+· I . ThiS Issue-The Story of North Shore Golf-Page 29 1 WILMETTE Man·h 1.~. Hit .~. T'11bli.<~herl L I .F E PRICE FIVE CENTS wrekl11 rrt the uy Lloytl Holliste1·, Inc., 1222 Central Ave., lVilmette, Illinois. Entered a3 second class matter po,~t office at lVilmette, Illinois, under titP Ar-f ,.,f Mnrrh ·'· 1R7!1 . ,c;:,,b.ctcriptinn price $2.00 a year. vVILMETTE. ILLINOIS, J C:t\E 3. 1727 · I I 34 PERCENT PATRONIZE DISCUSS MAIN . STREET Parent-Teacher Chamber of Commerce to Ponder Highway Project at Meeting Monday; Launch Wilmette Day Plana l OUR PUBLIC LIBRARY Annual R e p o r t of Librarian Shows Daily Average of 247 Books Sent to Homes Group Will Hold · Luncheon June 8 CHALLENGE OBJECTORS TO MAIN ST..WIDENING ... I On \Vcdncsday afternoon, June 8, at Chamber of Commerce Seeks to 1 o'clock at the First Presbyterian Discussion of the proposed ~lai 11 church, Ninth street and Greenleaf Secure Prompt Action in Obtaining Highway Improvement street through trafftc highway, no\\' avenue, the Logan-Howard Parentunder consideration hy Village offi- Teacher association will give a cials, and plan s for annual Wilmette luncheon terminating this year's acPressure \\'as brought to bear thi;; Thirty-four percent of the estimated Day are items of business to come Jw .. tivities. The luncheon will ·be served \\'tek by the \Vilmettc Chamber oi population of \Vilmette patronizes the fore the Wilmette Chamber of Com- bv Spoke 7 of the Presbyterian church. Commerce to push through to a suepublic library, according to statistics merce ~t it~ June meeting in. the Cen - -The association is anxious to make ccssful and prompt conclusion the compiled by Miss Anne L. \Yhitmack, tral cat~tena ~on day cvenmg, ~ unc this affair one of the outstanding feat- plan to \viden and repave Main street librarian. in her annual report to the 6, at 8 o clock. fhe Chamber _of Com - urcs of the year and would like to to constitute \Vilmette's link in the Library board of trustees. mcrcc has spon.sorccl . th~ ~~ at~l strct't have a large attendance. It is ur~ing proposed through highway extending The library sends daily an aYCragc ~"idening pl<~n. s11.1~e ~he tJ~ceptton, ,:t,n(! . every mother in th.e assoCiation to be from ~fcCormick boulevard, at E·:oi 247 . books into the homes of \Vil- tt.s membcrslup 1s detcrm1,~1ed to :o-Ct: present so as to gtve all members an . anston to Green Bay road in Glencoe. mette, a total of 79,295 volumes for the the improvement .th~ough no\\' that 1 opportunity of becoming better ~'C- as rcc~mmended hy the Chicago Rtpa:-;t 13 months. The cost of circulat- the Com.1ty c::>mmts:-\Joners han· m;~dt: quainted as well as to show apprccta- gional Planning association .an_d the in~ each hook was fourte en cents. The such a hhcral offtr to ht' ar th,· maJ<ll tion to the outgoing officers for the Cook countv hoard of commtsswner-;. aHrage co. t to the reader if he cal'ed portio n oi the co::>t of the. propos~d splendid co-operation they have given Indication.:; that ·the ~fain street ' imto purchase · the sa me hook would haH improvement. The matter 1s n·rtalll the association during the past year, }1 rov;.·ment project is to . be oppose:! bee n $2.75. to provoke an anima!l..; d discussio:1 and give evidence of loyalty to the by the three holdover trustees on the :\dult patrons horro,nd ~7.067 ho ::>b, ~fonclay cHning. newly elected officers for the coming \Vilmette \ Tillage hoard-John Clark i3 percent of which wer e fiction and \\.ilntdH: Dav plan~ arc in tilt· i:->n 11 vear. Baker Carence E. Drayer, and Joh ~l 27 percent classed ho< d..: s. and 32,22R at iYc ... tagt· ju-.·t no\\' hut th l' bu:-im·-~ The teachers of the Logan and How- F. \\·i'cctlin-prompted action from the l><H>ks we r e loaned to rhildn·n. of and prnic:-. ..;ional inlk arc gl'tting tk· ani sc hools, incltding the special Chamber of Commerce this week in which 71 percent were ~torics and · 29 myriad preliminary details of the an- taechers, a··e to be guest~. Reserva- the form of a letter directed to th e 1 pnccnt classL·d hooks. tinns may he made with ).fr s. G. T. officials in que sti on. This communica 11 ual romnHmity outitlg· in :\ugu"'t \\(' Thl' chi ld ren rtad tllort· histo.ry, tmdcnrav. A gt'll(·ral ch; 1im 1a 11 ; 111 · Hellmuth of 1705 Forest a\'enuc hy tion embodied an invitation to atteu I n1.w~..· travel, morr .'C il'nrc a~1.d appltt' d hi:-. exct';ttivc . . tafi ,, ill bt· .._cJvt·t 1·cl <l S;·turday. June 4. a di sc us sion ::>f the ~lain street pro. . cil·llL'c than the ir l'ldcrs. l he ~att c· r ~f nnd;l\·'s llH'l' ting. - - - -- - -- ject .at tht~ Chamber meeting Monc~a:· read man\' i11 ftJJc arh. lttera- 'I l· {)II ( l \\'Ill.." 11I 1..' 1) t1" Ill c\·en 1w.,., .Ttule r1. and offer explanatw.1 . ('" " ., (. "~ i·f lll t 1~ . k>oks 1-o · t ~~:· <.·. and bil> ,1. .rrat>lw. ,. ., t·1 l>t· rq.!:tkd h\· :t t:t1k ··1 · a 11 ege< l 0 \Jl )C1 ~ ition to the 1111 , . . . l'haJnhl· r 1:-. · ot· t 1 lC'Ir · Table ~hows Dast~1buhon .. \ll'mnric:-:; 1 ,( .I allll':... \\ 'hi t t·o :n h 1~ ik .' ... port ant improHment Pro g .r a Ill 111 .\ ( ' lllllparatt~·t· tahk lll th:· \'Ohtt~!Jl·~ 1 :t:' gi \·l. 11 1>.,. .\ rthur \1 c.\ n1 111 r. ;· "·hich tht' cuunt,· ha s appropnated apt:tl.:t·Jt ont du~·1ng tlll' year .ts as 10 · ! >Jll·akcr L)i " ·i<k :eputati :)tJ. Jli . . kr proximately $10~).()00 t<;> defray. thc_ct; st I)\\ ... : B(lok-- 111 g·<·tJnal :-tii>Jtrh.· \\'l'l'\ ' 1 tt trt· 1 ·"' ~,'tl' c l ttl 1>L' 1.t'J>lL·tL· ,,·ith huJttor o i p<l\·ing a 40-loot wtclth stnp ot t11C , , \\ ' indak \\ 'arnn. age 31, rr~iding at -? · · 1 1· 1 1 JI,:JJH·d. \ll :-;~ _:u_lul ts ;·u·H·l ~q ,.c.ltddn;tt, ); I 1 , 11 , :tJl ·'t' <l<ltL" 1.n.nr··rnin. f till' lift ni ,.~ \\T 'l contemp la te d ~- -toot wH e 11g 1\\"ay. -. · ' ' ~ Seger anu 13rO\\'tl :-trcets, I met 1e, ' 1\t tdnlo-..~~pll .' .ttHl ps~thldo.l, \ tr, ·'-· l tht· i>vl··\'Ld Jl (lO>llT pnl't. \\a'- iound h ·ing it t Center ~tree t . :tt Would Hear Objections :Hlttlt:...: lltl r('ligitltl !fl .?.) 11 ;ulult... a nd "ThL· \\.ilmttte Chamher of C01n. · 1 1·1 l'hurrh road, \\'innetka, Tuesday en'J 1. ~-.) clJildrl'Jl: _:nri :d '-CICtH'L'-tllr tH 1.1! ;I · Jlll' rt·e at its 111eetin. g on :Ofonday, une ,., D G Stiles Assumes nin!.!. \fa\· 31. I>\' On·illc .-\pt of 131r, l;tll' .\' :ak . . 11.)/ ;tdult..; and 2.112 chil -l an . ' . . ()at X}). Ill.. to l>t· he ld ;It the Central "7 . Shennan Cl\'t' 11tle, Evanston and aiter drt· ~~:, latl .~lta.~l"> til,:) ;~( 111 Ih: ..,l' ll'l:('l I Post It abona an being placed in Apt's truck was ru~her! l'aicteria. would !ike to have you or tl) ,)/,) adults ;11td (j,)(> cluldn·Jt: appllL', ] · <Jill' oi ,.<HI Jln·sent to make kn0\\'11 t~) · t1 < 1 I 11l. tl· to tllc' \\'t't1nctka J)Oiicr stat ion 111 till' the a . . ;e blc d 111c:nbers and im·ited 11 L' Jll'1· "l1ll l ' lllall~L'> Ill . . riL·nrt· to ~37 adults and 738 children: L' 111 . . .· tc) ],J (>.:: ,'t<lttlt . . : ·.ttl<l .,).::: 1 (.t, 11··,· Fir~t :\'atitlJlal Bank r1i \\'ilmette went helid that he was dead . ~ . t· 111 t' ·,·t·t· ' ' ' ' · ·-t ·. citizens yo ur <· 1 ncct tons to t 1 1e l" 1 :11 11 0 (ll.l'll '. lt't ··J',·lt\11'(' tc> _J,()()( ,·tcltlltc . ,'l',J·l intt) effect Oil Tutll' 1 I>\' Dan (~. ~tik.: .'J >' t , ,() rl' J>ortecl and \\'{I S tnld ll . " I I I t ' i'\ , · · · ;" · · ' 1 st rtet proJect. rcac s t H~ d er sen t t o Kli cllildH·n: tranl til 1.~<>5 adult;.; and a ....... l11ning hi;-; clutit·..; a:; \irt· - pn·~idcl:' drt\'l' ln::; truck to the we st .e ntranct. to the lwld<H·er tru~kcs on the \ . iltag-e 1.~(>1 childn·n; bi ~).g raJ>h _, . tn 1,-U l and din·r to :·. ).Jr. Stik -- \\;ts th e rr · the \'illagc hall but, to l11s romple:e ·l 1 . . . I .011 I I . \\r . h If . >nat< . . . ': . ;Ill< ;tdulh and .)<)} childn·n: hi ... tnn· to 91.) l' IJHt·nt :H l'<lllgratu at 1 !-!,'(lO< s~t rp n sc found arner m a a -. Jt"\Ye a;-;k this ,,·ith the view of tak adults :111 <1 1,14S children: m~tgazin~'" \ri:-.ht·:' lrotn a h()~t llt trll·ncJ.., "'!Jn tmg postt~re '"hen he , .. returned . ~<' ing up your ohjecti::>ns to see if i.t i:-; to 1.3.?:,· adults and 1U childrL·tJ: and ralkd at thl· h:tnk thr(luglwut till' da ,·. colllply \\'t.t h th e ordct :- ... ~ncl " .t-. Jll)t possible. in snmc way , to tron ion·ign l>noks tn -l7 adults. ' Thl' (lftiL·ial ~tal'f t~f lilt· Fir.;t ~a - g;:,eted \nth the query. \\here anl them < ut. \\·i th a \ie\V to the V~lla~ ~ 1 During the year lhe Library .:;pr nt tional b:tllk rnn~i .., h nf 1llL' fu!lmriug: I. being able to take advantage ot the $J.324.R9 icJJ· honk:' and $323.R7 ior the 1·:. B. Knudh o tl. prl' ~i de11t: C. D. Dr. Gilbert \1. Lo.c\':C. ,~·as s t~lll - t)fft:r of approximately $100.0~0 by .the rebinding of ole! vohtJIH.'t:; and 111ag:-t - \1 a~tn;.;, Yire -p rl' .;i dl'nt: Dan C . ~tilt' S, monecl and dressed h1s tllJUrtcs, whiCh. CountY board in aid of this proJect zitH·s. There were 2.120 voltmws ac.ld- \'irt·-prc .. ident: F .. \. :-\n<)rnr, ca~hier, at first it \ras feared included a frac- and ,,:hich may be lost by delay." t·d and H2-l withdrawn. The collcctton :tlld :\ . :\. Scl1\\'all. a;.;,i;.;tant ca-.hitr. ture nf the skull, hut later proverl to Simultaneous '"ith the letter to the n~m· t :-lt<lls 12.552 volumes. -----------be less serious ancl he is recovering. trustees. the Chamber of Commerce \\ 'a rner had fallen from a truck rlircctecl a comtnunication to· the North . drin"n hy Anthony Montanaro,. <;>f 5~ <) Shore Real Estate board, and the \VilWants Oakwood Triangular Kenil\\'orth avenue. He \\'as sttttng !ll mette Rotan· and Optimist clubs inTract Rezoned Industrial the rear of the truck and is thought viting the ·members of these civic Change of zoning designation of the to have fallen asleep enroute. groups t::> attend the discussion on , triangular \\'O::>dcd property at ~fain - ~f onday e\'ening. This letter read: A card party and dance tn be held ... trt't't and Oakwood an·n11e \\'ill h<· -----------------· Invite Luncheon Clubs the suhjert at a public hearing called Sa turda\· evening. June 4. in the \Vil PARK TAX BALLOT "The \Vilmette Chamber of Cpm1n· the \Vilmette Zoning ron1n1issio'l mettc if a sonic temple. i:-; atJnounct:d A special election will he held mcrtc respectfully extend_ s to your i~>l· ~fomlav en:ning June 20, at S as the 'initial entertainment Yentttt"f' ~fonday, June 6, for the purpose of mrmbers an invitation to attend its n'rlnck in the Villa~c ha 11. The t)rop- under thr auspice:' of the ne\\·ly or\'oting on a proposition authorizing meeting, Monday, June 6 at 8 p. 111., crt\· is' now zoned "B" Commercial ganized Kcysh)JH.' club. C:llllpri~ing in the \Vilmrtte Park hoard to into be held at the Central Cafeteria. to its membership \\"ilmettc Royal Arch · anil it is the hope oi the (l\\·ner, Edcrease its "tax rate from two and participate in a discussion of the Main ward Zipi, that it ht' chan!-{ecl to "(_"' ~tfasons. Thc·re a'"e to he numerous t\\'o-thirds milts to four mills and street project. \\'hich is the widening ot. prize:; at thi:-; event and music for the lnd11st rial. the rate of the bonded indebtedness Main street through \Vih11ette to form dance " ·ill he by Sturtevant. from three · to five mills. a link in the connecting roadway from George ll. Bassler is president of the The \ \.ilmette Commandery club will The increase in funds is required McCormick boulevard in Evanston to hold a meeting .\Vcdnesday evenin~. new club; A. J. ).[ouat, vice-president by the Park board in order to enGreen Bay road in Glencoe. June 8, at 8 o'clock, at the .\Vilmctte and chairman of the lllt'lllhership comable it to properly care for the "This would iurnish a traffic highMasonic Temple. There w1ll be an mittee; Schu\'lcr Haney, secretary: · public parks in the village. wa\· connecting bnsiness centers of entertainment and refreshments will and \V. \V. \Yi11herg. treasurer. Ira Polling places will be the same as vV{lmette, Kenilworth, Indian Hill, he served. All, Sir Knights arc cordially Iverson is chairma11 of the entertainat general elections. (Continued on page 6) ment committee. invited. I I · · · I "Dead" Man St.ts I Up When CopperS Rattle Jl.'Jorgue Key · · I I _ ---· _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ w· hN . IB k ,I· Cards and Dance First Event for New Keystone Club