44 WILMETTE LIFE June 10, 1927 SEARS SCHOOL GIVES DIPLOMASON JUN E17 Thirty-nine Eighth Grade Pupils to Graduate at Ceremonies Next Friday Kenilworth News Park District Tax W ilmette Folk to Greet Coolidges at Hammond Propositions Are \Vhen President and Mrs. Coolidge go to Hammond. Ind., next week, two \Vilmette residents will be among the fortunate 'vho will greet them. Mr. and Mrs. · ~r~·r o n H . \Ve st, '916 Greenleaf avenue. ,\·ill attend the luncheon there on Tuesday. ~1r. \Vest, who is president of the American Park Builders, designed the new municipal park ·which President Coolidge " ·ill dedicate . The park is a memorial to the fallen soldiers of the \Vorld war. Tt is named ~' icker park, and contains an eighteen hol e golf course and club hou,:o;c among- its fcaturcs. Th e park materialized at the hands of a group of public-spirited citizens, who !?ought the ground, put in improvements, and re sold it to the city at cost. Defeated at Polls 'l'wo propostttOns placed 011 t lw special \Yilmette Park board hall ot Monday of this week suffered defeat at the hands of the voters. 'l'lw fir st, that of authorizing the Pa::-k board to increase it s tax rate from two and two-thirds mill s to four mill!'. lost In· 25 vote s. The S" ·ond, that or autho~izing the Park hoard to increase its rate of bonded indebted ness from three to fiv e mill s, was dcfea ted by 126 balloL. The Yotc by district s was as follows: Di!'t. Tax Ll'YY Fnr .-\~ain)-;t t:i) 42 1 RR 8!1 2 liS !J2 (!I G4 4 [) (i RETURN TO KENILWORTH Dr. A. B. Spach, 228 Leicester road, Kenilworth, returned Tuesday from the East where he attended a meeting 1 ::>f the American Me.dical association Graduation exercises at the Joseph in \.Vashington and later met his son ~ears school. Kenilworth. will he held and daughter upon their return from in the auditorium of the sclwol at 2:30 abroad. Mis s Marian Spach has spent Friday afternoon. ,11111" li. "t which ~h.e wit~ter traveling and visiting time thirty-nine pupils will receive tnend s 1t1 Europe. Barrett Spach ha s their diplomas in recognition of eight been spending the winter in Pari s years of work accomplished. studying organ with ~~Iarcel Dup,·e . The impressi\'l' afternoon program He will play the organ ·at St. Tanll· s program wilt he prefaced by an invo- Episcopal church in Chicago thi s. sum cation by ReY. Lelancl H. Danforth of I ~ncr, during the absence of the organthe Church of the Hoh· Comforter. 1st, Leo So"·crhv. following which. the se\·enth and 1 eigl1th grade chorus will sing a group GIVE CLASS PLAY o~ h~·o songs: "B" the Shores of I The graduating class of the Joseph Gt.tch1e G~mee." and "Then the Little S~ars s~ h~?l p~e se nted "The ~[erchant Ht~watha : se lected from the operetta o t Vemce. Fnday, June 3. as a class "Htawatha's Childhood." hy Bessie 1\1. play. It was an excellent production \Vhi.teley. The chorus is under the eli- and the cast included some notable recttOt~ of ~fis:-; :\f. L.ouise Robinson. little actors. Jack Hicks made a an? will !)e accompamed by the New charming "Antonio." Harriet YVebster Tner stnn.!.! trio ..composed of 1fiss an equally sc intillating "Portia." \\'hile Estelle S"·1g-art. ~ft~s France: Ander- Betty Ketcham as "Nerissa" and Doris :'on and George. Swt~art. Nygaard as "Shylock" balanced the The presentatiOn ot tire c~a:-;s g-ift to pl0t " ·ith ('xcecding brilliance the school. following- a ·cu:-;tom of sev· era! years' standing, will he made bv ).f rs. Donald ~cLaughlin, formerly ~!iss Oaklc~· Jenks. president of the ~~iss Eleanor Eckhar~, has arrived in graduating class. :\ . peerh of accePt- Kenilworth with her small son. for a ance on h(·half of the rest of the month's visit with her parents, Mr. and ~c hool will he made hy George F. Gil- Mrs. Percy Eckhart, 206 Cumberland lett as repre se ntatin· nf tlH' cla ss of road. "!\f r. .1IcLaughlin accompanied 192R his wife to Kcnihrorth and then left for San Francisco, where Mrs. McNygaard Is Speaker Laughlin will join him later. Miss E. L. Nygaard. :-;uperintcndcnt oi the ~f arion Eckhart also arrived at home Kenilworth schoCil. "'ill then address having- completed the year at Mis~ the g-raduating rlas~. the as:;embled :Madeiras school, and Miss Charlotte qudents and part"nts upon a suhject Eckhart has ju st returned from a trip appropriate to the occasion and in abroad. presentation of the class of 1927. This -oaddress ·will he follo\\'ed 1)\· another The llolllc and Garden club. a \\.(: 11 :;elec tion h~· the chorus, "T c)\\·a rd the Slwrc-; ni PaJc.; tr ina," f r0111 "T:tle:' oi organized group cxemplitin' oi fine intere. t in land scapr impron111c nt h<'Hoffman," hy Jacque s Offenbach. ing developed along the north shnn·. The program will he concluded II\· the presentation of the diploma s to th.e 111ct on Tuesday. ~fay 31. and Yi :-i t cd graduating pupils by J. A. Peterson. the ~forton Arboretum at J.,·te. fll. tl' way ::>u t the mentiH'rs ·:-; t qpp '.' rl '·ice-president of the Board of Educa- 0n t l_ 111 JlJn~dale and had lnnclH"on at the tion and the benediction b,· ~fr. Danho111e oi ~Ir s. Fs:->lev. :\t the ~l ortn11 forth. Arboretum arc sp-ec inl L'Ih 01 tre:.:s Graduates of the class of 1927 arc : front all o\·er t lte ,,·oriel. Eliizal>c·th C. Baekus, Kathr:-·n Ann Benson, Eliznhdh ·.\ . Bru('n, Ric·hard I> . Buek, Hobert :'If. Byrne, .ToC'I \:V. Dic·kinson, Hl'l£'n .J. Eggert, Pnul T . ( :ill>ert \Villiam F. Ht'aly, E . .John Hi(']~s. Joh~ \V. Howe, Rolwrt L. Hutchings. OakleY J en ks, Julia. ~f. K<'lne, Harril·t Kt'itl1 . Betty Jane Kc·teham, John R. :\Tontonara, Raymond :\Iurray, Charlf'R \\rillinm :'\(·!~on, Dorrance C. Xygaard, HerbC'rt H. Ott_e~. Herlwrt ~~- 01'igood, Benjamin J . P~ulhps, Kathryn Y. RC'dman, C:-·nthia R~chards, :\Targard Richards, Harn Richards, Caroline Roberts, Thomas E. Sexton, G eo rge R. Scott, Jaynf' r:. Scott . Betty .Jane Seery, :\Iarjori<' A. Smvtht· .Jan.e. V. Sowers, ~aulitw Spi('gt·l, ]lost·~ n~at ;\ Swanson, Amlin .Jan(· \'\'atl'ion. Harnette E . \VelJstPr, \\'illiam .T. \'\"illiams. Hon<l Indebt GR :\7 :Hi :1~ ·d 1w ~s For .Ag-ain!'t ;,z :n 4;) "; ti4 6;) Playground Ball Games to Attract Local Fans On 11ext Tuesday night there wilt hr a three- sided playground ball game at 7 o'clock. The teams playing will he the ~t. Joseph II , Y. P. C.. and the \\'ilmette Ice company. The teams arc eYenly matched. The second attraction will be a playground hall game which promises to ht a hot bat tie hetween the Bapti sts and St. Jo sep h I. The latter team " ·on from the Baptists la<;t week 10 to 8. Both games '"ill be free and a large rrn,nl will he appreciated. Frank \Vehh Teegarden, 1102 Cena n·nue. will receive hi s deg-ree t h<' L·niHrsit,· of Illinoi s next \\'C('k, ).I i~,:o; Georg-ia Teegarden and ).f rs. Teegarden will g-o to Champaign nt.xt \reck ior commencement. atHl the t hrl'l' will rd ttrn nn Thursday. ~ raJ I ro111 2li 7 s 9 ]0 44 I ;, :>S ;~!) 51 tiO 44 i7 :~ :~ :;s lti 1 1fj ··"i ,_ t") :~ 1(1 .1 4 ::!1 :?8 41 :)t; :~ (( fi77 3!J l 477 Choir Boys Sing at Rye-Munroe Wedding The Ye sted choir of St. Augustine\ Episcopal church sang during the wed-. ding of ~~ i,:o; s Betty Rye and Brcl\n·r ~funroe. so n of ~fr. and ~frs . \\-altt"r Howard :\lunroc of Evan ston, Tlmr -.day e\·cning. Dr. H uhert Carleton l'l' rlrt the ~en- icc in the home oi the brick'.., parent-;, :\fr. anrl Mrs. Frederick:\. Ryc · nf 1015 Chestnut an:nuc, \Yh erc :1 reception ior 125 guc:-t..; iollo,Hrl t ltL· ce 1'('111 :J n , .. ~I i:-;,:o; .II elton Birk oi Chicago and Fn·derick Hn· \Ytrl' the onh· attendants. :\fi ss .Birk ,,.<t:- clad i1; a irnck of n·llo\\· taffeta and carri<·d Ycllr·\\ rose::-; and n·llo,,· dai~ic:-.. . T 1; t' h r i <t'c w a" i 11 a IH 1U ff ant g n 'Y i 1 oi \Yhite !'l~tti n and chiffon, an<l -.]lt' wore a lace ,·cil. I fer bouquet \Ya~ . ·i\\'hite rosL·;;, 1\·hitL' :-.\\'cl't pea:;, ;1 t1 d \·aIIt\' 1iIi e s. ).fi:. and ~Irs. ).funrlll' ha\'e g:'ln(· t·· St. Louis on their \\'l'dcling trip. T!11 ·.'· ,,·ill. h(' ~lt home at .?tJO~ Ea-.t\\·nnd :1\' t ·ltlH'. l·:,·anston, aitL'r Jul.'· 1. -0- an·nm· t·ntertained t\\'cln,· ~ ue ,..;ts \Vedne sda\· at lunch eon and bridg-e for \{r:;. :\f . \f. \\'at son of Prest\Yick. Scotland \\' hn i:; t lt e g· u est of ). f r s. i\ ncJ re\\' S lltn~ 111 en- ilit· of High land Park. \f r-;. lrcorgr .'\.. Tl111r shv of SO..J Park Justus Johnson Dies at St. Francis on J une 7 Justus Johnson residing at 419 Gregory avenue, passed away at the age . of 67 years at the St. Francis hospttal in Evanston. Tuesday, June 7. Funeral services were held Thursday, June 9, at 2 :30 o'clock from the \Vilmette English Lutheran c h u r c h Burial was at ~{emorial Park. · · Mr. Johnson is sunind In· his \\·idow, Mrs. Emma Stoneholm ·Johnson; three daughters, ~f rs. George Larson of Joliet, Miss Evelyn Johnson. and Mrs. Alfred Hc{'rens of \Vil~ette; and two sons Paul C. and Rus!'lel C., of \Vilmette. Mrs. Walter C. Farrar, 1210 Greenwood avenue, and Mrs. J. R. Ludwig, 1212 Ashland avenue, returned Sunday from a visit with their mother. Mrs. \Vatter Denton, in Lawrenceburg, lnd: Onr the wt·ek-end of Decoration Gu ,. 0:-.bnrne and Edwin Hcdri·r k (li J(cnihrorth fnllo\\·cd the lure of the Mi ss Marion Thayer, daughter of ~I r . nortlter~1 ~\~ i sc(! n s in woods and spent and Mrs. \Villard Thayer, 618 \\'a sha n·ry tn11t tul tl'\\' day..: fi~hing. Th·\· ington aYenue, i...; th e gu,e~t this week -0l'l'turlled \\·ith at lea ~t ~Plllt n·n· cdil>lc of Miss Myrth Nicholson in St. T.oui ~. ~f r. and Mr s. Richmond Kenyon aquatic trophies. · ~~iss Thayer will receive her degree l1ave returned to Kenilworth aftrr a -ofrom the l'niver:-.itv oi Tllinoi :-> next honeyn10on spe nt in touring the Ea~t. ~ ~mnan Vi;;srring- returned to Ken- \V ednesclay. ~1r. and l\lrs. Thayer \\'ill The~· visited in . uccession. Detroit. the ihYorth the fir:-;t of June from Florida. teaYc Sunday for Champaign to attetHl home of '.\Ir. Kenyon's mother, Buffalo. ,,.ht·re he \\·as ~tucl)·ing at the State the commencement exercises. and \\'ill where they were entertained bY -\grirultural college in Gainsville. He return "·ith ~1i ss Thayc·r \Vcdnesday . friends. and New York C'it \' where -ohas the eli . tinction of having received tht)' spent sh·eral days. ·' · ~f r. and 1£ rs. A. B. Lambert of :111 honorar\' memh ersl1ip to the Flori-oClevcla11d, Ohio, are arriving today to da State Horticultural society. ~fiss Jeanette Cherry of 422 Ahbotts be the guests of their daughter, ~frs. oionl road, Kenilworth ..is acting as maid Clarence E. Drayer at 1034 Elmwood F rail c c s :\f arion Carpenter enterof honor this week at the wedding of an~ nue. ~fr. and' Mrs. Lambert. ~[r. '.\I iss Dorothy Bailey of Princeton. Tll.. tained thr girl:' in her grade at a birth - and Mr s. Drayer, and Miss Ruth clay luncheon \\'ednrsda\', Tune 8 heand Kenneth Ford of Chicago. ~Ir. D r a y e r will leave Sunda \. to and 1\1rs. Frank \V. Cherry went to fore: the field day exerci~es ·held at thr a t t e n d commencement -exe rPrinceton this week to attend the Joseph Seet.·s playground, in which cises at thl' Unh·ersity of Illinois on the)· all participated. wedding. Wednesday. when ~I (ss Jean DraYer - o-owill receive her B. A. degree. · · M rs. Bentley McCloud oi Kenil1\Irs. J. C. Carpenter of Kenilworth -oworth avenue returned MondaY from is entertaining thirty-two guests ' at ~.f r. and ~vf rs. Joseph F. Davis haYe a ten day trip over Memorial ~lay, to luncheon and bridge today. The Car- sold their residence at 727 As·hland Omaha. where she was visiting her penters are leaving soon for their sum- avenue and on July 1. ,,·ill movr to mother, Mrs. Olmsted. She was ac- mer home in the Blue Ridge mountains 2200 Sherman avenue, Evanston. :\[ r. e om pan i e d by her small son and of Virginia. and Mrs. Wirt Gilgis of Evanston haYe daug-hter, Bobby and 'Kaney Ellen. -opurchas<'d their residence. -0Howard Jordan was host to · twent\' -oGeraldine Breit. the baby daughter little boys and girls at a dinner part~ Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Field, 1331 Hill of ~!r. and 'Mrs. Frederick Breit, 422 on June 4. in his home, 320 Cumber- street, had as their guest last '\YeekEssex road, Kenilworth. who was op- land road. Kenilworth. end, their son, G'eorge ~{. Field. of erated for appendicitis at the St. Fran-0Omaha, Neb. cis hospital. is recovering slowlv after ,. ~I Edmund Stevens, formerly of -oa very critical period of about three Ke111h;·orth and no\\· of the Georgian P. V. Bright, 731 Ashland aYemte. days. hote1 m Evanston. is entertaining at a who has been in Europe on a three -oluncheon ancl bridge today at the months' trip is sailing for home Jnne 22. . Another of the closing festivities at Georgian. -othe grammar school is a large dinner -oparty for twenty-four to be given to1f r~. Sanford Holden .entertained Mrs. Harry Griswold 619 Seventh night by Miss Bevert.ey Bouchard, 222 her sewing club, Friday, June 3 at her street, is on the way to' California for Oxford road, Keni~th. home, 527 \Yarwick road, Keniiworth. a two months' visit with relatives. da~·. :s.