Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1927, p. 1

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WILMETTE' Mnrclt t : t. tfl1 ~. at LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS Published weekly by Lloyd 1-Iollistm·, .Inc., 1222 C"ent?·al Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. Entered as second class matte,· tltP pnt~f nt1iN' at WilmF-tte. Illinois. 1.mder the Act of March ~, 1879 . Snbscription price $g.oo, a year. VOL. XVI, NO. 35 WILMETTE. ILLINOIS, MAY 27. 1927 20,000 BAPTISTS IN Banks Announce l Ch an ges CHICAGO CONVENTION P ersonne Effective June Wilmette· Church to Have Large Representation in Session at Coliseum Next Week Co· n cert Soloist 1 '--·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___._ i I IORNER LEADS BATTLE FOR MAIN ST. HIGHWAY Statements concerning important Wins in Preliminary Skirmish changes in the executive personnel of with Holdover Trustees on the \Vilmctte State hank and the First Improvement Project :\ational hank of \Vilmette effective June 1, 1927 \\'ere is sued this week by \\'ith President Earl E. Orner cast ·· l t i~ expected that 20,000 IIH: tn hL· ~ ·~ the directors of the two local banking ing the deciding ballot, due to a deadoi Baptist churches irun1 till' northn11 houses. The Fir:'t ~ational bank announces lock among the Village trustees, th'~ and \\'e stern states \Yill as~emhlr i<>r the election of Dan G. Stiles as vice· M ain street \videning and paving prothe eighteenth annual ses:-~ion of the president and director, effective June 1, ject, under consideration over an exXorthern Baptist convent.ion in Chi - 1927. tended period received a favorable cago next week. The sessi(11lS will a II ThL·. \ \' ilmctte State bank announce~ vote at a meeting of the Village b::>ard be held at the Coliseum, beginning at that Dan G. Stiles, who has been their of local improvements Tuesday evening0 :30 o'clock on Tuesday morning. )[ a.· Yi-ce-president for the past sjx years, of this week. The board at that time 31. is seYering conne-ctions with that bank voted favorably upon a resolution to Jll'adquartcrs will be e:-.tahlishl'<l at to take effect Jurie 1. The officers of drav..· up an ordinance providing for the ~tevens hotel, the 3,000 roon 1s the \Vilmettr State hank thereafter a highway 52 feet in width that will \rhich \Yill be occupied almo~t en tin· I~ · will he as follows: S. A. \Vheelock, extend throughout the length of the by the visiting delegates. Pre~idcnt; Phillip Hoffmann, vicevillage . .\lllotlg the outstandin· g ~JH.'aker ~ un prtsidt.·ut; \\'. C. Shurtleff, vicc.- presiThe voting Tuesday evening found tll<.: program will he Dr. Ceorgt· \\ ". <h:nt; \\r. D. Leary, Yice-president; ]. Trustees Baker, Drayer and Wiedlin, Tru<.:tt nf Dallas, Texas, Dr. Fra11k \\". ~l. Budinger, cashier: and \V. R. RobholdoYers from la st year's ViJlage Padeliord, Rev. Jame:\\'hiir<·tnh in:-on. assistant cashitr. board, opposell to the ordinance resoBrougher. ~1 rs. \\'. C. C::>ltn1an . :\f r... The State hank's announccnH:nt inlution , with Trustees Cazel, Hoffman ' \· :\. ).fontgom~ry, ;:u_HI D~ . :\lkrt I dicat<:s · three interesting ch~nge~ in and von Reinsperg, recently elected on \\. Bta\·en. Busmess, mvolnng tll< ·,.._· 1 personnel. \V. D. Leary, cashtcr. l:i to the People's party ticket, favoring than S<,,OOO,OOU in hom(' and ior~.·ig11 1 hr rlt\'~tct.i to · a vice-presidency. prompt action to. carry through the in is..;ion~. education and ministnial r~· ~.1. BtHhnge~ ~Hh· anccs _from the poslp.roposed improYement. President Orlid. \\'ill he tramactecl ;111d man,· rtlll' - tHJil of ass1stant cash1er to that of ner shattere.d the deadlock by voicin~ A \ Vilmctte grammar school, ormi . . ~ intl'o and hoards will n·port.. I cashier. and \V. _B. Hohins~)ll. chid the deciding faYorable vote. · , rkrk. becomes assl!::>tant cashter. chr:-tra .concert at the Howard scho:::>l B anque t a t Stevens , .\ 'I r. :-t1·1 cs 1 Defeat Baker Plan . . . 1 1a::; pure 1 1ase(l a su 1 >~tanFriday evening, June 3, will bring beII c sess1011 ot the conn·ntJ :)tl ; · . \ 1111ta) 1· · Prior to the introduction of the rl'..:11a 1 ttl 1erec:; t, . 111 1'11c p·1rs t ,. .-..a 11ona l>dll k ·. fore the public, Howard Preston, of \\ til IlL' the banquet to i>L" held at tilt' the Chicago Civic Opera company. olution bY Trustee Hoffman, the boa ··:I StL'Yt·tb hntd on ~atttrday l'YC·nin g, I :\s iar a=- is known, this is the first had ,·ote.cl clown a motion offered hy _lulll' ~ . It i ~ t'xpccte(t" that 5.000 pcntillll' a Crallllllar . school orchestra has Trustee Baker which proposed to rrie1· l' k \\ill :-.it dom1 at thi:-. banquet. The an~::>mpanicd a soloist of such great the ~lain street improvement project lwtd managl'mt:nt hclicn.·~ this is the prominencl'. The orchestra is grate- (particularly -:..\'ith reference to tl1e largc:-ot tltl11lbcr that has n ·c r hrl' ~ l I 4 fully acknO\\·ledging the endorsement matter of establishing grades) to the ~t:rH d in one room at nnL' time. Plan commission and Village Engineer Tht· tir·;t l'ntertaintllL' nt. a card party ~I r :· Prc:-tl)ll this gives this worthy I )n Thursday en.·ning there will lw with stipulations to confer with a pre and da 11 ce. spon ~nred by the n·n· 11 tly nln\-cmcnt inr the dc,·elopmen t of mua l"1Jl!llg Penpk's :-e:-.sion and on Fri ,·ious Plan commis::>ion which several sical appreciation and education of da_\· en·nit.Jg, cummi:-.~ion~ will he gi\'t:ll orgapi£td KeystOill' rluh. " ·ill he held thl' young people oi the community. years ago presented plans for a simithe evening of June 4 at the \Vilmette ~~: - a !arge number of outgoing tni-; A capacity audiL"nre is anticipated fnr lar improvement taking into account ~~ asonic tt-mple. ,lotlarJt':o;. grade separation of the r·ailroad right The Key:-. tl)IH' c lull C< 1111 pri:'IL' ~ lllL'lll- this unusually interesting program (Jf llltt~tc. oi-waYs. In the vote on Mr. Baker's Large Wilmette Delegation her . . ; oi the Roval Arch ~f asons of The \\.ilmette Baptist church " ·ill he \\"ilnlette. Ib ol;jcct is to prO\·ide first - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- -- , moti::>;l, the board · split ·in the same iashion as in the subsequent voting on rL·prcsented by a complete dtkgation class tntntainmenb iur .:\1 a . . nns in the .resolution \Yith Baker, Drayer and cnJbist ing of 11 rs. H. :\. Bush. ~L·s. this district. The <·ne heing planned Solicit Clothing for H. D. Davisson, Mrs. H. J. Dcrnehl. for June \\'ill be the big event of thr. Needy in Flood Areas \\.iecllin, in favor, and Cazel, Hoffman, Dr. Ceorge A. Huntley and \\". Care·.: yt·ar. in ).f as ::>nic circle:-. it i~ promisl'd . The American Legion Auxiliary. YonReinsperg, and President Orner, .;, \\'it h Mrs. F . C. ~t ifkr as ft \Yill be f(\r all .:\1 a~llth anrl their \\'ilmdt e post Xo. 46. is conducting a opposed. .\fat thew . alternate. The local pa:-;tor \\'ill also fa 111 i 1 Scores Unwarranted Delay campaign tl) obtain clothing for mea. i L" s . he a delegate and will sen·e during The conference of the plan bodies, \\'Olllcn and children in the ~1i:-;sissippi Cenrgc B. Basskr i:-. pn·:-iuen t of the the session:> on thr staff of recnrcling nc\r rlnh: .-\. J. .:\f nnat. Yice president tlood arl'a. Clothing contributed mu;:;t as proposed by Trustee Baker, "Ccrctary. and chainnan oi the menlhl'rship com- be practical, clean and mended, it is br::>ught prompt opposition from Presi Visitors' badges that will admit hear - mittee: Schnd<.-r Harn·,·. secretary; <.' xplained. Donations are to be made dent Orner and Trustee Hoffman. er-, to all sessions may he secured at and \\". \\'. \\"inhl·rg, t~easttrer. r"ra to 11 rs. :\. C. Johnson, 322 Fourteenth President Orner declared that such a tlw \\.ilmette church office and arl' h ·erson is chairman 1lf the entertain- street, or ~I r~. Harry Hopp, 225 Lin - procedure would merely delay the improvement to such ~n exteat .as to preOlnilahlc for anyone " ·ho desires to ment cnmmittre. den a\'CllttL' . clude the possibility of cmupletion of :.tttencl. whether a Baptist or not, it i:-; the highway this season. He urged t"Xplaintd. prompt action to expedite actual work on the project. · of Members to WILMETTE ' LIFE. alive to the fact that the famed north shore boasts the· Trustee Hoffman contended that the golf clubs in the counrry and sensing the great an_ d ever-incre~sing intcre.st matter of establishing a grade that Hear of Poet Riley finest in the ancient and honorable game of St. Andrew. will present to 1ts readtrs 10 \\'ill take into account possible track :\ rt l1t1r ~r c:\rthur. a speaker of note. ensuing weeks a series of articles telling all about . the great dubs in the district. ele\·ation in the future was an enginrganize r of the Travers City, ~Iich. Ray C. Pearson is writing the series which is brimful of intensely interesting neering feature, pure and simple, and Rotan· club. will be the speaker at the stories. The writer is visiting all the' clubs and is ~ecuring his information first could thus be handled without diffi.T unr ineeting of thr Wilmette Cha~u hand. There is an intimate touch in the way Pearson is handling his subject and culty by competent en'g ineers. He (tisher of Commerce to he held at 8 this series should make great reading for the golfers. counted the value of having laymen o'rlork. ~fonday cvc-ning, June 6, i11 thl' Do you know how Westmoreland acquired its name? discuss that phase of the project, a l\·ntral Cafeteria. Do you know that one of the biggest and best clubs m the district owes a procedure which, he asserted, would ~f r. ~lcArthur will speak on the major portion of its success to a shrewd real estate deal? merely cause unwarranted delay. "\f elunric:-; of lames \Vhitcomb Riley" Do you know that one club calls itself the "kindergarten of golf" and why? ! 'resident Orner stated further that ;,nd members ~re assured that a pleasAll this and more-much more-will be found in Pearson's stories of the conside.ration of the proposition by t lw ant surprise is ·in store for them. The great north shore golf clubs in WILMETTE LIFE. plan bodies would mean a probable :.tddress is replete with humor. accordThe first article will appear in WILMETTE LIFE next week and others will delay of sixty days. a fact that would ing to those who have heard it. and follow each week until the series is completed. undouhtedy make impossible the caris certain to keep the audience in conRead WILMETTE LIFE next week and "follow through" on. this great series rying through of the widening provulsiotJS of laughter. Plans for \Vilof the north shore golf dubs. gram this season. "We must expedite mette day wil1 also be discussed at A page feature with pictures; a real treat. (Continued on page 7) the meeting, it \Va s announced. J. 'I L' New Keystone Club Plans ·Cat·d Party, Dance /or June C. C. Attention., Golfers!

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