32 WILMETTE LIFE june 3, 1927 DID YOU KNO\\rThat a Chicago girl. Viola Paradise (not a nom de plume) . is the author of a netv novel. "The Pacer ?" That the London Times Literary Supplement is to have a supplement in turn on book production? r lP©fc §Jh©tt~ &11: ~©tt Iffi©nll®w~ ·'A \\' HI·~LL"-Clarke VenablE:-. BOOK SHOP FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON Telephones University 1024 Wilmette 3 700 Rogers Park 11 2 2 B-0 -0 -K I T h;nk I Rem em her Magd:1 len King-Hall Cleone Knox The Author of "The Diarq of a Young Lady of Fashion" Appleton $2.00 "Aw Hell" Clarke Venabl~. $2 . 00 Reillv ~ Lee The Beadle Pauline Smith Doran The Glorious Adventure Richard Halliburton Ss.oo Bobbs -Merrill Nocturne Militaire Elliott White Springs Doran $2 .50 TRAVEL BOOKS Venice Pompeo Molmtnti Medici Society S 2. 5o A Satchel Guide to Europe Rolfe ~ Crockett Houghton, Mifflin 8 Co. Ss.oo The Complete Pocket Guide to Europe C. ~ T. L . Steiman Robert M. McBride 8 Co. S3 .5 0 Planning a Trip Abroad Edward Hungerford, Robert M. McBride 8 Co. $ I . 75 All About Going Abroad Harry A. Franck Brentano's $1.00 THE BOOKSHOP bas a great many kinds of magazines: often kinds you can get nowhere else. And we take sub ~ scriprions to any magazines at all ! The irrepre ssible Gilbert Keith Chesterton ha s a ne"· book hcforc the public, "The Outline of Sanity," and I find .it of the same gleeful material that always make s him a joy foreYer. If you That two surprisingly good first 1re one of the fortunate fe,,· who ennovels published recentlq are: joy watching Che !' terton refuting his "Shadows Waitinq " bq Eleanor n\\' 11 irrefutable arguments you \\·ill Carroll Chilton. a~d " The Beadle" l' njoy this late ;o;t \\'ork \\'herein he htt Pauline Smith .' l ,,·axe:-; eloquent in a repudiation of That " Revelry' ' by Samuel Hop · h~>th capitali sm and socia li sm. The kins Adams is to be found in the I Ouixotic Chesterton, \\'hen not taken list of the most popular hooks com·. l'riously, " ·ill ah,·ays proYe a refreshpiled by the American Library as ' ·ng thought st imulant ... The apathy sociation havinq come f ron7 twelfth :-,f 1\ona. ,,·hich i:' de scribed in "'J\\'i -. to eighth pla~e in the laM two light Sltep," the lat e:;t graph of thr months.' ,-ery discerning Edit.h \\'barton. must -;urcly he the mirror in which ~[rs . . . . . · 1 \\'barton sees .her 0\\ ' 11 rl'actions. Ev~n .\mon g· thl' 111·~1 l'dttlllll:-\ ,,·htch \\'Cre 1 the most n·hcment of the ·':\:-k ).(c 0\mtd ll\· ~I ajor \\rl1itt al and sold rc -: Another" school nf auth :ws tlllt st in t.:cnth· \\:<.'re a numhl'r of books by ; n·itahl~· . ensr tlw futility nf their cunt:mporar,r authors. Among them ";.eh.~mence,, i_i nothing else · · ; \\'illi.s \\' tre ":\ ~hr(Jp:-;hirt· Lad" hy A. E. Lilt:-. compl.uns ~~f tl.1t.~ la~k,. d:tad Houseman " ·hich brought $320; "The =llld,thr co.Hventronaltt~· ot \\· ash~Jlg Purple Land that England Lost" by 1ton, _a h10graphy ol the Cooltd.~e Vl. H . Hud son, $360; ~r asefield's '·Salt I neme:-t s, by J. ~a\\'yer.. ~( r. E~lls \Vater Ballads," $250; and Thomas mt~:->t he Yer~· natn' tf h e fa tis to rcahze Hardy's .. Dynast" wa s sold for $2,200. ·' that tl~c t\\·o fault:-. he names must, of ·~il~ii~a~ail~il~il~[l]~- 11\.'Cl'SSlt~·. he synonomous ... One of ~"tXXXX!XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXt the important items in the litany llf the an·rage man i. that on:r-chc~rful pest \Yiw. in th e midst of vonr luxurious grumbling. hriglltly rc;11arks. "0\ but think nf the terrible thing_.;; that happen to some people." and cheerfully proceeds to li:->t all the ill, f:om Pandora's box - including 1 fopt:. ~h chiei \\'Orr\' is that St)11\(' da\' 01\L' of We are introducing for sum them \\'ill ·di scO\·cr Theodore. Drci ser mer and vacation reading a that . upr emc horror-nlOJH,:-er. ~f r: Dreist r's late st h(>ok, "Chain:'." is new edition of good and typically Dr(·iscrian : a tl'tHl enC\· to hepopular fiction titles in fine come \\'Ordy but :·L'maining a t.>mn·rful bindings at the very low price delineation oi man's futilitie" and <.~0\\' of . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1. 00 each ardices. "Chains" is a ser i s of shor t nm·els and long stories ,,·ith the so le The Cathedral triumphant note in the grinning irnnv Hugh W alpolt and cynicism oi ' ·~t . C<,Jurnha and th.c The Professor's House River" . .. "Tht D ark Gtntkman" is W ilia Cather the ~f r. Pimmish charactn in the ven · do?Q'Y hook of the same name h\' G. The Green Bay Tree R. Stern. I 11 t hi:-; n·ry am using- taie of Louis Bromfield the prunli:-.cl!IHI " Iii" an!l lll',,.al-; l)f The Perennial Bachelor dogs at larg~. ).f r. Stern achieve:-; a Anne Parrish 111uch-to-he-admired canine point oi Interpreter's House \'iC\\. a nd "The Dark G(·ntleman" is Strutheta Burt recommended to those of YOU who dragged at lea:-;t one stray· mongrel Barren Ground home in the daYs when YO U were· ven· Ellen Glasgow \'OUilg- ... "\\' Live But Once." h~· The Divine Lady Rupert Hughes, that per ennial of the E. Barrington mag-azine s, is perfecth· titled-if \'OU indulge in that type ~i thin king ;·ou T 'he Mother's Recompense ·nay pos sibly like the hook. Alclou~ Edith Wharton Huxley ha s creatl'd the m ost engaging $1.00 each bores hut ~f r. Hughes see ms to he ntrsed \\'ith the fai ling of making bores of interesting- pee>ple- as Miscellaneous a ' ' nlllll! lach· \\·hom T md recent!~· Ct'tl~pri.,gs of Human Action (A Psqchological Study ) o: 1 P· New Books That Will Interest You ·······--------------Fiction \\'h en the \Var ended and we a~ '\'ell as the men who had heen in it began to see it as a colossal "sell" there began to come forth from all s~ide s a literature of di sillu sionment. Bitterness. mocke ry , it seemed only hv the ven· excess of the se that thr h~trt pride . of those who felt t ht Y had been tri cked in to he ing idea Ii~ ti~· and illusioncd could he sat i:diecl. So the cle\'er among th<' bitter. those " ·ho wuld wield their hittcrne ~s hest, let go a iu . "illad e. They looke(l hack on war as see n through the di~ illtt sionmc nt oi peace and preten<kd to. or did, forget that once th ev had ma~·ched a\\·ay filled with a high ·de-,ii·(· to serve and ii ntrc~sar~ - to dir. \\\· forgot. tnn. But no\\' \\'l' arc iar en11ugh a\\ a\· to r l' llll' 111 h rr. a 1\(1 it i.., \\' e II 1hat \\'·l~ shou ld rcllll'llli>L·r. and Clarke Venable in his star tlingly named \\'ar book. "A,,- Ilell" helps us to do ~o. I fc n· ralls the men. and therr were hundred-, of thousands of th l'm, whu ans\Hn:d the \var cry ,-aliantlr in the sp irit of the knights ()i old, of mc·n called tn prc1tcct something dearer to them than liie itself. Tt was i11 this spirit that Jcptha ~fontgomery Brice left hi s peacdnl Tennessee hill-; .and tramped fort\' mile s to the near est rcc·uit ing s ta·tion to "jine up." But h eca tt :'ie ] ep had a heart \Yhich did alarming thing on the slightr st provocation he wa :rciu srcl. This made no difference to a ho~· oi J ep's calibre, he had come to light and fight he " ·ould. There ;:?- long amusing struggle by which lw tries to outwit the au thoritie .. finalh· doing so and bring accepted und er thr name of a man who had act ualh· de sert ecl from the army. · Jep goes to Franc e. Th c rt '·imprl' :- sio n~ pile upon impre . ..;ions," and h l' sa\\' ,,·ar- it s horror. its humor, its heroism. it s futility. But he wa s not embittered. only saddened, as one i . . ;{S surely, perhaps, 1)\· lifr if one Yi\'\\"i it \\'ith under standing. "Aw Hell" gives an all -round pic t~tre . of what war was to aspiring. stmpl e hopeful men. It gives it vh·id h·. ht11nanly, holding vo ur inter e s t frnm the first page to. the la st. -Es'I'RP.R G(ln.n. e America is becoming a more p~pular resort for her own authors. Struther-. Burt has a countn· home at Southern Pine s, X. C., near . which James Bonl ::Jnd a "'111d1··r oi f\'h·'r lit··ran· tJl'()t;l, · lin. The Larry Barrrttos aftt'r a Har in Pari!' han' settled near New York. tercel her entire conversation on t!tt· undeniable handsome nes s of George T can Nathan ... Keith Preston a~ a writer 'for our revered contem~orarY. the Chicago Daily News, and as ·a resident of Evanston, is necessarilY conservative. However, this vir t tt rr~ak painfully when h e suggests that 1ficharl Arlen name hi s new P eruvi an l>()ok "Pen and Tnca." Mr. Arlen maY, :t-; the co n ~c nstts of opinion seems to nrm·e, he weary cnotH.dl to retire to "omc shady tree for r rcuprrat ion, in which casr l1 e cou ld us e the title "Und('nvood," hut if hr is stil l Mr. Arlrn "'11 ~d acquiesces with the spirit of Mr. Preston's suggest ion , h e most certainh· will name the . new hook "Elsie Smith" ... Further deponent sa;eth not Mehran K. Thomson .... S) . OO Marcel Proust Leon Pierre-Quint ... .. . $3 . 00 The Great War Novel I I Tristram Edwin Arlington Robinson . , . , , .. , .. , . . . . . . . $I. 50 Suh~rri,rinm Takm for All STATIONERY -both imported and fine domestic qualities, in great variety. Maoazineo · a "AW HELL" v.....By Clarke r ·Not Profanity, but P~ Keith PreSOOJl in The Chi cap o..ilT Newt Lord's- Book1, Stationery , Gifts Fint Floor Jult Inside the West Davis Stre~t Door --~~.....,rs~ · 630 DAVIS STREET University 123 Je p Brice through. It will carry highest hazard, valor and romance. of Your Bookseller-$2.00 Love, for country and a girl, carried you through this poignant story of B.R.