Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jun 1927, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE J une 3, 192i qu ested to confer w ith the pastor beforo that day. Methodist Church 'l'ht: 'Vilmette Parish :\lethodist church whE>r~:> '\"il1nettP <t\'t'nue crosses Lake avenue. \\.hilt> it is undt-r denominational auspices, it is in a very real sense a conununit,· church. All its scr\ ·ices are ow·n to ~\II who lind 1n·otit nnd Yalue in thl·m. Tts ministt·r aml church staff are antilabh· for all who are in need of an\' s~:·n· iet· that thvY may r ·n<ler. Like 'all other IH'olt·stai1t <"hurclws, it has within its nH·mh<·rsllip not only :\ldhodists but thost· n ·arc d an<l t rainNl in ntlH·l' dt·I!OIIlillations as Wt·ll. It is located nfft ·rs <~ <'Ordial Wt'it'onw tu all who · ha\'~J not a c·hurl'h IH·Illt· c· lst ·Wht'l'v to bt·C'Oll\t' a part ils ft ·llowship. Children's day will be recognized on June 12. A program in which a considerable number of our own young JH'Oplc will J>articipate, is being carefully planned. You are ~U:ikcd tu rcmcmbt'l' that a special offering will be taken on that day, the proceeds of which will b,. sent to our Board of Education wherl: it will be . ]JUt Into what is called a Stuclf'nt Loan Fund. Out of this fund, lJt' ·dy antl worthy l>oys antl g·irls borrow mon e y to IH·l p comvlete thdr colleg-t· or J)l'Oft ·ssionnl eour::;e of study. Aft<·r lt·asing· <'Ollt·gl', tlwy pay this monf·Y ba<'k into tlln fund so that it may bt · J'eloan<·cl. Jt ti1U!'i hecom<'s a revolving fund which incr~:asl'S sonwwhat every year and wid· ·ns tht · rang· oL :-;erYice. This will also b<' Promoti()ll day t hroughoul tlw Church .·ehuol. PLANNING TO BUILD ? Sec the State Bank and Trust Company for your first n1ortgage construction loan. We have assisted many thousands of home owuers. Bri ng your problem to us~large or small-and possibly we can arrange a con structive money-saving plan for you. Prompt and efficient service. or 'J'ht' Latlivs' Ai\1 socidY md on Thursday at th e honk of :\lr;.:." Earl l':lmith, 20.S \\·no<lbine a \ ' t·llllt·. TIJ {· aunual ·lt·C't io11 or qfll,·t ·rs was hvld, and th · (Jfli<···rs t·il't'lt ·cl wi II lw l'· ·[IIJl't vd ill t It· · 11· ·\\' S llt·xt \\'t ·t·l' . Th t· Jll t·Jl IJ( th· · vltttrt·lt :tl't · und· ·l·tal{ing a l1t ·\\' stwh in tht·ir <"lass whi<·h llll'dS ~untlit\' m;,rnin!.:·s at !t : l:i . Fl'lll1l no\\' until tlll' Ji1·st , ·,r ,· ,·pt··ll1hl' r tht·y \\' ill ;.: t utl.\' Prt~l't·;.:soJ' ( ;oodspt ··· <l's v n lunlt ·, "Tit,· :-;t··l'Y ,,f th·· :'\· ·\\' T .. :-:tall\l ·nt." Tilt· st'l'\ i1'1 · n t·.\.t ;-;ull tla.\· lll tJrnittg· will r, ·t·og·nizt· thP gTt·at l'lmn·h anniH· r s ar~· 1\JJCl\\'11 as \\.hitsun<la:-·. Thos,· who do ll ·Jt lllHlvrstan(l tht · signilkanc·l· !Jf tlJi :-; lligl1 UHY in tlw eal ·ndar ur tht.: elllll'Ch \\'ill tlr, w..Jl t" at k!Hl tilt' st·n·it: e. \\'oman's L·'ort·ig-n .\liss i11llary su·'idY will ll\t·l't Tl!ursdav . .f\tt\1 · ~~ . at tlw llolli·· ot: )lr:-.. ~. E. l.t · ~· man, [till! LakP H\'t·J\Ut·, with :\Irs. \\"illiatll ,:\laSttll and 1'elephones U nioersity 51 Brr'argate 5 ooo 'J'I1t· ohkt't of tlw FI·i ~: ndly Cir·c ]t· i:-: :t t'· ·g·ulnr HJHI ~ystt · Jnnti<' :-:tudy of til· · Hihlt·, Uw achi< ·\'l'llll·llt of Christian <·uL tun · tltl'tJUg-h tiH· spiritual, intl ·llt·<.:t II<~ I. and s<wial dvw·loJ)lllt ' lll ~Jf ('\'!'1'.\' mt ·mh· ·t·. mutual f'riPJHllint·s s auc1 lwtkr :t ('quaill lanct·sllip lH"t Wt ·1·n llH· W()IIWn · of , out · C'IJUr c h. t·xtt·nding· a spt ·t·i n I inYitat ioJt to nil motlH·rs. \\· ould you not C'<tl't · t11 llHTt with us Sunday morning-s at !\ : l:i'~ . 'l'lw neti\·t· m .. mtwrs f'xtcnd a ~P!' C ial ittvitntion to tltt· asso!'i:tt(· mt·rnh··rs l~t \'isit at !('ast <·lit · StiiHlay during- .Ttlnt ·. .\ 11('\V t:uilding- lJulldin will br· is:-.u· ·d Sunday, .fmw !t . Tllis wi'll indml·· :t ~t.:rit·s of rt ' lllarl,ahlt' lt-ttt·rs tit·· Jl<~ s t,.r lla~ l"l'l'l'i\t ·d t'olwt·ruing this llt ' \\. ··Itt· rprist'. Real Estate Loan Department ST ATE a nd BANK Th·· TRUST COMPANY Orrington at Davis, Evanston :\lr::;. Artllut· l·'ulll·r as assisting- l1os_ t· ·ss· ·s . :\Irs. lf··l'lH't · 1;, Smith will h·ad lh· · tle\'otiou~. This i s till' s]lt·l'iHI milt· box o pt ·Jling· m··· ·ting·. TIH·I'· · will h· · 1 gllod IH'UC..:'l'Hlll. Tltt · Sa<'l'Hlllt ' llt or l:avtiSlll will lw atl111iiliS!t ·l't ·tl to inlant c·hildr. ·n Sundar, J UJ11' I:?, Hs a part of t h·· ( 'l1iltlr"n's day program. Part·!!(:-; wlH· wish tlkir ill- 1 'fltf' !11t ·tlllwrs of tllt' !:nard of _\ g: 11 ·d · lka.eon··ss H· ·st F!untt· and tht· Ag-anl .\id a::;sociatif!n ill\' iU· a II fri!·tHb of tilt · Honk to tltt · annual .Jun.· IUiwl"·"ll, Fri day, Jun· · 10. Lunr·ht·tJll will ht · S· ·n ·, d at 12 :::o at fii't~· e· ·nts pt·l' pl :tt.. . Tit ·· Kr,t·tlnn·st· ·rn train }1-a\· ·s ('lt i<' ag·,, at 10 :O:i I >ayligl tt S<t ving- tim· ·. 'l'lr. ·n · will lw ·~ c·ommutatitJn tif'kPt for this traiJ t :tnd also for th(· t·lt·<'tl·i<· tr:tin whic ·lt 11-:~\· · · s f't ·ntral strt·d , E\':tll ;.: ft Jil, :tt 111 :.·,,, (Daylight t irn · ). faJJt ··ltiltll'· 11 t·· h·· haptizt·d ar· · n·- ARE <§uaranlttn There's no such thing as disap. pointment in a Royal Store. You never hear: "We haven't your size in that pattern." Here you select your material from exclusive fabrics and patterns - and we build to your measure the fashion model YOtJ order. And for $30 we give you fit, looks, quality and work· manship that cannot be duplicated under $50. ROYAL TAIIPRED CIPTHES .. r Till' ('t Jilt ·gt · ant] High Sc·]\(Hol gJ'tJ\1!' ~ tiH · EpwPrlll l··a!~ Ut· mt ·l last Sund :t' 1·\'(·ning :tl t l1t · lwmt · CJf Fral!k :\lillin ~· trm, l21i t l :d·11·d roatl , I..:t>nilworth. Ttollt \\.llng-, a Hawaiian studPnt at :\ .. rtll \\'t·sl··rn uni\'f· rsit~· . an<l ' .Alfonso !\Tt ·nrloz:t. : 1 :\l"xit·an studt·ltl, W\'ff ' th<· SJH ·ak c rs <·f 111· · ··\' t·ning . . \ g-I·Jlt-ral i<l1·:t CJf t IH' c·fH trlit i· > liS a ttrl t' llst otns of t 111'i1· rt ·SJ)t ·< ·t i\ , . t···tlntrit ·s \\'t ' l't · gi\· ·l1 by thr·sp Y<·lln g llt· ·n. :tllrl !Il:tll .\ ' sCJng-:-; illustr,ttillg lltP ··h:tl'af·t· ·ri stit-;.: ,,j· tlH· Jldlplt · <tlHl tlw lit ·:tuty or tilt llati\·,. tong-ut· \\'t .. J'·· r· ·l trlt ·l\·d an<l t·nj"YI ·cl !J~· all pr· ·s· ·nt . · Tlw Higl1 Scltr.CJI lt·ag-tlt ' had a , .,.n · ··Jtjnyahlv t illt·· last Friday ,., ··ning- at "; h· ·ir Jt)'(l~r~· ssi\· , . <linn··r party . Tl~t · firs t t'Olll'S·· was ~· · n· , . t] at tlw ltom· · of \\.:tl 1··1' Lindlt];td. t Itt· s· ·c·.,nrl at tht · hnmt · t·l' .\!:trion llal<l\\'in, thl' third at :\1at·ior: .\lt'l:;tur.,n's anrl tltt · fourth at Eltlt·l':t ll t> pkins· . 1lt ·rv t Itt· crt~wd Ctf :~2 SJlt·llt Ill· · l't·maindc·r · "l'ra \'t·l. · · of tht · 1'\'t·ning pl;~yim: SUIT OR TOPCOAT Camp \Vilmt'llt' "P(·p Night" will 1w lwld at this ('hllr<'h Friday (·\'Piling· . .Jun t· Ill. H<H1tl1 Tarkington':-; play, "Stat ion YYYY" an<l ramp songs will hr· featurt ·s ~>f this prog-ra Ill. An admission ft' " f1f t W<·nty-fin · ct ·nts will lw <'han:;' d antl tlt·' Jll'IH'I·(·<ls wil'l ht· USI'<l fot· tlw pt!l'<'hasr· of suppli<·s f(Jl' han<lrTa ft aiH1 art Wt·t·J;: ill (';ttnp . At the Clubs and Fashion Cen· ters you see Clothes similar to Royal's- but they cost $100 to $150. This should i n teres t even the millionaire- for no man is averse to saving money. If you admire rich, exclusive patterns and high class custom tailoring, you'll be impressed with Royal Clothes made for you, and you only, at $50. ho,\·s' <·amp will h, ·,.dn ,Tun·· 27 run until July 11. Plans an' b<·in).!· \\'oJ·I,t·d out s·o that tl11· nl<lt·r hoys will l11 · g'I'OUJl··<l i11 on·· st·l'!inn of th·' <'amp ;l IHl tlw young-. ·r ho~·s will ht· grr·UP<·d in lt·nts at tlw otht·l' l'nrl of tht> gnmnds. Tht· g-irls' <'antp will b('!!'in .July 11 :lll·l \\·ill run unt II .July 2:-i. This f'nnw will Tlw IIIHl r· :ll't · for g·irls tt·n Yt·:ll·s of ag·· and nldr·r . Tilt· l'lwr~· ·· fnr th<· two ,..,.,.,.k <'fllllJ) Jwl'iod is t Wt·nt)'-tJIW dollars t·Xf'lu~iy,. r·f lntnspnrtation. Thost· wishing to go ·· 1wuld llt:tk· · ap]lli<'atiun at a v;·ry 1·arly tlalt·. SUIT OR TOPCOAT The llig·h St·l!ool l ··a.!!ll·· \Vi ll mt···t :tl thE' hom<' of \\.;tltt·r Linflhl:td, 720 nrN"IL \\'Ood a \'t~ nllt'. l11' 'd Sunrlay P\'f'ning- nt :; :4i.i. \\·a ltPr ':\TcP,·Pk, Boy Sf'out f'Xt·cu1iw. wil l lf'ad tlw disf'tts!';ion. AT WHOLESALE BRANCH Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings ~TORE· 1641 7-Da, Dlliv1ry Schedule Nt Dira/JfJtitllfflttdl Orrington Ave. EVANSTON in Tl i 1~hwood wP r l' ~tnrtNl 1Jy a t~roup of voluntPi·rs f r nm t ll iR C'h ui·(· h , btst Saturfhr. T hPse c· l nssf'~ for nwn. ,,·onwn. ancl <'ltiltln, n . mc'd Sn.turdav aftPrnoons at two o'do<'k. A more ('.Xtf'n- l f't l inn~ f' l ns~··~ in H<·lig-ious Eclucation for tilt' sh·e prog-r:~ m is plrtnn('(l for tllP ~umnwr nwnths and mort' volu ntc·t'r!'; a l'f' neC'dNl. t 0 Acres of Sunshine Tailorin~ Shops Lakc· li<'nPva Epworth ]('ngur institute is a \'Pry dt·~irnlJ i r \\'t·c·k of \'a<'ation. p l nc'f' to s]wnd otH' Plan· for .July 11 to 1 ~. < Looj for th1 R o,al Titer s;,. .. y··r OWtl H OMI Tow" The World's Greatest Clothes ValUI T. Nve Macalister and his son , Di rk, 918 Ashland ave n ue , have r ecently returned from Tndianapoli s, wh ere t hey attended t he r a c es.

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