Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jun 1927, p. 51

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June 3, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 70 t;t ANTIQUES ~_2________ F_o_n __ s_A_L_~_~__J_ro __ ·~_s_·_:s_ · ______ f_u2_ · _______ ~_·o_n __s_·A_L_E ___n __ o_~_ · s_E_.s_______ ld_s__________ R_E_A_L __ E_s_T_A_T __ E__________ tte.BBARD wooDs . BUNGA .· [..,Q'x ,~ J::ug·)i:;.;h SlUCCO hOUS<', 6 rooms, ~ full V\ 1~his \Veek~s haths, attached and h eat e d garag·<', li\'- :-;:.HALL ARTISTIC SHIXGLE DUXUAing room 22 1hx13 f(!et, 2 porclws, co'plow in Hig-hland Park, splendidly loPt·r Sl'I'C(·ncd, m e tal W<:!al h e r stt·ippcct cated, co 1w e ni c nt t o transportation and throughout, Ht. "\V. heat, N'okol oil :-;('hool. Consi!-;ting of 5 rooms, 2 bed- ~. K WIN~ETKA, 7 HEAVILY WOODeq lotH, ~125 pe r ft. Will not divide. '·lll'nt·r; ground 5Ux1GO ft. A charmiug rooms, hath, furna ct· heat, garage; on small hous e in (it·lig-htful n< ·ighlH>l' hood . a b ea utiful!\· wooded lot G6xl80. Pt·icc K E. Winnt>tka, vtry artistic 6-room ~:!:!,GOll, I>rkc for quick salP. t:\,500. Tert;l~ . home. $20,uuo. lll<:liL:\XD PARK lttl· · t·(·~ting small frame h o u se, 7 rooms, 1 :~: ::! Park Gl<'ncoe 702 .\djn ce nt to Indian Hill Club, 6-rooms, !,ath, I car garag-e; d e lig·hlfull .' · ~ itu . s ip. pot·dt & sun porc h . Lot 60xl65. ~~21:rx::ti-l te :tto-d in Vi(:w o f tlw l:tkf· ; grr,lltHl filix $20,000. 1:::..> ft. Pric<' $17,:100. ~2,300 \ ":H'a nt, l'XC'l)_ltional \'a!~(·. 100x12:>. '\Yil ·: I.I·.:XC~)E .. \i W lO :\I FIL\:\I E: ;~ . 1:El>ROO:\I~. Sl X lo w Tid. , \\ mnc tka. $3a per ft. 1 00 ' ltr·J<'P ~, ' ':1 flt tJ N ' '! hou ~f!. dl·stg-tH ·d . 1JY j pon ·h : hot \\':tl1· r ht·at: g·arag-1· attaclwu.ln ·.autiful (lien Oak Aeres. Owner will s<:ll n··~Hl ·· trc h~t l:<'t. ~plen?·d. f.'r:nst.ru<·t~ot~ J,ot !illx l :i!·. [rnnll·cliat <· J>()Ssr ·ssiom . l'rie e for 1, .! :-u.:tunl \ ' a]U('. 180xlii0 apt>. \\'oodl llloughout . .l hr ·dJoomH, l.t l g,. ~l··q nng ~Fiioll ·d \II · . . . t· · Fil· homes JI IIJ'(·h. 2 bath~ on 2nd floor, 2 hl'dl'l·om s ·. · ,. · : ·.. ' _ t~llJH~\ ~ nH n s m. t '-.! 1111 :l rd flo o r; 1 <'a 1· gar:tg-1·: f!ould e I~. I~. ~ .tdJollt. ~2a pe t ft . :-. hatl· ·s lhroug·Iwut th t· houso ·: ga~ ran g·p IGII \Yiun c: tka .\\ (·. l'h . \\' inn. 1XOU \\"llnwttt· E. s idt·, \'ery fin(' loca tion, old :tnd rl'frig·. inC'Iudt ·d . Prin· $2 1;,;,oo. 'l'ltis G2J...TX~6-ltc hom t', g·ood (·ondition for r f' mod e ling l.tous' ' is · in JH·rf r· t'l t·onditi·m <ttt<l in Lot 50xl!10, filii ' large trees. $10,500. t tt r · ~ t <·o m ·o· nit·nt lcwatiou . 1:\' ()\\"Xl·~It, TX EX<'L. "\XlJ HE~Tl!. ~· l IA~~IS p;~rt of n~,dnia. x( · \\' 7 rm . ~>rick and 1-l'i .\c·rt ·~ . $!l25 tWr acre, C'XC'dl e nt golf 1 ~ · · · ~ ~ :-tiJ ill ' h ou~t·. :: l1aths and Ia\'. Pri\'. 1 sitt> or good invl·s tm e n' ::! I ~ \ "i 1w A,.~'. 11 i~hland 1':1rl\ rnaid '~ quarlt · r~. Stnnt.· lil't·pla'h·. Larg-e l'hon1· llighl anct l':t rJ.: 12!t!t Jh-. rm. nml sun parlor. Htd. gar. rl 1-4 .-\ r rt·s. Kotz P..d . $2,250 p e r acre. :i~ L'L':'\ :~ fi-ltc ]~ a\'i ll t· lot o n }ll'i\'. r oa<l . 1 hlod{ to lal.;1 ·. ·I hlks . to dt ·pot. llt'aHon. 1Hti 4 ·:.! .-\ c· r~. · ~. mostly woode d, adjacent tu \\'ilcl\\'o,,d law· . 'I'd. lligh. Park 1S:1:L Tndian Hill. *6,000 pe r aer . ri2LTX:lG-ltc.: 1;,:: .\ c rt's, short distanl' P from "\Vimwt ka , 1~ .\l. 110..\IE OX BE.\l'TrFl'L "\VOODED fin £' lot ·ation for g-olf co urr-;e. $1,100 J)C' r \' lT)[ EV8R¥ i\TOI>ElC'\ COXVENIcornl'l' \\'ilnwtt· ·: larg· ~,. dining and ··ttl·,.. ('lost' to tran~portatiou . On main Hlt ·t·JlillJ.!,' J)Ol'<' hi·S; huilt - in tuh: \'HJ)Ol' llighway. Suhst:tntial k rn,>m hous e. hr·at: douhll- ga ra g-1 ·; JH ·w df ·C'orations : .\l ;111~· l·tho ·r g'C1od ndu, ·::-: in :u·r·· JWO}l< · rt~ l·'qur ht·<lronm~.:! IJ:tl lt s, lavatory on 1 IJlcJ('kS to :-tation. Spo·1·ial pri<'t· $1:1,:ifl0 . . , 1s t flour. H"('111Y su11 pador. I lot w att·r lli!Jt'o· td' :'\orth Slwn··s IJl':tlltiful ll f' W T· ·nn:-:. lto ·at. 'l'wo ear garag·" with :unplt· livlHill H·:-: will lw n ·auy for inspecti o n thi s iu~ quart ·rs fnr st n ·ants . 0\"f'l' 2 acn·s \\'t ·t'k. Lol·atr·d in th e most uniformly ··I· ground ('lllllpldo ·l:; · · twlo~c·d l·r hig-h 4:!1 4th ~t .. hi g; h-gTado · st·!'tion. Th(' r (' art· no oth e r "\\.i I. 2i60, t:ni\·. !l!Hti\ IJI'!Ig-PS. Bt·autiful shruhh, · r~· . tl't'I ·S, and honH' s of ~Ud1 hig·h elaHs c h a rnC't c· r nt ii2LTX!lG-ltc la wn . ,.\ n ·al find for a di~('l'imiuatin~ sud1 a pri<-· ·. l,uyer. J.'< >R ~ .\ LE !i Jl()O:\f BH.ICl.:: YE~EEH houst>, sun parlor and sl<'epi ng· porch, ( lflil'l · OJio ·tl X :::o .·\ . :\f. to 10 l'. :\f. hath, tilt· floor and walls, la\'atory on first tl· ,o r; bn·akfast nool~: wate r h eat; \\'; tl l' h tho · ~p:ll't> fo·r ).; o rth ~hort:'s l, <>st ~ r-ar ~antg(·: lot :)O x160 . .Just r oml'l ·:tl 1'Htat 1· lou y~. l: :: \\'ilml'l t ·· ..\ \'· '. pll'ti ·(J. (J\\'llo·r on prl'm i:ws Rund;ly b e:-,~ L~ti-1 tc t w ~1·n :! :no and :; :Oft p. m . Price $20,0UO. l.ist ~·our pr<IJH · rti· · ~ with us. l';l:i \\"ash ing·ton .\n·. PhoJH' '\\"il. !l19·t hy itl\'f·st ing· lhl·ou::dt niLLS 52L.:l6-tf<· l'rotit Best Real Estate Bargains . F'OR SALE HANDSOME AN'l'IQU.M rosewood sofa, perfect condition. New Russian Sable two skin scarf. Bargain. Univ. 6112. 70LTN36-ltc * --------------------------------PIECE MULBERRY VELOUR PAlt :~ a FOU SAIJf~-HSEHLD. GOODS \'Valter P. St11ith & Co. lor suite. $60. Also boy's spring topcoat age 12 or 14, $5. Winn. 1255. 71LTN36-ltl FOH RALE BABY SCALES, BABY IH·d. dan·npo rt, table, radio and cabinet c·hair, :: lamps. Phone '\\·inn. 2294. 71LTN36-ltc FOR RA LE $650 FRIGIDAIRE MA · chitll', IH'ac ti ca lly new, at a bargain. _ \Jso dr:qws and carpets. Sheldrake :l25·l. 71LT36--tp i~ C.:\SI-I Stult l\.ealty Co. WTU. TO Jll"Y-HSEHLD. GOODS . RS 'f C \\T IJI W .\XTED 'TO BPY - SECOND HAND furniture and othf'r household goods. H iglwst prices for same. Crost Furnitun· Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone Uni\·. 189. 72LTN36-tfc \YA:\'TEJ> U~ED 864~. A CC<aHilllTilitlf 3Jf IHI@ IIilll ~ Brunswi<·k B- :1~5. PORTIERS. CALL or write Wilmette Life 72LTN36-ltp ;:1 OLIJ FOU S ,\I,F.-JIISCELLANEOUS iH,A.f'K WALXUT PIECES AND h(·droom set. Oak bedsteads and sideh;>a rds. :1 c h ests of drawers. Silvertr)llg"Ut· organ. Home-made jams, jellies, and <:lwrries, in pints and quarts. Oil, \'fl l'nish, l't(·. Dry colors. Colors ground in oil. William Topple, 175 Ridge Ave., f· or. Hill l~d., Winn. Tel. 280. 73LTN36-ltc (')H·rr\· I-I cinscn Realty Cotnpany rm . \~.TY. 0 Til(' . I CH.\XDLER'S TYPEWRITER DEPT. Offt>ring this week-end a 3-bank portahle rnd e rwood Typewriter-$50 Model -for $:15. Complete with case. G:!o DA \'IS STREET n¥.~~~6-i~~ FOR S.\LE DARK REED BABY huggy: hath-table and rubber tub; _ Gordon motor erib, in perfect conditi o n. K e nil. 18:Jl. 73LT36-ltc j.& . \ l' 111<;1[ PHH'ES .\XI> li llY <'hoice J1, ·a l Estatt· :tt unu s ually low l'l'il 't·S. 1 ha\·,. SP\'t· ral dt ·ddt ·d harg;aill R i n ( :lt·Jwot· nt·:tr Slwl<it· ( 'ountt'\' Cluh f ro m $22 ,500 111 s;;-,;,:;oo: a lso, · \'ac ant !'acing tlw (' IUIJ . Full par·th · ui:Jr~ g·in·n ··h o·f·rfully. I'RE~E:-.:-T F01! !-iALE Hl ~.\l "T IFt'L FIYI~ Itl\f. <·o rn1·r hrkk bung·a lo w. Tilt· ro o f, IJath , sllOWt'l', oil lwat , gar:q,:·,. to matd1 ltuilding. All impro\·t·l)H·nt~ in and paid for. Tt·r·ms. Pri <'l' $ 1~.nnn r edue<>d from $:?:i,itou. Frdr ·l'!';, :2tirtS La\\T{'IH'f' A ,·e., ('hicag-o. :i:!L1'X:l6-tfp . TQ)TI llllcti1 l.Q) TQ) Q2) ~\9 @ ll.JI @'Zl'\ ll.(}w v llrmt?V .L!il~ n 0 llitt!t Sht ·ridatt Hd . 'l\ ' 1. 'Vii . ::7 40 Tn front of Tt·a t r o Del Lago 56LTN36-ltc WT ll. TO RL"Y-JIISCELLANEOUS : ill S. nt·a rhorn St. llluff 8t., (il··w ·,, . Handolph (ISSO (;Jt ·ti{'Of' 170 ,-,:! LTX::li-lt c "\\-.-\XTED f'LEAX WHITE RAGS, hlc FOR S .-\LJ·: Ji l!· EL:\l\\'OOD AYE. , ,11 WT H. TO U F.X 'I'--:ROOJIS w r· Jh. 1~22 Central Avenue, Wilmette. 1 \\'iltll t: tlt ·, S l'nt·ll1 framt·; hot wat vr ht.; 'i4LTN36-tfp term~. O?.·nl'r Phon e \Vii. 2!:!l!l. \\".\X 'I' I·~]) l ·xFCflXIRHEn 4 OR 5 52LTX:~6-tfc roollls in nortlwrn sulmrhs. Reasonabll l'l'!lt. .\ddl't'ss "\\"ilnwth~ Life B-336. 57LJ6-ltp "FOU S .\1,1-:-Y .H' .\'XT ;,:I HI]~ S,\LI: : - IJl ' l:l: .\ttl> \\' ()()!)~ r ',,J .. nial stUtTU . }WU Ht · ~ \'1':\l'H old; :; })(· UI'·HiltlS: 2 ltnths: ··xtJ·:; toild aud Ia\'.; l:o ··gt· li\'in~ room with tirt·plat ·t·; sun ' '"'111, diuing 1'00111. kitdH ·tl and ht't·a]{- \ ~ :\C_ \X'J' 1:\1 PltO\' EI > 111 FT. SIL\])Eit E.\ST front, rip! · ror huildlng· : sm,tll l'<l~ll paynll'nt, ' halanc·t· t · :l~~·. 1f you \\'ant tc. build :tt till! '··. will lal;;t · SPt·un<l mm·tg;tgl' IJ:w].; on lo t. 66 W .\ Yl' E II TO B l ' Y-JHH ' SES Country Day Group to Make Continental Tour A group of girls from the North t'a~ t nook; l ' tll'I(J~ ~·d \'1·:-tihult·: tlool'<·d :t tti <·; automati1 · hr,t wat t·!· ht·att-r; l-'1 ·igidain·; h()t wato ·r ht. with oil lmrn··t·; ChamlH·rlain nH·al \\'t·ath t· l' s11·ips 1 hrouglwut; 2 c:ar garagt·: fillt · \\'oodt·d it ·t. LLild ~capt· d. < 'nnn·nit-nll~· lot·:ttt·d. ~'W JH · r h·aving- city mu~t so ·ll. l'rii'P F. J I. Cathercoal I~ school. accom\\".\ XTEU Tn Ht"Y ~TX ROO:\f RTP.ICT - ~1 wn.· Country Day 1,\· modt ·rn homo · in l'hokt· ioca tion , (·a~ t panird ])\· ).[r:-;. Charles of the school, siclo · \\"ilmdlt · or nvarhy suburb, ahou t ill :-ail ) unc 2S on . the Mount Royal. ~:?0 ,11011 . \\'ill ~···nsich· r \'ac·ant lot. Gi\·e fr 0111 Quebec. to spend the smnmer fu II dda i Is . .·\dct l't·ss Life B-:!29. 66LTN35-2t c \'1 siting Italy. Greece,. France, a!1d En- "" I:: \\'ilmdl t· .\ ,., .. "'ilm· ·ttt · ~2:i :.:1 r.:ai-1 1(' 6 ; \\' .\\TEll TO Rl "Y-YACA:X'l' g land. ·' I:·,OUO. S1\llTl-I & I n{O\ \ 'X Elm St. Phon£' "\\·intt. 11:.!1 :i:!T:r:'-:::G-ltl! FOI~ l~EXT ta ~ · ·· .lui~· BRICK I:LOC'K~ JJU~GALO\V. FRO:\f STE.\:\f .\Xll XOHTil ,...;hot·\' lith' ; (i r OIJ ill~, :; lwclrootlls C\11 fir~t floor; tilt.: floor bath ; h. w . h eat; h t·a tt·d l'Un rooni ; (IJH'Il hot el\ porcfJ; lt··:t\'il\· wood ed lot ii Ox~OII: garng·e: .\lri ,50 li. Ownt ·l' anxious I·) ~· · II. \\"ill nl; tl<t· t·asy tt-rms . J~ddington ~ & 1\llen :i:!L::t~-1 Exclusin· "\g· t · nt~ 1" l.indt' n Av t>. End rd' .. L" \\"il. ltt7 -·!ItS t(' d aughter oi the Ralph D. Cushmans f i.N (~reenlc:af avenue, Glencoe. FUH RJ;:XT. ~ .\LE-l·T rlXTSHEll FOlj R ~!\ ~ I i ~:-; H r len Bell. daughter of the Laird room log; l':tllin, ~~·J't·etll'd p o n:lw::-: , o n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Belb. \\'innetka. \\'ill be with the :\lcH,sv Lah, llaywanl, ·wi~ . Inq . ~ . .J. USED CARS Kt·llllt'l', lla~· ward. \\'i~ . roup part of the time, and Miss Mar~ 0~ EASY 'I'ER:\Tf-; eu,· with co nfid<>nee from W e r s t ed. \V e g arl't Emih· Lynde. daughter of Mr. g:u:trantt'P s ali s t':-t l'tion. a nd ).1 r:'. l,..ornclius Lynde of 864 Br~· UK\L EST .\TE · ~ ~ F o rd Touring- ..... ... .. ........ .. $7 5 a nt an·nlll', \\"innetka, ,viii go as far '2 t> On ·rland Light lh> li\·err .. . ..... $22 5 '22 n odg·t· RNlan. n ew paint . .. . .. .. $15 0 a:' Pari:-; with the party. ~~~~~~~---~--------~ l·THX. Sl'~L\fEil COTand Aug·. On :\£kh. shorC'. 1 lt ·light ful )O ('H. Fin t· IH'fl C' h . nunniug watt ·!', toill-t. ~~ hrs. dr·i\·p frolll l{, ·a~. "\\· inn . G!lO . . ii5.\L'I'X:1G-1t c \' .\l' .\ XT city.! \ \'innetka. ).fi:-;~ Frances Alschuler, \\'1 L.\1 ETTE TH .\'r daughter oi ).fr. and Mrs. Alfred S. ha~ all irnprl,n·llh'llt~ in . ~~u ~ t Il L ' do~ e :\lsc huler of 795 Lincoln avenue, \Vinto 1 ' . & X . \\' . P. . 11. t ran~portatiou . Ad Eleanor Cu~hma1~. dn' ~::-: Lift· J:- ::(10 . ti7L::G-tf p 11 ctka. and ~I i~~ l.<tT IX \\-.\X'l'ED The group mcJudcs M tss Joy Fairman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F red \Y. Fairman of 600 Ash st.reet, - 0 FOR S.: \LE [n Btautifill Glen Oak .:\cres S HUll .\1 l:l~ii'K SI·~:\Jr-HlTX<;.\LO\\' 0:\' \\'oodt ·<l .\l'rt· TJ·at·t. I fot "\\·ntt·l' Ill'a t, .\II :\lodt ·rn < '·lll\·t·n it·IH 't'H; 2 ear Garage, $27,500.110 . \ ' I'THAl~TJVE S ROO~[ WHITE COLti 1!outn 1lrkk nung·aJow. Lot 2!\f,xJn, Jiot \\'otlt ·l' Jlt'Hl, :\IOdl' l'll ('oll\'t'lli t' ll('('r-;, "Itial; hot watt·r lwat; ~ f'll C' lns(·d JH 'hN:;.; .\ t tadwtl :! 1·:tr C:aragt·, ~ pkndi<l gnrn.g·<'. Owm·r lt·a\'ing . Off('rs ~ 1 ti,OOO. OO a l,uy at $3 0,000 . ., I !tH till I :rick Hu ng·a lo\\', on P; l \'t·ll J!oad, Lot i : :x~t; :-, , I lut "\\' :tll'l' ll1 ·:1 t. .\II :\Iod1'1 '11 l'on\·o·llil'lll't ·s, Uarag·L·, $l:;,oun.no $7:i.(·ll llt ·tttotl :; 111 Lintlen Avf'. l'hon P "\Vii. GS 52L36-lt~ (hyner l\IoYing to N C\\' Hon1c II.\~ 1· XI>EHPRTC'ED HIS AT'~'I!AC: t i\··· 7 nn . hom e ; wnt<'r ht. wtlh otl hurn<>r; ~ baths; <'X. toilt-t & Ia\·.; \nl.lls !'Hit\'assPd & painted; ~un par. w1th Ft't'IH'h doors to lawn . Lot 1f\Ox210 IJC'aut ifully plantf'd; htd. garag<': $2S.oon. Phone Wil. 640 FOR H.EK1' & Bn.th, on Ridge Ave., "\\'atPr H e at, Jtnon1~ : Mr. and Mrs. George Dorman, formerlv nf 'Vilmettc, entertained three all former \Vilmette friends. ( ·ot~pl~:-. at a hou c-part~· over the week-end iO A~1'TQTT ES and Decoration day. Mr. and Mrs. Al-----------------bert ~. Page of 901 Ashland avenue. RPECJAL SALE ..\T ~Ir. and ).[ rs. Howard L. Fogg of 818 "THE WHAT-XOT" B. :\Irs. J)i l'l<t' off1·rs in a ,. ry SJ)l'(' ial se 11- Ashland avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. t ing, · walnn.t. f'lwsts at $10, $1:.i,. ~ 20 G. Callt)"·ay of 920 Linden street, m~de and $2:;. ~pool & Postc·r R <>ds-s tng·Je up the party that motored to Ponttac, or in pairs-$(i to $2 5. Odd Tahl e' H . ('hair~. l>Psks , Quil.ts, Dny Ih ds, n nd Ill., to visit the George Dormans. Mrs. ( 'o\'l'l'lt·ts. ,\ largf' C'Oll<·(·tion of <>n.r I~· Dorman is the daughter of Mr. and .\nwric:tn g·JasS\\':tr<>-somf· of whi ch J\Irs. \\Tilliam Holmes of 622 Central " ·ill mal~·· idt·al w<>dding- g-ifts. AI so avenue, 'Yilmette. ·lm·unu·nts and print~. ROR \L\RfTT:\C:TO~ RTREET E'\~ A:\ RTOJ\1 I'. m. :\fain St. "L" P /2 Bl. R Riclgof' A\·e. 70LTN'3G-1 tc · Dodg·<' Touring .................. $12 5 fr:tYn f's Ronrl~t f' r, new JHlint ... . . ... $25 0 WERST.ED :\IOTOTI CO. . l5 :itl:! Lin col n An.'. 'l'el. Winn. 1fi 68LTNa6-t fc ' ;?:! Hot -o-- F. Cole.n1an Burroughs & Co. ll:i7 ·wilmette Ave. ii~L:lG-ltc POTI S .\I.E -ONl<~ .A ND TWO DRAWl~n s~.~ win~ or bedside tables, <'Urly map le n.nd che rry. Chest of drawers, · lli ne Phone '\Vilmett c ~64 RO:: Ridg·C' .\ w. hlnnket chest. 917 Greenleaf Av<>. W il. \Vilmettt·, Illinois. 2725. 56LT31>-1tc 70LTN36-1 tc Mrs. C. B. Hunter, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hoyt King of 711 Forc!'>t avenue, will leave Friday. June 3, to spend three or fo~r weeks in Eril·. Pa. Mrs. Hunter w11l return to her daughter's. Her own home is in Blaine, Wash . .

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