Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jun 1927, p. 18

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18 I ' WILMETTE LIFE June 10, 1927 ION Christian Science Churches wa~ the subject. of the lesson-sermon "CHILD .G UIDANCE, Pres. Edna Dean Baker Tella Alumnae of New Ideas Ahout Diacipline; Mrs. Phillips Is Re-elected "Child Guidance," ).!iss Edna Dean Baker, president of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college, told the mC'cting (lf it:; national alumnae or ganizati(ln assembled there Saturday. "is a ne,,· term for something similar to the old ·control' and 'dis-cipline,' yet different from these in many ways. "It calls," Miss Baker said, "for a more thorongh knowledge and under standing of the child's inheritance. en vironment and (·xpcrience, and a dttermination to provide the right environment in the home, the church anrl the school. and. as far as possible. in the community." Between 200 and 250 alumnae and student guests were pre sent at tlH: meeting. A processional of reprcsen tatives of classes from 1896 to 1927 endtd in the gymnasium where a picnic luncheon was sen-ed. :Mrs. Harn· G. Phillips oi l ·:,·an~t .. n. elected national president Ja-.t ~· l· ar. was re-clrct('cl to ufficr·. '·God the Onh· Cause and Creator" A HARD L.ICB It's about as much of a job for a society climber to penetrate the "400" as it is for a Used Car to get access to· our display floor. T.b e car MUST HAVE THE GOODS. C.M.McDONALD IOIQ DAVIS STREET Phones: Univ. 224, Wil. 214 A USE-D CA~ IS ONLV AS DEPE-NDABLE-' AS THE- DE-ALE-R WHO SE-LLS IT in all Churches oi Christ, Scientist, Sunday, June 5. The golden text was from Revelation ~ :11. "Thou art \vorthy, 0 Lord, to receiYe glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they arc and "ere . created." Among the citation:-; ""hich compri.,eel the lesson- ·ermon was the following from the Bible: "\Vhither shall I go hom thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up to heaven, thou art there: if I make mY bed in hell. hehold, thou art there. ·If I take the wings of the morning. and dwell in the uttermo"t parts of the sea: Even there shall thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me" (Psalms 139 :7-10). The les. on-sermon also included the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," hy Mary Baker Edd.\· : "God i:-; individual, incorporeal. He is diYine Principle, Love, the universal cause. the only cheator. and there is no other self{'xistencc ... He fills all spacr, and it i:-; impossible to concei\'c of such omnipresence and indi,·iduality except as infinite Spirit or ).1ind. Hence all i~ Spirit and spiritual" (p. 331). ~Irs . Charles \\'. La Bountr of Everett, \\'ash ., is Yi~iting at t.he home pf her niece, ).fr~. \\". D. Robinson, l02(i \\·ashington aYenue. Red Cross Will Give Course in Life Saving E,·ctnstott ~upporters of the activitin of the Chicago chapter, American R l·.d Cro:.s, nf \rhich the local organizatiun is the EYanston branch, are intcre:-.tt·d in the cour~e of study to he featured at the Red Cross life-sa\·ing instittl~l· to be held June 16 to 25 at Lak e Lam 1. Lake Delavan, Wis. Life guards, phy:-.ical director -. a nd BoY and Girl Scout leaders will at t cn.] the. institute. Its announced aim i ~ !·J make ·'n ·cn·bodv a 'swimmcr- l' n ·:·, ,twimnH:r a ii fe ~ayer." . The lredale Warehouses Offer This Timely Service at a PRICE! -or:-;, John Hoffman, I r .. l' tltntainl·d at bridge last Saturday evening· in celebration of her hrst Wl'dding anni Yer:-.ary. ~1 Protect Your Overstuffed Pieces Against MOTHS! Don't give MOTHS a chance to eat their way throu.gh your expensive upholstery and rugs. Our fumigation rates have been lowtred that we might keep our Vault busy during the summer stason. Take advantage of these reductions. Special Price Former Price $20 $25 Three Pieces $16 $20 ' Davtnport and Chair $12 SIS Davenport $8 $Jo Two Chairs s.. ss One Chair Minimum Charge $2.50 Large Rugs $ 1 Small Rugs soc Let us safely store your Furs. CALL WILMETTE 1332 And Our Pick-Up Truck Will Call A Reflection of Dignity and Good Taste At the Better Jewelers ~ I 1723 BENSON A VENUE In Winn~tka at 560 c~nt~r St. Phon~ Winn. 13 3 2 In Highland Park at 374 c~ntral Av~. Phon~ H. P. 181

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