Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jun 1927, p. 40

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40 WILMETTE LIFE June 3, 1927 architect. It was he who laid out I The E. E. Stults Realty comJ)any Henry Ford's beautiiul rstate at Dear- announces the following important real born. estatr transactions negotiated througl1 \Yith survey:' ~llld all plan:-; complet- that concern during the month ni ed in detail. ~f r. HofTmau this week ~I ay: Location ni the nc\\. n01:th :-horc 1 consultc<~ .regional planner:-. and zoning Charle:-; \ ·anDeursen. purrhasl·d .t.hl 1 i :-;uhurh, about \rhich the Chtcago pa - experts m se\·cral other north shon.: Sn~·der hotllL' at -HO hider lane. \\111 IJL'rs spr.culatl'cl la.st. wee~. hut. without towns. A m .o n g thos~ ~~ns~lted n:·tka. tradi1~g (~ll_'IICDc v~tcant a~ par~ :-; uccc:'s 1n cktl'rtllmtng ctther 1t;; name \Yen: ~fayor Bartlett ot L\an:-.ton. ot the consHkratJon. \\. ]. Rtrl· ell 1 or ,,·h~:rrabt1llh. ha:' ' been disco,·ercct. Earl E. Orner. prcsic!L"nt oi the Villap;<' the \\'innetka offict.· was the hrokn . It \\'as learned this \rec:k that this hoard of \\'ilmdtc. and Proi. \Yilliam Chark:-. S\\·anson leased to Dr. 11 . brand new, model to\\·n. the fir))t to be L. Bailey of XMtii\\'C:.tL·rn university. A . Ord s. rL·~iclcncc at }()(Hi Oak strt·t· . e:'tablished on the north short in t\\'o Ilt \Hilt t1t th~.·n1 to a:-.u.·rtain what \\'innctka . ] . A. ~f. llindrum negr .. generations. is Xorthfirlcl. close in to the~·. '.'·cntltl do ii their re :' pectin: cun.t- tiated tl1t· kasr. Chicago on the Skokie Yalll'y t'xten- muntttcs \\·trl' started all o\·tr a~a1:1 Ju--tu -;. P. Baul'r sold to ).f. L. \YalE · sion of the Xorth ~!tore line. today. with the adn11ttag-rs oi snen- nl'r. brirk rcsidt:llCl' at 2305 Lincoln George F. Xixon and com.pany. from tific :-;tudy of ci,·ic· con:-truction. \n1od driH·. l·:,·an-,to n. \\'. ] . l~i t· l· \rhnst' Chicago offices har.c hcen diRestriction Rigid rcpn·-,l'll'l'd thl' purch<b<·r in Cl)IJIH'c rected some · oi the bic;gest de,·elo 1 )Rigid zoning ordinance:-. will prn:ect tinn \\·ith j ol11t H. Hahn company. men t:' in the metropolitan area. arc builder~ in Xurtldi ~ lcl. it wa..; rL' \Taled . · Charl t·.; T . .\loon ~nld to I la:Ti:o- ll ll the founders oi tl1e nc\\· tmYn. Right \\.ith the bu:'int S:' :-;ccti un ri.·st ri ctt·d T. ~IL·Ciung-. two :--ton· stucco r~·:--i ::tt the Skokie Yallcy station and nea!" tn tl1e ci,:ic cc·ntL'r, another portion oi dl·ncc !11 Ca tL·d at 13~(i :\.;bur~· an·nttl·. Eran-;ton. \Yilmcttc and \Yinnetka, the :;uhurh !tas been restricted to \\.innetl-:a . the :\ix81t company Ita~ gi,·en to apartment:' only. Th e remainder l:i 1-:tt!.('L·nt· D. ~ax sold to ('hark" T. ~orthfield the name of ":-uper . uhurh." giwn O\·er t(l hon1csite--. .\lo nn. :-; tu n·o rc~idcnce loratnl at R1s Tdea . that arc scientific as \Wll as G tor g c F. :\ixL)Il. prc:-.idcnt oi l.illCl)llt a,·l·llttL·. \\'innetka . uniqul: l1an: h·e n tt:-rcl in laying out George F. Xixun and rn111pany. thi:EL~ 1 · .\1 . ~mit h !'-:-,Jd to f) l,it:drl \1 . this new tO\\nsite. it was learnecl. \\'l'l' k explained the basic idea harl-: oi ('l 11 tk lll (~rand l~ ;tpi d~ . ~li L·It .. t,,c, "tnr-,· hrirk n ·-..i dcn ct· !llcatvd ;tt \.?3lJ Emhodiccl in it:-. plans are features the llt'\\. suburb· . . dc,·L· lnptn cnt. \\·hich art exp~.·cted to set a new stand"Thi-; i:- the fir.;t opportunity in :\-.h~ 1 n· a\'l'nw·. \\' inndka . H.obl·rt 1·:. ard for re.-;idential suburbs. Thl' ex- 111an,· Years to eqahli:-;h a brand lH'\\' c;, ~..; , ·~i th1 · \\'iltlll' tl-:a oflit't' rcpr.l·,vJt:periencc" of other communities. their ~ ttht;rh. on the north ~lwrL." he said. t·d ;il l partiv ..... success a. \rl'll a:- thci:· mistake :' , ha,·e "'flw older g·L·ncrati(ln IHHtght in J-:,· _ been studied In· the en,gincers \\'ho an:\ton. \\'ilntelt c, \\"innl'tka and other h:.~,·c brought tl{c plans ior Xortltfield town :-;. Then came the Xurth Shlln' tn completion. line's trains to the lnnp and the rl·ginn Plan Civic Center became so popular that all the land \vas The t<.t \\'11 i laid out around <~ ctnc ah:-.orhecl and price:-; soared. · center. or Yillagt: grL·cn. wl1ich i;;; only 'Talue:-. there no\\' arc. htYOtHI till· Paul Srhr<·l·ckr & ~·omnany. 407 .]. il l a stone·~ thrc'l\,. frnn1 th~.· !\nrth Shore means of 90 pc·rcl'nl oi tl1 c cit ,-'s rll ·11 :IYcnt rt·, \\"ilnwttt-. ll :L \'<' cnll'-illlllstation. Thi~ ptiblic squarr i..; flanked population. The juninr executin~s. the 111atvd t he f,dJ(,\\'ing· <kal-; in the i'~1-.t ln· strl'cb 100 fl'et \\·ide and its i:; here young manag<.:r . . and nthcrs \\·hose in- Ill\ 111! h : a;ld onh· ht:re that the hu:-;incss section comes arc modnatl·. han been tmahl t· \. C'. He 11 berg, k 1. pmc hac:; erl lot 3(, of thv tt)\\·n will he locatrd . Radiating to find their home~- there. (til ~irarrl ;L\Tllue. E,·a n'ilnn. from ~.fr -. . '. iro111 the unr centt·~· \\ill he \\·ide 41 Minutes From Loop· \f ahll' :\ gn.l'\\. (1 i f.va nstnn . Mr. Rt·n "Tht opening oi tlll· Skokie Ya llt· Y h~,· r !.!,· plan' Ut build a hnme thnr thi:electric ext en. ion· has brou ~ht t hc1~1 ·" llllll\H'I'. their opportunit~· for clean living and \\·. T . \TL·\liil;tlt lla . ; pmc1Ja..;('cl tht· " ·c arc offering thent :\orthfield a s thl' tt!'llJII ·rh· ;1t ~1R \Yond court. \Vilrn ettr. a 11:; \\.l. r to t hc i r 11 ce cl s an cl de m a 11 cl s. frltl11 \\·. n: St·lzcr. Mr. and \h:'. ~f c The~- can enj o.'· htalth and recreation ~Tillan are 110\\' residinl! at tlte ahnn· onh· -H minuk:-. awa,· irom thl'ir :uldrl·~.;. \f r. Selzer is making- l1i ' ofti.ccs. Tt i:-.· iu:-t as ii titt·\· could han llltlll<' in ~firhigan at tltt present. tinH'. a slice ot the .E\·a n--ton oi .pioneer day:).f r. and \f rs. L. T.mw havr rrntrcl To settle an estate we can deliver a 6 room residence with 2 baths: at pione er prices. tltt· 10-ronm home at 1023 T.:1ke ave· hot water heat; sun porch: on % acre of superb grounds for $1g.ooo. "\\·e ha,·l' profited by the error:-> of t'll<'. \Yillllettr. (til :t long lea"·· from Grounds alone worth S IJ ,OOO. other communitil'. " nncl our engineer:; T()!111 Da\·i<'s. ~fr. anrl ~fr:-. Lnmt \\Trl' haH studied them iront coast tl) coast. fmnwrh · (tf Chicagn. . Homey 7 room residence; oil heat: delig~rful gro~nds t.;ox16o: En?rything about Xorthfield \\'ill ht ).f r. and ).f r'. T . Kaplan (tf Chirag-rt. rock garden; garage: S2J.ooo; terms. Cash wtll buy thts for little more ne"·· There will be nothing to tear h:l\·r n ·nted tltt· 7-room hnt!"e at IOIR than ground value. House has been renting for S 1 2 5· Room for two out and rebuild, no mistakes to reme- Fl <' n·n t lt s t r t' e t. \\ ·i lm e t tc. the :\ p pIt- more homes. dy. \\. e ha,·c set some high icll' als ,·;q·d home. from Georgr F. Apph·yard Interesting 9 room residence; 3 baths; delightful sun and sleeping tor Xorthfield and we intend to lin' of F \·a nston. porches; 2 car garage; I25X05 feet of beautifully wooded, shrubbed up to them so thoroughly that other grounds in choicest East Winnetka; S35.ooo. Grounds alone worth north shore communities will he proud W. Panushka Manages $2 5,ooo. You who appreciate unique landscaping and distinctive charm of their nc\\' ch·ic neighbor and the Heinsen Realty Office .should see this! kind of prople \\·ho find their hontes there." Hl·in-..·q · Re;tlt\· rompan\·. north Wonderful country home on 2% acres of choice East residence prop'horr real estate ont~ratorc;, \\·il h office:' uty with over 6oo feet of charmingly wooded frontage; large garage in \Vilm<'ttc and \Vinnrtk:t. annnunc{" W. Schloesser Buys with servants' quarters; house has 6 bedrooms and 3 baths on 2nd floor; the appointmrnt of T. \V. Panushka as billiard and 2 sun rooms and toilet and lavatory on first; besides living W;nnetka Grocery Store mana~er of their Wilm('ttc office. 421 room. dining room and kitchen. Can be bought for ground value] . \\' . Schloc:-;..;er and company, es- fo"o11rtlt str(\ct. M ,n Panushka \Yas Sso,ooo. Destined to be worth $1 oo.ooo. taiJlished 011 thl' north si de since 1902. , inrmrrh· connrctcd with the officr nf as well as in \Yilntl'lk. haH· reccnth· \V. G. Stacey and company. 6 room shingle; all large rooms; living room 2 JX 15; toilet and hought uut tilt> \\'innetka Co-ovcratin' I bvatory 1st floor; hot water heat; beautifully shrubbed lot with large Grocer,· at ilR-.20 l·:lnt street, \Vin \fr. and ).frs . Harrv Dnn<ildson. trees. Only 3 years old. Owner building larger home. Bargain at $17.500. netka. and han opened tltcir new · hose marriage rrcrnth· took nlarr. Beautiful brick on hollow tile residence. with fine tile roof. 4 bedbusim·:-;s there. This rompanv has ' an ldt for Atlantic Citv. and arr rooms and 3 baths on 2nd floor and 2 servanes rooms, an immense b~en acti\·e in \\'ibon a\·rnue, Chic:1go ·ow ri sit ing in ~ew York. ·Upon their playroom and bath on 3 rd floor. Unusually large and spacious living smce 1902. and Ita:-; bern lotate~ in ·'tu rn to \Yilmettr they will mak r 1 room. Excellent butler's pantry and charming sun room. Gutters. val\Vilmette for four yc lrs. 1cir lwme with Mrs. · Donaldson's leys. downspouts. etc. are of copper, and the beams are of steel, the A complttc line of g-roceries, fruit:;, ,-,rrnts. Dr. and ~frs. C. N. Ret' ~l' (1i construction being superfine throughout. Grounds · are wonderfully Yegetal?les .. fresh me~t s. irnpo.r ted ta - -27 Fore:-;t a\·enuc, until fall. wooded and have east frontage of 2 2 5 feet. Large heated 2 car garage blc dcltcacte" and then· 0\\·n brands of -owith double drin. Owner, Jiving in California, will sacrifice at S6s.ooo. coffee, maronnaise and butter and ~f r. and ~r rs. ).[. A. Clampitt of 1121 eggs will b~ on sale. Central avenur haYe sold their home to the Alfred \Volffs, also of \Vilmettc. 'tnd arc planning to occupy their ne\\· WITHOUT COMMISSION home at 823 Greenleaf aYem1c. streets, interspersed with parkways, NIXON COMPANY LAYS , elaborately land scaped. · IallNorthfield's ideal P.lan i:- _c hiefly .the of Robert \\. Hoffman, well OUT NEW MODEL TOWN work knowi1 regional planner and landscape E. E. Stults Realty Company Announces Deals During May all Northfield on S k 0 k i e V ey Route to Be Transformed Into Ideal Suburb I I Paul Schroeder Co. Announce Numerous Recent Realt.v Deals JUNE SPECIALS J. J. HEIMS EM REALTY 720 Elm St., Winnetka co. LOANS on Heslrnhle A. H. llum.-s anti Bnfl·lhtll" Apartmeut · Phone Winnetka 25 4 John Hancock Mutual Life lnaur· ance Company L .\ SO WORTHY. J,onn A,rnt 11! W. Adams St., Chicago M,t-s'. J. \Vatter Kelson of 815 Elmwood avenue is at home again after spending two \\'eeks visiting in , t. Louis. ~fr. ~~~lson. drove to St. Louis and returned \Yith Mrs. Nelson. -0-

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