Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jun 1927, p. 34

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WILMETTE LIFE June 10, 1927 true to life as to hold the attention from the first reel to the last. Teatro del . ) Corinne Griffith in Sparkling Week's "Three Hours" at Norshore Program Scheduled From riches to rags is the evolution through which beautiful Corinne Griffith as an outcast wife. passes in her new picture, "Three Hours," which comes· to the Norshore theater Sunday. Her role is th ;l ' of ·· sor-ietY matrfln who is the victim of circumstantial evidence and the wrath of an insanely jealous husband. This is the sort of story you enjoy more if you have not been told too much of the plot, so tt will be enough to say that it begins on Cl foggy afternoon when Corinne Griffith, begging for funds, meets John Bowers. After she has been given a sum of money, she steals his wallet. The story sets forth her adventure during the following three hours, the ending of whicb i" trnl,· r<' ttl a rl ·ahl e and far from the beatet1 path of the usual photoplay. Add to this a stage show that sizzle s with speed and diversity and you haYc a prog ram certain to satisfy and plea se the m os t discriminating. "The Fire Bricade" Not since Charles Ray played in "The Girl I Loved" has he had a part that approached in dramatic sincerity that of Terry O'Neill in "The Fire Brigade," the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production which is to be seen at the Vil lage theatre on Friday and Saturday. During the last year Ray has become identified with whimsical comedy role s such a s the ones he played in "Bright Lights ," "The Auction Block," and "Paris," and has shown a delightful versatility of characterization in these parts. However. Terry 0 '.1\c ill is a part that would delight the heart of an y actor. and one that affo rded Ray o pportuni ties he had nev er heforc been granted. The storv covers a con side rable pc nod. taking T erry thro ugh th<· " rooki e" s ta g-e to that o f a fire e ngineer, showing th e susorn sc that attend s a fireman . and his ··eycryda y he ro ism . The r o le, whi ch incline s to the dram a ti c, is hal a nc~d by a wealth o f ty p ical Charle s R ay co m edy. MaY :\l cA ,·o,· ha s tht· fl'min inc k acl oppos-it e R ay . . a nd th e ca st include s Holmes Herh r rt. Tom O'Bri e n. Euge nic Be sse rer. \\' arnt·r P . Ri chm o1Hl. B ert ~' oo druff. V iv ia Ogdt.·u. De \Yi tt Jennings , D a n ~.r a so n, Jame s Brad hury, Jr .. EnYin Co nu elly and c·th cr:-. by Village Theatre ··Land Beyond the Law" A phase of history in the great colonization of the '\Ves t thus far neglected by motion pictures is a vital part of "The Land Beyond the Law," the new First National Western production starring Ken Maynar:d which will be pres ented at the Village Theater Monday and Tue sCray. While fiction and screen have shown the trial5 ai1d tribulation s of covered ·w agon caravans a s being due principally to Indians, lack of water, s hortage of f.ood, no picture thu s far has shown o ne of the bitt ere st enemies of settlers in th e e arly clay s, who cau sed most of the trouble for tho se de s iring- t o establi sh hom es irt new t e rritory. . " Th e Land Bevond th e La\\·" shows how gunmen a nd cattle ru stler s, headed bY a di sho ne st cattle baro n. w ere bro ug ht t o term s '"h en th e C nit ed Stat es g ove rnm ent took a hand . . "Frisco Sally Levy" "Fri sco Salh· Le n ·." a sparklin g comedy romat;ce o f -Iri sh -Jewish life with Saliv O'~eil and Roy D'Arcy, comes Ttte sda\' and \Vedn esclaY. \Vil li am Beaudin ~ . wh o directed. ).[ary Pickfo rd in "Little A nnie Roo ney." di r ec ted thi s n e w 1£etro-Go lclw\'n - }.Iaver scre e n hit. in ·w hich Salh· O' X eil plays th e p a rt of a hoydeni sh · and im1~ ud e nt girl court ed by tw o toYe rs. R oy D 'Arcy is th e J en-i sh lover a nd Ch a rles D elan e \· th e Irish suit or. T en e n H o lt z con trihn tes a di stingui. h ed hit of ch a r acte r actin g t o thi s film a s S ally's f a th er. and K a te Pric e a s h er moth er d oes equ ally goo d work. Th e ;-; to ry is rich in hum or, pa tho s and h ear t int er es t. b eing so profoundly La1o Sheridan Road in ~~No Man, s Land" Between Wilmette and Kenilworth Ph. Kenilworth 3980-3981 MATINEES SATURDAY, SUNDAY SATURDAY 8 SUNDAY Doors Open 1 :30 Show Starts 2. p. m., Continuous .. I THE VARSITY Max Reem, noted Danish creator, who designed the costume s worn by Greta Garbo in Ibanez' "Torrent," de signed the gowns worn by Lillian Gish in "The Scarlet Letter," which will come soon to the Vars ity. "The Beloved Rogue" \Yith John Barrvmore com es to the Yarsitv Monday . · Wedne sday the showing ·,Yill he "Tip-Toes,' the film yersion of th e Broadway mus ical play, with Dorothy Gi sh, Will Rogers and Nelson Keys the principal fun makers. Friday will bring Raymond Griffith in "Wedding Bill$." also a Rin-Tin-Tin f ea tur e, "Track ed by the Police." Fran cis Nei1· of 201 N inth str ee t re turned Sunda y fr o m Brown un iv e r s it~·. El)enings During Week Doors Open 6:3 o Show Statts 7 p. m. ., FOR WEEK BEGINNING SATURDAY, JUNE 11 Saturday, Jutu· 11 TEATRO DEL . LAGO S aturda y, J~111 e . 1 I, "S ilver ( ·on lr:Throu g h ." S und a y, Jun e . 12. " Th e C limb er -.." ~1 onda \. and Tu c:-; cla ,., lune 13 ;tntl 14. " Childre n ni DiYo rc(· ." - . \ Vedn esda Y, Ttlll(' 1.~ . " Ric h nu t Hones t."" · · Thur sday an d Frida y . J unt· lf> and 17, 41 T he S un se t Derhy." Th e Cook co un ty la rges t in th e \\"o rld. h os pit a l b ""SILVER COMES THROUGH" with "t ~ razy }'rt·~l ThomJHillll C. ' ome~ty to Act", Sennett "Hard Chler" Aesop's fomt>dJ ~'Flirting With Denth" Skiing SJH:'<'Ial Snnduy, .Junt· 12 the ""THE CLIMBERS" with Irene Rich, flyde Cook "Why f:trls Say Xo," Rouch vomeuy "Chills and FeY('r", :o\JIOrtllght ~ews Fox The June Bride Solves Her Home Problem by Choosing The ELMGATE )londay, Tuesday, .June lS·U ""CHILDREN OF DIVORCE" with ('lura Bow. Estlu·r Unlston "flrt'ns fapers" )[t>rmal·l Comedy "Ko Ko SteJIS Out" Song eartoon ~··ws Klnogrnm WNlnestlny, .June l:J A ""RICH BUT HONEST" with :Xash X&ll<'Y Ullll < ·ha rming· 1, 2 or ::: room furnished apa rtm ent at The Elmgat e is the happiest solution t o the home problem confrontingthe couple just launched into matrimony. No great r espons ibilities for the Bride, as yet unused to conducting a homeThe qui et and seclusion which make the post-honeymoon so delightful-And time to shop and plan for the future permanent home. To the delight of the Bridegroom and their parents the Bride will find economy possible at The Elmgate at a time when economy is most needed and hardest to practice. Optional maid service and moderate rental make this possible -Dining room, kitchen, or kitchenette. ::\fon., 'fues., .June l:!·H 'I ' WO llAYS ONLY llel't of the West! Ken "llaynard a ntl Ills Womler JJ orse TARZAN In J. J<'arrt>l )Jaenonuld "Peaches and Phamhers,. Sennett ComNly .\. )[o,-lf' :.Uedlt>y, Uotlge Podge l'ox Thursday, Frltlny, 16·:17 ""THE SU·NSET DERB.Y " with llary A.Ktor, Wm. Collier, Jr. Charles ChBSl' ('oml'dy Ytnders of the World, Yarlety Reel "St>1U Klnogram I INQUIRE NOW I i I I I "THE LAND BEYOND THE LAW' .\lsu Wed., 'l'hurs., ,Junt J;).J(; TWO U,\YS O~J .. Y ~:FRiSCO"SALLY LEVY" Also "Jungle Ileart"-2 Reel Comedy Pathe Review, Dally News Weekly "l"'orgottl'n Swt·f'tles" Phone - - Greenleaf 2100 - or write Coming Attractions "The Scarlet Letter" with Lillian Gish "The Cradle Snatchers" with Louise F azenda t C)JJt ! I I I 1 - I I ELMCATE MAIN STM!r Kl ElMwooD AVENUE EVANSTON t. + ·· I Fri., Sat., June 17·18 I TWO DAYS ONLY I UTHE PIBE I BRIGADE" With l'lay l'IcA voy, Charles Ray Also Felix Cat Cartoon, Pathe .News I I I I I "Happy days ahe11d-if you choose The Elmgate" 0 · · 0 ·················· 0 ·· 0 0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .,._ _ _CHill._........,_ a-~-·-- ··· · ~-

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