Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jun 1927, p. 42

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4Z WILMETTE LIFE 37 June 10, 1927 SITUATION WTD.-liALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · I - Classified advertisements wlll be charged only Genetal N OtiC to residents of the district from Evanston to 16 cents R.ateS- papers. :m Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are ngular subscribers to P.ithf'!r · WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. a line in one paper. 26 cents a line in any two 30 cents a line in all three papers. MINIMUM CHA.BGE 61 cents. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% dls~oant on all casll with order adTertlsements wllen brought to oar omce at 1111 Central ~ n., Wilmette, or ilf Lincoln An., Winnetka. · f Ot Jnsett tOnS-cepted · Classified D eadl tne up ndvertlsements wlll be acto Wednesday 5 o'clock tot the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock tor the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. GARDENER AND FLORIST. 14 YEAR::; ex 1 Jer. On private estate or garden. Ph. WANTE" D- l\i'AN \\rlTH CAR 1.:0 SELL Buckingham 5429. 37LTN37-ltp complete lin e ttuality Auto Ttres. and 'l'ubes. Ex<:lusive Territory. Expenence EXP., REL. COt.. MAN' WANTS P A,RT not necessary. Salary $:300.00 pe r m<?nth lime posi. or house and garden work. l\Jilestonc Hubber Company, East LtverLewis, Glencoe 530. . 37LTN37-ltp pool, Ohio. 33LT:H-ltp ~XPEIUE~CED CHAUFFEUR AXD WA~TEU - RL~AL ESTATE SALEShouseman. Best of refers. Phone Glenman . A g-ood opening for a good ::;alescue 758, ask for William. 37LT~;;7-ltp man . Addt·ess Wilml'tte Lift' B-341. 33LTX37-ltp TAK~ C ...\RE OF LAWNS, DO CLEA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ing- and g·ardening, painting, et('. '\\' il. a-t H.t.:Ll, W'l'H.-)L\L _ E & }'lDL\Ll: 2(i44. 37L37-ltc EXPERfE:\'CED BOOK- :H~ SJT. W'l'D.-.! UALE & }'JDIALE k t>t.·pcr· and typist for )llumbirlf~· and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lwa.ting· office. l\tale or ft·male. Al>PlY YOUXG COLORJID COUPLE, NEAT APVVilmette Chainber of Commerce. JH:aring·. ~Ian as chauffeur, wife cool~ 34LTN:l7 -llp and hou sework. Experienced. B est n·fl'l'e nces. Oakland 5572. :~8L'l'X37-ltp :l;J JH'Sl~ESS OPPOR'IT ~ J'l'l.ES ::L\1fTH E~lPLOY:ME.NT AGE.NCY-E\'TH ~RKS .\ ~lAX I~ THIS TOWX WB anston . Couples, chauffeurs, maid ~. want. Preft:·ra bly a r t> tired business or dayworkt·rs. Phone Uni , ... (i 164 . trcl\'t> ling man . ·\lust be a g·ood m oral :~8LT.N~ i -H p rbk and o rdinary aiJility as salesman Ont· \vho would lih to enter the re- -tt }'OU UE.N'l'-UOU.,JS tail husine~s in Wilml'tte with the - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - famouH line of Hom er War·m Air FOR RENT - WINNETKA, SUITE OF Heating· ApplianceH and Fireplace living room, bedroom, large sleeping Equipment. Ten tamilie~:; in one hundred t>orch, bathroom, extra lavatory, kitchare going to buy hi:'ating t-quipment e nette and breakfast room. Very d eof soml:' kind this ~·car, and our wonsirable. Reasonable. Heat included. d ·rful Xt.·\\' ~Lerchandi::;ing Plan make::; Also single suite of largt> room & bath. a suceessful salesman out of the OITt'l. Winn. 26tH morning~ . HLTX:n- tft.: dinarily int ellige nt man. Our most lilwral Time Payment Plan bl'ings ~·ou FOR RK~T-TWO NICE LAHGE, \\' ELL your Pr·o fit at once, ntoces~:; itating pracfurnisht·d rooms, four blocks from Linti<-ally no invt·sttnt.>nt <·xce))t living exden An·. "L" station. Breakfast if dt ·penst:H to you. If you are interestt'd sired. Xeat respcctablt· )Wople nuly. in making an ex tnt thousand or two Tel. \\'ilnH:ttt· :1587. 4lLT37-ltc this year, ~· ou should write at once , or ht-ttt<r still, come and see us and let FOR RE~T _ LARGE FlJH:\' IS II Ell us show you how Homer Furnaces are room with large alcove, six window ~. madE> and why th ey art> HO t>asily sold 'J'wo or thre<· persons. Phorw WI!. 1271. 4LL:!7-ltp \Vt: tt-ach you and furnish the experit-'IICt- FREK Address Dept., C-B, cjo H omcr Furna('t· Co., f'oldwater, i\lich. LIGHT HOL'SEKEEPI~<_; ROO~lS FOTI ~5L362tc young eouplt' with ca r . Uarag·e a\'ail--~ ~--~·--~.~~~~~ -~ -~ - ~~~~~~ ---~~~~~ abl e. *!) a \n·<'k. F. \\.-'. ('o1,1.tre. ~orth :u; ~11TA'l'IO~ W'I'U.-F'.ElL\LE hrook, Ill. 41L.T!\::;7-ltp \-\'X~TJ~U JU~LP WAS1'£))-)IALE to DllESSliAKIXn ll! I t OLIEN JE~SE!\, FOR:\lERLY OF 701 Plastering Davis, Evanston, now loca ted at 910 Elm St. Expt>rt Dr~ssmaker, Rcmodel- ALL KIXDS OF stueco work. t-r · Your hom t> or mitw. Tt'l. Winn. 2336. 10L1'N37-4tc ' · SIT. WTD. - DRES::DIAKER BY DAY, work guaranteed. C'all tl :00 to 7 :00 p. m. Oakland 2365. 10LT::7-ltp Photw 22!H H:e pair \\~ork \XL> PLASTER TXt: _ JJ&mm®~ 0C®®IID©If \1\·ilm ett<' 24LTN3i-tt'e - 'VILL DO ALL KI~DS OF DRESSMAKing, guarantet> satisfaetion. 157 Prairie :n I.. OST A'XD FOU~D Ave. Phone '\' ilmf'ttt- aH!17. 10L37-ltp LOST-4 WEEKS AGO, LARGE POLICE DRESS:\·I AKIXG, PLAJ:\" SEWING AT Dog, with chain. Color-light wolf homt> or by the day. Good reft>rences. gTay. Answt-r.!'l to name "Falko." Librz ..t.'t>nleaf 1142. 10LTN36-ltc era! reward. Phone 586. ~1LT~37-ltc lOB GARDENING . \Vell Rotted 1Ianure and Black Dirt LOST - AIREDALE, YERY Ct:'RLY. Answers to name of "King." Xo (lUeStiom; asked. Liberal r eward. WI I. 199~) . :nL:37-ltp LOST IX KEXIL"WORTH, IRISH t erriN', female. Reward for her· return. Tel. Kenil. H5. 31LT37-ltc i· IHI Mlbx~Iril IHI ©~~rnm ~Till Ridge Road, Wilmettt· HEI. P W ..\ X'I'J<: D-}' Jo: :u A L 1-: Phone ·wil. 33(10 :12 LtEFIXED SWEDISH LADY, ).JARRIED, 10B37-tfc 28 years old, good plain <.:ook, wants GIRLS SEEKING A PROFl·~ssro~, houst>wor·k in refined small home. Cavhe re is your opportunity for an in ablt> to take full charge. Husband t:·mtC'resting- line of work. Tt>lephone wort ployed, willing to help around house is a Yery d esirable occut)ation and yo u $7 Truck load delivered. and gardt>n for board. R<·ft·t·ent·es. Adha\'f' thf' advantag·e of working nea r ·wilmette Hom& Garden Service ·home. Wt· tWOYide a \'acation with pa~ drt>SS \<\' ilm t-ttt' Lift' n- :'.-12 . :~6L:;i'-lt)l Phone Wil. 2183 eaeh year. Also, a liberal be nefit plan If not the black soil you want we wil 1 LEA VTX<: WlNXETK.\ })leasant associates and surroundings FA ).f I L Y take back without charge. wishes to place compett·nt maid for 4 If you art> inte rt>sted come in and lool 10BLTXa7-ltc W<'d<s, ,lum· 20th until .July 17.. Capover thf' offiee and havf' a pe rsonal in abl<· of doing- g·en<·ral hou.·t-work, secterv i(·w with tlw ehief operator at 72. I~S1'UlTTJO:;>; ond work or takin~ t·;uc of children. 12th Rt., Wilmette. :~2L37-tf (' Call Winn. 680. ::6L:r~:17-ltc TVTORI~G IX :\L\THE:\fATI<.'S, LATJ); CO:\IPETEXT WHITE :\lAID F'O R A ('OOD PJ :U~ COOK WISHBS A and histor~·. H ead of hh.;tory depart 1-!Pner. houseworl<. Famil~· of 2 adultR plc-~t·e as g:;u:> t:a l housl-'worker in small nwnt in large t>astt>rn prt'parator~ 2 small ehildrt>tL Indian Hill Sl'diOll famlv with reft:'rences. Addrt.-ss Mrs.. l{(·fs. l'e(J. PhotH: \\' inn. 2648. ~('hool iH S)wnding summ~-'r in Witmet :\L I~. Log-an, 241 On·hard An·., Wauka. and will ac(·t-pt limitt·d amount o f :;2LTX~7-lt c ~utoring in above suhjt<ets. .J. S. ('us kegan, 111. ~6I..:H-lt!l t <: r, 769 F oxdalt>, \\'innetka . WAXTED - GOOD GIRL FOR liE~ JtBI<'JXED HH:H SCHOOL l:IRL Pral fiousework ; 2 in family; small co n t:;Ltx:;7-2t( wishes to takE> f'art- of ('hi!d during van> nient how.;e; apply after· 5:00 p. m cation. (.'an tutor on musk or :-;tudies. 1134 Uret'nwood An·., \\~ilmett'. LOANS YE>n· best reft:rs. Winn. 5ii2-R. 32L;}7-lt . :~6LTX:H-ltc W ANTF~D - ·wHITE :\lAID l::"~a>En :11 for genE>ral housework. Sma 11 house nr SlT. WTD. - BY ELDERLY CO LOHED Charles H. Brethold woman full or tmrt time. <.:ood t·ook, "1.41'. station. \\o~agt-s $16. Xo washing· Phon e v;ii. 1475, or· rail 700 Laun·l Ase pa~tri('s specialt:-·. Wilmettt· refer:12LTN37-lt (' etwE>s. Douglas 5!.104. 36L:l7-ltc 1st and 2nd 1\'Iortgages S~VERAL FLOOR GIRLS FOR CAFE - CLEAXI~G. IRO:\IN<;, :\lE~DJNG OR INSURANCE darning b~· the day. Rt:>fe ren(·es. <.:reentt>ria work ; t·xperit>nee unneressan·. Tt>l 65 145 Main St.. Wilmette l<~ ar 1142. :;6LT~:l7-llc Appl;\' in person, Central Cafeteria, ua 1 16L37-ttc Central St. Wilmettt-. :12L:n-lt !) WliiTl~ WO:\IAN WA~TS LAG:-.J'DH.Y work or cleaning hy tht· day. Wil. 389. CAPABLE GIRL OR WO)lAX FO R r !lGLT:\'::7-ltp gener. housework. Pleasant home nea Bt·st wagt>s. Xo launrlr:transpor. !! PETS 32Uf~~7-lt c WAXTED- SECOND WORK. EXPERTl\Jrs. Uooder, Winn. 1149. t>nel:'d maid. Colored. Wilmett£' M64 FOR SALE: PEDIGREED DOBERMA~ WANTED- YOVNG \VHITE GIRl.. 1.' 0 3GLT)l37-ltp Pinscher puppies 4 months old. Puppie s -----------......:----Sunday~:;, from 12:00 t 0 on cook assist you will be proud to own, sired b y t' IKf'ANT ~URSE; 12 YRS. EXP. $~5-$30 s :00 p, m. \\rage $3.00. Wilmette Lifc Chicago's f'hampion Dobeorman, Elma r week. Jewish fam. pt·cf. :\!iss Oinas, 32L'L'N37-lt B-:~38. \'On der Rheinperle from Julie vo n p k 758 V'i :.wr"T::\37 1t ,.. Highland ar ~ · · - P Fret>. Ready for dellwry with ears WHITE GIRL WA~ rED TO ASSIST trimmed and tails docked :\lay 25th. with houst>work. Exper. not neeessary. EXPER. HOUSEKEEPER. PH. WI.NN. Prlee $75.00. Stuart Standish, cart> of Call Winn. 2205. 32LTN~7-ltc 225b. ~6LT:-.J'37-ltp Brunstan Kennels, Lombard, Illinois. Phone Lombard 488-J. Sl1't;ATIO:X W1'J).-)L\L I'! V\' AN'fED :\lAID EXPERIEXCE, 3i "Dogs with almolSt human minds." seeond work and ~ewing. Best wages. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22LT~:n -1 tp Tel. Winn. 58. 32LT.N37-ltc GARDENER ON PRIVATE ESTATE. Training under foreign and American FOR SALE artists in North, South, and West. VerWHITE fTIRL, GEX. HOUSEWORK. PEDIGREED POLICE Pr PPTES non Lt>dhetter, 878 Ash, Winnetka. Own room and bath. Winn. 852. f:randmothf'r of motht·r imported from :nvrx:.~7-ltp 32LTN37-ltc f;t>rmany from former Kaiser's KenPf'ls. l\fotht-r brought UJ> with ehildren. WANTED EXPERIEXC'ED .NURSE. \VANTED POSITION AS C'H,\ UFThese are high gradt- pups-an unusual Rt:>ft.>rt-net-s. 'fel. 'Vinnetka 1881. ft>ur and houseman in private family. opportunity. Call Wilmette 2299 for 32LT~37-ltc Good referen<'es. 10 yt·ars experience. further Information. 22Ll7-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C'all Boulentrd 5175. Tailor ShO)) . WA~TED- WHITE GIRL FOR GEXVaughn. 37LTN:.l7-ltc FOR SALE - AIREDALE, 1% YEARS eral housework. Good wages. Apply old. On account ot leadng town. Wlnn. Winn. 2084. . 32LTN37-ltc UEXERAL HOUSECLEANING BY DAY 1669. 859 Burr Ave., Hubbard ·woods. or contract. Painting, decorating, ftoors 22LTN37-ltc WANTED 'M OTHER'S HELPER, waxed or refinished. Home Service Co. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ white. References required. Tel. Wil. Uni\·. 8517. · 37LT~37-3tc If BEPAIBING A REF'I~ISHING 292. 32L37-ltc HOUSECLEANING, WI~DOW WASHFOR UPHOLSTERING, ALL KINDS OF EXPER. WHI1'E LAU~DRESS, UNDEHing, floor polishing, lawn and garden repalrlng, reasonabre prices, phone Wll. ~tanding machine and ironer. Wlnn. work. References. Wil. 3428. 296. 24LTN37-ltp 2132. 32LT37·1tp 37LT37-trc ··----------------------------------CI~NTRAL HOTEL - LT<iHT OlJTSlDI·: rooms for transit'nts and rf'sidents. 62!+ :\lain Strt.>et. Phone Wilmt> tte 1080. 41LT:;i -tft· FOR Hl~XT _ FUR~ISHED TI00:\1 J.:\ prh·att· hOilH' ; do~:;e to transportatl OI I ; sing-le g'l'nt It-man only. Ph. Wil. 7!Jti- \\' . · 4tL::7-lte L.\ R(; I·~ LH; Wr WELL FUH:'\ISHEI> room, nt·ar Ialit·, tram;portatlon. '\oVinn . 154:!. 41 LTX~7-H t: FFH.XISH~D BLACK SOIL · ~ - RC>0'1 FOP H 1~::\T . !~ ~ Large front room, r easonahll' . lf,7 Prairit- An· . 41 r.::7 -liJl FOH RE~T _ FUR:\'ISHED R00:\1. '4 . nea r tran::;portation. c 'a 11 \V'l 1 · 2· ,., 41L::i-ll <" SLE'EPI~t; ·· l"OR RE.NT-4 ROOMS AND poreh. Winn. 1489. 41L37-ltp FOU UENT-APARTME~TS 1 LARGJ<j, LIG.HT ROOMS AXD ~t"X ii parlor, e nclosed rear pore~, $75.~0. (!:,trage on premises. Location · Ill .I lw ·Bronx )llles Center. Transportauou, Dempstt<r Terminal "L." North Short· Electrie R. R. and Bus. 7 minutes from WilmettE' and 30 minutes from the Lo011. ~r. J. Faherty, Bronx Ave. and DNtWPhonC' Nilt's Rter Rt.. Nilt·::; Center. Center ~13. 42L1.'37-ltJl I·'OR RE"'NT1'- 2 ROO'~ KITCHI<~.NI<::TTI·~ · ·.... apartment, steam heat, janitor Henict·, near tram;portation. Call Wllnwttf' lSUII. Apt. Niles Center 42LTN~7-ltc ~, FOR RENT - APARTMENTS, FURnlshed and unfurnished, all sizes. Heated. Phone Wil. 2399. 42L'fN3i-tfc FOJt RKNT-FURN. APTS. TO SUBLE1' FOR SUMMER MO:\'TH.S or longer. Attractive apartment furnished or unfurnished in Orrington Hotel, Evanst.on. Good summer expo!'~ urt>. Two large rooms with twin bPds and in-a-door bed. Bath with show{·r. Grand piano. Kitchenette with electrl,· range. Complete hotel service. Amplt· closets. GaragE:: in building. Apply lwtel rental offlee, University 8700. 43LTN37-tftl 3 ROOM APARTMENT. 2 BEDROOMH. For July and August. Phone Wlnn. 15!16. 43LTN37-1te H .F'OR RENT-HOUSES --------------7 R:\1. DUTCH COLONIAL. SUN PARlor. Fireplace, 2 tile baths. Large lawn. $126 month. wm build gar. Winn. 83!1. HLTN37-1tp

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