Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1927, p. 37

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~lay Zl. 1927 W I L ME T T E L I F .E 11 Oliver M. Knode Buildings Erected During Issue Permits for New Year Valued at $1,652,5l5 Residences in Wilm~tte Purchases George Permits for the erection of buildings Permits for three new residences in W. Blossom H otne valued at $1,652,515 were issued by the \Vilmette, totalling $52,000, have been The Ororge \V. Blossom residence property in the Hubbard Hills section east of Green Bay road, has been purchased hy Oliver M. Knode, vice-president of the U. S. Gypsum Co., who recently occupied the same. This is one of the fmcst re!-~idential properties on thr north shore. compri. ing as it docs something like three ;1 c res of nicely wooded grounds travnstd hy hvo deep ravines, and also the '-\' tne of developed gardens for which it has long been noted. The buildings :llld other improvements are also quite c·xtcn-,ivc and in keeping with an ideal de\'elopmcnt of this particular section. The sale was made In· Arthur C. Gedge, of the firm of Hill & Stone, i43 Lincoln a v,.. .... ~. \Vinnetka, the consideration being undisclosed. As part of the purchase price, however, Mr. Blossom took in exchange a two and one quarter acre piece of vacant in the Indian Hill section. which the same hroker has sold to an undisclosed purchaser represrnted by Dudley Bradstreet, of P. \V. Bradstreet & Co .. 788 Elm street. ~~ r. Gedgc, of the Hilt & Stone firm at o reports as recent sales. the Frank Kristof residence property at 1129 Cherry street, to Lloyd F. Hollister, ~n<l the residence property formerly owned by Mr. Hollister at 813 Pine :-. tr('t·t, to ~fr. Kristof. Miss Grace M. Packard of 627 Elev'" enth street will leave Wilmette June 1, · for an extended trip through the West. She will include Boulder and Estes Park. Col., Pasadena, Lo~ Angeles, Village of Wilmette during the fiscal I issued the past week. Two were ta Berkeley, and San Francisco. Cal., in year from April 1, 1926, to -:\{arch 31, the Barry Byrne company for resi- her tO\lr, and will return sometime next 19~. according to a report made by deuces in Indian Hill Estates, one cost- fall. Superintendent of Public Works .C. C. ing $22,000 ancl the other $20.000. The Schultz at the meeting of the Village third wa issued to James Crabb for a residence at 1208 Gregory avenue, ·costBoard on Mav 17. A personnel interested· Of the total amount, $1.426,800 rep- ing $10.000. resented permits for the erection of 118 -------In your real estate new re sidences; $78,265 permits ·for 157 Report Leasing of Dean ne\V garages; $82;950 the cost of 38 atResi.dence w.·Imette problem and able to tcrations or additions to property already built and $64,500 miscellaneous 'vV. G.- Stacey and company, north Impart substantial asbuilding projects and school buildings. shore real esta'te brokers, report 1 through their Wilmette office .the leassistance welcomes the RETURN FROM MOTOR TRIP ing of the L. M. Dean residence, 1819 Mrs. N. P. Colwell of 520 Gregon· Elmw.ood avenue, \Vilmettc, . to W; opportunity c,f con . . avenue, \\'ilmettc, accompanied h~· l Schm1dt of Evanston; also the r sale ot Mrs. George Emrich of 614 South av~- . ~f lZ~·if~e~~~nleaf avenue, to N. Kraft sultation with you. nue, Glencoe, has returned from a motor trip in the middle west. After spending a week visiting her sister anrl & u WITHOUT family, Mr. and ~1rs. J. 'vV. McElroy An COMMISSION of Burlington, Iowa, they journeyed On Desirable Homes and Apartaeal Buildings to Danville. Ill., where M·rs. Colwell, in the capacity of retiring president of JohD HaDcock Mutaal Life luar· &Dee CompaaJ the Wilmette Woman's club, attended 1564 Sherman Avenue LANGWORTHY, Loan Area& the Illinois state convention of \VoA. D.Jtt W. Adams St., Cble&I'O Evanston men's clubs. ··n I L0 5 THE WEATHER FROM NOW ON EVANSTON ~ Pierce Arrow Sport Cars on Exhibit This Week :\ special exhibition of Pierce-Arrmv -, port cars is being held in Evanston thi=- week as a part oi the ~ation :d Open Car week. in Pierce-Arro\\' distributing centers all o\'Cr the countrv . it \\'a S stated todav })\· ).fr. ~fe\'er Tom Hay &. Son,. lo~al Pierce-~'\rrmY --ale=- rcpre . entatives. ~fuch interest centers about the Serirs 80 runabout, tl1is car being one of the four model s of the Series RO linr· on which Pierce-Arrow recent1v an no unced large price reductions. - Tht: ;unahout l1a. been reduced $-+00. It i. offered in practically any color combination and is finished in Picrc~' :\rrm\· nitro -cellulose lacquer. whicl' retains the traditional g1vss and drptb of Pierce -Arrow paint and Yarnish lHI' which 1s more resistant to marringand scratching. , The interior is rich and gay: in hluc green snake grain leather or g-lo -.s ~· black. pleated 1n blocky Pi ccadilly effect. As a companion car to the runabout. the Pierce-Arrow Motor Car companv 1s offering its Series 80 4-passcngcr touring, a de luxe sport model. VICINITY Continued of Warm . I Store Furs and Heavy Winter Garments NOW! You've Only to Lift the Telephone Receiver and Say University 9300 -for absolute protection this summer against moths, fire and theft. Before being stored, garments are put in an air-tight chamber and treated for 24 hours with a deadly gas that kills all moths and larvae. They are then hung away in our cool concrete vault with its huge steel doors protected with Federal tear gas; and there they remain until taken out next Fall. WELLESLEY CIVIC OFFICERS :\t the ~fa,· mcctinu- of the North Shore \Vcllr sk,· circl~ the following .> fi]rers were tlectcd for the coming --ca:-.011 : ~~ rs. A If red H. Taylor · of Ev.111:-to11. chairman: ~~ rs. Francis Broomcll of Chicago. ,·ice-chaiman; :\fa ric Rt·mien of Chi(ag·o. treasurer and rorrr:-.pnnding secretary; Mary Louise Schridenhclm of \\'ilmette, recording sccretar_\·. :\frs. A. C. Conclnow c>i Glencoe \\'as .chairman of tht' nominating committee. ).[r. and ~[r s. Elliott V. Youngberg "i ~19 \Vashington an.'nuc will spend . Decoration Day week-end at their cottage in Michilcnda, Mich. 51;2~ - - ---- - - --- THE IREDALE wAREHOUSES 1723 Benson Avenue The Church St. Electric Station Is Opposite MONEY Have funds to loan on choice lm· provPd ' North Shore Suburban residence property at 5 ¥.r% Interest. SeP u:;; otl "Pn'wals. E. G. Pauling & Co. In Winnetka at s6o Center St. · In Highland Park at 3 74 Central Ave. SN. LaS~IeSt. M~DO~ ~~==========================================================================~! ·----------------------------I~ ----

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