Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1927, p. 3

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May 27, 1927 W IL M ETTE L I FE 3 KENILWORTH MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES SUNDAY All of Village to Participate in Dedication of Monument and Program at Assembly Hall C'onl ll Htrl it y ~ ~ \'lllOr ial da y -., t·n· i t· l' ~ w ill hL· h eld in Kcn il \\'tl rt h ~und.t y aiter nonn und e r the dirl'c l ion ()j tIl l' Kt'Il ih~· o r th cl ub a nd \\·ill l i t' C(IJllpri -., t·d oi t" tl pa rt s : thl' ded icati11 1 1 ()1. tllt· nHlll ll lll('llt L ·rected in the Yil hl! t. ' Jl d rk h y \ I r. a n d ~'lr :; . Char It ~ \\ ·a r t· t tIll' llll'lllnry of K cnih,·or th ho ,·._ \\'Ill, died in F r a nce, ·and a prog;·am ui ruilllllt.:IIH·rat ion whic h \\·ill he hdd im .. lll l'd ia tcl y fo llo\\·ing in t hl' vi ll agt· ;t ~ '-t'lllh ly hall. P recl' di ng t ht· aitl'r not ln':- prograJ ll, hO\\'t·\'t·.r. appr ::>priat<: sc ni ce~ wi ll he ht·1d in th e Ke nilworth churche:-. .\ s th ree oi th e loca l hon wh o di d llllt re t ur n fr om Fran ce .were m emb ers o f the U nio n church Sund ay sc h ool. spc . r ia l memor ia l se n ·ire s will h e hel d at the r egu la r mo rnin g m ee tin g. T h ree \\' indow:- dedi cated to th eir memo:· ,· wil l h e dec ora ted with b a~keh H(,,,·r rs a nd simp! se rvi ce~ in cludin R tilt' rt·la ti o n of the sto ri es of th eir li,·t·". \\'ill he obse rv ed. To Dedicate -Monument The a it ernoo n prug ram will hcg i11 a t 2 Ju. a t \\'h ich ti me p ~, rti c ip ating t )J"t.:" aniza tion s a nd r e. id ents wil l io rm in" · parack ord er at t he Culb er tson l..! ~· Inna s itt lll and will marc h to the ~! emnr ial Park. At the \\.a r c mon u lll L 'Il t an a clcl rc ~s o f prese nta t ion in 1 l1a 1i () i ). f r. an d ~ f r :-.. \\·a r c w iII 1> t' lll a<k by Dr . .H erb ert L. \\.ill et . Til,, r v" p() 1h t ' of a r r ep ta n c c on h c h a Ii o i t lit' Kt·JJ ihr tlrth P a rk hnard an d t il e \ ' ilbgt· \\·ill ht· made by 1.. ~1 . \\' ill ;; , J·rv . . idtn~ nf th e Park hoard. T he add rL· :-. :-. c· ~ ·wi ll he followed In· hrid :-cr\·ice, in whi ch th e sc hool . chilrlr e1 1 oi KL·n ih ·onh will place a wr eath o n t he 1II 01l tl llll' llt a nd a sa lute will he fir ed l,~ - a deta il fr nm th e 'C' ni te d State;; ar n 1~· at F ort S heridan. Thv c; t·ni ce:--: a t th e . \ ~s em h h· !J;tll \\·ill IH.·gin a t 3 :15 a nd will h e ie~t tur c d pr i nc i pa l! ~· hy t hH'L' addre sst' S : " T h,· D ay.; <,i '()1 " h~· R. K. \\'illi ~ . n ·te ra n ni tht· l'i ,· il \Var, "Th e Arm\· in thr \\'oriel \Var" hy Brigadi e r · Gen cr,tl '\1 irhael J. Lenihan. commanding n fti cn at F ort ~h c ridan , and "Our Bm·s" hy II a rr~· P . Ilarriso tl. .-\ p ;igc~ nt " ( >ur H erit age," writ ten and prepa r ed hy r hildrt.:n of th e J ose ph ~ e ar :-; :--rh nlll \\ ill ;tl :-.<· be prr sc nt ed. Parade Line-up ._ Tl1 c pa ;acl e forming at th r l'ulh n·. :>O il gy mna sium will follow th e fPIIo w in,L(' lin e- up : Th e colors . K e nih,·tll" : h Bo:· ~ co ut s, ~f ar shal and aid s. :\ e\·; T r it·r hig h school band, Cnit ecl ;-:.t at t'" :\ rm y firin g squad , :M en \\·ho sen ·rd in t ht~ :\rm~· ::> r Kavy in the \\' o rld \\'ar . K L' 1 lih,·orth Ca mp Fire Girk memhL·r, d i thl' J os eph Scars sc honl. ~ tuden b n i tlw '!\ ew Trier high school. nl em l>c:·:-. lli the Sundav sch ool s of th e Church of th e Hoh· Comio rter a tl'l t hl' K cnihvor th Cn.ion church, stu dt·nh of o th er :; rh ools and oth e r patri ot it' n ·sident s of K enilwo rth. Thl' par a de will proc er d ea:-t lHl 1-.:enih\·() r th an'11t1L' to Leic rs tcr. · so uth 11 11 l.tirl' Stl'l' to \\'o odstock, we st on \\·nllcbtnck to \Varwck. north on \\.an\ irk t o Kenilworth an~ nttt..' an ,J \\' l' ... t o n Kenilw o rth avenu e to the ViL lagc \lemorial park. Immediately fol lc ,,,·ing the dedicat o r~· scn·ice . it will nJ ;trch ·to th<' a s. emhly hall. Order of Service'l'hL· <·r<ler of ~en·ices in th e hall, at which the Kenilworth Gold St11r fathers and mothers and the Kenil\rort h veteram of the Civil, Spanish ( Continued on page 4) 1 , CALL VlLAGERS TO MEMORIAL BAY RITES Street Procession . and Solemn Observances on Lake Front Comprise Program \Vilm ette's annual Memorial Day observa nce, held under supervision of \\.ilm ett e Post, No. 46. of the America n Legi on. co nt emplate s a program nex t !\Ionday morning that will h egin \\' ith an imp o~ in g street process ion at 10 o'clock and conclude with sol emn ce re111 o ni es a t the scene of th e ~{em ori al G rov e in \Va s!1ington park on th e lake front , commencing at 11 :15 o'clock. Jam es G. Barber of th e \Vilmette Legion pos t has been appointed mar~ h a l o f . the .Yl emorial Day proce ssion, th e unit s of which will as semble in the \·icinity of the Village hall for the march that i ~ scheduled to begin at 10 o' clo ck, with Damante's band at the head o f th e ranks. 'C'nit s in th e procession have been n· ques t ed to a ssemble in the following tlr der: Order of Auemhly On \ \'ilm ett e avenue opposite Village hall. fa cinR w es t- marshal, band, C . A. R., Spa ni sh War veterans, .\ merica n Legion. Rr_serve officers; on \\'ilm ette ayentte 1 imm ediately north o i Ce ntral a venue-Boy Scouts, Sea ;o:.cout s, Girl Scouts. Camp Fire Girls; a t t he Village hall-children's bicycle di ,·i:; io n. mar ching civilian s. Persons dri,·ing ca r:; a re r equ ested to fall in at the r ea r . imm ediat elx behind fire appa r a tu ~. LEST WE FORGET [Today we toss aside the lighter thought to honor those courageou s heroes. our boys of the North Shore. who made the supreme S.t([ific ~ that the world might be better and that Old Glor y might still wan· proudl y and high on the staff of righteou sness. ! of \\' I L Allyn T . Anderso n Louis Bruch Frank Fiegen Alfred Francisco Henry C. Herbon Peter J. Hu erter D ouglas 1 . Hoff m 1 n ~1 ET T E Robert P. Irvine E ugene B. Jones J . P. McArdle \Villiam C. Pope Cedric A. Smith George \ T. Seibold > (' K E N 1 L \\' 0 R T H Franklin B. Bell o ws Andrew C. Campbell C . Purcell Macklin Walter H. Schul ze Manierre B. 'J..T are * I il · I I \VI NN E T K A Dinsmore Ely Roswell H. Fuller Vincenzio de Giorgio James E. Hayes Wesley M. Juleff George R. Kelly Fletcher L. McCordic ·Pasquale Salerno Philip C. Starr Charles D. W cart * GL E NCOE * Leo Brandenberg Leon Bullard Marinus Christens~n Norman Hillock K~nneth Macleisb Tribute to thl' Dead Damante's band - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - · Placing ).lemorial \Vreath- Mrs. H. will be g- Iv en by Pa st Co mmander E. \\'. Hopp, pres idellt, \Vilmettc LeR. Lewi ~. of vVinnetka Po st No . 10 g io n Auxilary I 1\.ituai- \Vilmett l' Post. American Le.-\lllL' ric a n Legio n. g ion Thl· Fia ll\·i1k Bny 's hand will t'~- T a ns-1Iiss Susall Conh. ·y and John ) ,. . C(lrt th e marchers. Borncamp P cter J · H ucrt er, I ost ·' 0 · 669 \\'1 11 · · _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ( On r minute of silence. a ssembly as in pa st years, haYe char ge of ).l e- ; CLUB PLANS STAG DINNER . . facing east) . .. .. r·., . , . ,.\ 1\.aismg of the Colors moria) Day exercise s at St. Joseph's 1 ·gt,' ~ a ,,tag cemetery. . The B:tn ,\lle~rs " 11 (singing- of National Anthl'm bv chnner tht s _e,:enmg, 7 :3_0 o clt1C~ . at th(' \ · Assembly) · Observanc e will begin with the p or t of ~! ! ssmg Men, ttl the \\· tln1e!te Pen edict ion Dr. George P. Magill parade at 9 o'cl oc k. Starting irom 1 1ar 1 )Or. 1e next event p 1anne< 1 tor . .:, 1 t' D t , band Forrester hall north 01. Ridge an~ lltH' . the earh· summer sea ~ on, heiore thl' · L' ec ton s aman e s the line n f march " ·ill he north i :) member; depart for fi s hing- trips ~lllcl Elmwood a\'enuc. east to Fifte enth European voyages, will be a dinner ).1 r. and Mr s. L. S. Overton of Milstreet; south to \Vihnette. avenue; dance, Friday, June 3. at 6:30 o'clock. ..-aukce, \Vis., will spend Decoration west to Ridge avenue and north to St. Frank Seaman and his orche stra will clay visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Joseph's cemetery, where the address furnish the music for this affair. Sanderson of 914 Central avenue. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~election . Thi s year th e committe e in charg o i th e pa racll' is making a special dto rt t t> have a large bicycle divi:-ion i1i the pro cl' ss ion and it is hoped t ha t sm all children will he ed the invitatio n to fes to::> n th eir wheels and fatl intt) lin e at th l' station pre scribed for that :-;ec ti on. I Th e lin e of tnarch will be along \Villl ll'tte avenu e w es t to Park avenue, ll·) rth on Park a venue to Lake avenue, l t·ast on Lake -avenue to Seventh street. :-.o uth on Seventh street to Linden a n~ nuc. ea st on Linden avenue ~o Third stre et. north on Third street to Ce ntral a\·e nue. east on Central to ~I emo rial Gro ve in \Vashington park on the lak e front. ).l emorial Day exe.rcises will be of i11 rty- fin· minut es' duration, with the order of th e observance s as follow s : Order of ServiCf' ~tlection ..... Damante's band r11\'0C ation- Brig. Gen. s. c. Stanton. chaplain. \ Vilmettt.· Post, American Legion .-\m e rica ... A ssembly .-\warding oi Prize s in Memorial Day l ·: ~ s ay Cont est - John Davies, preside nt. \\'ilmett e Optimi st club Re ading o f Prizt' E ss avs . .-.. Th e Winners p. J. Huerter post Conducts ]U emorial Observances Monday 11 I

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