12 WILMETTE LIFE May 27, 1927 St. Augustine's Church Congregational Church Xtxt Sunday, at !) :45, dre~s at :\fa~· 2:1, will be the Sun· day afttr Ascension. Thert.: will be Holy Communion at R A. ::\1., C'hurch sehoolH and l\lorning- prayer with ad11 o'clock. :\finistt·rH (William E. McCormack ThL· First Con~;rcgationa.l, located at the point where Lak<· n \'(~nuc <" r osf't·s ( Stt·phen A. Lloyd Yesterday was "AHt'l'I1Hinn 1 lay," otw of the great Festinll:-: of tht· <'lmrc·h. There were servict' s at ~t. Aug-ustint·'H at R A. ~I. and at 10 A. :l\I. Tht' redor condul'tt·cl H· ·n ·ivt·:-: at ~ 'hrist church, '\\.i11n0tka, nn Ttwsday, · in thv aim nee of Rf'\' , E. .\. ( ;,·rll:tnlt from \Yinnetka. A dt>lt ·gation of wonkn of ~t. Aug-u~tine':; attemh·d tlw Dioc~·:-:an Prl'st>ntation of tiH' "·oman's Cnitt ·d 'l'·~wnk Off~·ring at ~t. Paul'~. f'hicag-o , Yt·stt ·rday. Tlw rt>ctor ('Ondnrted t Jw fmwra I terday aftPrnoon of ,J. F . l't·belha<'k, \\Tilnwtte a n·nu0 and EIPventh stre<'t, is OJWI1 to l'\'t' rybody cYery ctay. Tht· aim is to makC' it a House 11f f~·llowship ancl )n·ayer to all peoplP. Its ministers <'ount it tllt'ir gT~·att>st joy wlwn t·~wy may sor\'l' indi\'i<lual n ·eth; and its officers HI'· · honored wlH·n tlw f'llUrch is ])l'rmittt'CI tn assist in pro!lloting tlw wt ·lfan· of I ho · <'ommunity. 'l'wt·nty-clnt· dt·nominati,,ns are aln·n<l~· n·prc·st·ntt·d in its 11l··mlwrshit) nncl a whoh·-lwnrtt·d \n·komt· await:-: all \\'ho will ac<'CPt its hospitality . .r. i 41Hi Yt ' )-:- On Friday tht· Xorth "·est Cirdo ·, -;\It·-.:. H. St:wkhoust·, chairman. ,.,ill hL· t·l> lt·l·taiJwcl at t · ! H' hom<· of Mr~. Edmund :\T. ~imoncl:-:. S:-14 11)th stn·d. Mrs. P. T . H· ·<lft'l'l1 \\'ill nssist the hoslPss. . Yon will be ~afeguard ed against emergencic~ and ready to accept opportunities if you a lways ha Ye an adeq uate reserve of cas h__:.at least 20% of your annual income. It isn't an ext remely difficult t hing to save t hat much either, a~ you wi ll readi ly learn if you try it. Come in and disc uss it with us. \ Ve will gladly help. Washington aYPnue, wllo dit' cl suddc ·n!y · Friday afll'l·nonn th· · Boys' dull lll· ·l'ts TuPsday morn in~; from llc·a rt diHt>aHo'. und· ·1 · til· · !o ·;1 dt ·rs!t ip 11f :\fr . . )ft·l ·, ll'llll!· 'h: at :: :::II 11 ·dod<. English Lutheran Gr eenlf·af and ~t·Y· · nth strl't'ts Tlli::-: ~und<t\' i::-: .\lc·mot·ial ~undaY . . \t the · J ·:arly .\l11t:ninJ.r st: n ·ict · at S: 15 ;)'t·!,wl\ 1 .\ lr. \ \-. E. -;\!c{ 'ormH<'k will pn·a<'il. ". Hegular Sunclay st: rYh-t· :\fay 2!1, at J I o'clo<'k. Rf'\'. Ral))h Ht: im will prl'ach th(· sermon. \VI' cordially inYitC' you to nttcn<l our serYicf's and join our rhur('}J. :'\t·"' ~ymplwny·· will bt· tht· suhjt·f't .. r his st·rmon. ~Jr. Portt·r Ht·aps will )H'·th1· organ and tht· .Juniot· 1'1111;i' will h·ad tht· singin~·. giYin~ as a SJWC' ': d numh··r tht· antht·m, "Land of H"l"' :uHf ( :tory,·· IJy Elg-ar. si<lf' at Sunday S<'hool nt !'t :4:i. .ToHt·ph .John.-\11 . rl~pat·tments of t·~h:' ('hurdl ::-:l'lw .. ! son, s u perint~ndent, A. D. nash will lw~·in their Hervi<'NI promptly at ~· :::n teach the ad u lt Bible <'las!'!. Xt·w scholars o'<'lo<'k Runday morning. At th·· .1uni··1· are always welcome. f'ongTt-ga.tion !';f>rviee at 10 :~0 _\, ::\L. A . .T. Coburn will give the ~wrmnn. i M. P ortenbauser ! I r··--····················· . : Painter and Decorator I ~ ~unclay morning worship at 11 ·~ · ··h·l'\: . "Tiw Adn·ntltrPr" is tht· sub.it·l't of .\11'. ~rcCormack's !O;t·rmon. Tht- y, ·Uill.!.' 1'· ·1· p! .. 'r-: <'hoir will sing. · Tw ·sday nig·ht tht' Roost·\·t·lt TrtH!Jl ::'\· ·. :? llli'l'ls at lwadquart(·rs at i :15 o'r·loo·lc .Tht· P. ~r. ~··a :-it·outs nwf't Tuf·~day at -;- :::" Ewart Cook, Hkippt·r. First National Bank of Wilmette Estimates Without Obligation Tho· .runit11' (;iris' choir llll'..iS fnr ,., .· ht ·arsa! \\.t·dnt ·sdav aftt·rnoon at 4 o',.I,,.J, undf·l' tht· clirP!'ti(.m of :\fr. :\fC'('c·rmat ·l,. w·' w iH asHir-tt·<l bv :\frii. L. F. ~fr:-: . E . .T . -;\JC'l!raith . ~;at· · s :1n·l ············· 1030 Greenleaf Phone 2764 Tlw Yr>ung- Pt·oplt·'s choir pr:H·tic··· i-.. ltt·lcl \\'o ·cltH·sday P\'l'ning at S l' :\1 . Porto·r \\·. Ho ·HJ)S, nrganlst ati<l C'h0irm:1:-:. ------------------------- tf·r. On Thursday th·· ('uzy f'orn··r l'irt·f .. . ::\lrs . . \ . E. Klundt·!', chairman. will h rold it~ atlllllal husitwss llll'f'ting- and 111111'11 t·on :~t th· · "hurl'lt. ::\frr-:. T. (1 . l>··l:t111! ~ ~ l'hairltl:Jil .,,. tlw lliiH'ht·on ···mllnitt· .... · The a v e rag c Illinois automohil~ licl'nsc tax is less than half the avcra !.!'c of tllC' country ~t large. MOTORS SERVICE InctJrporqeed Have the EVErtVTHING AVTOMOBILf ..Hlr-t11~ Have You P·ope· ~· LIGHTS! Can you see where you are driving at night? Do you dazzle the approach ing driver? Can others see your car? We have the latest Wiltnette Cafe 11\IIJIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIJJIIIIIIIIIIIIIII\1111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111!1 SCREENS Made Now There is a plant right in Wil mette that can give you quick service at sensible prices . . . A Carpenter Shop makes screens like a tailor makes custom clothing. For breakfast, lunch. or din ner you will alw ays_get food and service th at will give you health and happiness. Get the Wilmette Cafe habit .. ,11111111111 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 1 111111111111 ' NEVER. CLOSED Spot Lights Stop Lights Road Lights Get our figures - Estimates rendered at no cost. ~~1 MAIN STREET Wilmette ~hone w.1meib~gOt J .C.Slown The Wilmette Cafe Opposite Village Hall Wilmette Carpenter and Cabinet Co. Store and Office Fixtures r 14 5 Greenleaf Ave. Phone 2.83 7 ---- A.D.VanDeusj Meals that satisfy + I I