W I L ME T T E_ Ll FE June 3, 192i A Few North Shore .Societies and Circles Still Meeting Four Women~sGroups Announce Plans for ·p uture Activities By JEAN TEN BROECK I Troth Announced North Shore Garden Club Has Schedule .II _ _ _ M_a_y_B_rr_·d_e___, for Entire Season The Korth Shor.l' Garden club l"l' · centh· has announced its program for the ~cason. Mr. George Pick will hr the hostess for the meeting of June 7. at which Mrs. Louise Hubbard ni \Vinnctka '"ill give a talk on "Flowrr and Table Arrang-ements," a t a 1k which is is to he continued on J unc 21. at the hnmc of ~f rs. A. G. Becker. On July 12. the residence of M1.' .. Lawrence ~tern \\·ill he opened for . a program of three minute round table talk:-; by mrmbers. \\'ith 11 rs. J cromr Diemel. 1hl' leader. July 26, the host L'"S is to be ~fr~. }Ierman Black. On this occasion the club members will bring haskt'1 lunrhL·ons and in the aitcrnoon \Yith a guide, they will takL' a trip through garckn~. The annual flmHr show conducted hy the ~orth ~hore Carden club i~ 1o take p!aCL' ()JJ .-\ ug.ns1 1r~. from 2 until 10 o'rlnck The final meeting. ol the ~ca~on nrcm on September () and September 11 ~lr-: . Charles A. :tone hill i. to IH· l1o~tc.;~ f::lr the fir st ni the c. with Prof. 1[cnnan Do r n c r speaking on "Bulb~ and Their Decor:lti,·c l'ses." ~fr:. Charles Rubens " ·ill he hostc s. at the last meeting, '"hen Dud]c,· Craft : ; \Vat son will gi\'e ~~ talk on "E·lll',lJH' all Ca rdt ' 1"· ·· \\'hirh lw will iJlu.;tratc ,,·ith slide . . · One hy one acti\"ities of women~s have lulled themselves to sleep for the summer months. Their members have more intimate things on hand. family outings, weddings, perhaps, and plans for long periods of tra Yet. However, · a iew groups still ha,·e announcements to make. The Kentucky societY of Evanston and the North. Shorr . is to hold its next meeting Tuesday afternoon, June 1-+. at the home of 11rs. T. Edward Quisenberry, 2517 Lincoln street, Evanston. at 2 ::!J o'clock. The program will concern itself " ·ith some phase of the History of Kent ucb· \Yhich is the theme of the summer and fall meetings. The board of directors of the society will gather at the home · of ~hs. E. ]. Buffington. 11-+0 Forest a\·enue, Evanston, · ior a meeting next Tuesday morning. The \Vilmette board of the Infant \Velfare Society of Chicago held an all-clay sewing meeting at the home of ~f rs. Frederick Tilt in E v a n s t o n Gibson Studio .\lr. and :Mrs. Claretice W. \iVallis Thursday, ~.fay 26. A nominatin~ committee '"as appointed to report at oi 205 Ninth street announ~e the enthe annual meeting to be held the gagement of their daughter Pauline fourth Thursday of J unc at the home to Edwin Clarke Allen, so;1 of Mr: of Mrs. Robert E. Ken\' on 1011 and .\f rs. Henri A. De Voigne of EYanstun. Greenwood avenue. · ' - - -·- -- - ' - - The next meeting of the North Shore \Vellcsl cy circle "·ill take place Gives Tea Wednesday Tuesday, J unc 7, at 2:30 o'clock, at for Miriam Johnson the home of U rs. George E. Bliss, 522 1\orth Linden aYenuc, Highland Park. 1frs. Cedric Smith, 62 \Varwick an~ The North Shore Catholic \\Toman's . nue, \Vinnetka, wa~ hostess at a tea league will continue to hold its regu- at he.r home from 2 until 6 \Vcdnesda,· Jar meetings in the \Vi n net k a afternoon in honor of her sister Mis.s \\'oman's club, it was decided at a Miriam Johnson, ·who is to bcco~1e the board meeting held May 27, at the h_ride of George Turnley Dyer, Jr., of home of the new president, Mrs. Wil- lwanston, son of Mrs. George Turnlcv liam Schildgcn of EYanston. There Dyer of St. Louis, \Vednesday June 8 "·ill be no club meetings until October. at 4 o'clock, at 18 East Eh{t street: The following committee chairmen Cl~icago. Bishop Griswold will assist were chosen at the last meeting: Mrs. Dean De Witt in performing the cereJohn Janette of Kenilworth, member- mony, which v.-ill he follo\\'ccl In· a reship: Mrs. Charles Coyle of \Vinnetka, ception. Miss Alice Dyer of St.. Louis auditing; Mrs. Leo). Hillman of Glen- and John Caswell of Cleveland will be coe, house; Mrs. \Villiam Pavev of the only attendants. \Vinnetka, service; Mrs. Raym-ond Mr. Dyer and his bride \\'ill make Kloepfer of Winnetk2. revision: Mrs. their home at 8Hi Forest an'ntte. EYXels Anderson of EYanston, social. anston. dub:- other than garden ., Koehne Studio Barrington, 111.. is to be the home of Mr. and ~Irs. Richmond · Krnyon upon returning from their honeymoon, a motor trip through the East. Before their wedding on May 21, ~1rs. Kenyon \Yas Miss Emily Foresman. daugh-. tcr of Mr. and ~f r--. r I ugh For<:~n1;m of Kenil\\'orth. Former Wilmette Girl Marries ·in California Ur. and Mrs. H. C. \\·(:St, forlllcr!,· of \\"i_lmctte, now oi San Gabriel, Cat'.. announce the marriage of their daugh ter, Mary Elizabeth, to Donald Duncan McCallum, son of Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam McCallum of Pasadena on ~fay 14, at 8 o'clock. ' The Rev. Herbert Handel read the service at the home of the bride's parents, in the presence of the immediate families. The bride \Yas attended by her two sisters, Mi:;s Lucile \Vest as maid of honor, and ~I iss Janice \Ve . t as bridesmaid. Mr. and ~Lr:'. McCallun1 will he at home after June 1, at 1()5 1) ;\orth Lake avenue, Pasadena. Former Football Star to Marry in Late June The marri agL· ,)f \{ i..,.; l·Jiza l~ittL·n hausc. daughter 1 ·i \I r . and M!' ". :\ . \\·a\'11l' Rittenhau~L· oi BourhCill. Ind .. tn Robert H. \\'ienvrkL·, ~c~n c,f 1Trnry C. \Virneckc oi (>80 \'cnwn an·ntH' , Glcnrnc. will take pbn· Thur--clay. Tune 23. at R:30 o'clork . Tht· n·rt·l110ll\ ~,·ill he pcrforllletl ]),· 1\n·. D . I!. ( ·or nell. in the Clcnroe l'nillll chun:h. " ·ith a sma11 reception at tht· ~orth SllPrt' hotel for rclatiYc..' .; and inunt·di:ttt' f ri e ncl s. f olin \\'ing t lw n· r L ' nJony. Miss ~fildrt'd .\nder:--cm of I Ltmtt Hlltcl \rill attend the hri(lr as maid of htrnm . The hridestnaicl.s. as well as tilL' lnaid c1i honor arl' all :-orority ~istl'rs nf the bride. whu \\'as a memhtr oi {"hi Omega at );,1rthwestcrn uniHrsity. Miss Anne Ed"·ards of Chicago, ~[is . . Lydia Spr'cnger oi Kenil\\'nrt h. ~~ ~:-: Velma Schacfn of Bourbon, and ~lts: Ethel Arrison of Evanston. comp0se the group of hriclal attcnclant~ . I. R. Hazen ol Chi-cat!r· will art a, best man for ~{r. \Vil·J; cckc. ancl the ushers will include Dr. C. \\'. John son of Glencoe. \Valtcr Sicdd of Chicago, Donald ~f cFaclclen of Peoria.- ancl George K. Budcl of Clcncnl'. all former students at Northwl'-.tnn unin'rsity .. Mr. Wienecke gra<luatrd from Northwestern in thl· class of 1923. Ht· '"as a member of Sigma Chi fraternit,·. He also was prominent in football. serving· as captain of the varsity for one year. Miss Rittcnhanse will gracl ttate-from the uni,·ersity this Jnnr. Mr. \Vienecke and his bride will make their future home in Glcnroe. Helen Mearns Chooses Jobnston-M elind Wedding Her Bridal Attendants Will Be Event of June 16 Tn Cambridge, Til.. on ThursdaY afternoon. June 16, the \\'Cdcling or' Miss ~~ ay Lillian Johnston and Roy M elind, snn of Mr. and Mrs. Louis M c lind of 6Qj Sheridan road, '"ill take place. The service will be read in the Methodist Episcopal church of Cambridge at 3 o'clock. and a reception will follow immediately afterwards at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnston. Miss Bertha Johnston ha s been chosen as her sister's maid of honor while the bridesmaids arc to he Miss Marcelite Melind of · \Yilmctte and !\{iss Ellen Anderson of Cambridge. Robert Smith of " 'i lmctte ""ill scr~e as best man and Edward Jlintzpetrr of Kenihrorth ancl Tnhn Mcver nf Edgewater will usher.· · Miss Helen Louise Mearns has chosen \Vednesday, June 29, as the day of h<'r marriage to \Valtace \\' hitmore Weld, son of Mr. and Mrs. H erhert \Nhitmore Weld of 315 Sunset road Winnetka. The ccrt'mony will he per~ formed it1 the Kenilworth Union church ·at 8 :jO o'clock. "·ith the ReY. Herbert L. \\'illctt officiating. A re. ccption will follow at the home of the bride's parenb, Ur. and Mrs. Kenneth John Mearns of 51 \Varwick road Winnetka. · · The list of bridal attenclants includes Miss Ruth Mearns, who is to be her sister's maid of honor, and Miss Barbara Mearns. and Miss Frances \Veld of \Vinnetka, Miss Helen Lane of Evanston, and 1f iss Lucille- King of Edg-ewater as bridesmaids. Garden Club Meets Today This afternoon ~r rs. S. A. \Vhcelock. H.22 Central a\·enue. is to be the host l'SS for the \\'ilmette Garden club. Mrs. \V. C. E\·ans of Evan . ton will gi\'r a talk on "Old Fashioned Gardens." To carry out the spirit of days that are gone, many of the club members will he go\\'ned in old fashioned costumes. To Marry To Wed Evanston Girl Announc('nlrnt has bern madr by ~1r. and !\1 rs. Albert S. Hecht of EYanston of the t·ngagement of their daught.er. Helen, to Earl J. Rusnak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rusnak of 1028 Chestnut a Yen uc. Miss Hecht is a graduate nf the Art institute, and ~[r .. ·:ausnak is a s.rraduate of Yale uni\"e rsity, class of 1923: Give Sorority Ben~fi.t Mrs. Ralph 1'. Huff of \Vilmettc i:-~ in charge of the sale of tickrts for the (ard na rty to hr given as a benrfit for the Delta Gamma sorority housr at Northwestern uniYersity. Mrs. John R~sscll Fox of Happ road, \Vilmette, wtll open her home for the affair \Vrrlnesday, June 8, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. M. \V .. Wel'ch of Glencoe is : chairmant for· tl1'e benefit. Announcenw1tt i~ made of the engagement of Mis.s Dorotln- Shippen daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Joseph F: Shippen of 46-+ ~outh Avenue. Glencoe. to Herbert D. Tomlinson of the Alle.rton club of Chicago, son of Mrs. M. C. Tomlinson of Hannibal, Mo. Miss Shippen is a N' cw Trier graduate and 'Shower Hostesses 'Miss Doroth,· Perry, daug-hter ni grad u at r oi the Chi cage> Xorma I ~fr. and Mrs.· Leslie· Prrr\· of 11.2i sc honl. Greenwood awmH'. \Vilnu~tte, Mis:' Grace Gunn oi Lake Forest, and Mis" To Wed in Autumn Dorothy ~lanchcster of Glencoe were Mr. and 11 rs. Charle~ A. Lundberg- hoste sses at a shower Mav 22, at Miss of 1010 Elmwood avenue announc.e Gunn's home. in honor of Miss Dorothr engagemrnt of their daughter t11Y Scharf of \Vinnetka. Uiss Scharf\ Marguerite, to Hm,·arcl Storck, son of marriage to Benjamin Runyon of New 1fr. and Mrs. Clemens Storck of Chi- York City will take place in the early ra~o ancl Punto Gorda, Fla. Both summer. Mtss Lundberg and her fiance arc members of the junior class at NorthThe To"·n club 1s giving a dance v:est~rn uni:versity. They will be mar- tomorrow evening at the Woman's · ned m the fall. · cluh.