Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1927, p. 36

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36 WILMETTE 1 LIFE May 27, 1927 ~'""llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllltllllllllllllllllllll~~~~~~~~~~~~~·""lllllllllllllllllllllllll · . · Johnson and Brother Quinlan & Tyson Negotiate Many · Move to Acquire New Real Estate Deals Quarters in Glencoe Gilbert D. Johnson & Brother announce their disposal of the lease of their office at 352 Park avenue, Glencoe, to the Green Tea Pot Candies company of Highland Park to take effect June 1. There are a number of new building- projects in Glencoe, and Gilbert D. John son & Brother are negotiating for new and more colllmodious quarters in one of t hcsc hu s ine ~~ blocks. ~r r. R. G. ~Lc~[illan " ·ho re:-ides at 530 Longwood annue. Glencoe, will continue in char~c of the Glencoe di strict operating from the Chica go office at 110 South Dearborn s·t rect. Tlli;-; linn is also nq~otiatitJ .t.:' for a hranch offi'Cc in Barrii1g-ton so that their interest s in that rc.c;i(m may he handled 1.110re expeditiously. Quinlan & Tyson, In.c., announc~ t~e closing of the fotlowmg sales wtthtn the last three weeks. Bert B. and Emma S. Barry sold t:i C. N. Ford the 7-room stucco and till· home at 211 Maple Hill road, Glencoe, on a lot lOOxlSO . F. }.;[. Orndorff of the Winnetka office of Quinlan & Ty son \\"aS the broker. A. B. and G. A. \Vood sold to Fred erick W. Harlan the 7 -room brick and stucco English home at' 920 Greenwood avenue. \Vii1n etka. on a lot 72x150. C. .I\. . Curs hin of the \Yin net ka office of Ouinlan & 'l\·!'·a))1 \\"a S the broker . ... Jnhn \\'. Dick son sold tu Tohn !~ . ~ ing t hl' ,·arant pronerty SOx 150 on t hr cast -;icle of Sheridan roatl, bet ween "\.fain and l.~·e streets. Evan ston . 'Mr. King will impron the propert\· in tht: near future. R. H. Peter son nf tlw Evanston office of Quinlan &. T,·son represented hoth partie ~. T·: n· h·n A. and G. \Y. \ ·{ arouarclt sold to Andrew F. and E,·c M. Cnhurn th ~ · 9-room frame hou :'e ~t 930 Hidge an' nue. Evanston on a lot 79x 170. R II . Pcter-.on of the F.\'.an~tun offirt' of Ouinlan & 'J'yson wa~ thr hrokrr . .~E . n. an<l ~~ arian H. \\'heel . .·r ~old to no,· H. and Bes sie \t Goclclarcl tlH· bri ck ·· t\\·<, apartment building at Cit<) T.ihran place. F,·anston on a lot 4.=ix .177 and containing- two 7-room an<l 2hath apartments. Tlwrc i. als0 a 2car garaQe \Yith living (llJarter :o; ahon· . Pinre G. Reach of tht· E,·anston offir(' of Ouinlan & Tvson wa s tl1 e hrokrr. T.~-.trr \\'. at~cl Fli7(1hrth R. He .;-,<· -;old t<· Ch;trl<·ttf' \f. Herrman -. th: · ,·arant lot (iO·d~~ on the we. t side oJ\farn· aHnne. hdwt.·en Central atHl Harri son streets. E\'anston. Tlw pur · r ha ~l·r will huild on the propc;·t~ in thr twar future. Pierre G. Beach rep resented both parties. · Mt. Moriah Locig-r No. 2R sold t·: F(l\\". L. Middleton the Yacant prop crt\· 75x163 at the northeast corner of Rirlgr ancl Emerson !'- tre r t. f\·anston . \1 r. Middleton hottqht th f' proper!\· for investment. Pierre G. Reach wathr onlv broker. F.;tatr nf H. F. Cltancllrr sol d to Fd \\"in M. Russell the Yacant lot .17 1/:,x 150 on Central st reet. \H'St of M rD :t,lit'l aYt·tJtl<'. FYanston. The nurcha:.rr , .. ill huild a 2-anartmrnt ))llilding on 1he pn·nerty. ]. L. Corcoran of the FY 'ltJslon office of Ouinlan & 'fv ~o n \n~; t lw broker. ·. :\nna C and Teannie S. Quinl an ::-old to V. C'. \fcCilt thr 11-room fran1 · hnu sc at 1813 Hinman avenue. Evan<-ton on. a lot 68x1o0. J. L. Corcoran ,., p re -<·nted all narties. Cornelia R. Stevenson sold tn ~: ;;~: ;tncl Anna R. Lehman the 8-room frail\<' house at 2607 Ridge aY r ntte. Evan :;tnn. r·n a lot 110-xLiO. R. S. Cranr of tltf' f.yan ston office of Quinlan & 'J'y..;cln w:1s the broker. ·"" . \f arv S. Langtry sold to Genrl!r F . Gonsalves tl1r vacant oroprrtv 90x1SO on the east side of Forestview roacl. between Colfax and Grant street. Evanston. Mr. Gonsalves wit! builrl on the oroperty immediately. P. G. Beach nf the Evanston office of Quinlan & T,·c;;on was the broker. Harold Martyn leased to R. \\r. Feel the 6-room brick residence at 108~ Pine street. Winnetka. Mr. Feet is with the Palmoiive companv. C. A. Gurshin nf the Winnetka office of Quinlan & Tyson negotiated the lease. Hugh Camobell, son of Mr. an(l Mrs. W. S. Campbell of 829 Elmwood avenue, has recentlv returned to Urhana, Til.. to resume his studies. Mr. Camphell has been confined to St. Francis hospital for the past two and onehalf weeks because of an operation for appendicitis. He is a member of the freshman class. THROUGH our aid the quest for a North Shore home comes to such a happy conclusion that the question of "where to live" ts ans\vered permanently. Chicagoan Buys Meads Property in Winnetka \\·arren ~ Corning·. J)]"l' :'icknt ni Chicago 'l'ubc & St<·el compan~· ha -; pmcha sc d the home oi the late Alhvrt '1'. -~lead s at 381 Shcrid~tn road. \\"in nl'tka, for an undisclosecl co nsidna t i::111. Ba\'ilancl Rl'al.ty company rt·pre SL' ntcd both partie s. The hou se. ron ~is ting of fin· ma:-.ter bt·dronnJ:- and thrt·c baths and sn rants' quartl'r-. w. :, designed hy ~I ar~hall and Fox. ~fr. and Mrs . Douglas H. Titll c,f 1019 Sixth street, returned Sunda ,. night, May 22, from I\ew York CitY. Mr. · B ell has been spe nding the pa: t t\vo months traveling through Europe . and arrived a week ago on the France. a French Line boat, \f r:-. Be 11 met him at the pier. They spent a week in ~ew York he fore returning hull! C. 513 Davis St. EVANSTON .Greenleaf 1617 tllltltlllllllllllollltlllllllllllltiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiii'IJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIII II II IIII! ....................................--.-.--.·.. ·. ..... .-.-- A ··lJat·ming· 1, ~ r·r ~ room furnislw~ aparttllt·nt at The Elm~· a tt· ts th · happit ·st' solution to the hom e probl em confronting· tlw couplt" just launched into matrimony. ~o g-reat r espo ns illilitic·s for the Bride, as yet unused to conducting a homeTh e quiet and st>elusion whi c h · make the post-honl·vmoon so d elightful-And tim e· to shop and plan for tlw futun.: pe rmanent h0Jl1l". - To tlw dt ·light nf tht· Bridegroom and th eir parents thv :t:ridl· will find economy posstble at Th e Elmgate at a time whe n economy is most needed a_nd hardt>st to practice. OptiOnal maid sen·ice and nfodt·rat.e. rental make this possibl e -Dmmg· room, kitchen, or kitchenette·. INQUIRE NOW Phone - Greenleaf 2100 - - - or write "Jhe ELMCATE MAIN STREET AJ ElMWOOD AVENUE EVANSTON "Happy days ahead-if you cboore The Elmgate"

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