WILMETTE LIFE Ttim· 10. i927 Ambulance Men for Ambulance Seroice Wr do nor h~~in· t· th.11 Sick pl?o·plc .1pprrr1.1tl' 'i~l' mg the UndcrtJkcr cornt' 1nto rhc sick. room. rherc fore I do not scrvl.' pcrson.1llv on the ArnhuLlncc ' r?X cept tn .1n cmcrgencv '. Neither do we pick fcl~ow~ t rom the s.trt.>ct to <iU\ t' .1s Jnend.lnl\. Our Jn ,·.tlid Co.1ch is 1n chJrgt.' of J Mr. Sidney A . Stoke<i . who h.HJ ch.trgi.' of thl' Am buLl nee Scrvicc of on~· of t ht· l.ngc<il U nJcruk 1n g firm~ . in Chiogo. No e:rtra <harlje (or Stqht t"al!.· D~[UXt' FunerLll !-lome Jtl· UNDERTAKER "tfhe Jiouse oF crersona.l Serilice" l 10 9 Cc n t r.1l A H' n u l' W tl m c H \' o ) -t R c si d c n n~ 7 I lJ - - 4 t h Su·cct. \V i I m c tt (' Holland Suction Cleanitig for CO TS LITTLE and the fuel Savtny pay., for t l. 'All Tvpes of He41t ing Svst~ 111 S u(tao n C) r.: n i n g tn J k r 4i no nn1 ss i n t h (' h o u \ c . W l' ( .1 rr \. J 11 dirt .1 \\' L1 \ ' Save' fuel Protect Health Prevents Fires Adds Clcanlines' .I ncr eJ sc \ Co n1 fort HOLLAND FURNACE Co. 2. Carlton Bu1ld1ng \\ .! ', '! .. l K: '\ lnnttka 1 O'\O I t Make a bundle i the week's washing and drop it at our olfiee w en you drive by. When you ealllor it a few days later a pleasant .surprise will await youwhiter, more beautifully laundered clothes you never saw. And you'll have the benefit ol our liberal Bring-and-Call Diseount, too. MELSON LAU DRY 1210 Central Avenue Wilmette ··············