z WILMETTE LIFE May 20, 192'1 An Invitation are invited to attend the opening of our You new Wilmette Store on Saturday twentyt~e first of May. We have assembl~d an assortment of articles, both imported and domestic, including very unusual Giftware, Pictures and Plaques. In our Greet~ng Card Section several hundred kinds, of cards are so displayed that you can quickly find just the card you like for any conceivable occasion. Mouldings of the newest designs are shown. We are prepared to ·make Frames for Paintings_. Etchings, Prints, and Tapestries at less than Loop . prices. Kodaks and Films for the home movies as well as the still pictures are here. Developing, Printing and En./arging will be done in our own shop assuring the best possible results from your film. · There will be attractive souvenirs ·on this oc. easton. ~1-JTPHEN ~SUTPHEN. INC. The Picture Frame Store 1183 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 844