles Kraft, \\·ho i:-. social chairman ior thl' \Voman's society. hc:-ing in L'llarge of the hmchcon. Immediately i e>llo\\'ing " ·as the a ftcrnoon's prog-ram. ~frs. ~lagill kd thl' dr,·otional. Hardin Van Deursen \\·as the soloist f{)r the occasion, and rendered a numhn oi enjoyable selections. :\n Interdenominational \Yorld tour 1 j The Beach Is Open! -a nd we are ready with Suits for women. girls, and boys. Trunks and shirts for men and boys. Also bzlts, caps, Beginning Sat., June 18th, a Worthwhile \\'as the topic for the afternoon. In keeping -.. . ·ith the spirit of this topic, ] th~ various churches of \Vilmettc were represented by the ministers' ,\'i\'es \ and also representati,·cs from . the , Home and Foreign Mis. ionary societ ics of these churches. '!'hey were t!llc sts at this luncheon. Very interesting ancl enlightening facts about the \\·ork these churches arc engag-ed in, ,,·ere presented. . Our own Presbyterian work wa s presrntl'(l hy ~{rs. Qtiayle. · has rercntlv toured in China and has been a teacher in one of the schools of ~hanghai gave a delightful account 0f the out standing and interesting- fra~f rs. Elmer Johnson, who FABRIC SALE - offering · the season's most popular materials at greatly reduced pricesFAST COLOR PRINTS at only 29c These prints are the soft. light weight, pongee finish that is so much in demand. Fa~t colors, regular 3 9c value. now 29c yd. suit bags, ere. PRINTED CREPE DE CHINE $I. 59 Fine quality printed crepe de chine that has sold aJI season at $2.25 yd. is now priced at $1.5 9. Only a limited quantity remains to'. be sold'. / · I. VOILES, ·s ·A TI_ STES, ETC., now 39C These batistes. dimities and voiles are truly great values at the spec ill price of 3 9c. Formerly so.l d up to ·65( yd. PURITY There ate hearts in the bubbles of soda that's pure. We ser()e pure fruit · drinks that your palates allure . . . LINE-NS or . .... ' '" r BROADCLOTH are 50c Two serviceable· fabrics that ha~e . been grouped in one reasonably ·priced· lot. A · generous selection of plain colors· are offered in either fabric. at 5 Oc. P one thing you are sure of; and tasty fruit syrups and ·clean giasses ·and ·s.o.d~- that's made and served right. And ice cream and candies that make for your happiness. YRITY - . ~ .. ...-· ... ·, ,· .. '· ·-~ . ..... .... Village :;-. chO~olate' Shop .· Villaae Theatre· Bldg. t . . ,. ·' ) ·, Pla~ae .w~;~t..' t f t ,. ·, · ,. · \. ·· : '. '

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