Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jun 1927, p. 52

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52 WILMETTE. LlFE II June 3, 1927 JUDGE C. M. THOMSON ·jl RUNS AS INDEPENDENT , Winnetka Man and Two Associates Cold-Shouldered by Boaaea, but Backed by Bar Three independent candidates for .reelection to the circuit court of Cook county are making the liberation of the judiciary from politics their campaign issue. They have been ousted from the Coalition judiciary ticket, which includes 20 names, to make room for three other candidates. The se three independent candidates ~'ere endorsed for re-election by the Chicago Bar association in its primary election. The three candidates who :,upplant them on the Coalition ticket failed to get this endorsement and arc Jllen ·without experience on the bench. The names of the independents, Judge Charles M. Thomson of \Vinnetka, Judge Oscar M. Torrison, and Judge Frank Johnston, Jr., will appear on the ballot under the heading '·Independent Judicial Party." JudidaJ election will be held 1.fonday, June 6. Explain Issues of Campaign The following statement explaining the situation was issued by the managers of the independents : The three judges who are candidates on the Independent Judicial ticket-Judge Thomson, Johnston and Torrlson-were {"liminated from the so-called Coalition ticket by the political leaders, for the sole purpose of making some places on the bench to be used by the politicians as r ewards to some of their aids. That this was done without regard to the records of service, which th~se judges had made, and in spite of the fact that such record was good, is attested b:r the result~ of th<> Bar association primary, in which all three of the sitting judg·es r t> ferred to received the endorsement of the bar. It is further apparent that this action of the politicians, in attempting to replace three of the sitting juages with thre(' of th('it· political workers, was taken without any r ega rd to the quallftrations of the latt er: inasmuch n.s none of these men, nut on the Coalition ticket hy the nollticans, r ceeln·d the endorsemt>nt of the bar, in th(' Dnr association primary. 'I'h is~u£> in this campnig·n is simple and (']('ar. The QUPstion i!'l wh('tlwr th e public is willing to eount('nanr(' misuse of politiral powc r hy th(' politirians in making a conv<>nienC'e of the hcnch : and whC'th(·r such politician!'l will he JWnnitted to put judgPs of exJH' l'i('nC(', with g-ood records, off the bench, mcrc ly to enable ~hem to us~ .the placc·s th ey [Ire occupyIll ; :,~ pohttcal plums for distribution n nwng t hos (' of their work er s who, tht>y fN' I, nrc entitlPd to some r£>ward for spn·iec·s re nd erf>d or to be n·ndere<J Independent L.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' · I eluded North shore young people are inamong the honor students at North Shore Students on 'I Howard Preston Is N. U. Scholarship Award Soloist in Concert at School Tonight Judge Chas. M. Thomson Charles M. Thomson, who is a candidate for re-eledion as judge of the Circuit court, was born in Chicago in 1877. He was graduated from the Chicago PubJic schools and the Chicago Manual Training school. He then attended Washington and J efferson colleg-e, where he was graduated in 1899. Three years later he received a Master's degree from the same institution. After completing his college course he attended Northwestern university Law school, where he was graduated in 1902. He was admitted to the bar the same year, and immediately entered the general practice of the law in Chicago. In 1908 Judge Thomson was elected to the Chicago City council, from the old 25th ,,·ard. He served in that body for five years, when he was elected to Congress from the lOth District of Illinois. Aitcr a term in Congress he was elected a judge of the Circuit court of Cook county, in 1915. He is 110\\" closing his second term as judge. In 1917 he was appointed by thr Supreme court of Illinoi s to the Appel late court hench, and he has been a judge of that court continuously for the past ten years. JUDICIAL CANDIDATE .\hram D. G<~sh, Chicago attorne y, \\'ho~e hom e i~ at 527 Central a,·('JllJ··. \\'ilmettc, is a candidate on the Citi zens ~::)I)-Coalition ticket for judge of the Circuit court at the Judicial election 1f on <lay, ] une G. ~f r. Gash is a na tiYe of ~f aeon count,., ~fo . lJ e is a me111her of the Chicag~ Law institute and of the Illinois Bar association. A CORRECTION In Ro:'enherg-'s 4-pagc adverti~cment the 5 pc Luncheon Sets, Of all Lin '.? n Cra~h at 3.95, :-.lwul<i read at 1.00. Culver Gordon and A. M. Zimmerman of \Vilmette are graduating from the High school <iepartment of Kemper ~1 ilitary ~chool this season. The commencement program started on ~lay Billie Jordan, son of Mr. and Mrs. 28 and will continue until June 3. Richard \V. ] ordan of 51() Fifth street, -0spent the week-end and Decoration Dr. and 1fr~. Donald M. Callie of day Yisiting his family. ·Billie is a stu1115 Elmwood avenue, a'ccompanied hy dent at the University of Illinois. Hg ~fiss ~fary Keens of Toronto, Canada, expects to return to \Vilmette to spend ""ho is their house-guest motored to the summer about June 8. Lake Geneva, \Vis., over the week-end -0and Decoration Ja~·. :\f r. and ~frs. ]. V. Claar oi ~[ iami, Fla., have heen spending ten da \'s Yis-o~frs. David Crabb of 925 Greenleaf iting Mr. Claar's son and wife, 1[ r. and avenue and Mrs. J. Hugh Foster of Mrs. E. A. Claar of 933 Elmwood ave921 Greenleaf a\·enuc have recenth· re- nue. They are at present in Indiana turn ed from a short visit in Lowell. Yisiting- friends. Ind., where they were tlw guests of -a~f r=-. E. R. Lynch. Robert :\f. \Venhan of ()()() L:-tke -oavenue. left \\'ilmette \\'edncsda\', 1fr:;. ~r . LeRov ~finor of ()20 Linclet' 11 ay 25. ior a t\\'O months' tour ~If avenue returned ~fondaY. Ma,· 23. Europe. He sailed on the Mauretania from a three months' visit 111 Phoenix, from New York City. Ariz. -o-o\f ,..,._ S. T. I frtn'" of St-. Louis "~"'t · ~fr . and Mrs. John P. Booth of 504 td IH·r snq and daughter-in -law, ~h. Fifth street spent the t)ast week-end an~t :Vf rs. . L. Hayes of 911 Lake aven·ith relati\'es in Lake Bluff. Ill. nue, OYer Decoration day. various high schools in the United A concert of noteworthy significance States who have just heet1 awarded in grammar scho.ol orch~stral a~hieYe scholarships at Xorthwestern. univer- ment ,,·ill he gwen thts even111g at sity for the 11ew year. startmg next eight o'clock at the Howard :;chool September, according- to Dean .,Ray- \\'hen the \Vilmctte School orchestra. monel A. Kent of ~ortln\'estt'rn. I hesc composed of thirty-fi,·e pupils iron1 scholarships carry "·ith tht'm tuition the local schools, will be prt:sclltl·d valued at $125 in each ·case, and apply with Howard Preston of the Chicagt 1 to the College of Liberal :\rts. There Civic Opera company, as soloist . arc some sixteen high school students! As far a~ is known, this is thL· fir,1 from Chicago and Yicinity and among time that a grammar school orche<r;t the studenb there arc t\H'111Y men :1tHI f 1 thirty women. In nca rly enry cc~se has accompanied · · a singer 11 f o 1 ~uc · 1 the students awarded the ~cholarsh1p:'i standing: that tt lS capa J e 0 P aylll :!· are among the fi\'t: kadcrs in their· such accompaniment is worthy oi con Nort 1 high school graduating- cia~ :;. 1 1 S icterable C::ltnmcndation, according t.' shore students arc E:;tcll<' Englehardt local mu sicians. That the orchc st ra of Winnetka, and \I arion F. \Volf of ·ha s achicYcd considerable success in \Vilmettc. its development is det}lOnstrated 1~ _, . the fact that it wa s invited to play 111 the · recent music memory contest:-. at W. C. T. U. TO MEET Orchestra hall. The Winnetka and \Vilmette \V. C. Proceeds from this evening's concn t T. U. will meet at the home of ·Mrs. will be utilized in the purchase oi a William Prisk of 222 Catalpa place, set of kettle drums as a part oi t ll l' Wilmette, at 2 o'clock, ~Ionday, June 6. school equiptnent. The general pu J, _ Election of officers for the coming year will be held. All members are lie is urged to attend. urged to be present. PICNICS COMING SOON Mr. and 1\Irs. Peter F. ~[cCall of Sunda,· school and church pknil·, 530 Eighth street. will attend the arc heit\g planned in several churcht· , graduation of their daughter, Edith, of the village for later in June . :\lo -.1 who will graduate this next \Yeek from of these outing~ arc held in the F11rt ·· 1 St. Joseph's academy at Dubuque, Pre se rn·s w<>~t of the north shnr(· 'il Iowa. She has completed her four lage s. years of high school " ·ork in three years. Miss Harriet ~reCall is also a ~1r. and ~fr s. A.] . Elias and <hug:lstudent at St. Joseph's, a member of the sophomore class, ' and \\·ill return ter Marian. of 521 Sixth stret:t. ki t with her parents after commencement Saturdav, ~fay 21, ior Bay City. \fich .. accompanied h.r a school friend, Miss to atte1~d the. marriage of ~f rs . Eli;t" · Josephine Festa of Omaha. ~eh., who sister, ~[is s Helen Dan·is. Bay l'it \· will rem a in a week. · is the iormcr home oi Mrs. Elia.;, an t) while there they ,,·ere the !.(tlt'""' t·i -aRobert a nd John ~fahan . ~on~ of Mr. he1· parents, ~fr. and ~fr :; . ]. Dan j, :lnd ~f r~. \V. R. ~fa han of 718 Elm- Tl~e \\'l dding occurred Tu~.,·.;da .'·· .\I ;1_, 'd :o wood an~ nue. haYe left \Vilm ette to en- 2{ and ~fr . and ~fr ... Flia :- expt.·l· L ter their father's hu~ine ss in Bloom- return Saturda~·. ington. Incl . Robert has been associ-0ated in the bu siness for sn·cralmonth c;. ),fr. ;tnd ~fr-:. J. l ·. Gapl'll L 1 i C) J<) hut John. who ha~ ju~t reccnt lv fin- I·:1m wood a \'t'n ue ha \ ' l · t h l'l' (' hou ;;;c i'-> hed ~rhool. ldt this pa:-t \Vcek -e ncl. l.!llnh \·i.., iting them at the l't'l'Sl·Ilt The,- hot h ~Jlt'Jit DL'C c·ra 1inn · da ,. \\'i ' h time: ),fr'-> . Archil' F. liracti,,rd (1 i :\ utl1eir parc.nt:;, hdore k:t\' inl!.· i1erma- ~- u~t;t, \\'i" .. 'rho i~ t'll )'(J\Itl' ca,t t11 nently ior Bloomin . !..'.ton. ;lttrn<l her dau~httr's ~raduati011. and j , '->ttlppinl!.· in . \Yilm et tl' i"r a ,!J , .rt )-fr..;. Harry Gri swold ·has rented her ,·i:- it. and ~fr. and )-lr.;. J()h!l Cclm n:tn homr at 619 St' \'l'nth ~trect and i:; sta\· - ·1f \fnmnc·. \\'i .... \fr .;_ Cl'ill'lllan i ~ :, ing for the prc~l'llt at 531 Eighth strr~t ...i:-.tn ()i .\fr. CatH·n. until she leaves \\'il111ette for an ex- ·- 0t<'nrlcd trip ttl California. She expects ~[i..,:-. jcandk Hulli~tt:r. daHI.!htt ·r ll to return in August. OYer the past \\'eek -end and Decoratio n day, ~fr s. the Clark X. Holli :-tl'r.; ni 123 .~ Fhn Griswold Yi~itcd her son and daugllter- wo(ld an·nue. ltft Thur:;day, Junt · ?. in-law. 1fr. M.nd \frs. Cri~wold of fnr a :-. ix \\Ttks' trip thrt11l !! h the \\·l...,t. She 'will h(' acC<Jillpanil·d hy :1 ('(,Jkgc Racine, \Vi s. f ri ('11 d, ~ f i.; S }'!ort II Cl' Jioug·h ton ( I j - o\Vaukcgan . '!'hey plan to vi~it friend..; 'Mrs. Paul Casterline nr- Xll l:orc:-.1 in mam· (If tlw large citil'::; along- tht· aYenue, accompanied b,· hn t \\'o ~on~. C(,ast . .including ~an FratH: i. . t·r, and J i 111 111 i (' a II d \\. i Jl i ;~Ill , Jt it \\ _.j J- San Dit·go. lllt'ttr Sunday. ~fay 29. to spend a - () month in Alle~· an. ~lich .. with her ~~ r. and \f r:-.. Samp:;on Du~tan Coopmother. Mr s. \Villi<~m Gibson of Hub hard' vVoods. \\'hilr in :-\lll·ga n they rr (HdtlH' Lav ~Iarkens) of Detroit. will stav in ~fr s. Crihsnn's cottage, Mich., spent the past week-end anct which she occupies Inost oi the sum - Decoration day \'isiting· Mrs. Conpcr·~ mer. narcnb. ~f r. a11d ~f r~. Elia:-; \f arkt·Jh oi 120 Dupee place. -0~f r. and ~f rs. C. A. Keller and their - oson, Charles, of 820 Grt' Cn\\·ood avenue. Mrs. Donald ~f. Gallic oi 1115 Elmreturned 1£onda,·. ~fa,· JO. from a mo- wood avenue entertained the Thnr' tor trip through. \Vis~onsin. They in- day club at her home, Thur:-~day, June 2. rludrd Chilton, ~fanitowoc. and Two -oRivers in their tour. M rs. L . . D. Price, sister of Foster -0-· Branson of 817 Central avenue, arriYcd ~[r. and ~frs. H. R. Hitchcock and their daughter. Betty, of 906 Green- in \Vilmettc, \Vednesday, ~ay 25, 1 t) leaf avenue, spent the past week-end; 'ipend the summer 'vith her brothrr and Decoration cia~·. at ~[adison, Wis. and his {amily. The,· made the trip in their car, re-o-turning ~Ionclay, ~fay 30. Tweh-c guests helped to celebrate -athe birthday of Carleton Kaumeyer, son Several Wilmette \\'Omen wilt attend of the Carleton Kaumeyers of 601 the benefit bridge to he g-iven at the · Linden avenue, at a house party held F.rlge\\'ater Beach hotel, Friday, June at the Kaumeyer's summer home in 3, for the Service club for Girls. Chiwaukee over Decoration day. () - . ... I 1

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