Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1927, p. 49

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~fay 20, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 49 t I ~lAY CONCERN that the Village of Wil- mette in the County of Cook and State Dated, 'Wilmette, Illinois, May 20th, A. mette hE-retofore filed its petition in the of Illinois, having ordered that a local D. 1927. CHARLES N. EVANS, County Court . o f Cook County, Illinois, Persons appointed by the President praying for the ascertainment of the just improvement be made within the Village of the Board of Local Improvecompensation to be made for private of 'Vilmette, County .of Cook, State of ments of the Village of Wilmette, property to be taken or damaged for Illinois, consisting of the Improving of the Cook County, Illinois, · to make opening and extending Isabella Street W est side of Ridge Road from Lake AveThe Auxiliary is making curtains and over and across lot 48 in block 2 In nue to a point three hundred and ninety said assessment. feet North of the Xorth line of L34-ltc drapes for the ward at Great Lakes Straube's Addition to Wilmette, and for (;J!.IOJ the improvement or 16th Street from Wil- Lake Avenue, and ou the West side of hospital which they han adopted for mette A venue to Isabella Street and other Ridge Road from the South boundary of \" 11.1. . .\.GE 0}' WILMETTE special attention. Toward this end a streets by grading and paving with con- Lake A venue to the Southwest corner of ~ otlt·f' of .\ wurtl of Contract. group ,o f workers met at ~Irs. Hopp's cre te and otherwise improving the same Schiller Street and Ridge Road, and on the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook County; both sides of Lake Avenue from the West last Monday. The work will be can- in minols, and for a special assessment to line of .Ridge Road to the West boundary For the construction of a connected t inucd next Monday, ~1ay 23, at ~1rs. raise the cost of said improvement ; that of Indian Hill Estates Subdivision, and svstt>m of cast iron main water supply Hopp'. , 225 Linden avenue, and mem - commissioners were duly appointed by on both sides of Illinois Road, from the Jlipe in Lake Avenue and other streets. court t:o investigate and report the Intersection of Lake A ,·enue and Illinois <\Vilm ette Spcdnl Assessment No. 183) bers are urged to come at 10. bringing said i· ~t comp~ll8atton to be made for private Road to the intersection of Ashland AveOFFWE OF BOARD OF LOCAL IMsome contribution for the "pot luck" ~roperty to be taken or damaged for said nul:'; also on both sides of Ashland Ave- PROVEME~TS. Wilmette, Illinois, May nue from the intersection of Illinois Road improvement, and also what real estate lunch at noon. \Vomen who appreci18, 1927. will be benefited by such improvement to the interseetion of Locust Road and ~OTICE is he r eby given to all persons ate what cheer curtains add to the and the amount of such benefits to each al~o on the South side of Ashland Ave- Inte rested, that the bids for the construchom5· will come and hasten this work. parcel of land benefited thereby and that nue from tht> intersf·ction of Locust Road tion of a connected system of cast iron said Commissioners duly made a special to a point tweh·e hundred (1200) feet West main water supply pipe with all necesassessment to raise the cost of said Im- thereof, and on both sidt' S of Locust sary crosses, e tc., in Lake Avenue and The \Vilmctte unit made a contribu- provement and duly flied their report In Road from the intersection of Ashland other streets in the VIllage of Wllmelte tion to the Central council for erection the office of the Clerk of said Court on A H"nue to the interst<etion of Lake Ave- wert· opened on the 17th day of May, the 23rd day of April, A. D. 1927 ; the also on both l-lides of ~lohawk Road 1927, and Badger Construction Co. being of an Auxiliary booth at the \Voman's total estimated cost of said improvement nue; from the intersection of Iroquois Road to the lowest responsible bidder, the · C9D· World Fair at the Chicago Coliseum, l>eing Ei~hty-Eight thousand three hun- the interst·c tion of Locust Road, and in tract was awarded to said Badger ConMay 19 to 26. Here articles made by dred flfty-flve dollars and thirty cents an easf:'ment alread~· proeured between struction Co. on the 17th day of May, lots four (4) and five (5) in block two 1927. Said bid is for the work as a disabled veterans will be on display, <$88,355.ao). Thereupon a summons issued out of (2) of the Indian Hill Estates Subdivision, and is as follows : and pamphlets describin·g work done said court against the saJd· defendants also on both sidt·s of Seneca Road from whole 281l0 lineal feet or twelve (12) both by our county and state will be above named and All Whom It May Con- the intersection of Locust Road to the inch internal diameter, cast returnable at the County Court intE.'r~e<:tion . of Lake A venu e, also on both iron main water supply pipe distributed. \Vomen who attend the ·l:ern House in the City of Chicago, in said sldf:'s of In,quois Road from thE.- West wt-ighing S2.1 pounds per Fair arc urged to visit this booth ar1d County, on the 6th day of June, A. D. boundary of the Indian Hill Estates Sublint>al foot constructed In 1927, as is by Jaw required, which prolearn what a high place the Auxiliary division to the intersection of Illinois place, including labor and ceeding is still pending. Road, also on Blackhawk Road from the holds among women's organization's. ma t e.rials at $::1.10 ptr lineal Now, unless you the said defendants West boundary of Indian Hill E:states foot ........................... $ 8, 680.00 designated as All Whom It May Concern Subdl\·islon to tht· interst>l't ion of Senec.:a 114:iO lineal fe("t of six (6) inch shall be and appear before the said also on both side~S of Romona Road intt·rual diamdcr cast iron In looking forward to Poppy Day we County Court of Cook County, Illinois, at Road, from tht:' interstt·tion of Ashland A\·cnuc main water :supply pipe, :;ho uld like to reprint extracts irom the the County Court House In the City of to a t·nint seven hundr£'d (700) ff:' et South \Highing :tt~ pounds per Chicago, in the said County on or before tht rt·of, from this JlOint South on the letter receh·ed in January from L. J. lineal foot, constructed in the 6th day of June, A. D. 1927, and ob· JlbH'(", including labor and ~1 itt en, and printed in full, at that time, ject to the report of the Commis~ioners East l'>idt· only of tht· thirty-three foot strt·et alread~· dt-dkatt-d on the W est material at $1.60 per lineal in \VILMETTF. LIFE. He savs: "\Vhen aforesaid, the same and the matters and boundary of tht· Indian Hill Estates Subfool ........................... 1~.20ii.50 o ne has come to feel that - he h a~ no things therein charged .and stated will di\"ision to tht> intt-rst'etion of Lakt· Ave- l!l six (6J ineh east iron gate be taken as confessed and a jud~ment nu(·, also on both. sidt·s of Shabona Lantprospects of being of any account in entered \":t lYes Installed in place inin accordance with the ~atd re- from tht- inttrst'ction of Blackhawk Road .-Juding labor and materlala the world for so many years, it helps port and the prayer of said petiUon. to a. point approximately thret hundred 617.50 at $32.50 eac h ............... . The following is a description of the and fifty (350) feN South tht·reof also on tu be thought of by those who are real :J twE:'l\·e (12) lneh cast iron lots, blocks, tracts, pieces or parcels of both sides of SeminoltRoad fro~1 th t· in!~· doing and being. . . . Did you ever g-ate ndves installed in place, land soug~t to be taken or damaged for tcrs ... etion of Lakt· A \"t·n ut· to the interinduding Jahnr and materials try just eating, sleeping and trying not the proposed improvement af<?resaid: . s~ction of Blackhawk Road, also 011 hoth 2;)5.00 at $8\>.00 each ............... . to be doing something that really Lot 48 in block 2 in S.traube s Addition s1des of Osage Lant· f1·om the intt:r:st:c2:! Brick yaJ\·e e h a m b e r s, ro unted? Let me tell you it's sure a to Wilmette in the VIllage of Wilmette, tion _of Blackhawk Road to a point apt·\·lindri('al in shape forty-two County, Illinois. . proxnnatt·ly two hundred and fifty (~50) man's job and no occupation to put a Cook (t2) indws in intcrna.l diamDated at the City of Chlca"o, Cook fet>t South tht:'rt' uf, also on Ottawa Lane .-tf'r and six and one-half rripplt: to. · County and State of Illinois this 26th from th t' intt:'rsection of Blal'khawk Road fL·t·t dt.·E' J), with walls ei~ht to a yuint appn,ximately two hundred "Oh, \\"ell. am not :-,o bad otf at lday of April, ~oCEJ~2\f. SWITZER. ~~) inche!'l thick, and w1th and tift~· (250) fnt South thf:' r e:of, al:so t·ast iron <.·on·r and lid weighthat. Of the six men who got 'home Clerk of the County Court of on (~hippcwa Lant- from the intersection ing· 470 pound~ l"Onstructed in Cook County, Illinois. treatment' at the same time as I did of llla<:khawk Road to a point aptJroxJ)]aet·, ineluding labor and f'HARLES H. JACKSON, imatdy tw(, hundred and fifty (2i·O) feet three arc · dead, two ·ar<: back in the materials at $80.00 each...... 1,760.00 Attorney for the Village South tlwrt:-of; all in th e Yillage of Wilho ~ pital, and I am still at large-so I of Wilmette. L 31 · 4tc Jnt:'tte, Cook County, Illinois: B\· <.:on- 25 six (6) Inch cast iron fire hvdrantR, each fitted with a must he lucky, at that!' ' strm·tlng along and u11de r all said ·Roads ~ix (6) inch auxiliary gate Lant·!i and A n ·nu es an or·namental light~ This letter might have been written vain: and shut off "box, and YILLAGE OF WIL::\IETT~ ing s:nstem l'onsi::;ting of one hundred and with two (2) two and onehy your son or your· brother, or your t'ightr-sen-11 ornamental hollow spun half (2lf.!) ineh hose nozzles, Special .\!-lsesKment Notice husband, but for the "singular chances" t·t.·ntnfugall~· cast \\.isconsin red g1·anit · and l'Onnected to the main by ui war, and, as he says, and hospital Ylllug.- of WllmP.tt~Spetlal Assessment com·n·tt· lightin~· f-:tandards sixteen (l(i) a six (6) inch int ernal diamfl'et in Jt.. ngth. consisting of a drcul:u dt'r ('aHt iron watt-r supply workers can testify, he is "lucky, at :Xo. 191 hutt ~our (H fet>t long- and tt·n (10) inl'hes pi 1 w, weighing 3a.3 pounds that." ~f any are in \\'Or sc plight. in dranv' tt"r to bt· plac<·d in the ground twr lineal foot at $130.00 each.. 3,250.0IJ ~OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEK to all and an IH'nalllt-ntal :sedion twt"ln· (12) nt>~sons interested that the President ar;t d ft>et loug·. a cross St."dion 11f whkh is 71,~. <.·ubil' yards of ('Ushed limestone laid in place for hyBoard of ·' l'rustees of the Village of Wr 1- O<'tagonal in sh<IJW. said ornanwntal ~t-c \"11.1 ,.\.GE OJ.' WIL31ETTE drant foundations. including mette in the County of Cook a.nd State of tion de("reasing in dianh:tt:'r from Pightcen labor and materials at $5.00 I \ 'l'RE COUNTY COURT 0}" ('00K Illinois having ordered that the first ( lS) indws at th·· hottom to five and 37.50 alley n'orth of Elmwood A venue extend- mw-half 1 f·t:.!) int"h es at tht· t<'P; said Jlt:'l' ~·ard ........ · · · · · · · · · · · · ·_·_ _ _ t:OU.N'f¥, ILI.1NOIS Ing from Seventh Strt>et to '.l'wPlfth Street standards to ha \ 't: a holt: approximately Tntal ... . . .... ............ ::.$32,805.50 (except across Eighth, Ninth, T e nth a.nd two (2) indH·s in dian'w tl'r through tht Heneral Number iii,848 The ownt·rs of a majority of the fronlEleventh Stre'l:;! which are already pave4il, t·enter and to han· a rt·<· tangular opening and except the east seventy-five (75) feet in the Lufl approximatd~· thret: (3) incht>e a~n· of th e Jots and lands upon said streets Not.lce >f thf:' alley between Eleventh .and Twelft? widt> Ly nine (!:!) inches long, the top of whe rein said work is to be done may, Xoti c(' of proceedings to ascerta.in the Streets) be improved by gradn~g a!'d pa'; whieh shall be nint:' (!I) inehes l.wlow the within tt-n days from the date hereo_f. wm·id(·d b~· Jaw, dect to take saad ju::;t compE'nsat ion to be made for private ing with concrete and otherw1se mlpro\- ornam.,.ntal Sl'dion; said staudarrl~ to hte· a~ 1 property to be taken or damaged for ing the same, the ordina.nce for the same set with ont·-half ( l,..l) cubie yard <·f work and enter into a written contract npening and extending Isabella Street and being on file in the office of t~e Village l"l'UShed limestonL· surrounding tht- l.mtt ; to do said work at tt:'n pet· centum less for the improvement of 16th Street and ("Jerk of sa.id Village, and sa1d Village there shall l.w llWuntt>d upon and attaL"ht."d than the prit"t:' at which samE.' has bee n other streets by grading and paving with having applif:'d to the County Court of to t'a d1 or said dt:l'tri<· lig·ht standards awarded. 8.-\.H L E. ORXER t·o ncret e and otherwise improving the C'ook County, Jllinois, for an assessment a Folium dl-'sign <·ast aluminum casing JOH~ CLARK BAKER same In the Village of Wilmette, Cook of tht> cost of said improvement, accord- and an ol'tagonal lantt.·rn tnle lighting ERNERT C. CAZEL f'ounb·. I IIi no is, and for a sp~cial assess- ing to benefits and an assessment there- fixturt· thirty-thret" (3;)) im·hf's high and I'LAREXCE E_ DRAYEH ment to raise the coRt of saad improve- for ha.ving been madE> and returned to ha \'ing a maximum diameter· of sixteen PA t·L A. HOFFMAN said Court (Docket No. 191), the final (16) indws, with ornamental spike on ment. HANS VONREINSPERG In tbe ('ounty ('ourt of Cook County, ht>aring thereon will be held on the 31st top, fittt>d with eig·ht (8) t:lear syeniH.· .TOH~ F. WIEDLIN. day of May, A. D. 1927, a.t 10 o'cloc~ A. glas~ pantls, eomplt.'tt-> with serit.. s film llllnols 1:oard of Local Improvement of the M. or as soon thereafter as the busmess L"Utout su('ket mounted upon an adjustablt· General Number o7,848 Yillagt> nf Wilmette. 0f the court will permit. . socket :support and high ,·oltage insulator, L :-H -lte A11 persons desiring may file obJections complete with two hundred and fifty (~50) STATE OF ILLINOIS l r ss In sa.id Court before said day and m3;Y ~· andle-IlOwer or one hundred (100) candlenppea.r on the hearing and make the1r power, six and six tf'nths (6.6) ampere COU KTY OF COOK J YIJ.LHa: 01-' WIL~lETTE VIIJage of Wllmett~ vs. Ja.cob Glos And defense. . h 11 , serit·s Type C lamp, all conneeted in place, Bids will bt· r eceived by the SuperintendSaid ordinance prov1d~s for t e co ~v twenty-eight (28) standards to bt- equipA 11 '\Vhom It May Concern. In the matter of the petition of the tion of said assessment m ten a.n~ua.l m- ped with cast aluminum street sign with ent of Public \Vorks at the VIllage Hall, VJIJage of ·wilmette for the ascertaln- stallments and with annual mterest ornaJn.,.ntal bnH:kt:'l, hot gaJ\·anized, the 'Vilmdt~:> Illinois, up to 7 :30 P. M., June nwnt of the just compensation to be made thereon at the rate of six (6) per centum ordinance 1ur the same being on file in 7th, A. h. 1!127. for furnishing and infor priva.te propertY to be taken or dam- pe r annum. as provided by law. tht> office of the Yillage Clerk of said stalling a traffil' signal control system at Da.ted, Wilmette, Illinois, May l~th, Yillage, aged for opening and extending Isabella and said \"illagt> having applied tht- inter~ections of Central and 'Wllmettc 1927 Street a.cross Jot 48 in block 2 In Straube's to the County Court of Cook County, Avenue, Village of \Vilmette. A. D. " CHARLES N. EVANS. Traffic signals are to be placed a.t each Addition to Wilmette, and for the imPerson appeinted by the President Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of corner of the intersection. A four-way provement of 16th Street from Wilmette said improvt>nwnt, according to bt·nefits of the Board of Local Improve- and an assessment therefor having been signal with angular yisors on two opA venue to Isabella Street an~ Other ments of' the Village of Wil- madt:' and returned to said C'ourt (D<:lckct posite :sides of Paeh s1gnal ; all mounted l'itreets by grading and paving wtth conmettE', Cook County, IJ11nois, to ~0. 1:15), the final hearirtg tltereon wm be on stflf:l tubular se\'en-foot posts. All crete and otherwise Improving the same, make said assessment. signals shall be connected by underin the Village of Wilmette, cook County, hdd on the 6th day of June, A. D. 1927, I11inols, and for a special assessment to I...3 3· 2tc at I 0 o'clock A. M. or as soon thereafter !;round cable and so wired that the amber raise the cost of said improvement. as tlw business of t'hP !.'Ourt will permit. ·l ight does not indieatfl from red to green. The control shall be located at the VilTO ALI. . WHO~l IT MAY CONCERN: All 1wrsons desiring may file objections lage Hall and shall be of a selective type The sa.id Court by order duly ~ntered, in said Court bt>fore said day and may timing control. Specifications are on tilt> Stle<'ial Assessment Notlee appear on the hearing and make their at the office of the Superintendent of having directed that notice be given to the said defendants and to All Whom It Yllln~c of Wllmf'tte-~pe_elal Assessment defense. Public Works, Yillage Hall. The SuperinMay Concern by publication as by law Said ordinance provides for the collec- t e ndent of Publie Works reserves the No. 19:». required in WILMETTE LIF~. a se?ular tion of said assessment in t~n annual right to rejet"t any and all bids. newspaper of general clrculaUon, prmted C. C. SCHULTZ, XOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all installments and with annual interest and published In the Village of Wilmette, persons Sup. of Puhlic Works. interested that thf:' President and thereon at the rate of six (6) per centum County of Cook, and State of Illinol~, Board of Trustees of the Village of Wil- per annum, as provided by la.w. L34-ltc notice is hereby given to .ALL WHOM I r Legion News

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