Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jun 1927, p. 39

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June 10, 1927 WILMETTE ·LIF ·E School Athletics The annual Field day and track meet of the Wilmette public schools was held Tuesday of this week on the Village t.~reen under direction of the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board. Standing of the rooms in the track and field (>Yents was as follows: SnPnth Gracie Stolp 7A ..................... :w poi,~ts Stolp 7C ..................... 2a Howard ' 78 .....·.... . ...... . 14 Stolp 7B ..................... 6 Ho\vard 7 A .··..··...........· f.i J:lghth Grade Howard 8B ..... .' ....... .... . 28 points Stolp Wilmette Youth Annexes Place in Marble Shoot Howard 8A .................. 14 Stolp 8C ................ ... . 11 8H SA .... ................ 21 " Roger Palenske. Wilmette's marble wonder of 216 Tenth street, placed third in the Illinois State Marblc: tournament last Saturday afternoon at -0Soldiers Field, Chicago. A. \V. Boyl ston, 220 Broadway, left Boys from all over Illinois particiMonday for a two weeks' stay at the pated. the winner being entitled to Mayo hospital in Rochester, Yinn. enter the national meet at Atlantic City. A h oy from Bloomington won, Blue I sland was second, Wilmette third and Glenwood fourth. Among thos~ eliminated in the first round were Chicago Heights, Chicago, and BerW\'11. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kennedy have moved to 1803 Chicago avenue, Evanston. with their children, Anr:ta Margaret, Archer, James, Francis, and the three youngest members of the family. They formerly lived at 836 Michigan avenue, Wilmette. NOTICE Notice is hereby given to every property owner in New Trier township to have his Canada thistle cut on or before July 5. Any property owner who does not heed this warning shall be liable to prosecution and a ftne of from $5 to $100. John Balmes, thistle commissioner of New Trier township, 839 Cherry street, Winnetka. StoJp -This is the secon d time that Palen ske has brought ba.c k a medal for the 'Vinn {' r~ in the \·arioul:; en.>nts w<'re :u; Wilmette Recreation and Playground followH: board. 2ii Yard Dash, Jo'lrst Grade BI>Y&--Doug Hu ck, 1)an Specht, HobPrt Spugelhaur. <:irls-Rett:y Todd, Dan·y ~f r s. P. \". Bright , 731 Ashland aveKt·nnNlY, Ma rei a Smith. ma· will leave tomorrow for Beloit 2:J l "ard Unsh, SfC'Onel (~rudt· Boys-Ln\vdl ~norf, Hob(·rt Htt<ff··ns, \\'is .. to attend the graduation exer: H. Borre. Girls-Doris )fayhercy, Dorothy cises. Her son, Phillip, is to receive DaviH, Barbara Gilroy. his degree from Beloit college. Miss !;J Yard Da!iib~ Thlrel c~ rnelt· Boys-Walter VonReimqwrg, Billy ~fedo ra Bright, who is also attending '\\'adf', Jack Ragsdale. Oirls-~lar~· an·t school there, arrives home today and f'C'hwall, Dorothy :\I essig, .htnP Brandt. will return to Beloit tomorrow with 2:. Yurtl UuNh, }'ourth c~ rnth· ~fr s . Bright. Boys-Frank Hooper, Howard BaJI, -0Rolwrt Spe<'ht. Girls-.Jan(-' Horsting-, Flore:-nc·e Hanst·n, Vera .-\ rchinhault. ~[ iss Doroth)· Hall. daughter of ~fr. Jo~IFTJI G lL\ JH: Boys-:>0 Yard Dash-John Bartholo- and ~~ rs. Henry C. Hall, 500 Central nww, ~ils And<'rson, A. <'. ~trud,ing, .Jr. avenue. has returned to the University Cirls-25 Yard J!asl!:-Hf·tty J'alt ·nsl<i. of Illinois for the se nior ball after Ruth Solomon, Em1lv S·Jmons . 1· 1· · k 1 ' :.o Yard nnl'>h, Sixth · c; rnd 4· I sp~n< ~ng t 11s wee · at 1ome. She is BoYH-\Valt(·r :\ft·rril, <'t·dl Williarns. to :-;a tl June 29, for Europe on the ~nlwrt nunn. (iirls-.JaJlt-t ~!t-Xuttr. ~. S. Ryndam. from Xew York. ~fr. J. lon· ~N· .SPII<'ry, J· ·a T~ ~lunro . and ~~ r s. Hall will leav e Tuesda · for ,,() 1 urtl Ua!'h, :-it' \ c·uth (; radt· ··1 · ) Boys-H. :-iaxton. <:. (Juinlan, L. ~k- l lalllpatgn. Hal<' . Girls-Huth Smith, ~larg·art't Lindstrom, :\Tary Elch·r. T1·11 Jllnutf' Tf'llllls :10 Yard nush, Ei~thth (; rnele· Sl'\.t·nth and Eighth f;radc· HnyH-Stolp Boys-P. .-\nhault . .J . h 't·I'SIIIl. n. FudlH. 7A-II. V. Soult', ('. Finlan;on. (iirls-Jf·an Lindstrom, Hvth Olsflll, 1. Howard Saxon, 7B-L. :\JcHale, n. Huc-k. · .Johnson. !-;tol}) 8C-J. )l cDermott, <.~ . Older, H. Urmu1 .lntn)t, Sixth (~ rnelt· Fu<:hs. ~oward 8A-R. Anhault, · w. no~·s-< 't>c· il \\' illiams, Rt·X :\lartin, \\·alBlanksh(:lln, A. Delander. 1t · l' :\lt·rril. f:irls-.·\lil't· ~ord, .lt·an :\IunHoward SB-H. Huntt-r, f'. ~ft.· aker, D rn, llt·lt·n ::\lillt·J·. I ft·nderson. · Rrm111 .Ju nm. Sc·n·nth (; J'nelf' Boys-\\'illwrt Kunz. ('olin Finla~· son, ~:anct· Soul··. (;irls-OJi\·1' Chns.-, llt·lt·n :llllllfll l lllllll l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ I a ft. l.nrraint· Hag-nt ·. lmporlen J ~: _ Hrnud .JUJUJI. t: l~hth t~rnelt· n(l\'!-'- 1I . lluntf·r. .lim TYt·rson . E. = Oriental and Chinese I lJ· ·rl<s . . c iir·ls- ~larion t~un<l~· . .l t·an l.ind:-tt·onl. lla;.wl Ku~·JlJwr . ..... ... .. . . .... . ... 7 " lll~h .Jum)l, :-iHf'llth (~rnelr l:or ~-t i . l·"'inla~:snn. \ ... ~oulP, Universal Decorating Studios· Interior Decorations 1223 ADDISON STREET CHICAGO Phone Buckingham 6o 11 ···················································· RUGS T.,. :\Tt·- - lf;tJ, .. liiT·ls-Palvma l!urpt·· ·.. Jan·· l'rnwf,.r<l. Lo·Tnint· Jfag-Ut ·. J:.,~·s-< dt ·!·. <:it·ll-oi-C'ar·olint· 11 1'1'1', :\I an· BJ'(IW!l, ~- = =_;:=_ ::\f n rlon f'ond~·. · Shut l'ut . SP\'.-Jlt h Crall·· B(,y:--Fra nk Hilf·. ' ·· \\'ill ram L:t ilc·t·, \\"illll'rt Kun7. . Eit.!'hth <~rail· · llll(h .Jump. l :ighfh C~ ruelc· '. :\lt·akt·r. D. :\linm', fl. Klun- I~:-- Liquidating $ J 00,000.00 Stock . = ~__ -= = I nurpt·t', Eig-hth c:rallt· I iir·ls-P. rtH·stinP Rt·hn' ns, :\larj11riC' ~taddJoust·, Raint· Burg-t·ss. ~~., ··nth nrnilt· r.iHolmh;ui!-;t·n. .. ls-Palvma I_ J)i\·,. Bl'own, Flora Tt!lf'phon,. Wllmettt~ ~~· i; .~. ,~' '~:;~:, ~:::·.:~:··;, ..~'~r h.::::·,.k" IIU n; II 1 -~ ~I SALES START AT I:OO P. M. = = _: I_ EACH DAY _ Inspection Days Friday, Saturday and Sunday The Open Season for Dining Out There's keen pleasure these days in an afternoon or evening drive or walk followed by a jolly family dinner .lt The Plaza. Fresh Spring vegetables and fruits add to the enjoyment of the many good .things to eat. Come this evening-forget the usual kitchen work at home. DR. FRANK B. ERWIN thfl treatment ot your·. best trlendt the· "Dow aucl Cat" All calls rereln my pusoaal attention 1000 IlL L. J. Gordon, Auctioneer Auction sal~s conducted for Rt>cein' I'H, Trustt:e!:i and A.ttornt'ys - Spednllllng In VETERINARIAN Finance Liquidating Corp. ~ ll!~:J to 12:11 S. lllehlgttn Al' e. t'hltngo, ~lllllllllllllhllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh:;: 111. 'fhone Calumet cu;;t = - Varieties every day at The Plaza. ··· ·~,._., .....,,.-..)~....-.·~~,.-. ·.~,~·....··....··~·.........-....-..·.-.c·.-.. ,~.~·~..-.~·~·~·---··:· ! I 1 1 ! 1rlhce N©Irttlln §lffi©lf® JMl©illln:®~~©Irn §celh©©ll ! ! 761 CHERRY STREET WINNETKA i= I = ' 2 6 Soups Fr~sh 2 Vegetables Fish 1§ Meats (Roasts and Entrees) and Cakes i 1 j .! I I A Private ·school for children from 3 to 8 years of age. Beginning its 12th year on Wednesday the 5th of October, 1927 MISS DoROTHY SEARS2 I 1 I I 25 Salads 40 Pies, Pudding, Pastries § Ice Creams 2 § Sandwiches A 11 Fresh Fruit~ in Season. ll BRARY PLAZA CAFETERIA In the Library Plaza Hotel Orrington Avenue, Just South of Church Street ·=--·-·-·-..-~-·-·-·-·--·-·--. -·-·-·---·-·)-)-·-·-·-·· .'. · : i ! I f Directress 417 Warwick Road Kenilworth 16 3 'II = = "illlllllllllllllllllllllllll l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll i llllllllllllll~ Open 6 a.m. to 7:45p.m. ·;

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