Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1927, p. 30

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30 ,W ILMETTE LIFE May 27. 1927 Golf Clubs Beckon to Week-End Holiday Programs Players to Offer !'Adam and Eva" Garden Talks By M. A. E. Fo'resman-Kenyon W'edding Event of Last Saturday A white satin gown. with long sleeves trimmed in pearls, head-piece pearl-trimmed, and a tulle veil composed the wedding costume of Miss Emily Foresman. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Foresman of 515 Essex road, Kenilworth, when she becam e the hricle of Richmond Kenyon, also o~ Kenilworth, Saturday, ~fa\· 21. The cercmon\· took plac-e at 4:50 o'clock. at the Kenilworth Union clntrcll, and was follnwecl i111mediately hy a rec eption at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Dorothy Foresman. \\·ho attrnded her t\\·in- sister as maid of honor, wore a peach-colored chiffon and lac e . rrown. and br0\\'11 picture hat of maline. Peach \' eln:t and rihhon \\'ere used in trinunin~· the hat . The maid of honor, ~fiss Patt _ ,. Foresman. \Ya s gmn1ed in peri\\'inkle blur chiffon and lac e. and \\'Ore a hltte maline picture hat. Both attendants carried shmYer houqurt.s of snring Ao\Y ers. 'rhr bride carried a shower honqurt of orc!Jicl..; and lili co; of tbe valley. Mr. Kenyon askrcl Tack n. Smith of Birmingha)n, Ala .. tn ~ern· a..; best man. and Hnratin TT Ch:tndkr 11f Chiral:!"o. and Thoma . ; TT. (o\\'Jv.; 11f f.ak(' Fnre..;t to :1rt :1s 11 shrr ". After a motor trip t l1 r c 111 e. h t h l' I·~: 1"t . ).fr. Krm·on and hi~ bride will makt· their hnmr in Darrington, 111. The bride is a !!radu:ltr nf \'ew Tri er Tli!.!h ~c hnnl. :1nd ni · Smith (',)Jit·(!'r. rl:t"" .nf 1022. \ f r. l( I'll \ "lll1 ;.., n t ~o :1 '\' t'\\' Trin !.~Ta du all' . .\ ftcr fini:-.hill ,~..;· ldg-!1 . chnnl he cn tl'rcrl th e a\·i;-ttinn st' n ·ice. and :;ened l\\'n _ ,·car.;; in France. durin !.!· thl' Fore! Golfers Swing · S .d M · d In to trt e on ay r Capable Cast in Rehearsal for The Plant and Flower sa le which Three-Act Comedy to Be wa:; held Saturday, May 21. was a real Presented in June s uccess, and gi,·es the \ \'ilmette Garden club a real incentiYe to try it again By Rutheda L. Pretzel next year. Each and cYe ry time such " .\clam and Eva," the three -act a ~ale is hdd, \\' ilmette will he benecomecl~· which " ·ill be presented on fited by it. It is the <ksire of the club June 9 and 10. by the Thre sho ld Play- to beautify such parts of \\'i lm ct te as ers at the }.Jorth Shore ~1ethoclifit arc now in need of it. Episcopal church, in Glencoe. gives a Friday, :Jlay 27, is to be a day of splenc!id opportunity to the players for feasting. The lilac garden of the late real acting. As the play progresses, the Col. Plum at Lombard, 111., which concharacters graduall_,. broaden. until the tains, perhaps, the most ,·arieties of end finds some of them greatly lilacs of any garden in the country, changed. Thr cast for "Adam and \\'ill be Yisited in the morning, and Eva" ha:-; he en chosen ,\'ith much care, Glencoe gardens in the afternoon. and according to t hr superior work The president of the Glencoe Gardisplayed at rchearsab. the plar \\'ill den club, Mrs. Frederick Fisher, and he exceptionally well acted . her committee have ge nerously offered Name Cast to direct us to the gardens of Glencoe. The role of "Eva." tht..' younger On ] une 3, Ur . \V. \V. \Vheelock i;-; daughter of a wealthy financier, \\'ill he to be hostess for the afternoon and played by Urs. T. E. Schulte, \Yho is ~1 rs. vV. C. Evans of Evanston is to a new member of tlie players. \Y. Al- he the speaker. Her subject is "Old bert Kemp, who has appeared in lead- Fashioned Gardens." Many members ing roles of many plavs in Glencoe. 'I 1 ·· will take the part of "Adam Smith." "·t 1 )e gowned in old-fashioned cos' · t un1 c s and a rea 1 o Id- fashion ccl erath e r } 1e r f a t h er s 1 Htstness manager. '" 1 10 ~-> falls in love with "Eva." Franklin 1. in~- 'viii feature the :tfternoon. Chichester will play the father, "James All garden;-; \Yhich were on vic"· t(l King," a part that suit s him admirahh·. the public oYer bst week-rnd, arc to The crochety ole! uncle, "Horace Pii - he oprn c·,·rn· Satmda,· and Sundav grim," has bern taken ln· )J"onnan F tor se,·eral ":rrk' to r.nmr. ao; man~· Watson, who is well known in Glen·~ "···rt' unahk tn ri- ii all t 11L·,- ,~, ;_ '1··rl :; ' coe for his rlever characterizations. ~t·t·. Carl Lochner is to ha,·e a role somewhat simi lar tn th;1t of the brcczv Vlilmette and Winnetka pre .~ ag-ent whicl1 he made so popular Girls M ak·e Mortar Board in "The Juclsons Entertain." presented by the players in Dccrm!)er. The rnk \\'ilmvttt· :tn d \\.illll<'tk:t .trv rl'i':·L. is th at of "Clinton Dr\Yitte." who ha s' t· ntl'd in the Jlallh's nf tilt' . . ttHIL'll t' at marri ed ".Tt1li e." the eldest d;wghtcr nf \orth\YC :"Inn t1;1i,·n ,it _,. ,,-11~~ ha1.·p the King family. Miss Ethel Repa:-. s. 11 t'C1t clli)St·n ;t.; n1l'llllwr . . ()i \rnr t:,·.rememhered for her good work as the l~oard. national :'l'n ior hnnnran· snrnrau·nt in "The Judson's Entertain," \ri ll ;,~.. \-i nTini;, R Bixh ,·. 110~ ·.\ ~l d:tnd play "Julie." - ~,·e nue. \\.ilmdt(·. and Fdith Dill <l:J: Irma Keehn has been se lected as the '14 P:·n-,pt'ct -.;trt·,·1. \\'i nJ1t ·tka. ;-trl' one most -capable of playing "Corin- ·tmong the nine girl.; . rkctt d for the th!a." a maid , and ).[iss F-thel DeLang nrorit~· fnr their fitlll..':':', ior their in wtll make her first appearance \Yith 'nest in their 1111iversit~·. and thrir de the Threshold Players as ":\ttnt Abbie -;ire to promote anrl t·lt'y ;tl t' l'<ltlration;ll Rocker." 1f on cure D. Pa vnter as a ·tnd Cllll!Ht:-1 ideal ~. neighb or. ~· nr. Jack Dclamarter," and Tna sm urh a~ ~r ortar Bo;trd i:-> ;1 Joseph K. Shippen as the would-he 11 at ion a 1 or .~anizati1111 i<1r thr nul son-in-law. "Andre\\' Gordon," com- --tanding members of thl' juninr cla . ~ plete the ca:-.t. Both Mr. Paynter and '1.·l10 arc soon to lw seni,,r..,, it i;; sr lic Mr. Shippen have appeared- in "The ·,erpetuating and acco!·cliJ1g·h · e :.1 c l1 Judsons Entertain" and other of the ··car the sitting memht·r:-o uf ~fortar Thre shold Player.' productions clming- l~oar<l choose the next year's per. onthe year. . net. This is done with such care as Mrs. Francis I. \Voolley, who coach- ·o meet the apprm·al nf the student eel "Crahbecl Youth and Age," recently 1lody. President \Valt.rr Dill Scott at put on at a meeting of the player s is the close of the ).fa,· festival Thnrsdav directing "Adam and Eva." The st~g- ·t fternoon greeted · thl..' nc·w ~f orta·1~ ing is under the management of Ch·dc Board member. hip and pre;-;cnted 1he Pea ster ancl his staff. incoming hoard to the as . c m h 1 e d Those who purchased as~ociak mem- rrowcl. Mortar Board work~ srcrrtlv bership in the Threshold Players at the and without acclaim or puhlicit\· ln;t time "The Judsons Entertain" " ·as g-i,·- ·~ims al\\'ays to do somet hing construeen last December, will receive a card tivr for Alma ~fat cr and the stud en t entitling them to vie\\' one perform- l>ncl~'. ance of "Adam and EYa." Single ad- - ------- · - - mtss!on tickets are being offered to Elect New Officers at those who are neither actiYe nor asI. F. W. A. Convention sociate members. During the annual convention of the Illinois Federation of \\Tomen's clubs To Open Home for Bridge hc·ld recently in Danville, the following Mrs. John Ru:-:.scit Fox of Happ road. Wilmette. will open her home \Ved- new officers were elected: Mrs. Wilnesday. June 8, at 2 o'clock for a bene- liam H. Farrell of Chicago, firs't vier fit card party to rai:;e money for the ')resident: ~frs. DaYid 1\[cLean of Delta Gamma somrity house at North- Chicago, treasurer; Mrs. M. P. Kelly western university. Cnder the direc- of \Vatseka. recording secretary. Mrs. J. Marc FO\ ·lcr. ~r rs. C. G. tion of Mrs. M. \V. \Vetch of 857 Greenwood avenue, Glencoe, chairman G.ood\\'in, Mrs. Samue TTnrner, ~'frs. of the benefit, a committee of \Vilmette \Villiam H. Farrell. ~fr=-. ]. D. Mcalumnae are making plans and ar- Keon, and Mrs. Charles A. Caldwell . r~nging for the sale of tickets. Anyone were the Chicago women named to interested in securing tickets is asked represent their di"tricts at the general to call Mrs. Ralr>h T. Huff at \Yilmette federation council in Grand Rapids, \f ich., in June . 1331. Golf Clubs Plan Special Tourneys for Big Celebration on Decorarion Day Although some of the cubs of t l :v north shore officia lly ancl enthusia stically ope ned tl1e season with tourna me-nts la st Saturdav the real "crash" is schedult:cl for 11 emorial clay, t h~ first of the big annual fixture day s of the year. The golf ers arc all " steam ed up" for t h e e ,.r n t s. The s ch c dul e o f Decoration cia_ ,. C'Yent s at the varintt-dubs follo,,·s : Westmoreland President's trophy, lR hole s : Dr cd ra · tion day trophy, 3() holes; Fcllowshir' trnphy. Ia\\· net, 18 hole s: Aberdeen cup, qualifying round, sixt een ow net to qualit\: Challenge trophy, lo\\' net. IR holes: Lo\\' net fnur~ome . Indian Hill "\f cmorial trophy, 36 lwlr s mat rh play again:-;t par handicap: medal pla y. low gro~., and In\\' net. 36 holes: lcm· tH't and 1()\\. grCl<:'. lllnming and aft<'r noon. North Shore L n\\ Jll ·t a11d lrl\\· gro~s. cb--:-.r~ .\ . R. C. and D. Y1 hnk s: lm,_. nl't and 1~,,,. gro,:". cla . s(·s .\. L'. and D. lR hrdt·~: In"· , ((ro-...; a11rl lm\· nt't. ria---~,.·;; n. C. D. lR 111lk--. Illinois 'l\)\lrJJa111vll t and prizt·- f!lr tir-·. --t·roncl. and· third lcl\\. !ll'l. hl'--t 18. h,)J,-,('tl!'l', 1Jj() '1JiJJ~· (1)' ;till'fnPit ll ;(pplyi11..:·. Wilmette ('J:t,.., 11:1111lira p. nll'clal pLt~·. n~ lll· k( J]l(>l'11im.: l: F >ttl' hall 111i .· t·cl iun:·.;nl\ 1· . lllt'll:t 1 p.l:t \ (a It ("J'I1(1()11 )_ Skokie l. m\· :.!J"tl:-" :tnd ln '.\ n,·t for all rJa..,~t'" · 111vda1 pia~· : Fl :t~ cnntc.;t, inll l1:t1Hlirap !11 apply: 111ixerl l\yn-;11111v. 0 lJoJto-.,, J'l'll/\' fpr ('tllllh illt'rl lrl\\ 11··t n. Catholic League Sends Deleqat es to Danville Th(· Xorth ~1H1l't' \:llh rdir \\' oman'.; lca£!111' \\:t~ prv-t·ntt-d at tlw Stall' f,·d-· cr::ttinn llll'<'!i1w ht·ld i11 D :lll\· ill·· i:t't \\'C'l' k ],,· "\fr.;. l-'r:tJ 1k II. !11llt' " r1f H~il lentr:tl :1\'t'lll!e. \\'i]llll'l!t'. :tlld "\f r.;. '\' . r .. \ ndn~l'11 () i r,-~tn . . t<ll1. "\f r.; _ .\11 - -,("'\J't". ckr~r" \\' ~ a r·lcrk at tl11..' rkction Sunset Ridge hI' 1d lt )r 1)(. \\. () ni (' ('l'.;. n0 t h d ('It'·!.!; tf e" 1. ('\\ t.: rI I " " a 11 cl I()\\' J1 (' t. .Vi Ill '],· ' : ·~ill repn1:t nn. thr C'011\·:ntion ::tt the)'n,,- t.:T<I,.., :11111 11)\\' net. 1R hnk-.:: P tl'l1r~t mcet tnP ol thr· t'luh 111 OctnlH'r. ·in!.! C()ll!t'"t: blind ht~g-< · ,· . Thl' hoardnwf the ;"titC'rnooJJ nf \fay) . Glenco~ . ?-7. at tl1e l1nJ11t· ,,j 1h(' 11('\\. nre~idt·nt.l [ c·\\· !21',..,:' and lnw nrt t<l1 11'11.t l11· ·· .·. "\fr.;_ \\'illiam ~1'!1ilrl"-t'll "i T-\·an-ton . .)r> l111k--. ((> J1J11litfl·e~ ;tncl rhairmen \\"('t'l ' arpninf ,.r)_ To Wed at f;ountry Club Satunla~· Give· Week-End Partu 1fr. ancl ~rr ~. Barn· V .. C r ook~ of Kenilworth cntrrtaine~l a numhcr . of thrir frirnds ;Jt ;( \YC'<'k -r nrl p;1rh· :-tt the fountrv cluh and their summer home at Diamond Lake. Mich., from ~fa,· 20 to 23. Their g-ursts included 1\[ r. and Mrs. Russ<'ll Y. Cookr. l\fr. and Mrs. Ch;11·lr" H. Bent. "Mr. and Mrs. Fredrrick H . Dracon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Young, Mr. anrl 1v[rs. R. C. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam F . Freuc'lrnreirh. 1\fr. and 'Mrs'. J. K. Farlev. Mr. ;1nrl !vfrs. J. H. Newnort. Mr. and Mrs. rharlcs D . Howe. 1vfr. and Mrs. 0. D. Alien. Jr .. and 1\.fr:;. George C. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. James Sturgis and E. M. Sweet. 1'hr' mrn nf the nart,· rninnd a t\\'oday g-oli tournament. \Yith R . C. Johnston carryinct off th1· bonor~. l'Hnina. "!\fa:v 28, a , ': ~1 1 t>\lock, thr \\'l..'dding of ~fi -;s E\Th ., l'ook and ).f ()rris S. Rl·irhelt will t;tk . place. The Rrv. 11 . P. Smvth " ·il l read thr "rnice lrt the Ouilmrtt<C'ountry club at 8:30 o'clock, and ;t reception \\'ill in llow. Mis.;; Faith Reichelt. si.;tl' r of th(' hridegrncHn. i~ to he maid of honnr . ~fiss Faith Corsoil. Olga Gris,\·old. Loui se Fahrh:tch. ~frs. Alden Fil'lci Smith. and ).fi ss Katherine Duncan will he bridesmaids , while Glenna ~fa t· Rumford and Tean \\'eilan(l Shaficr '"ill he flmver Rirb . The best man will he \Villvs Gamron and the ushers, Harold Cook. Fd· ward Schultz. Stanley Frazie·r, awl J olm Cameron. ' Lodge Gives Play The · Tr11e Ki11drcd lod,e:e. a charitv organization, a~wc a nl:~v rntitle~l "Ho\\' Could TIH'V Do Tt? ,; TuesdaY rvcninl!, May 2-( at R:30 o'clock, at the \Vilmettr Masonic temple. The cast of characters included nineteen men and women. a large group for an amateur plav. Mrs. Marv \Villiams played the · nart of "J effingHigh" and Mrs. Mae Woorlhcad th~ part of "Flossie V neal." 'l'hr True Kindred is a Masonic group. To Be Dance Hostesses Miss Tean Hall, daughter of M.r. ancl Mrs. Henry C. Hall of 500 Central ~treet. and Miss Louise Fackt. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Georg-e P. Fackt of 1115 Asllland aventtr. will entert:lin at a dancing parh·. Friday rvening, May 27. at the \Vilmette \\Toman's cluh. Thev hav(' inc:lurlrd ahout ninet ,. guests in their list of invitations. ·

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