Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jun 1927, p. 4

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4 WILME~TE LIFE June 3, 1927 A. S. VanDeusen Seller of Good Fo~od Central Ave. and 12th Street Phone Grocery 510-511-512-513 Meat 514 Judge Ryner Finds SEEK FLOWER GIFTS Favor With Voters FOR SICK AND NEEDY A long North Shore. (Continued from pag-e 31 Yoters in Kcw Trier are looking for-j ward wit b pleasure to the priYilcgc of I killed by frost if the flowers arc regagain casting- their ballots in fayor of ularly ·ctlt and ncYcr allowed to seed. the candidacy "In tllL' ras<.' of perennials this rule of Judge Ira does iwt work. It hl'ncfits the pcrcnRyner of\Vilnial plant to cut the tlo\H:r, hut it dm·s mette, chid not impirc it to htcomc a continu ou..; justice of the flc,\Ycring typL' . ).lost ptrt:nnials prnCircuit court ducc ()JH' or two crops oi fl(,\\Trs ,,·hirh who is a cutting doc:-, not increase. though it is candidate for !rue that cutting hack not unl~· the reelection to flower . .;, hut all the growth f,f dL·Ia judicia 1 phiniu1ns, ior ~.·xample, tnah·s thl' post · in the second cr(lp a IH?t tcr one. election to be "The ruk :-.hould he to cut anttuab held Monday, a" liberally as possible, ha,·ing rl.'gard .Tune 6. for the proper display in the horckr" Judge Ryand tu cut perennial:-; more :-.parin ! ..:ly , ner h.as been cutting only tho;-;c flowers \rhich art· a /estdent of 11ot needed in the garden picture. The 1lmette for annuals \\·ill he replaced by natur~.·. hut 20 years a.nd Judge Ira Ryner the pcrennittls \rill not." ha s a \Vtde acquaintance throughout the north shore. His home is at 1415 Hill street. ).fr. and ).frs. F. ~f. Swirls have re The lofty esterm in which he is held cent h · mon·cl to \\'ilmcttc from Edgchy the legal professiou in Chicago is watc;-, and are now occUJ)_,·ing tht ·ir indicated in the fact that he \\'as given Jttw home at 1001 Greenleaf avcmll' . third position in the Chicago Bar as-o. . . sociation's li st of twenty endorscmenls ).1 rs ..-\nclrl.,,. \louat 01 ol(> l.;tk(· for judgeships in next ).fonday's ju- i 1~- l'lllll' . spc~tt. t_he ':·cck -end. and Dccora dicial <'lection. He has the distinction. t ton day \'1:-.lttng; 111 \\'a:'hlllgton, Io\\·a. also, of haYing been nominated by three tick<."ts in the forthcoming elecJ udgc l~ynt·r i~ numbered a111ung tlw tion, tht Democratic, Republican, and north short'\ piunet·r commuters and La ,,·yers · a~sociation group. ma\' Ill· ~t·t·n all\· mornin'-!' of the \H'l'k Judge Hyner, prior to entning- the making hi:-. \\"~lY ,,·ith . hundred;-; or judicial ranks, was for 1? year~ a~~(l other :-.t!lmrhanite ;-; to make the i : )~ . ciated with Colin C. H. Fyffe, one of H t is 11ot ;t gnlf er hut . ad111its IH· ha ..; the best kno\\'11 legal firms in this part trimmt'd and ~1as in turn hel'n trinm :· . cl nf the cuuntn. hY the hcst of them in the cunimutt:r· . . The l'ni,·cr~"it\: of Xehra:-.ka and thl' (1\·oritt pa~timt of audion lnidge. Han-ard La,,· school hoa:-t J udgt· Ry He ;~ a randidare o n the ('paliti (lll ner as a graduate. He is a Phi lkta tickd c u n1pri~ed of 1L'i1 Dell1ocrah ancl Kappa. ten Republicans. ...,... i Jrd to.· ll. th SUGAR. The hnest quality oi cane granulated. Only, 10 l>Otltlds ................. . FLOUR. Richelieu. The \·ery finest tlttality of patent flour, in cotton bags. 1-g bbl. 72c $1.17 35c 3o·c I T I I E~~~; 1:t~~r.~t~t·c·e~l. ~-.r~~~: .................. JOe BONELESS NATIVE SUGARED CURED CORNED BEEF, pound ............... . FRESH OR SALT OX TONGUES. Pout1d .. ·........................... _.. . vv COFFEE. l\Iy O\Yn Blend. Equal· to any coffee in cans that sells for 59c to ()5c. 1{b. . ..... O~~~~E~... ~~tl.i ~ ~ 1:1 ~ i.a.' .:-~~ ~~~ ~ i ~: f: )~· . Jt~ i.e.c: . . . CEREALS. Quaker ()ats. Larg-e ~ize. Packag·e ............................... . SOc + I I 29C c 25c Battle. Creek Corn Flake·, pkg-............... ·.. 9c Shredded \\'heat nistuit. pkg-............ . 12 0 IVORY SOAP. Larg·e 10 oz. size. 10 bars ............................. o Cl'1 20 .1) · 67c AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP CHIPS. 49c CAMPFIRE MARSHMALLOWS. Lb ............ . 40c uo l)ars 111 . 1 ., - ) )OX, ~~--c.)· 10 hars ........... . Large 2 3-4 lb. pkg· ............... _ ...... . 'fhey have no con1petitor. AMERICAN FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAP. PRICE'S EXTRACTS. :\ln1 ond, Len1on. Orange, Rose. \ -ani lla. 4 oz. bot. 72c; 2 oz. bot. WRIGHT'S SUPREME MAYONNAISE SALAD DRESSING. Quart Jar . . . . . . . . . tl C PRUNES. S\veet. Santa Clara, 40-50 size. Could anything be finer. or cheaper than prunes. Pound .......................... .'.... sf) 38 C . 121. · 2C Are His Things Hard to Clean! .T hings hard to clean in the ordinary tub-his underwear, hosiery-all his laundry. We'll wash and iron it all to a king' s taste. RICHELIEU PEANUT BUTTER. any Brand n1acle. Equal to 10 oz. jar ............. . DINER SWEET GARDEN PEAS. Excellent quality and the greatest._bargain I ha,·e c\·er offered. Dozen $1.4-0, can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solid Pack. :\o. 2 can. Doz. $1.60. can REPUBLIC TOMATOES. First quality. Sahara Toilet Paper. doz .... . 90c Richelieu Matches. 6 large boxes, pkg-. . ............... 30c Brooms, No. 10, each ...... . .. . 60c Clothes Lines, 50 it.. \\'hi te Cotton Braided, each .... 40c Richelieu Catsup, pt. ....... . ZOe 27c 12C 14c ~ I I I A phone call-Wilmette 6 0 6-brings our driver! 1Iazola Oil qt............... 60c \Vesson Oil. qt. .............. SSe Palm Oti,·e Soap, doz ...... . $1.00 Lihhy Corned Beef Hash, 1\'o. 2 can ................ 3Sc Pure Cider \ 'incgar, qt ...... . 18c Ho1ne Laundry A. F. DENZIN, Prop. 52 5 Main Street Phone Wilmette 606 1

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