Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jun 1927, p. 11

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) un e 3, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE Mrs. R. 11 St. John's Lutheran ·wilmette and. Pn.rk avenues, \Vilmette Sunday, June 5, will b E> \Vhitsund a."· Ht·rma.n V\ . Meyer, M. A. pa stor one of the grea.t Festl\·als and Holy ·IIIIi Prnirie an:nut· Tt'letlhone 13% Days of th(· uniY e r~al church, com_ Churl'l1 t1·lephone :;~11 memorating tlw Desce nt of the Holv <:host on th<' birthday of th1· c hurch. ]·('nt('(·ost St·nicf.'s There will bt· Holy Communion in ~t . ! 1 ::.:11 .-\ . l\1 . Sunday sdlOol and Bibll' Augm;tin(·'s nt 8 A. :\I.. Ch urch S<'hoo ls d:t~SL· ~ at 9 :4:1 and Holy Communion with ser!t :-1~· A. ~f.. Fir:-:t ~··rdc·· an1l ~Prmon mon at 11 o'clock. ·11.1 :-l:i .~\. M. Pn ·paratory :-:(·r\"iee for <·om m unka nt~. On ::\Tonday in \\'llit~un-""et·k a nd I I :00 A. :\I. :-;l'l·,·ieo · and H"IY ('omTuesday in \\""llit ~un- \\·,~t· k, bl'ing H()ly munion days of tlH· ('httrc·h, tht·rt· will bv Hoi\· ,,[t·('tin~s Communion at S A. ::\f. nf eal:h day . .\l .. lHiay t · \ ·,. at 7 :::o-(; iris' t·hnrus .\1 <~nday at S : :w -- ~rix1·d chrJir \Vednesday, Friday an<1 Saturday, Tuo·:-:!1ay :tt 7- - Boy SctJUts .TuneS, 10 antl11, an· El.nlwr da):~. da~·s Ttt··~d:~y at -;: l:-o - ( 't·l1).;T··gatinn !ll····ting set apart for sp ·c ia! JJHt·rces:IOn 111 pn·paration fot· tllfl:-:·· wh11 are to lw or:'\t·:-.t Sunda~· i:-: thr· Day of l'·' nl··cost wllio·ll will ht· l't ·J..!>t·atf·d by a SJ)(·<·ial fl'S- da itwd to any oltk·· in t h .. ministry . ti\·ai s· ·rvic··. Holy Communit·n will be TIH' JmH· nwvling tJf th~· H·stry wil.l hP ··· ·l ··bl'ato·d during- th1· f'lr·\·en n'clt 1·k ~~·t· oftit't· \\.t~dlH·~dav Yio ·,., till' eonfessionaJ or })reparatory sc·r- lwld in the n ·ctor':-; · Yi···· 'IJ!'t·C ·ding- th1· r1~g-ular ~t·n· ic·· U\' 1:; t·\·(·.ning, Ju1w , , at :-. P. :.\L !l1inut· · ~. Tht· n.·wly t·ontirm··u wili rt·.... i,·t· tlwir Hrst communion. All otiH·rs Extemd\·~· n : pair:-: ar~· bt·ing mad~· at \\'l1o <11-~ire le· rd't ·ive tht· Sal'ratw ·nt are t lw chun·h, l'arish IHlU:-<t· and c lub hous('. l't·qu. ·stl·d to announct· this tn tht· pastor Th(~ le\· I of thr· c·ndnst·d space betwt'E.'n ott Friday w ·xt, aftt·nlfl<on ttl' t·\·r·ning:, at the old Parish hf!Ust· and tilt· C'hurch ha~ r II·· p:trRona.ge. be('n lowered a c0uple of feet and ls· b(·ing eo,·ert·rl with a CPment surfact· for '111 Tut ·sda\' f·\'t·ning n··xt at 7 :-t:i more perft·ct draitwg ·. Tlw drainag-f' from lo't'jtH·k tht· rt·g"Uia r monthly hu~int·!"S the two buildings was ~howing l-iig-ns Of lll··..ting of tht· congrt·gation will br· heiJ itduring- tlw foundations. :tt th· · Su n ()ay srhoo l rooms. All voting llit'lllbd'S St. Augustine's Church Blodgett and daughter, Wis. have guests, members of their bridge club, been spending the past week with at dinner and bridge, Saturday even- Mrs. vV. A. Tucker at 1214 Lake aveing, June 11, at their home. The at~ air nue . ~lr. Blodgett motored to Wilhas been postponed from June 4 until mette Thursd:ty and wjll return with ] une 11. Mr::;. Blodgett the end of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Dearborn of L. 607 Ninth s.treet will entertain eight Betty Jean, of Madison, PLANT .NOW! Sturdy Plants ol aU kinds lor Window Boxes and other outdoor plaatiag. · GET OUR ESTIMATES :tl'·· l't·qlH·StPd lO bv }H't:!"('lll. Mrs. \\·. ]. King oi 611 Forest awson, \Vi s. Sht: a not her \\' tc k. nue i ~ Yi~iting- her daughter in 1fadi'7 cxprctc; to remain JOHN WEILAND 1161. ·wilmette f'l'll \ ' ··tH· Tlk Distril't ,·t~nvention of tilt· Xt>rthIllinois district will this Yt·ar conat the 111-w gymnasium 'or H.in·r C'ollt·g-·· . St·~sions Ave. wu. 2128 Ft·t·· · ~t \\' ill lk ht~ld ··\···ry morning- and aft··rnoon from .lunc ~~~ to ~:i. <'<trl A. Fil'k is thr· dPlegatP r. ·pr. :-:..r1t!ng th·· local churd1, .A. Butzow J,..ing- tht' nltt·rnatt· . .\buut ~on congn·:.::t t it:ns will ht· ri'}H'I'St·nt· ·<l. ··~11·h h~· its pa:-t··l' and Ia~· dt>lt·gate . b~· I 'hildn·n·~ I 1ay will r·,..!t·bratl·!l at :o-:t. J(·hn's on Sunday morning·, Junr· 12. Th·· day will I il·· childrt·n will all appf'Ctr for tlw Sun!"<'hool hour at 9 :30 and at 11 o'clock participat·· in a special sen·ict> in church . fn this Sl'l'\'i<'t' diplomas :tlld l'··rtifi at.~ of promotinn will lh. .1ward· ·d. A ~J)··cia l invitati··n g· q··~ out "' th·· par<·nts (·f all Sunday sl'll·l<t) l'ltildr.·n to att··nd . FISHING TACKLE That Lands 'Em Be sure to examine your equipment .. and then what you need to land that whale you know you're going to haul in this year, you'll find right here .. non-breakable rods, and prectston reels. to say nothing of the other smaller necessary tackle will help you perfect your cast as well as your catch. ).lrs. \\'. Frank McClure and her daughter, Katherine, hav e been called tu olorado Springs for seYeral weeks. SUNDAY CHICKEN .DINNER -$1In addition to our a Ia carte dinner on Sunday we serve a very delicious chicken dinner for a dollar. Bring the family along and give them a real treat- one of the very best meals on the North Shore. Ready to Swing Into Summer? 4 Passenger Swing To belt- you enjoy cool breezes beneath the trees, this sturdily made lawn swing with plenty of room for four persons. Couch Hammock Steel hanger wich chains-made in khaki duck with a tufted pad and seat. The chains are adjustable so ·the desired height can be obtained. The Wilmette Cafe Opposite Village Hall JOHN MILLEN HARDWARE 1219 Wilntette A venue Phones 3 060-3 061 Meals that satisfy

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