Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1927, p. 47

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~fay 27, 1927 l'Olt SALE nn~.fi. ~~l1 WILMETTE HOUSES (Q) LIFE WANTED TO BUY-VACANT 47 i2 WTD. 1'0 B'uY-HSEHLD. GOODS W A~TED TO BUY - SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Hig-hest prices ror same. Crost l!'urnlture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone Unlv. 189. 72LTN35·tfc I :J-lA ----1MI----§--n-n----~ OXE \S:? :-\11~-REHI])J<;~T ~ ll'lll'll'd us to BCSI"NESS l~ROPERTIES OWNER HAS INcu l the pri<-f· to $11-,500 ~ 11ll hi;; R room ~lUt'('O. 1st fll)ol': Living- rm ., dining- nn ., stud~·. \,vdroom~;, lmthroom, Jdt c ht'n, :! pantrys, lort'akfas t pord1. :!wl Jl11or : :! IH·flrooms, bathroom, .l Jilliilrcl rm., stOI't·room, all rooms an· large . I ,(It ;,ox 140. C l os~.: to tnLn~portation. ~l! oGo Sit&~® :: :: ti l.inch·n A\"!', ~ CC©o l'll ont· \\'il. :;(JX -·)I ., - 1t c ·J- , .· :.- I OF THE CHOICEST corners in \\.inm·tka antilahh' for im-n~t·<liatt· improvement. :\lost id<.·nl location in llubllard \Vood~; busillt'SS Sl'dion for apartments with first lloor shop ilwation rapidly lwcoming- ntluabh·. :\lHin tra \"eh-<l t'OI'Il··r. \\"ill t·nhallt't' ill yaluv gTt·;tlly \\"ilh furtht·r t·Xl<'llsion Of th(· tnll:k highway and furt h··r impro\"t'll1l'llt c)t' th e N'orth !::-lJlllrl' :tlld .:'\ul"lll \\"t ·Stl'l'll St·l"\'icl'. l'riill'ipnls with l';tpital st·t·ldng prolitai)lt· inY· ·s tnH·nt "r thl'ir hrokc·rs inquire of ~1 X· 'J'L~l~l_)\r '-'\.. ~ '- '\.. 111 :-\11. l~t · arl,"l'l' ~trt···t .) 1.\ LT:-\:~ ~.-ltc BUSI~ESS 16i ----\V_A_N--:-T-E-~D----- VAl'AXT LOT IX WILMETTE THAT has all improvem e nts in. Must be close to c. & X. v.;. R. R. tram;portation. Addrt:s · Life B-:wo. 67L:J5-Hp \1.\RlUEJJ :\lAX WILL GJYE PAH'I' imt· in t·x dwng- f' for rooms over gar- W.\XTl<~D LONG CURTAINS FOH tg"( . Janitor work in stor~s. office:,; or ar l' hwa~·: also cretonne curtains for 10USt'\\·ork. l; le ncoe :?SO. 57LTX:.:5-llc porch window:>. Call Bruns. 8643, or _ address Life B-328. 72LTN35-ltp IHi W .\ :\'l' J-:U TO IH ' \-HOFSES , FC·It S.\LF.-~II~CELLANEOUS -----------------\.\",\.:'\TEJl TO BCY !::-l[.:\: IWO:\f :-iTRfl"('- I·' OH. HALE LADIES' RACCOO~ ly mollt-rn honll · in t: h()iee ·Jo t:a tion, east <·oat, $5G.uo ~ash. Cost $300. In splensidt· \\"ilmdtt · or n· ·:trl.y suhuriJ, about did condition. Call .houseman Winn. 27. ~:!tl,tlll ll . \\'ill ('onsi dt·r va<'ant lot. (Hvc 73LTN35-ltc l'ull dl'laib . . \fl<'trt·;;s Lift· B-:::!~t. 6 liLTX:l 5·:!tc XEW CORONA PORTABLE TYPEwrite r, use d only a few times, $25. FOH S:\J , J ·:- t · sEH C:\.US Lange, 461 \Voodlawn. Glencoe 1050 . . 73LT.N35-ltt.: < ~~ -.. LTRR.\ \ T I 1-··· .\TTI~.\<'Tl\'1·~ R 1:<>(>:\1 \\"HI.TI ·: l'liLf·ll ial: hot wattr lwat: :! attnwti\"t· t· ll ··l··St ·d pordH·!-i; f"]Jit· lldid gantg··. (lwn··r l· ·a \"illg-. Ol"fl'!·~ a buy :ll $:]11,fi(Jfl. FOH :-o\J.t-:-1 ' 1 ·: :\IETEH\" LOTS tQ~ oJfu1[ ~ JJ@ liD lTil$3 it©Im & CC© o Lindt·n .,.\ \"t' . EASY 'l'ER:\U-5 I :u.'· ,,·ith t·onfi<lPnr·f· from \V rstecl. \V e Sl ".\1\IEH HESOUTS -------------------1 ;.:tt:li'Hntt·P s;ttisra('tion. 1 Ford Touring- .................... $75 ~f ~u~:R l'llon ·· \\"il. liS ·~,; (.J\·t·rland Lig·ht Vt'li\"t·ry ...... .. $225 ;):! 1,::;,.] te ·:::: I >odg·,. :-it'Clan. JH· w p:-tim ...... .. $150 . I .JOHX.'OX :\fOTORCYCLE CHEAP. <'all I~~~~~ Chatfield Rd., or tel. after 6 P . .\1. Winn. 1593. 73LTN35-1tc I·'Cil~ Sl' C)~ 970 VERXON AVE. t: l.I ·::-\C'OE. FfYf·: ItOO:O.T !-;Tl; <'I'(J t,utig-a.low with !i~ ft. lcJt : Jan.~· · li\'ing ~'""m with fir··plat···: :! ::-;,·rt·t·llHl JH·rl'lw s. l.argL· attit-. J>rk·· ~11.111111. I I IOl\TE \\'0()1)El) ISLI·: I ··· SALE-BLACK DIRT, manure, cind \' l"s . Phon t> ~orthbrook 219J2. 73LT~35-ltp .... } l)odg·(. rl'ouring ................. $l~S II" .\"ll(' )i Rondstt>r, Tl('\\" p~Lint . . ...... $250 WERSTI·~n jti·> Linc·o ln .'\.\'(·. :\IO'I'OH. \0. T e l. Winn . 165 6 ~ L'l'N35-tfc Fl H~ S.\LE-ALSO FINE SCREW JACK fen· t·ar, $G.OO. Call Wil. 1086. 73L35-1tp ;1 WTJ>. '1' 0 BUY-MISCELLANEOUS FR.-\:\K _ \. H .EID :· ~· l l.i ndt ·ll A \'t·. 'J\·1. '\" inn . :>~LTX:::i-1tt : WAKTED CLEAN WH!:TE RAGS, lOc per lb. 1222 Central A venue .· Wilmette. 74LT~35-tfi> \\" J·: 'ga 11. 1 :r>lllJII··t· · l~ - f urnish ed . s rooms, EYansoll, Ill. ,., ..'Jt.d, I· n ·111·1I (i 11 , 1 rs an<l windcJws, C! lec- :!:i!S-:! ·1 " ·· H :li lroad A\"e. 68LTN:~5-ltc ll"lt' light, hath: ill \\"ll!l(}(·d ll'Cl('t 2011 ft. ------------------J r"111 ri ,.,.1·, 1- I mi J,. !1> Lak ~o· :'lli<"h. X C':-t r 1:1 Dl"H'K :\IECJ·L\:-.:IC'ALLY PERl!t ,] j' ··<·Ul"St ' . 1fill mill'S fi'<)Jll ('hicag·o, l·:-t'··d, IJ()dy and paint f11w, pntc-tica lly pa \'I'll road. Ht·astlllabJ, . prit·t·, cash or 111'\\" ruhllt ·t·, mileage low. Fin e for eonlt- rni :'. Li J",. I: -:: Jlj. 5:iA L1;}-ltp traetor ()I" light truck. ~ot th e kind o[ ;t \':tr ~· ou would ··XJh'Ct at thi~ pri ce. ~ 1.: :\\' ··. I 'h·ll1· · \\"il. ~:!~1 :'1:-!ii.IHI. 1 '. F . ll t·ss. J:~:Hi Gregory Ave., II"'. HEXT, S.\ LI·:-FCI1X!SflED FOU!l ;,:,! J,:::i-lte Jo'l l"llltl11 log r·;tlJill. St'l't·t·llt·d !IOl't' h C·s, on \\' ilmd tt ·. G8LT~~5-1tp .\! onsr· L:tl\··. llarwanl. \Yi~ . Tnq. S. J. i·'t .'l: :-i .- \LE- rli"BB .\Wl \\"1 1(11>:-i, ~j;; ),,.tJnt·r. lla~ · warcl. \\'i s. I :1~ti .\1.\ STEI~ SIX BUICK, 2 DOOR SE\\·," ·ciL1 \\"11 .,.\ \'··. I l~< · drrH·ll lS; :! baths; tlnn. all tlt'\\" tirt ·s. ('all \Yinn. ~:H. :.1 \ att.ry on first l!t···l': hr·l wat.-r ht·at: 68L35-1tv ;· tlt·'lllatit· wat· I' ht·;lt· ·r: l:trg·· lot; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -~ l1· ;ltt·d gar:q.:c·. ,:.]~c.itlll. HE .\ L 1-:sT .\TJ: n, .. l], ·rn :) ronn1 t '!IIIJlli;tl n·sitknt, a net 1':t l' g:trat..:··, within :1 lolrll'l\s 1·1" \l" < tll."il"'l'lati·'ll on an impr .. ,·,·d st r· ···t. Lc·ss han :<;;!,IJ!JO ··ash nt···tlt·d. ( h\· ll··r must ;··.t \ <' lhiH \'liltlH!t- 1111 Ht'I'IJlllll tli' lJr·altiJ ""1 !'··ally \\ants t" ::-;t·ll, at ~L!,t·llfl. .\HE UFFJ·:r:.r X·; :-\ E .\HL Y S 1·:\\" :-ii:.\1:\IE!t 11<> .\ll ·:-~. \t"<;.\'l'l ; r·K , :'IIICII- F. li. C.\TIIERC(t\L FH.A:\ I' _ \. REr 1) ···I I.intl· ·n .\v ··. Tt ·l. \\"inn. ["t~l: ;o llul.IHtrd \\"unds 1::110 !::-l.\LE fj H<HI:\1 I:I!H'K \"1 ·:.:'\E~TI h"tiS··. ;;un parl"r and s l. ·t·p ing· porch, lo,tl h. tilt· tltH·I' a11d wall~ laYaton· on rir;-;t lltH·r: bl'· ·;dd:tsl lttJIIk'; wat<·r I1 ent · ~ ··:tr g-a rag· · ; lr·t ;-,r1x ltlf\. Just com~ pi · l··d . <lw11t-r 1111 pr··Jnist·s ~unda~- bet" ····n :! :ou antl :-. :1 ·11 p. m. Price ~20,000. 1~ 1 ~. \\·a~hingt1·n A \'··. !'hone \Yil. :n!l·l. fi:n,:::i-trt: I · "CJ!~ !::-l;\LI·; WI~::-\ETK"\· G ROO:\J 'll"d·· rn lwu;-; t· : ~(l ft . Ji\'ing- room wilh ril'··p la t···; :l ht·drl)l)ll\S; ~ SCI"Cned Jl· ·rdw::-;. Gi it. lot; t:Oll\'l'nh·nt to ea' i· "' ; g-ar:q..:t·. ~u.o on. P.t·asouahll· t· ·rms. :-; 1·1 :t; 1·::::-;·no:-.::-; FH.O;\I THE "\VHAT.:'\"(IT" FOP. THE .llT:-.:E BRIO)·:~ .\tnong· our si'Ort·s M rect'ntly-arri\·,·u antiqu· ·::-; ar·· many pi ect·s that would mal\t· uniqu· · Wl'dding gifts. Among ~Cll"'l'll !·; _.\:-;')' <:LE.:'\t'Ol·: (l.:'\1 · ; J:LOl'f\: th··IIJ a1··· ('ht·sts of dr:~wt·rs, spool anti to lakt ·, own. r will s··ll ·I lnts , ~1 !,!11 pl· r IJCI;;kr ! ... (ls, t· hairs in sl'ls, beautiful rt . i( sold hy .lunt· :?nd. ~lass·. o !11 latlllJ)i win·d, rare prints, t'tJ\'vrkts, ],ronzt ·s and hra:;s t·S. '\"l' inl!t · autifull~· wnodt·d (·n·· -hall' :t<'l't' , all im\'itt· .'·"ul' instwc·tion. )11'11\'t·nH·nts in. fin1· lwmt ·s adj11in . H ~~~:-. W .\:-iTTlXI:TO~ ST. sold thi)i \\"t·to k, 0\\'111'1' will sl'll for nllf'f:\'anston halr' :ll'tual Yaltl " , ~2:; JWr ft., all (';ts h. \\'. ':: Ill. :\l;tin ~1. " L. " Jt:! Ill. E. Hidgt· _ IOLTX:l.:i-1t c Extraordin;tn· lllllllt·~it t· atij;ll'· ·ltt tn Tn di;lll .II ill <'lui,, ~!HI Jkl' ft. ,\XTI<Jl"E:O: . L.\ ll111·:1aL\C'K ('II AIRS. Jualwg· an~- st'llt't·. prints, lamps, hooked 1'··11-I'OIIlll h111111·, g11od t·onclition. ··Xt't ·llt ·ll l rug-H. 'l';tlly Ito Shop, 1428 Slwridan lrw:ttillll, lot l01IxlS7, a l1al'gain; ~::n,IIOIJ. Hoatl. \Yilnwtt· ·. ":"\c1 .\Jan '!" Land." 'fhi:-; \Ycck's Best Rea] Estate Baro·ains r.. DOt: :\Il"ZZLIX<; PHOCLAMATION \\"H EHE.\8, the undt>rsigned is of th~ opinic1n that it is necessary for tlk safety .,f tlw inhabitants of the Villag~ that all dog·~ running at large within tlw corporalt· limit~ of tht· Villag~ of KeniL wort·!l b P muzzlt·d . THI-:ItEFORE , by Yirtu\! of the or<linance of said Yillage Vf.'sting in tht> undt· r~ig-nl'(l tht' powt>r so to do, I, Ralph r: . Ha,~· xhur~t . Prf.'sidE>nt of tht> Village of K t·n i l\\"orth, clo h e ri·by is~ue tht> folI· ·\\"ing pro(' lamatio n, to wit: From anl1 aftt ·r .Tune 1st, 1927 an<'t until :-it·JltPmbt·r 1:i, 1!127, the owners of all t1og:-; running- at large within the corporatt · . limit!" of tht· .Village of Kenilworth. shall ~ ·a us t· su0h dogs to be ser·urt·lY muzzl e d in HUCh a mannt>r as to prt·\·.:nt any Jkn;on being bitten by such ring. Any do~ running at large on any nt' tht· puuli<' sln..... t~ or highways or in any pulllil' llitu't·s in said Villagp during su<'ll pt·ri coll. without sueh muzzle, shall bt> takt·n up. impounde d , and if not redt ·t· lll··d within li\"t:> da.y~. ~hall be killed ' and hul'it·d in at·corda.ncP with thP prnyisittns or said onlinanct·, and tlw nwmbt·l":-1 of th·· Poli<'t' Department in saHl \.illag·· art· lwr··h~· instructt-cl and aut ·~lorizt·d at'<'Ol'(ling·ty. :'igt!t'tl. H..\LPH H.. HAWXHGRST, Prt ·:·:i<h·nt of tlw Yilla~e nf Kt·nilwortll . \tt t·s t : l'f.l\"1·: .1. T.\YLUI{ \"illag· · <'l··rk - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- S~ll'fll A:\D BRO\Vl'\Yinn . 142 :i:?I:rx::;;-tt(' Ull<· of slridJ~· Sll··rt·'s fint ·st lit' \\". hnmt ·~. modt·rn. S t·oonls, ont·-half - ~~~~~~~~~ -~~-------at"rt ·, idt·al IIJvation . .;.tG,!IIIO. FOH S.\LE-HSEIILH. HOOUS \\'all'h ad\·t·rti:-t ' llll'lll . 1 ~I-:.\ I 1 T I I I !-; :\ F I~ E llt~rth 70LT~35-ltl' I:< 11 >.\I .FRAME . HOCHE, :1 r:l~Dr"" llls, sleeping por vh, h . w. heat, gar.tl! ·· . Small down paynH ·nt, li!J(;ral . l··nn:-;. Own(·r ha::-; hought larg···r houst.> ;t lld 111ll~l 1110\"t·. :-\11 l't ·HSll llHhJ,. offt'r 1"· lll~t·tl. ~I ake GIFT l\1oncy.. SaYc Titne. Buy tl'hrough 'l't ·l. " ril. 37-10 Lag·o .iGLT:-.:~G-llc 1i 1:! llip:hla.nd A \"1'. 1:, 11~ SALE - 'l't·l. \\"il. ::~ tl:i ;i2 L33-1tc lEnllll~ ~®Lfullity 9 lllTil~o lt;u!l Slwrida 11 H<l . In front 11\' '1\·;t rn· 1),· ) 1\E.-\l". :\1.\HOC . Dl:-\ . TABLE, G l'lwir::-;, boug-hl at :\Tarshall Field's. Al1 ll111S\ n.·w. \\'ill Sl ll at a bargain. ~lrs. E . <' l ;udh·ng·, Oning-tnn hotl'l, et.pt. a::lfJ. 71LTN:35-ltL' '01~ ~-\ LE-8R XOTI·~ I' LA 'LER PL\XO, C. lllt · lod~· saxoplwnl:', Quakl' l" :\laid B8A l T TJFPL FIVE R:\L ····l'll(·r hri ek bung·alo\\". Til · roof, bath , ~IHI\\"(·1", oil lw:H, ga.rag(· to match building·. All impro\'(·mrnts in and paid f11r . 'ft·rms. Pric· S1S.OOO r<'uU ct:d from ...:::~._.ooo. Fn·t t:r~ . :?GOS Law~·c, nc~ ·.~Ye .. 1 'lllt'agn. u2L'I ~ ,,;,-tfp Ft-IP.. SALE- 7 R:'\1. RRK . < OL., K\STLY ··n l;trg·(·d; :"l yrR. old, huill hy arch.; h. \\". ht.; ~ h., ln.,·., gar., lot ~1-tx:~:iO; rear 1 1:· ft. widt·; prl'lt it·st St. :-i. \\·. (; lt·ncoe>; 1 ldks. R. H ., s<"lwol. 1 ~t; Euclid. Gl e n' ·r "' 1 :;';' 5. ;)~L:l;i-Jtc inmt ·l·. \\"alnut dn·sst·r . Xo r e asonable 11ft\·r rdUHt'd. Phmw 'Vii. 3596. 71LT~35-1 tp .-t·H~lTLIRE, FOR REK'r IUH>:O.I I~HTC'K 11E"XG.\L()\\", 011 PaYc<l 1 ~oad, I m'ilt· \\'t·st of \\'ihn e tt<', Beautiful larg·,. yanl, lfot "\"at.-r llt·al, I·;Ject rit · Sto\"t', .\11 :\lndt·l'IJ l'rmn·nil!llCt'f':, <:a rag, ·. l:o(l~J ('.-\HPETS, RUGS, LIXOIt·ums, at wholt>sale prices. SaYe the dt ·n lt-r's profit . Phone nw. A. N. )-Jc<.'allum, r:teneOt' ~11\i. C'hieago, :-ilat<' 1 i5!1 . i 1LTX:J:i-Hp \"JJ,L Ha: ()}' WIL~IJ:TTE 1 :id:-; will. bL· rt'l't'i\'ed by the Superintt·ndt·nt' of · Public ¥lorks at thP Village Hall. \\"ilnwttt·, lllinoi~. up to 7:30 P. l\1. .lune 7th, fur the following work: 'Ya~h and starl'h walls and ceiling of Coundl Hoom: wash and starch walls and ('t·iling· in park boet.rd room; wash and :-;ta l'(·h t·t· iling· in hallway; wash and stnrl'll wall~ in committet> room: ceilinJ?; lt·l ht· paintt·d and all eracks filled. ~len's la\ntnn· to lw paintt'd and all crack~ rvp :dn'd. l'oul"t room walls to be washed and · star~hed ; ceiling to be painted and all \·ra~o·ks n ·paired . Women's rest room walls to bt· l)aintt' d (lower portion)UPJ>t·r nortion and ceiling washed and stnrchl'd. The Sup<' rinte ndt>nt of Public Work~ resen·t'S t lu· rig·ht to reject any and all hids. ('. C. SCHULTZ, Supt. Public Works. L32-ltL' ·'On ~-\ LE 1 SH I<:R\T O~ 11..\HOG. \'11,1·. \Gl-~ OF WILMETTE writing· desk in good eond .' Rt>n.sonaltle. J'honl' '\\' inn. 2!JiJ for appointnwnt . Bids will lw n·ceived by the Superin71 LTN35-1 te t(·ndent of Public ·works at the Village n;;.no F0H S,\ Ll~ - P.Y OW:" I·, H. :l HOO~I Hall, '\Vilm<'ttt', Illinois, up to 7 :30 P. M. ~ ~ ·~l~<:l<:Tl T<'E BOX, POR<'IO:L.ATN June 'i'th, for the following work: J, un 1 .:-alo\\", 2 blocks from t r:l.nHpnrtn.t ion, tim·d. 12;) lh. capaclt~·. Brass candlt> llulllia nl \\·ood~. C'all \\'inll. ~ For tlw painting of th(' stPt>l eeilin!?." ~tid,;-;, H1Hlil'tll1s, and fin·plac(·, railing. under tlw l)Ortieo <t round the Village Hall : :i::!LTX:l:l-ltc (~LE~ ~ \CRES \\"inn . :!·IS. i1L1'X:35-ltc ceiling· to ht· l><tintt·d two coats of irou ltOO:\T DTif<'K SE:\JT-nt'~(; "\LO\\" on FdH :-i.\ Ll·~ I I H. ;I' I ~ . \tll·-:-1·~ >H. WIL( lnt· . . \en· Lot. I! nl \\~att · r llt·at, ~Tod lllt·!tt' \':l<':tnt. ~~ ' ". :1 1"1·11111 hril'k hun~a:-i\"J>fl()X HEFRT<:., l'ORCJ<~. pa}l!~~t~ ~upt·rinlt·ndt·nt of Publlt.: Works :o11~ L'l"ll Tmpro\'l ·nwnts. ::! \nr Garag-e>, 111\\·, Sp:mi,.;h type. Well located. linvd. <'ost *~lO, st·ll for *25. Winn. 745. tilt · ri"'llt lo reJ···t't aw· and :-11 $27.GOO.OO ~J::,:;on. '\\"il. :·:li6S. .i:! !.:~ :l-llt: 7lL'l'N35-ltc rest·n·· ·~ "' ' ·' " ,; W>0:\1 l~RT<'K I:t"X(~,\LO\Y, Lot 285x bids. C. C. SCHULTZ, l~t:l, llot 'Ya!t·r llt,at, :\!ndt·rn. 2 tll~ FtYP.. SALE 171 !l EL~T\'\'OOD AVE., Hupt. Public "'\\'orl.;s. finislll't.l nooms epstnirs, ~ (':tt' HC'atcd 'HEXBY TALKI:-.:<r :\L\CH.-~1AHOG. '\\"ilme>tte, 8 room fram(;; hot wnte>r ht.; The fint'St ma<'hine, in g·ood cond . \Vinn. L32-ltc C: a rag"t' attaC'hc·d, ttnns. Own<'r Phone \Vii. 2:-\!l!l. 2~97. 71LT~35-1tc ~16,000.00 52LTN35-tfc llid gt· .\,·e., . \)! lrtl)ll'll\"t· lllt-lltS, .\1'('11];1 fll':t\t' l', T·~.:'\T, 1111 .\ 1'.\ 1t'l':'ll FOR SALE 0.\T( FOR SAI.E-VACANT F(IP. SALE-HIGHLAND PARK LOT, 5tl~ 150, two bloC'kS to tranSl ii Jl'tation, $111.00 pt>r foot. Wilmette Lif t B-305. 53l...TN32-4tp JJ o Jl=lL §~Jlli~®~®rr & CC© o s:n Ridg"l' Ave. Wilmette, Phon~ Wit. Illinois Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmitt, 'w ho BA nY'S BED AND CHINA C'ABINE'r. live at the corner of Winnetka avenue 725 Clwstnut Ave., 'Vilmett~. 71LT35-ltc and Happ road, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Ann, on Mother'3 FOR SALE - NEW EUREKA V AC:UUI\1 71LTN35-ltc 56LT35-ltc · dt>aner. Winn. 2153. 364 day, May 8, at the E\'anston hospital.

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