Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jun 1927, p. 49

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- .Tune 3, 1927 / WILMETTE LIFE Howard 1\liss Larson 4?. " :\liss Cor co ran Theoline Lund Ruth Bersch Marjorie Warble Alice Nord Helen Miller Kathlyn Welter Girls June K~hJ Pauline Kehltng Dorothy Air Florence Sellery Jane Moore e r s Announce School Track Meet Events The \Vihnettc Grade school track meet will be held at the Viillagc Greet. on Tuesday afternoon, June 7. The events will start· at 1 :30 o'clock with the 25-yard dash for first graders. C h~n g~s in the meet thi :-; year will include '25-yard dashes for botl1 boys ;~ nd gu·ls 111 the ~rs t, seco nd, third, and fourth grades, and a ha s~ ball throw t or seve nth and e1ghth grade g-irls. The meet will close with ten niinute team races for seve nth and eig hth grade boys: This is a novel event in which three boys compose a team , one member of which is running all the time in an l'tHleavor to steal a lap on the field. Gold. silver and bronze medal s will h e awarded to the winners of first, :.ccond. and third places in each event. Each room will b e allowed to enter two contestant~ in an e.vent, th e third entry wilt be used only in case the first nr seco nd cnt nes arr SI'C k o r fail to enter for some o ther rea so n. The olftcial program and entries in each eve nt follow s : ' Frank May Bruce Meeker Albert A chiiermann Ed. May Art. C r a m er 'Valter Harrman GO- Yard Dash Sixth ( ;r a d ~· - y. e r n t <; t. t ... " : ... t t' Official Program :!::i-.rard uash 1st grn<le (;iris :\Jargn·t Hors ting Ali ct> \ ·a rn Py Be tty Matth e ws Darcy K e nnf' dy Frances Akf' ly Xancy Robb Josephine Ru sso Julie Mcintosh Eugenia. Sh e rry Arlinf' Li}}SCe Elea nor Llpsce Fratwes Hohe k :\larcpy Smith H il<lt·gn rd~~ \ . oe llH .Ja1w Pemberthy Betty Todd I>o ris Patterson Pt·ggy Boost> r :!::i- Yard c ~iris d d S Time 1:30 Schools f't:ntral . " T each ers :\Irs. Schur . :\Irs. Ci lbe rt Laurel ::\Jiss ·whitmaM.< .. r. .. :\Irs. ·!Zlegg:\fiss F e rri s .. H o ward :\!iss Sloan . Dash 2nd ( :ra<lf' ~ r 11 (l (' d r 1:' a l' Hdty Fut·rman Francis Ebt·rlein l·:lai nt· Ruek 1 lt·lt ·n Pn·s('ott Jt·an Halliwt> ll llap hnt· ( 'raig l{uth 'Vd:wl Harhara. c: ilroy I Joris ~taylwrcy :\Iaho·l !:-khuflt'i Lois Kun;,p]rnann \ 'i l-ginia, Blt·Ht'l' I lnrot hy Pt·rst·r I!l'ltY Shafo·r t :uo · rHI ~tlyn H arvo·y 1 lt~l'ttlhY l)a\ is :\Ju1·id · Kl·llnt ·dy I ro ·n·· J: ro wn ~ .-.- Yard 'l'inw 1 :40 Sehools T Pach er s Central :\I iss Turne r Miss .;armody Laurd " J,~fH H :\Trs. H t· ron Jon(·S . :\fi!:'s ., :\I iss DPt'k;·l' Huwanl :\£iss :-.;;lSh " ll:tsh Third c; iris Tim· · 1 : ~.o ~chon Is :o-:uz;t 111i·· ~pin11t · y l:o ·raltlin o · ~tank s .I ;t II··H I \ ' ( ·S .I, ·;lll t 'ntl ··r . lf ,·lo ·ll ~tiio · H ll o ·l··n :-ih;lll· · 1 f· ·kn c·.. ndil .\l ar.v L"u l'..t ··J's nn Huth ~fw; o · l ~t'll\\'; 111 ('t ·ntral T· ·a1'11..r·s .:\Irs. l!urtn· ·r .\fiss ~mitll ,, :\Irs. nutz :\hrg ar· ·t II· ·I.' I ·I h~· ~Jassa~ · 1 · , , r"ll E tknhurg.l <t ll·· l~randt I.· ·is .I <t llt · T!llho·J·ts ··.,t ll· ·rin· · I; II')<.: ~~· nwns FfJurlh c:ra<lo· 'l' inw 2:111) ~l'!1no Is To ·ac·]Jt ·r s ('.,ntral .T:cno· !f " r stim~· :\I iss Tlorclkk l·: lt·;uHw \\' illi:un:-: " :\f:1ry \\·:cirl· ·rwr :\Jrs . Fl ootl J·:lt·:tn"r Bttrp···· Yin..:inia Snors :-ihirlt·Y ::'lh!!ill :! :-·- Yard ]lash Flnrt·J1,·t· 1-hn sn n PhYlli s Wl'lmr<l so n J·ai·nant · Hagcladi c:o ·l'tl'lHlt · Htwk F1·a nt· t·s Hasldns Ho ·lty :\forgan Yl'l·a ArclHIInhault H oso· To st'an i Barbara Bc·h r :\Irs. I ,op;an Ho\\' a rd 1~l; · nn(lJ1 :\lbs lirickt·Y . : \I iss ..Loftus - Da s h Boys Paul ~Tcwrt · .\ndn'w Hussn .ln('k "\llwnrth ~.ll- Ya rcl Tinw 2 :1:) School~ 2:i- Yarn Dash Tr> ~1ch· · r c·,.n tral ( 'entra 1 Cc:ntral Howard )[iss )f<' Parttin :\[isg nro\\'11 :\lisg Fox Billy Burrill ?;lUI ~oult> .John Rartholomt:·w Howard Hf'rbon Hi<'harcl '\Vithrow .\lfrt--d ~tnH'bing Edwin Lan<'e .Tanws ChamhPrs Louis "\nrlprson Leonanl Proc·hnow Fr··<l 'Toscani nun Rrnad .Jump Boys Rog·t' l' Fridman < '<'<'il 'VilliamH .lot> Hays ::'lli!Ps :\[<'.Donald Walter Merrill Robert Dunn Hf'X ::\lartin Herbert Naper Donald Campbell .Janet McNulty Jean Munro Lorraine Boure Ruth Bersch :\liss La r sou H o ward Theoline Lunde " " Marjorie Warble Alice Nord Kathlyn ¥leiter Helen Miller Ro~·s- Uuu Hroncl Jump-Seventh Grade-1:-I;J o'clock Stolp 7A-Vance Soule, Colin Finlayson, l>on :\Iatthews; Stolp 7B-Steve Hotr - kins, David Hall; Stolp 7C-Buddy Howard, Ale x l\fcL e an, Hank Crawford; How· ard 7A-RobPrt (;olden, Albert Zibble, Don Pavalcek; Howard 7B-Dick Huck, Hank Specht. · Boys Billy White (;Iris-Run Rroad Jump-SeTenth Grade . Stolp 7A-Virginia Buck, Helen Taft, Margaret Harris: Stolp 7B--Virgima HawDick Cordts Paul Gulllcl<son ley, Margaret W egner, Georgia Vosburgh; Stolp 7C-Janc Crawford, Mary Lauer, Bob Moore Mazie Mouat: Howard 7A-Loretta Anderson, Gladys DeLang; Howard 7B-Sarah Edward Nathan Holmhanse n, Lorrain e Hagne, Olive Chase . Boys-Run Broad Jump-Eighth Grade T eddy Flsh·~ r Stolp 8A-John '\Varre n, Charles Kramer, Martin Johnson; Stolp 8B-Ed. Dierks. Grant Syke H Jarvi s LingE> I Jack McDowE-ll : Stolp 8C-Harvey Klunder, Robert Fuchs, Glen. Older; Howa.rd Roddy Joyce RA-Fre d Willie , Paul Anhault, Gordon Ruff; Howard 8B-Harry Hunter, Jtm Douglas Huck Ive rson . Girls-Hun Broad JumP-Eighth Gracle Oscar Arnason Stolp 8A-Mario·n Condy, Jean Lindstrom, Mary Brow; Stolp 8B-Clair Simon, Victor Kl ebn. Dick Haas Margaret Bickham, Ruth Cohen; Stolp 8C-Welhnan Cobb, Florence Hanson, Fannie Bob Spiegelhaur Brown; Howard SA-Be tty Buckett, Kathline Grownlng, ::\rarjorle Eldred; Howard Robe rt Henderson 8B-Betty Burrows, Wilma Guenther, M. Mergenthaler. Boys-Ron High Jump-Seventh Grade-2:00 o'cloek . Don Specht Stolp 7A-Colin Finlayson, Vance Soule, John Withrow; Stolp 7B-Willie Kunz, Be rt Simons Billy Bruce, Da'i.·e Hall; Stolp 7C-Alex McLane , Henry Crawford, George Quinlan; Eric Samuelson Howard 7A-Albert Zibblf', Kermit Simons; Howard 7B-L. McHale, Dick Hue!{, Pau I Potte r. Girls-Run High Jum)l-Snenth Grade Boys Stolp 7.A-Virginla Buck, Helen Taft, Mary Eldred; Stolp 7B-Virginia Haw\\·ay n e Ft>ltma n John Gleason le y, Margaret ·wt>gn e r, Elsie '\Vade; Stolp 7C-Pa1yma Burpee, Jane Crawford, Bob Anderson Olive Brower; Howard SA-Alice Edmunds, Lore tta Anderson; Howard 7BH e nry Southwkk J. 1\lcConnaghey, OliYe Chase. Boys-Run High JUillll-Eightll Grode J a<' k Randall Stolp 8....\-JnC'k H e itman, Jim Laurisdon; Stolp SB-Don :\linor, Jack Mee; Stolp Benjamin l\l c K::t nnon Lowe ll Sarorf 8C-Harve y Klund f' r, Ben '\Vilson; Howard SA-Gordon Ruff, T ed Buck; Howard Dav;d '\Vhite SB-Lowell .John son, Ca rl :\leek r. Girls-nun High Jnnt11-Eighth Grade Phillip Rog-ers Stolp 8A-:\fa rg a r e t Stockhouse, Mary Brown, J ean Lindstrom; Stolp 8B--Lo!s Harold BotT<' Honwalt, Ruth Coht>n, C laire Simon; Stolp SC-'Wilma Cobb, Ruth Allworth, Fanme \\"a lte r l\TcKi bbe n Brown; Howa rd RA- Jsylt· J o hn son, Carolin e Herr, Betty Buckett; Howard 8BFrederick 'Vhi t e Clara '\Volff, :.\Jary Boozer, Agnes Sehwall. Hohf'rt St~>ffl'ns Doi~-:;o Ynrtl nnsh-SPnnth Gnulf'-Thne 2:40 John 'V E> It ~> r Stolp 7A-Hugh ·Saxon, Don :\fatthE>ws, (;porge Eber; Stolp 7B-Willie Kun ~~. . \Va n e n Ruff SteYPn Hopkins, Harry K~' nny; Stolp 7f'-J. Zipprich, Gt>orge Quinlan, Frank Pal.Jark .:\nhault zin; Howard 7A-Boh '\Vaterg, Don P:u-alcek, S. Brook ::;; Howard 7B-L. M cH a lf' , Dirk Ross f'onra d .Andt·r so n , Erwin Foslund. T!ussel Olson c;Jrls-:tO Yarcl 1lash-Sennth (iriHle Stolp 7A-Yiq:;inia B uck, :\fary Elde r, Helen Tart; S to lp 7B-Virg inia Haw~ ey, J-f ph-n HO\n·r, r.t·org·ia Y osshurg-h : Stolp 7C-~rargar<:'t Lindstrom, .J. Kampmc·ter, Htt\'S .r a n ·· ~pimw~·: Howa:rd 7.\ -R uth Smith. Lucy :\h·r gn n son, Elizabeth Fowlt.:r; Hn\\'I·:tlwin Cni: ·~~I'Il\' o ' a r<l 7B-Sarah Holmhans~·n, Lorraine· Hoguf', O li H · ('hast·. .T oh n Lindstrom HO.li'-:10 Yarcl Hnsh-Eighlh (:rude rt 'l'lwrrl Ful"-s Stolp 8.\-.Jad;: If (·itman , Xor. Hn·udig-an, Bi lly ~lwrman; ..;tolp RB-l'lon ~Iinor . 1 1 ·'·"· 1k K"· ·n· ·n Shf'r\\'oo<l :'\pJson: ~tolp ii('-.J im ~kDt nnntt, Boh Fuch!:l, nrl·nfeld O ld er; Howarri H nn1t· r Do n l·rn 1\ "\ - l'<t ul .\nhault, .·\r ia n lld.andt ·r, '\Yaynl' Blank:-;Jwim: H<·ward 8B-.Jim IV(' !'· ( :nr<l rm K;·it ]1 son, Junior :\Iorg-an. \\' alt· ·t· \ · on I!t·insp .. r~: Wrl..;-:;0 Yat··I na~lt-Ei~hth Oratlt· ...\ll;tn )f ili s Stolp 8..\-:\Iarian ('< ·Jidy, :\I nrg·aret Sta Idwu!' e, .Tt·an Lind s trum : Stolp SBI Jon K autn·' Yt·r Ciair S im son , Franct' S Lutz , Ruth l'olH·n: Stolp SC-Ruth Olson, Eth I Cook, Bthf'l 11ill\· \\. :.1(1· · Shanl<': 1 ln\\' a,rd S.\-I syh· .Juhnso n, Ruth :\kConnng-ht·~·. :\[:cry Tl·rr<mt ; Howard .la('k f{ : u~:sd · t I·· 8B-Clarn. " 'olfl', ~larjorit> lfa<"ke r, :\[arjorie :\fl' rgc·nthal t- r, .\ lb··rt ,\ nd1·rson B·a~-shot l'ut-SeH·nth Gra·lt'-2::w o'('ltWk T1ill .\nh·tult Stolp 7 :\- ·Fr:111k riiky, .l· · n~· \Vil snn, D. 1'nrkL·r; StoiJl 7B-Stl· Ye Hntlkin~. n.ny H\Ton l!an shu ,·,!· Kiml,;lll, Foslo-1' lJt ·nndt: ~tolp iC-B ill Larlt·l', John Ziptwrit-k, :\filton Vore ; Irown .. n:tld H o· rmans<· t1 anl 7.A-Roh ,\.Htl·rs, Harold Kn oble ; Howard 713-Ci aud :\Iaim, Hank Spevht. Hoys-Shot l'ut-l:t~htll (:rat)(· Stolp 8..\-lJill Sl·lll· r~· . Ralph Klin P; 8tolp 8B-Ed, Dit>rb, S. Nc:lson; Stolp 8( ' HoY!' F. Kt·nnedy, r;, Olde l', I~oh Fu(·hs; Howard 8A.-Arian J) t--La ndl' r, Wayn e BlankE tlw· · r;l · :\f·' " s ht:im; Howard SD-llarry Huntt>r, Dane Hend e rson. Bi llY K · lll f'l) ')" (:Iris- Pla,\'J,rrouncl Hall Th r·nw-Sncntlt (: rucl ('-2: 30 o'clock .r :im ns 11urril Stolp 7A-Louise Pft>fft·r. )larg. Harris, Yirg-illia Bud{; Stolp 7B-l\Iarg. WagFl"lnl<: Hnop· ·r n c·r . Eli:t.. Balhatdwt. Harri et L eac·h : Stolp 7f'-P. Burpee, Olive Browe r, i\Iary n;nv r '"Hh· Lau l..' r; How a rd 7..\-Aike Edmunds, Loretta Anderson; H o ward 7B-Doris Goo(! \.', .\I hn1 Qg·i lvi f' Lorrain e Hay . · J ohn F l'P'l"l'; f' l(s ' ·" Wrls-Plnrgrounll B~11l 'fl1row-F.I~hth Grtule ]):1 ,.id f'rns!-'Y Stolp SA-Bc: tt:r Schwarm, Marg. StoekhousP, Virg·inia. Hanson; Stolp 8D· Frances Lutz, ~[ar:r Jane R eed, Ruth C'ohf'n; Stolp XC-Raine Burgess, Mildred · J oh n Acl·"11·< H ow:t rcl Tial' Ande r so n, Florc: nc e Hanson; Howard SA-Betty nuek ett, :\Jarj. Eldred, Cath. GrownHow nrfl Ruff ing ; Howard SB-E mistin e Hodgpog, Wilma Guenth er. FrNl L1Jrlif!'f'l' Hoys-T«>n ~llnute Team Raee-'rlme 3:00 Rnh Snf'c· ht Stolp 7A-Vanee Soule, Hugh Saxon, Colin Finla~·s on; Stolp 7B-John DavidGeorge Grepn son, Fred Rohinson, Bob Hess; Stolt) 7C-Ge o. Quinlan. Bob Tiye, Bill Larlt·e ; Art D e Lon~! Howard 7A - R \VatE-r::;, Albert Zibble, D. Pavalcek; Howard 7B-L. Mciial~. H e nry Sp echt, Di<-k 1-Iut"k. Do~·s-Ten Jllnute Team Rnee-Eighth Grade r. irl<l Stolp SA-.Tack H e ilman, Billy Sherman, Royal ::\lartin; Stolp 8B-Jack ~rc Rt"tty p ...dPn<:ki Dowell, Ed. Dierks, Paul Jones; Stolp SC-R. Fuchs, Jim McDermott, Grenfeld ElsiP Von R e in<lperg- Old e t·; Howard SA-Paul Anhault, Arien DeLandE>r, W. Bla.nksht>im; Howard 8B.T Pn n ~Hr'1 <· · H:wr:r Hunter, C'arl :\If't:> k er, D. Henderson. Rntl1 Snlnmn·1 :\fary H'\Yt·~· Katl'rin,.. TflJ .. r ~fr. and ~frs. \\'. \\'allacc Kerr of ~vi rs. F. E. Da vcnport of 404 Gregory No Entrie~ 707 Fore st annnc have two house a\;enue will have as her guests for ten F:milif' Si'lnn:-: VirC'inia Jont'S Kathryn HoPfmoy pr Tit>ttv Collin-: Loi~ T,anPbnrgEile n Jordan l:irls .JunP KPhl Paulin~' Kc·hlin~r Boys Jot~ Hayes H.ogf' r Fri e dman Cecil Williams Waltc·r ::\lerrill Robert Dunn Otis Gooch H.ex ::\lartin Donald Campb<·ll J o hn Cutle r J erom e )J'evine Billy Grant John o~born e Art Cramer Mars hall Doos(· Ed :\lay Time 2 :3 0 Tea'c11crs Schools )[i~s Scott Central " l\l1ss Julian l\Jig!:l Yan Horn e Sixlh Grado· 1 :~0 SdlO(l]S f';>ntral '1, ., "1 ( ~ l 'I < I ,. g-uests visiting them at the present time. 11iss Beatrice \Vurcer of Detroit, Mich., is here for a week. and Miss ~[arna :Mann of Ontario, Cal.. is also their guest. Their son and his wife, Mr. and 1I rs. \V illiam Krrr of Ja·c kson, ~[ich., vi~ited them over the \\'eck-end and Decoration day. -(J- days, her sister, ~Irs. Clyde J. Allen of Pittsburg-h, Pa., and her sister-in-law, ~f rs. S. F. Pitkin. and her son, Stephen, al.;o of Pittsburgh. They will motor to Wilmrttc. arrivinR June 5. Sunday enning ~lr. and ~Irs. Davenport will entertain nineteen guests at tea, at a family gathering in their guests' honor. .\1 iss .Tulian Dorothy Orr .Tnnf' M"lnr~> of 111() Elm\\'o::>d avemw, who ha s ~'i'lorence Sellc: ry been making her home with her son, JanPt M"~111ty has moved to 2218 ~fa pie avenue, EvJean Munro anston, where she 'vill make her home. Marjorie Houghton ~f rs. J. A. -oGeorgc Turner of 1019 Ashland avenue entertained twelve friends at cards, Monday evening, ~fay 30. The group are all member s of a whist club that has been merting for several years. l'ox, mo ther oi B. X. Cnx

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