Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1927, p. 28

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WILMETTE LIFE May 'Zl, 192i Country Club Affairs Start Society's Summer Gaiety Dinner Dances at Six Country Clubs Open New Season By JEAN TEN BROECK Three Wilmette Girls Are Brides of Early May lt is useless as each season brings the re-opening of our country clubs to resort to repetition and chronicle again what they stand for in the community. With one accord, \Vest more Ian d. North Shore, \Vilmette Golf club, Indian Hill, Sunset Ridge, and Skokie have chosen dinner dances. format and informal, for Saturday e\·ening, May 28, as a fitting way in \Yhich to launch the new season. In small groups and i'n larger parties their members and guests are thronging to their doors not only for the evening but for all the events that are celebrating Memorial day. \Vc. notice each year that special arrangements for women members of the golf club families are becoming a little more elaborate. These clubs ttO\Y have two days set aside for their pleasure, one for golf, and one for bridge, the latter with attendant luncheons in most instances. Ray Btudi·· Ray Studio The goli days already have started Hayhuff-Richter Studio Miss I\orma Schuettge and Ralph Miss Dorothy Hess became the bride at two of the clubs. the others begin Before her marriage on Saturday, Edinger were married May 7. ThL· Ralph E. Colville of Evanston Satof early in the coming month. The May 14, Mn. Harry Donaldson was bride is the daughter of Mr. and 1Irs. urday evening. May 14. A reception bridge season i~ opening early ]n J unr. Miss Marian Reese, daughter of Dr. \V 0 men'~ golf at \Yestmoreland and Mrs. C. N. Reese. U r. and Mrs. followed at the home of the bride's R. D. Schuettge of Wilmette. Tht· opens Friday, June 3. to continue until Donaldson will spend the summer in parents, Mr. and M.rs. Benjamin \V. Edingers arc at home at 910 Colia '\: street. Evan-;ton. Hess of Wilmette. September. The committee is com- \Vilmette. posl'd ~i ~frs. \\". H. Musch!et. chairmat!. and ~.rrs. D. T. Adams. ~rrs. \\'. Entertain Adkins Family Helen White Becomes Bride A. Brodkorb. ~Irs. H. C. Chapin, ~~ r~. Entertain Former Wilmette Before Their Departure of Ransome Sherman Today G. H. Green. Mrs. A. C. Hammond, Residents Visiting U. S. 'Mrs. \V. B. ~Iontgomery. and Mrs. H. Friends, neighbors, and relath·es of Simplicity marks the wedding pn·Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Case, formerW. Swigart. ~1 rs. J. A. Man lev is Dr. and Mrs. Rus -ell E. Adkin . of 8-l8 parations heing made h:.· ~\fiss Jll'iet l chairman for cards, and 1-.1 rs. H. T. ly of \Vilmette, and no"· residents of Park avenue. arc entertaining in their \Vhite, daughter of 'Mr. and ~fr, . Allen general chairman for \\·omen's China. have been feted by their former honor before thev leave \Yilmette to George D. \Vhite o.f 1101 Grcetm·on d vVilmette friends during their return rvents. make their pern1;ment ho 111 c in Indi- avenue. She will become the bride t 1! Two Fridays alread,· have heen de- visit on the north shore. '!'he Charh-~ anapolis. Se,·eral farn\'ell luncheons. Ranso111c ~l. Sherman of Chicago, Fr i,·oted to go] { for \\·on~rn at the North Sanford Clarkes of 526 \Vashington ancl last gatherings of ~fr:; .. Adkins' day evening, ~fay 27. at 9 o'clock. a t Shore club, Friday, May 20. and Fri- avenue entertained t"·enty guests at it iriends. haYc been giHn this pa :.;t the home of her parents. thL' Rc'.. da\·, Mav 27. Mrs. Charles E. Driver dinner and bridge party, Saturday l'\'l'- \\'eck. for Sunda,·. ~[a\· ·20. is the date L c 1 a 11 cl Hobart Danforth oi· t ~1 · is .chairn;an oi the golf committee and ning, May 21, at their home. Ur. and set for the clep.arturc. oi the familv. Church oi the I Ioly Com inrter )JL' :· she is assisted by Mrs. C. E. BarrmYs. l\Irs. H. A. Von Pflugk of 533 Forc~t ~f rs. Ad k i 11 s. accompanied by hc·r forming the ceremony. Relatives anrl M.rs. H. D. Fargo. l\1 rs. F.. R. Green. aYenue, \\'ill giYe a tea at their home daughter. 'Mary Alice. \rill .-;ail from intimate friends will attend the Cl'fl·Mrs. F. r,. Hipp, Mrs. ]. D. Peterson. Sunday evening, May 29. at 7 o'clock. ~fontreal on the · ~fontcaln . a Ca a- mony, \\'hich will he iollm\'Cd by a r··1 11 and Mr ..; G. D. \i\Tolf. Luncl1eon and and Mr. and .Mrs. Georg-e Bird of 1010 dian Pacific boat, to remain abroad ception. bridge is scheduh d for e\·en· \Veclnes- Chestnut a\'Cnuc are giving an infonnXu mer o us shO\\Trs. bridgL·s and 1g June 1. al tea 1Ionday evenin..... May 31, in until the middle of September. Thev day of the season. beginnit\\'ill return in the fall to Indianapolis.· luncheons han' been giren for ~~j~ , their honor. Mrs. H. H. Kuhl is chairman, assisted Included in the parties being gi\'Cn \\.hite hy north shore friends, eithn Case is residing at the Georgian Mrs. hy ~Irs. R. ]. Cochran, ~Irs. X.]. Conin Mrs. Adkins' honor' is the bridge former high school or college clas~ hotel in Evanston during their stay, rad, ~f rs. R. J. Fellingham, ~[ rs. II. June he on Friday. May 20. at the home ma tc s. ~r rs. \\'a It cr !\f ead of \ Visc()n while Mr. Case travels about from H. fleer, Mrs. J. S. Goodwin. M 1s. L R. J acoh">. '!\f rs. Bert Lynch, Mrs. A. New York to Chi·cago, joining her dur- of l\lrs. C. P. Duhhs of 100-l ~Iichigan sin Rapid~. \Vis .. Louise Durham n i Man. field. ~f rs. \Villiam Mason, ~r rs . ing his Chicago trips. They arri,·ed in avenue. Mrs. Herman C. Heaton of Kenil\\'orth heforr her marriage, en H. J. Richter, ~f rs. Thompson Ross. the United .States several months ago, H>2 Al~ingdnn road, Kr11il\\'orth. gavl' tertained at the home of her mother. Mrs. A. ~f. Schultz, 1lrs. E. E. Tan- and have been visiting in California. a bridge tea Tuesday, :\lay 17. at her ~~ r:. liO\\'ard Durham of 431 Abbott-- T\\'o more weeks will see them sailing- home in Mrs. Adkins' honor. Another iord road. Kenil"·orth, \Vcdnesclay, ner, Jr .. and .1r rs. J. A. Wilson. luncheon party was arranged ior ~Irs. ~fay 23. at a luncheon in the hride', The first Ladies' clay at the Wilmettl' hack to China via Honolulu. Adkins' neighbors, a.nd gi,·en In· ~Irs. honor. :\lr~. John A. Cory of 13li Goli club took place Tuesda,·. Mav 17. Adolph C. C. Anderson. R-lO Pat:k ave- Oak a venue, Evanston. formerly Mar The committee in charge o-f the- sea- Wilmette Man Will Marry nue. Thursdav. ~{a,· 19. for h\·eln tha Steven~ of Kenilworth, ga\'C a son's plans is headed by ~frs. John in June Cambridge Girl guests. An in.formafhridge and lunch- bridge party for t\\'clvc guests, Mnn Henry Brodt of EYanston. with the Mr. and .Mrs. C. Johnston of Cam- eon was given by ~fr~. H. ]. Drrne~1l day, ::VI ay 23, at her home. Thursda.\· other members. ~~ rs. Charles Ziebarth. bridt:('e, fll.. annouPrP tht' engagement of 724 Park a\·enue, for eighteen noon, ~fay 2o, Miss Lucy Jamison oi Mrs. Tracy Holmes. Mrs. Harry \V. of their daughter, May Lillian, to Roy guc:>ts, Tuesday, May 2-l. at her home. Madison, \Vis., a university classmatt' Bro,.,.·n. and ~frs. Thomas 1fcLaren. ~felind, son of Mr. and ).1 rs. Louis of 1fiss \Vhite , gave a luncheon in her Saturday afternqons are to be set aside 1[clind of \\.ilmettr. The "·cdding is honor, The same evening, Miss Isabel honor is to he her sister, ).[iss Bertha for the bridge, which ·will be followed to take place at Cambridg-l' in June. .T ohnston. The best man will he Pope of 904 Lake avenue, \Vilmettl' . by refreshment::;. The first afternoon Miss Johnston has chn~en a:-; her Robert Smith oi \Vilmette. Edward and ~liss Ellen Knight of Evanston. affair of thi-; kind is to be given June bridesmaids. Miss Ellen Anderson and Hintzpeter of Kenilworth and John Miss White'~ former roommate when 11. :\f rs. Guy Irving Colby of \VilMiss Marcelite Meline!. Her maid r1i !\{eyer of Eclge\Yater "·ill usher. she attended the Cniversity of \Vismette. who is chairman. entertained Miss M elind is entertaining at her consin, entertained at a dinner dancl' the members of her committee at luncheon at , her home Tuesclav, to iams of \Yinnetka. and ~lrs. E. R. home at 693 Sheridan road. Saturcl;n· at the Edgewater Beach hotel. ~I r. Sherman and hi s bride \Yill make the season's plam. ~f rs. Colln·'s Hankins of Evanston. Ball s\\·eep- May 27, at a shower and bridge i1; guests were ~f rs. Clarence Rich of RY- s takes ha\'C hcen the events this honor of ~[iss Johnston. The out of probably make their home in Evan ans ton. :!\fr!'.. G. R. Garretson of \Vil- month. Mrs. J. C. Allen of E\·anston towi1 guests arr to he ).[r'>. Johnston, ton. after a 'honeymoon spent in momette. Mrs. 1\eil Sells .of \Vim~etka. heads the com111itter for the luncheon ~liss Ellen Anderson, ~fis~ Alma Duis- toring. ~fiss \Vhit e graduated from and Mrs. Chase Smith of Highland and bridge parties at Skoki . \Vork· dicker. and ~fiss Bertha Johnston, of Ne"· Trier High schoo l, ancl attended ing with her arc Mrs. L. H. Frank, Cambridge, Mrs. Judson Stone of Ra- I\ational Park semina.n· and the CniPark. Friday. J nne o, formally opens the assistant chairman. and ~Irs. Edward cine, and Mrs. M. Knutt of Moline. versit\' of \Yiscon~in. 1-rr. Sherman i-; a graduate qf the 'Cniversity of Miclliwom<:n's golf season at Skokie. with S. Craven, Mrs. }I. C. Arms, Mrs. F. D. B. E. MEETS TODAY gan. ~pecial evrnts arranged for every Fri- L. \Villi ams, 11 rs. ·A. G. Mills, Mrs. The Cambridge chapter. Daughters day throughout the . cason. M,rs. R. D. Rogers, ~1rs. G. C. Kingsley, The Town club held its reg u l·a r Ernest P. Ballard of \Vinnetka is Mrs. P. X. Cutler, and Mrs. F. E. of the British Empire, wilt meet at chairman, assited ln· !\J rs. G. B. Childs Compton. The first bridge luncheon the home of Mrs. L. Bush, 1200 Elm- dance, Saturday evening, May 21. at of Glencoe, Mrs. \Villiam Watson of wiJl be given Tuesday, June 7, with wood avenue. Friday, May 27, at.2 the Wilmette \Voman's club, at R o'clock, for a business session. ~ o'clock Highland Park, Mrs. Statham \Vii - one each week during the summer. i I

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