Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jun 1927, p. 6

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WILME·TTE LIFE ] une 17, 1927 coast, Richard Travers Paynter, Willi~m Gilbert Peacock, Jr., Arthur Mathtas Peters I~dward Charles Pfeffer, Stewat·t L Po~1eroy John Leslie Pope, NoL·mi P~rter \'er~on Franklin Prisk, Dorothy Prout~:. and Harlow Benjamin Pyfcr. l{aryellen Elizabeth Rftnkin, *John Valleau Rathbone, Jr., Jack "'(. Rea~twr, *Marjorie Frieda Reiner, Blste Dorothy Reinhardt, 'l'ruman Hichards, ln~t<L Odette Robinson, John ·w endell I:_obmson, Jr., John Francis Homer, Stdm·y Rosenberg, Alice Jean Ross, At·thm~ Joseph Roth, Ruth Eleanor Roth, Emma Rummier, and Edward J. Ryerson. · Adelle Margot Savage, Louise \.it·ginin, Sayner, Robert Arthur Schwann, \Villiam )Jason Seaborn, Jr., *H.enry Benedi<'t Scul, John Scott Shenda~1. Stanford liacFarland Sherman, *Rollm . Head Simonds, Bleanor Marcella Skelton, Julian Chester Smith, Jr., Daniel Hnydackt·r, ~Iarjorie B. Solomon, J ero~nt· Fri edman Spiegf'l, Harold Ellery Sptnney, Jr., Esther Ituth Sprenger, Mart!m Klahr Spring-er, Dorothy . StRehel.m, Marg-aret Stansell, Fredertek Anna. Franklin Stoddard, Marie Bradley Stont·, James Frederick Strong, ·Margaret Carolint· Stultz, and Marle F. ~wenRon:. James Radel Tencher, Adelme Mat~ Tibbals, llarie-Louise Van Slyke, Ruth VanSteenberg, Maurice Harold .W~ld, l~dward \VIlliam Wallbaum, \~II ham I·'owl<>r Vvalton, Harry Lynn \\ a~E>_r. Arnold James Weil, Ruth Clara \\ C'tl. Charlotte Florence Weinberg, Ralph Le:"ter 'Vt·lch John Cordner West, Stuart Clarenct! Westerfeld, E. Joyce '~hit~utn. Ruth g)eanor \Vilcox, Ruth Marte \\ tkn, Margaret HOJ}e Wissmann, Herbert Albert Wolff, Marion Evelyn 'Volf. Ht·IPn Norma L. \Vra:r. Karl Yost, and .Jnn·· Young. ~\ u~ust Graduates (;t>rtrude g}lzabcth Becca, Oeo~·~t· '; , Belter, Barbara Agnese Berry, Eleat.wt· I. Bird, Leonard.., Wll~iam Blo?k· Adnan .Julian Brower, Carohne Lou1se Bu!"n ham ·FJor·~ nce Adele Burnham, Manon Dell' Colby, John Gordon ~~umberh~JH~. William Louis }<-;dmonds, Ltsbeth h~t.l noss )Jona Evelyn Heller, Katlwrll1t· Fai;t\eid Kennedy, Lol~ Mildred Km·~ , Robert Hamilton Martlll, Margaret )ll Fadzt·nn, Robert Alex McNie, M~n·u~ )lt-lzt·r, \\' allacP .st?r~s Murr.ay, "/~ltt-1R. N'ubarher, Vtrglllla Loutse 0 < ~~n nt'll Karl Bow'n Palenski, Ruth Lout~· · Ra~dall Kathryn Webb Ranney, Ht·lt'n A~na Holm, *Hal'Old ·william .Schaef~t·n. Lob; (;, Smale, Jeannette Oltve Sm.'tl;. Ho.wnrd Stanwood Thompson, Jr., ( fllnelius Peter Van Schaack, Jr., and })a vid Victor 'VaC'hsman, Jr. 2 . 77 SENIORS TAKE PART Enter the Blueberry IN N . ·T. COMMENCEMENT (Continued from page 3) \"era Gillette, ~lyrta <jene Gould, Mildred Bernice <~rant, John Edward Greenhalgh, and Thomas L. Urisamore, Jr. *Ruth \\.e il Hamburge r, Lois 1\Iarcella Hammett, Charlotte Yirginia Hansen, Mary Virg·inia Harf~t, Genevieve Evelyn Harrnutn, )!agdalene Ellen Hauck, LoIita Camillt-· He dg·er, Josephine Marguerite Heffner, Henry George Heineman, Ruth Hinchcliff, Catherine SeymoJ,~r Hinman, Frl"<l Christian Hoerber, ·John William Hood, Philip O'Donnell Hooker, Alfred Y . HorRman, Betty Horsman, Harriette )fay Hm;kin, Charles Abbott Howe, and Charles ""alcott Hubbard, Jr. 'William !-ichell Idler, Paul 1\Iaynard Jackett, Alice Holmes .James, Eth~l Lydia J effrey, Ral))h Stevenson Jqhansen, Frank \Villiam Johnson, Harriet Anne Johnston, James Roderick Johnstone, :nttl Marian Marcy Jones. Dorothy Lois Kahn, :;\lartha F. Katz, Edward Francis Kelley, *Ruth Verlc Kinne, Ruth ~Iarian King, R. E. Pattison Kline, Jr., ·Helen !<'ranees Kowalow, Mary Isabel Laing, Helen Frances Lanigan, *Inez Aug·usta Christina Larson, Ann Louise Lawrt·nce, Elizabeth Dewey Lawrence, :;\lary Jeanne Leffingwell, ·Ruth Elizabeth Long, Lloyd Stelle Lourie, Jr., Oliv' Virginia Ludlum, Frederi~ Gordon Lundb~r~ ·and Lill~n Rose l\farie Lusk. Richard Harvey ::\lacalister, Robert Arthur l\fa<'Neille, Day Elizabeth MacSherry, (~eon~·e :\Iangel, Yirginia Hart l\farsh, :uary Leggett -:\fartin, Hobert C. Martin, ~larjorie :\lason, *Donald Kyle ~lcAllen, EI~n ~Iary llcCauky, Roberta Harney :MrDonald, .Tark :McGinley, John F. licKana, Jane E 1 i z abeth :\fcKinney, ::\Iargarct :!\IcLoney Elaint! Anna. N. 1\lergenthaler, Nathali~ Grace lleers, EIRa Miller, Huth Miller, and Harrit-t )larct>lla ~!om>. Hobert Chi))ley ~icholls, Lois Preston Noble, Alth<·a Janet Northam, Leslie E. Oberg, Rog·f' t' Odman, Clifford Dt>Wilton Older, *John llorgan Ohm;ted, Jr., Franklyn C'. \\·. Olson, t.' Ruth V. Olson, ::\faurkt- Ql;bornt', llargaret Alice Ott, and Parry Pope Owens. lfarian Louist· Pagf', Jason Paig·e, Jr., \Vaddy Pal<'tti, \Villiam Richard Pan- Fresh Blueberry Pies and Cupcakes ! = Also Cheese Cake For Sunday Breakfast COFFEE CAKES Danish Fruit Filled and Plain Old Fashioned Streuzel Blitz Kuchen We will be glad to mak.e any special pastry or cake for parties. - - _ _ t J · ~~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~=-: =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= _ THE PArry SHOPPE · ' ' _ _ 1153 Wilmette Ave. Phone 575 ~,,,u,uuJ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInllnuiiiiiiJIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJJIIIIJIIIIIIIniiiJIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIII~ Read These Prices Children's Oxfords or Strap Slippers, sizes 5~ to 8, at .... ... . $2.85 Sizes 8~ to 11 at ........................................ $3.25 Protect These Little Feet they are 10 easily prevented by correct footwear. Simplex Flexiea are de· ·i1ned to meet Nature'· requirementa. In them the child'· feet reat squarely on the tp'Ound-no rockinl 1idewi1e, which bows the pliart little lep in or out. Tb«ft 10le1 are 10 ftexible you can bend them with the fin1en. No nail· nor 1taple1. Glove-~mooth linins-no wrinkles nor rouah 1eam1 to hurt. Tbe~e health featum. totether with ~ careful fittin1, will protect the future foot health of you&' children. ~"fEARLY three-fourth· of all foot ~ ![oublel ltart in childhood-when If I i I I J. The Bridal Bouquet MISSES' OXFORDS Simplex-sizes 11 ~ to 2 Black Calfskin ............................................... $3.45 Tan or Blonde Calfskin ...................................... $4.%5 Patent Leather ................................ .............. $4.25 MISSES' STRAP SLIPPERS "Simplex" .......................................... $4.25 and $4.51 "Godman" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... .......... $2.50 and $3.25 Here comes the bride-See the frightened expression on the groom's face-Look how happy her father seems to beand look, Janet, at the perfect bouquet she carries. West End Florist Math Hoffman, Prop. Hoffman Bros. Comer Ridge and Wilmette Avenues Telephone 651 First Greenhouse on Glenview Road, West of Ridge Phone Wilmette 194 3 '

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