Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1927, p. 4

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4 WILMETTE LIFE May 27, 1927 . - - -..................- -......-.IKENILWORTH BARGES BROS. DECORATION DAY MEMORIAL A. C. Wolff Buys Property DAY SERVICES SUNDAY Wilmette for Business Block (Continued from page 3) FOOD SALE ROME GROWN SEASON FOR VEGETABLES until the sun1n1e1~ is o\·er practically all our tnerchand1~c \\·111 be hon1c gro\Yl1. I~. . ronl no\\· Sc GREEN ONIONS Sc SP:~~~~: ............................39C c~~~~:: ........................... ·IOc c~;c~~~~~~.· ........................... Sc G~~~~ ~N~ ~A~ .~~~N~·............ 25C ILt:~~~~~s~s~A~~~us: ............... I Oc btttlch ................................ . RADISHES, bunch ....... ......................... . Lint·oln's f;l·ttysl.>urg- AddrPss Tom Hicks Selt·l'tions ... ... Kenilworth Choral Club Cndl'r the Direction of Frand::-; R. :\Ioor<> and accompanit>d by :\Jr~ . .Jaeob S. Clinf· Illinois-Th(' Audienu·, lt-d hy Kt·nilworth Choral Club Address-Tht> Days of '61-R. K. Willi~. Vf'h' ran, CiYil War Address-The Army in thf' World WarBrig. Gen. 1\lichat.'l J. Lenihan, Commanding at Fort Sheridan · Address-Our Boys-Harry P. Harrison :\ml'rka .......... ... ...... Th1 · .\udi en('t' Ben I'd l<'tion ~Iary A. Clampitt ha s :-;old the premAmt:rican and the \V orld \Yars will he ises at 1121 Central aYenuc, \\'ilmctte. the guests of honor, will proceed as being the 50 J)y 200 iect ea~t ni Ta.yIor's dry g·nnd:-; str· · · ' ·· 11 llt , t' follows: of the !'>treet. east L)f \Vi!tn etlc avenue. Flag Raising· .. .. ..... ... '£he Boy Scouts Tlw c~olor~ ... .. . .. Fort Shr-rida.n Bugl<·r to A. C. Wolff. of the hardware finn Tlw Pledgt· to tht' Flag· -:\ft>mht·rs of l\ew of \\'olff-Griftith~. lnr .. 11T ll~S \\' il Trit·r Hig-h S<"hool and .Jo~t·ph Rears mcttc a\·enuc. St'hool , :tnd "\udi t'J1<'t:' Mr. \Volff \rill impruve tl1c pr(lpt·rly Tht· ~tar Spnng-kd Bann\'1'- Sung· b y En:·ryone with a thrl'c-:-;ton· brick huildillJ.! to £nYol'ation ...... H<'Y. Lt·land H. Danforth St:·h·l'tion ............... . ".:'\ew Tri e r band contain a !- tore to ·he occupied by that Undt'l' din·etiOlJ of :\h·. Joseph Schumal'lt- firm, and apartments ·lll the :--t'C(Illcl . r, Hand ma~tt>r and third iloors . Ol'R H F;RITAGl~ The hou~e nm\· on thl· lot ,,·i:l ],e 'vn·ittt·n and l'J't·!·wntt>d by Pupil:-: of the sold and hid:-; for t h c remo\·al nf the . .Jnst·ph St·ars S('hool ::;tudt:·nts Paulim· ~Pit' gel , Ka.tlwyn Benson strnctnr(' art· 110\\. being taken . Spirit of Tndep('ndC'nc.:e ...... Oakl(·y Jenks The salt· pricl' was $42,500. Harry \\'. Spirit of Heunion . ........... Jack Howe ~pi rit of Lil>l·rntion ........ Elwood ~Tons Hopp ,,·as the broker and n :prc sc ntl·d :;p irit of Dt·moeracy ... Dorrance J:\ygaard both parti(':-; in the transaction. Mi!->~ th~ \\' illiam D. Sandcr~olh 11i <Jl4 ( ·l'll- .- \lirr Sanderson. daughtn 111 tral arl'll\lt', is visiting her :--i:-tl'r. ~I r-... Carl Biut z of ~a gina w. ~~ ich. ~ht.: t · \.pccts to remain about a week. BUY A POPPY TODAY Members of the American Legio:t Auxiliary, Wilmette Post, will be stationed · at various points of van · tage today offering to the villagers the little red poppies, the sale of which enriches the funds for relief work among disabled war veterans and their families. Each year Wilmette contributes generously to this worthy cause, and today's solicitation will be no exception to the rule. The poppies sold here have been made by disabled war veter· ans who are paid for this service. You are invited to buy a poppy today! ·IN NEW LOCATION ~[ rs . Ccrtrudc ~f. Thurston, super- vi . sor oi Xew Trier tmn1ship. has moHd from her old address at 460 Winnetka antllH'. Indian Hill, to 544 Chestnut street, \\'innetka, apartment 12. Her phone number i:-; stil l \Vin netka 622. The town:-hip ntticc number is \Vinnetka 2500. 11r. and Mrs. ]. C. Crc~sy of 913 Forest an·nue ,,·ill lllOtor to 'l'he Dells in Wisconsin over the Decoration day. \\'<:C k-cnd and PINEAPPLES, large and I o each, 15c, 20c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C cklicion~. PINEAPPLEs-FOR CANNING · KLINGE & WHITE Grocery and Market SPRIXC LEG OF L.\:.\IR. Dozen .......................... $1.10--$1.49 FLORIDA ORANGES, 3 doz ............. $1.00 CALIFORNIA ORANGES, 3 doz .......... $1.00 SWEET CANTALOUPE, .......... 10c-15c-20c LEMONS, dozen .......................... 29c WATERMELONS - CALAVOS, SWEET CHERRIES Ridge Ave. at Lake (~hXLlXE Tels. Wil. 113-114 4 Free Deliveries to Wilmette and Kenilworth. FOR THE OUTING BEVERAGE SPECIALS .CANADA DRY GINGERALE, cloze11 ......................... . lb ....................................... . STE \ \' JNG· CJ-11 CKENS, Fresh I )n;sscd. _ lb ................ ·....................... . SliOl"LDER YE.\L ROAST. lb ....................................... . ~IRLOIX STE:\K, MORAND DRY GINGERALE, cloze11 ......... .- ............... . WHITE ROCK, cloze11 ......................... . S2.I3 SI.43 S2.I3 . lb ..................................... · .. . 43c 38c 25c 43c + ELOlSE PEAS. Extra Sifted, wh1le they last, doz .................. . LITTLE KERNEL CORN, doz ........................ ........ . . Free Deliveries on All Orders. TEL:\10 GOLDE~ BANTA:\! CORX, BARGES BROS. 635 Main Street West across the tracks from the Station. Phones 159 2306 6 cans for ............... .......... . . LILY \VHITE TOILET P1\PEI~. 1000 sheets, reg. 2 for 25c. 5 for ........... . L.\1'E VJE\V CORN FLAKES. 3 for ................................... . LIBBY'S FANCY RED SALl\IOX. 3 cans for ........................... . STRICTLY FRESH EGGS, direct fr,o m the country, duz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.25 SI.90 SI.IO SOc 25c SI.OO 40C tI 4

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