Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1927, p. 5

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May 20, 19Z'/ WILMETTE LIFE s mor~ Arrange Banquet Invite Public to Attend Ascension Service May 28 /or Confirmants Special services in commemoration at Local Church of the Ascension of Christ will be held A Good-Fellowship banquet and re(·cption will be tendered all those belonging to the confirmation class of this :r ear by the members of the Junior \ \ ' alther league society of St. John's Lutheran church. This will be given in the Sunday school rooms on Friday, May 27. beginning at 6:30 o'clock. Prominent speakers from the international headquarters Qf the league are on the pro!...!Tam for ten minut'e addresses. Among t hcsc arc the Rev. J can M. Bailey, Edttcational secretary, and Albert Miller, form.er Junior Field secretary. The program, which will he .informal, j., <!.: signed to give everyone a highly P.rnlltahle and thoroug·hly enjoyable ttlllt.:. Instrumental music, singing by the a::o:-;embly, and a playlet hy the .I unior girls will spice the meeting. What is at St. Jolm's Lutheran church. Wilmette and Park avenue, on Thursday evening, May 26, at 7 :45 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to the people of the village to attend this service in which the Rev. Herman \V. Meyer will deliver th t·n non. important Than your Home? Build charm into it. )N@m{ ~- IBlcoJim ko Builders of Better Homes WILMf.TTE.ILL. Chicago Office - first National Bank Bldg. Phones Wllmette 14\7- Randolph 143& ·....... -!Oj!(.ojl ISSUE BUILDING J> .RMIT A permit has heen is ' ·.ed by the Village of Kenilworth to ti. 0. Barnes for the construction of a two-story frame residence at 525 Brier street, to cos·t in the neighborhood of $12,500. and ~~ rs. George E. Shipman, 432 Warwick road. Kenilworth, leave Saturday evening for a three weeks' trip in the East. ~[r. Complete Fence Along Railroad in Kenilworth t 'c ·tbtruction of fence along the Chi- A "Get Acquainted" Sale Here is a genuine opportunity to purcha1e nationally known musical iQstruments at substantial savings. Whenever you think of musical instruments we want you to think of the Wilmette Music Shop as the logical place for you to satisfy your needs. We have completely redecorated our showroom and . are constantly adding new stocks . To re ~ introduce ourselves to you and further establish the W ilmette Music Shop as a music center, we wilt for a limited time only, conduct a sale of New Phonographs- New Prismatone Radiola Combinations- Panatropes and Panatrope-Radiola Combinations and many other articles. Our supply is limited and . at the prices we are quoting, we expect .to dispose of it in a very short time. " First come, first served." cago and }Jorth Vvestern railroad righb-of-way -through the Village of l'cnilworth. which is being built as a protective measure for ·c hildren crossitlg the tracks on their ,,·ay to school. \\ a:-. nearing completion early this \\ ' L'l'k. : \ conference held recently bet \\Ttn reprcsentatiHs of the village, tht· Xorth Shore line and the Chicago :tncl ::\orth Wc!'tcrn railroad resulted in ·111 agreement to jointly stand the exPl'IISC of the project and also to share in the cost of retaining a watchman fnr a pedestrian gate at the ~{elrose a\ t' tllte crossing. Resume Chil~ren's Hour at Library on Saturday The children's ston· hour. which wa.:; htld at 10 :::.·J o'clock every Saturday lll()rning during the winter and was discontinued recenth· because of the lllultitude of outsict"e activities marlc po:-;sihle by the ·s pring weather, will lw held for the next two Saturda,·s at th e regular hour, it "·as annout;ced this \\·cck hy Miss \Vinifred Bright. children's librarian. The change in plans, ~fiss Bright stated, was made hecause oi the many requests on the part of the children to be allowed to hear the remaining two of the Kihelungenlied stories, ·· Siegfried" and "Valkyri e." Prismatone Combinations Brunswick CordoYa ~Iodel. Prismatone with 6 tube Radiola. selling regularly for $515.00. Sale price $335.00. Cordova Model with 8 tube Radiola, regular price $615.00. · Sale price $435.00. This in strunt("t operates from the light socket. No batteries required. A Radiola and Phonograph combined for leu than the price of an 8 tube Radiola. Panatrope Combination Model PR 10 with 6 tube Radiola, regular price $825.00. Sale price $682.50. John T. Rosberg 830 Park Avenue TELEPHONE WILMETTE 259o Panatrope Model PR 10, regular price $400.00. Sale price $225.00. T_~!LORING tn All Its Branches For people who care. Fresh stock of Domestic and Imported Woolens on hand. 4 o Y e11rs' Experience is my best Phonographs · The new Viva- Tonal Columbia, model 810, regular price $300.00. Sale price $215.00. :Yiodel 710, regular price $175.00. Sale price $120.00. Model 610, regular price $150.00. SAle price $95.00. Portable Phonograph, regularly $25.00-$15.00. Included in this sale are a number of loud speakers, values from $12.00 to $45.00 to sell at from $3.75 to $25. Also a complete stock of ukeleles. Sale prices $18.50-$13.50. guarantee No Overhead Expense. Operating a shop in my residence, cuts the overhead expense to the minimum . .. . . which means a saving to you of at least 3 o%. The Wilmette Music Shop CARLETON KAUMEYER 1179 Wilmette Avenue Telephone Wilmette 3006 During this sale we will be open every evening commencing Saturday, May 2 I to Saturday evening, May 2 8.

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