Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1927, p. 7

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~.fay 27, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 7 Changes in the executive personn<:l oi the \Vilmette State bank, an- the tHeliminaries if we art tn get the i nounced this week as effective on job done," he declared. June 1, are marked by advancements An::lthcr vital factor tn he taken into \\·ithin the organization for men who account in connection with 1he pr(lhave given faithful service to the bank posed highway project i:-; tlw fa~·t that annther :-;e a . nn mav not find the Colin on.:r a period nf severa l year ~. President \\'. \V. \Vheelock, who ty llC·ard of com1~1issioners agreeable I has been as:->ociatcd with the State t(· the pre:-;ent arrangement to han bank since 1910 as a director. and it '> the country defray the cost oi paving directing genius since 1914, \\'ill con - forty feet ni the 52-ioot thoroughfare . tinuc to he a::,sociatecl \\'ith men who The county's appropriation i:- for the have been identified with the hank cmrc·nt seao.,on, it is pointed out. Other I during it s period of mo st )Honounccd cnmnJunitil:s an.· pleading for county · development . aid and continued dela\·s tlla\' cost \\' illiam D . I.tary, whn a(h·ances \\'ilmet tt the loss oi th ; $100,000 apirom the po. ition of ca:-hicr to a Yice- propriation mad e by the ·C ounty board pr~..:sidcnc\·, came to thl' \VilmdtL· for thl' :..tain :-> treet roa<h\'ay. .'tate ba;1k 'in 1914, beginning a a T ltt· con demnation :-;uit cl) ncerning telh:r. Thl' t huroughly progn:s:-.i\'c the Dempsey tract at the nort'hernlO:;t policy of the bank i? attributable in cxtrc~J.Jit~· oi :..Lain stn:ct, insti_tutecl _by no small dcgrc ' to h1s expert know!- the \ !llagc: for . the purpose ot prOYHIcdgc of the bank ing business and ing an opening at thl' limits, is to broad acquaintanet: \\'ith th e north cc,mc tn trial in the courb Saturdav ~horc area. · oi thi s \\·eek. it wa s 's tatl'd. ~houl~l J. ~f. Budinger, assi stant ca-.,hit:r. the \ ' illagl' he :-;ucccs:-;iul in thi s litigaw_ho ha~ lH.'L il elcv<~tcd to . .thL· p_nsition ~ion the <·rdinance prm iding inr th, ot eash1cr, began lw; sernce-, w1th the llllj)rfJ\'ttnt nt \\·8ulcl prohahlv lH.:· in~)-at~k i1·1· 1920 a . ~ t~llcr . . 1~r. Budin_ g er tro<~t~rt· d at t ht· \'il~tg~· hnat:d ~l':o,:-ion 1" a glcHluate 01 :--.;ortln\c:-tcrn mner - on I Ut· ~d;t, . · lune lt, 11 "'a' ~atd. 1 '-it\· of the cla<;s of 192-+. · · · \\.illiam B. Rehin son, ,,·ho o., un-' t·t· rl ~ BACCALAUREA ~~-S~~MON \l r. Budii1ger a:-; a~sistant ra~lliL·r. kt" R . . (~ S 'f , hl'l'll rc·ntll'l'ted \Yith the hank :-inrt .. ev. 1·rancts . · · tt lcr, pa ~ ~or of t 1 1e Ja~t Har in tht· raparitr ui chici dt·rk. ' .\\ tlmettt· Ba)·tt:-;t church. " ·til preach lie ;,. a~ i(lr :-.t· ,·cral yc;tr:o, in tilt: tnht ; tl~c.han:;~b~trt:ttt· :en_no l~ . to t_ht~_gr_ad - , dq,artmt·nt oi til e Fir ~t :\ati on·tl l u,ltl~1~ c;.l~~ ft! the Bapt~st :..lt ~s t~n.t? : hank () i Chicago. Jle is a graduate Tram.~~ 1 ~ ~\boo~ . St:nda~, ·'!a~ -9. at 1 the I tr :-. t Lapttst chur.~h_. ..,Qth o., trcl't ,,j tht· L'niversity oi Jlliiwi <.;. and Drext 1 lHJllltvard. Clncago. 1 Sfu~BankRe~r~ j ~~RU~SB~U ~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Service of Faithful . FOR MAIN ST. HIGHWAY Group of Officers (Continued from page 1) Week..End Picnic Specialties BREAD Sandwich Wilson's Rye Raisin White Boston Brown ROLLS Hot Dogs Hamburger Buns Wilson's Famous Crispy Crust Rolls 1 PIES In t h ree siz es including the individual pies , and 1n a great variety of flavors . I ' I I I 1 CAKES W i1son · s un exce11ed Devil' s Food , a large assortment of w hi te and ye l1ow cakes in various pleasing combinations. Be sure to notice tha t we will be closed from Saturday night until T uesda y morning---Order accordingly ! 1 1 The Wilson Bakery HThe Home of Et,erything Good that's Baked" \1 r ~ . \V. A. Tucker of 1214 Lak e trvl't has heen ~pending ten day s Yi sit \1 :·-. < l]i,·t·r Pringle, W2_. 1-:lt·\Ttlt h Phone 414 1162 Wilmette Ave. in .t. : her dau ghter, :..Ir ~. R L. Bloclgttt -. :r t·vt. i-. at ~t. l.nkt"s hospital rt·()i \Iadi . on, \Vis. She returned Thurs- ' t'u\.l'!·ing iru111 ;u1 Ppnation undergnnt ~~""~'""~""'~'"'~'""~""'~lllli ~ll!!l~iilij~lllil~!flli~l!!i~i!l!t~·!!ll~!ii!l~l!"'~""'~""'~l!'fl~ilif~ili!~!!l!~ilit~fll!'~""~"til~ilt!l~lli~i!ilf~iiil~'l~ fill~ fltll~ l ll' ~" "~" " ~'"~ fil il~ !lfll~ !l ~~~ '.' day. :..fay 26. -.:...· ' n ;d ,,.tl'k:-. ago. 1 Fishing-It won't be long now·before you' ll be casting for the biggest ever caught. Be sure your equipment is in shape so you will land him when he bitesSee our displa y of J ). HEDDON AND SOUTH BEND TACKLE We have Illinois and W isconsilt Fishing Licenses for Sale For the Outing Metnorial Day means a real outing, picnic, camping trip, or tour .. . and you'd better be sure that you have whatever the occasion will demand. STANLEY THERMOS JUGS COLEMAN COOK STOVES KAMPKOOK STOVES s Hardware 1185--8 7 Wilmette A ve.-opp. :Village Hall Phone Wilmette 158

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