Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jun 1927, p. 35

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June 10, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 35 Orc~estra Plays With Opera Star . · Wilmette Family Plans to Spend Summer Elsewhere \Irs. Arthur E. Ruff of 1320 Hill street an~! their small son and daughter, \Yarren amt Carol, will leave shortl y to . -;pend the summer on the Pacific coast. ~[r. Ruff will .i oin them later. They expect to visit various points from Los Angeles to \-ancouver, returning in Septcmher In· wa\· of the Cana<,ian Rockies, '"ith stops at Banff and Lak~ Louise. The two older bo,·s. Conlon: and Howard. are looking forward to a summer of camp life \\'ith friends at ~orth ~I anitou Island, ~fich . i VARSITY "Pride of the North Short" Friday ~ Saturday RIN-TIN-TIN ( The Wonder Dog) · · I 1n ., . l~athe;ine. Grandquist ~~ccived the plaudib of a large audience for her Tlw fourth in a seric~ oi ninetcc·n :: klll1ul <hrcctwn of the \\ 1lmette Grammar school orchestra which appeared public 111Cl'tings will be held m tlw 1n concert with Howard E. Preston, Chicago Opera baritone la:;t Friday. ..;tudio oi Louis Bour~t>:)i~. architrrt. 356 ~hcridan road, \\"ilmctte. at .1 BUYS WILMETTE VACANT o'clock Sunday, .June 12. ft will h(· o ·o min i k Kollmer ha:\ purcha~ed devoted to the Herald and the forethrough Smith & BrO\\ n, nf .334 Lin- told Di,·ine ~r anifestation of the New :\ nath·e-born Per~ian. thr den aYenue, \\"ilmette. the vacant, Epoch. fronting south 011 Laurel an'nue abut- only Jj,·ing rc~iclcnt of the L'nited Hartmann Brothers, builder:;, hrokP ting the Sanitary district 'r ight-of_,,·ay, States \\·ho pcr:-:onally nH·t l3aha'u'lla 11. ground \\'<:'dnc sda,· br the third and and expects t:> impron:' it w1th a hrick is schtduled to addrc :-; s thi!-> meeting. final hou~e tn he- erected on the \"a- residence ,·ery ~oon. The lot was pur cant tract which they purcha sed last C'ha-;ed irom Herlllan e. Xordhcrg, of PLEASURE CLUB DANCE seasnn on Dupee place just south oi \\'ilmette. Thr ~candinaYian Pleasure club will g-in ih monthh- dance Sat nrday. June ~f aple anmH.·. \\'ilm ette. The fir st LEASE YARIAN HOME 11. at Odd Fello,,-s hall. \\'ilmette. t \\':> hotbt.., thev huilt here were a The prop<:'rty a t l02i Central ave- Harold :\ ndcrson's orchl'stra " ·ill play . <~eorgian and a· Dutch colonial, hoth l\\·ned 1"- ~lartha B. of brick and hoth of which sold as nue, \\'ilmette. C Yarian, has been lea~ecl - for a period !->0 .-111 <h they \\'ere ncar completion. ~I r. and :\[ rs. Jasper ~- King· of E,._ They are now building an English of three Yl·n.rs by ~Irs. Reichenbach, anst on annonncl' the birth oi a son. Colonial. to he oi solid. tan cobred oi Evanston. ~mith & Brown. of 33~ Lind~a,· l<irkett s King. ,,11 \fay 14. brick. One oi the other houses is oi Linden a\·enue. \\-ilmctt(', \H~ r c th e ~f r~. 1-: ing before lwr marria~c \\"as buff brick and the ctntt:r one is ni rl'd brokers. .T nlia I<ickdts. daughter ( ·t \Jr. a11d \[r~ . t' . 1.. T\ickett:\ oi ~07 _-\.-hland h rick. t h t.: contra.., t in 1> o t h cit: sign a 11 cl a\·enul' . rol or !-> o i lll<ttnial u~td, adding to th: SHEPPARD HOME SOLD -0pka . ing e F fe ct o i tht'ir dnelupnlt'llt \lr~. ~largare t K . ~heppard ha s sold ).lr. and :\frs. Charles D. Heller of plan . the re ~ idence at 131~ \\. alnut aYenuc, The late =- t building will compnsc \\' ilml'ttc. to \\"illiam ] . Flynn, of 808 Elm\\·oo<l an.·m1e. and their chil. . ix ru()lll :- . and. a s th l' o t hl'f t\\'t), \\·ill Chicag(l, \\'l!u ha... taken possession. dren. ~lona and frYing. will ka,·e \Jonhl' icatmcd with a tile roni. (her the T he . ah: '"a" ma(k thrPugh Smith & day to spend the summer at ~_'ary, ] 11 l< tq.!t' hrt·ak ia ~ t n ·< ·I ll \\'ill he a com - Bru \\·n. 11l(ldiou . . :-lt:t·ping porch, cnrl(l ~ L'cl ancl l lwatl'd. ;t ncl. in reality afft,rding the \1 i, :- \\'inogcnl· Springer. daughter oi i nurt l! hcdr(l(lll l. · 7? 4 \lr. and '_,Jr~. Gl'<,rgc \\·. Spnng-cr ... Tht·rr " .11 11t' t\\·n til<: hath ntll 1 ~" Fnn ·. . t an·nue. who has ju st completl·d ;!lld ;tl . , (l a l;t\-;tt (l r_,- ;u!d t<oikt 1111 t h. h er ire~lnnan Year at ~\\'l'Ct Briar coltlr -.t fl < ·Or. kg·t·. ~\\'l'd Briar. \'a .. rtturned home :\11 <tttrartin iv<tturc in thl' dt· :- i).!!t 1 , 11 ~atttrda\· nf la ... t \\-cek. oi t l t i ~ lwu-.t· \\ill ht the t·ntranrc. in -<·\\·hich -.uotw j ... u~td in it ... rP lbtruc:ioll . '!. . 1 'I 1 ) ~ F ' ·II t. ()t 1 . k '11 1 I 'I r .\I . ·llH ·' r-... \., . . 1<. ( u - NOW PLAYING. :\ l\\'O car ~ ~-~c · garage "' 1 H' )\ll · tulll\\'a. lo\\'a. art· the J.!llests of their 11: the .rl';tr_ n t tht' 1(ot, real'ht· ~l- 1)\· ,., c\aughttr. \Irs . Henn- Hall , ~00 Crnsl(lc dn,·e trf\m Dnptl' place. I he lut 'r' 1' ;1\·enue. · Famous Child Film Star i.., 42 hy 12X it('t . . 1lartmann Brother~ annnUIIC C' thl'~ in Person a rl' hu ilcl i ng br t h(' 111a rk tt. ,,·it h :\ <\Slf2~ MONEY ON THE SCREEN- . Havt- fuud:- w Ju~tu on choice tm n ·mhcr 1 a~ rtllllpktiPn da te. $2:!.000 prnvPd ~orth Shore Suhurban rt-s\\'iII h t t h l' p r i L' t. ldence property at 51h% Interest. Set- u~ on renewals. Paul Gathtrcoal, 1~11 Highland a\·eE. C. Pauling & Co. with nuc. returnee! la st ~fonday irom thl· 5 N. LaSalle St. MaiD 0258 l'ni\'t'rsity (If Illinois. Mary Astor- Wm. Collier. J,- BAHAI LECTURE Hartmann Brothers to Build English Colonial Residence "Tracked by the Police" The Greatest of All Rinty' s Productions Also ·HAL ROACH Presents I "Eve's Lover" Monday-Jqlln Barrymore "Beloved Rogue" Wednesday-Will Rogers "TIP TOES" Friday-Raymond Griffith "Wedding Bills" = = = == ==· -::_ -·---=--=--=-- Attend Our Matinee Always 68 degrees Cool Only Ice Refrigerating Plant on North Shore Continuous 2 to 1 1:30 · -========:-=-------::--::---- c: "Baby Peggy" NEWEVANSTON Friday and Saturday "The Sunset Derby" -ST ARTING SUNDAY. For Four Days MIL TON SILLS and Corinne Griffith To those who take pride in their knowledge and judgment in matters of interior decoration, our Antiques and reproductions of old masterpieces will find high favor. Quaint old Majolica Vases with shades painted to match make beautiful wedding gifts. m MARY ASTOR in "Three Hours" w;rh John Bowers-Hobart Bosworth On the Stage MASON-DIXON DANCERS 'SEA TIGER' ---------------------------Coming SALLY O'NEIL in a "FiiRht of Steps" BEN HASSON'S TROUPE "Arabian Whirlwinds" "FRISCO SALLY LEVY" LILLIAN GISH ALAN-GOODRICH STUDIO 632 Church St., at Orrington EVANSTON -Saturday Matinee Only- KIDDIES MATINEE "A BARREL OF FUN" for Grown~ups and Children "SCARLET LETTER" Every Evening 7 to Saturdav Cont. 1 to 11 11

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