Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1927, p. 43

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:\lay 20, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 43 . Bee a us.~ a great many of the patrons the \ dlage theater have requested the man age m e n t to · re- hook I ::m C'hancy's llla ster production, "Tell ' it to the Marine . ," this picture in which the man of many faces appears sans lllakcup for the first time in hi~ colorful career, \\'ill he shown a~ain on ~I onday and Tue sday of next \\:eek. 'l'he regular a(lmission fees will be rharged. "Te ll 1t to the ~1arines ~ .. This cryptic order once startled a l11·t:a thl css nation! Xow it has been immortalized to last iorncr in a mighty motion picture. which is the true story of life \vith l~ ndr Sam's shock troops \Yho cover the globe for our country. The picture was filmed with the full (.'4)-opcration of the United States Gov,.. rnment, which permit ted the actors in ~his mighty drama to take their places 111 the ranb of the real fightii1g mcu ~o that realism might be achien d. Chancy plays a veteran !'trgeant of t he .\Iarinc s, a hard-boiled, hard -driving katherneck who take s soft white ~·4 ,Jlar boy s from their desks as clerks <tl)d make s of th em real .soldit·r:;. \ \.illiam Haine s .play s . the · se~oi1d k~td in thi . . . mighty dra1i1a all{) Eleanor n, ,ardman plays the leading. fclninine r c) lt-. "Tdl It t n the ~[ari.n es" i ~ probably (J!Il' of the greatest picture s of the _\ t· ar and a · such it \\·ill go dtnYil i11 thv :tn nab oi filmdom . 01 Lon Chaney's "Tell "Casey at the Bat" it to the Marines" at Norshore Mo.,day Is the mortgage due ? Returns to Village Has your best girl turned vou down? Is mother-in-law coming · to' pay a vi$it ? No matter what · your ailment or grieva nce,' "Ca sey at the Bat ," \\'alla ce Beery's newe st Paramount star . ring vehicle, which a rriv<" s at the r\ orshore theater ~fonda\· , see ms certain to i11ake you iorget tl~em. Coming with t on:-; of advance praise and following Beery\; remarkable suc cess in his two previous comedies, "Behind the Front" and "\Yc're in th e· Navy Km\·," th ere was a tendcncv ~o wonder if he could do it again. I iowevcr, any lingering doubt \\·ill soon bf' wiped into obscurit ,. because for sheer ot1t-and-out comeciv. "Case v at the Bat" is said to !' ttq;ass anytl;it1g that\ been see n he-re in man,· a da\·. The star's supportiqg comp~ny i:-; . headed hy Ford SterlinR. Za~u Pitt s and Stc·: · ling Hollo\\·ay. The film wa s directed by Monte Brice . ~'Hello" Girls Guests of Village Theatre · opera t ors f rom th e W'l T e1 ep h one 1mette exchange were the guests of the management ot the Village .theater early this week when "The .Telephone Girl," an adaptation of William C. De M i lie's pIa y "The Woman," was presented. The leading parts in the production were taken by Madge Bellamy, H olbrook Blinn, Warner Baxter, May Allison and Lawrence Gray and ·the fift y local members of the "Hello" profession all report that it's a splendid picture. I Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roselow of Chicago have just -~uoved into th.eir new home at 718 Nmth street, whtch they purchased from the Raymond A . Wlu~elocks. Mr. and Mrs. Wheelock have moYed to their new home at SCj Robsart road Kenilworth. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. VARSITY uPride of tht North Shore" FRIDAY ~ SATURDAY TOM MIX m "Outlaws of "The Campus Flin" as a dashing, devilish she·caballero Hines in "All Aboard" at the New Evanston It's a · riot. That's the advance judgment of Johnny Hines in .. All Aboard," which is coming to the New Evanston th eater F.riday. The film depicts Johnny a s a forgetful shoe salesman who loses his job because of his absent-mindedness and who . thereby lands in a nice fat position as conductor of a tour . The voyage of himself and his party, including the girl, t0 Egypt prove s to be a succession of hilariou s . cenes with Johnny's forgetfu ln ess as the chief factor. And there are plenty of thrills, too, when the girl is kidnapped by an amorous sheik and ] ohnny da shing to the rescue. is almost married to a large hot mama of the desert. A set-to with a lion, and a succes sion of . thrnling battles with · the sheik's retainers ke ep the audience alternateh· on the edge of their seats with exdtcmcnt and ' in a collapsed i state from laug hter. ).I r. and ~Ir s . C. H. Jack so n and their I daughter, Alice ).Iae, of 1017 Elmwood j avenue, returned a week ago from Stan·ed Rock, Ill., where they spent · seve ral claYS. -oUr. and ).frs. Gtn· f. ColbY of .f27 Greenleaf a\·enue haH rctun;ed from a week's trip to New York City. Mr. Colby was called ea st on business and Mrs. Colby accompanied him. I Bebe Daniels in Red River" -and-- HSENORITA" with James Hall-William Powet'l -STAGE PROGRAM- Harry Langdon an CHOOS' FIVE STARS a novelty offering ANGEL BROTHERS whirlwind action -STARTING SUNDAYFor Four Days The home-run comedy hit "Saturday Mtemoon " Direct from the Loop First Run " Fashions for Women" Wallace Beery in .\ i:hhirt ll shnw \\·hi ch iur bYi-11111.'" :-. .tllrl r(llur tlUt..;hine~ a 11 ~ · thing e\·e r ~t : tgl'cl i11 Pari -.. i:-. ullt' ni til~.· :-.con·:- of :Ji llhlla1 :t1 1d inh: :·esting 1Jigh 1iL:"hh 111 1·>-·thn I~ a1~t01 1\ fir~t :-tarring n·hidc ··F..:hhi\'11" f()r \\",,me n." th v Paramo unt ]' li .. up b .' · \\ hii..' 1J \\·ill l>l' :-ht11\ 11 \\'crl 11n<Lt, and Thur:-.day . .\ I, tf ( · t ha 11 thirty ·.:x clu" i ,· ~.· crt·a t i4 llh. i :·c>i ll a\·iation l'll-t lllllc :-i ior \\'on1~·n tt > i4·l'I JI;d aitvrnr,on tea -go \\'n-.. :trL· \\'01'11 11, ~I i:- :-; I~abton and fiitl'l'll heautiitll lllaii 11L"qtt in-,. Tht:y \\· ~·n· l'Spl'riall.' · dL· -.iL.;nt'<l !Jy Tr;l\·i:- Banton. nnkd ia:-l1i .1n nvatt·:- .. in]Jr,wing a st·a rch throu . .::h -t \ k l'L' lltns oi thl· \\·urld ir1r til t· ] : ,!, · ~t infonna ti()n upu11 thl' inr thcom iiiL.; '-l'aso n' :- trl'nd in \\'caring apparl'l. "Fa~hion s ior \ \ ' ;J J1lt'l1" \\'a s nwtk j,, ;· the SCT\ ' t'll hy Dnruthy :\rzner, OIIC' 41l thl' fir ;-; t \\·omu1 n ·a protnotl'd tn 1hv po iti nn o f dirl'<:tor in tl1e hi stt,ry 4·T ti!Jn :-.. ~upp :1rti ng .\li . . ;-; l~ : tl s t on ar .. 1:.i1 1 :tr I f ~ t ll'- 4l l1 and l~ ay nl t~lid I latiiiiJ. "Jim the Conqueror" ( )JJl' nf Peter H. Kyn l'·, g r l·:1t L' ... t -. t,lr it·" \\·ill he ~t·<> n 1111 thl' :-.ctT\'11 " ·1wn ··1 i1n th(· Cnnqucrnr." it·:tturin .L.; \\'iJ. BRING THE CHILDREN SATURDAY MATINEE HCASEY AT THE BAT" with Ford Sterling BIG STAGE SHOW Extra-Sunday Only The kiddie stars of movie land JANE and KATHRYN LEE - Silturdav Matinee OnlyKIDDIES' MATINEE A treat for the Children BARREL of. FUN For the Children Monday- Constance Talmadge "VENUS OF VENICE" Wednesday- Gloria Swanson "LOVE OF SUNYA" Friday- Jack Mulhall "SEE YOU IN JAIL" Continuous 2 to 1 1:30 P. M. Come Anytime! NEWEVANSTON FRIDAY ~ SATURDAY HAVE YOU? Bought Your Tickets for the Johnny Hines in His Comedy Hit! tiam Bon!. Elinor Fair, \\.alter Long, Tulh- ~(ar s hall and '1'0111 Sanhrh i. is - hn ,~ 11 on Friday and Saturclay . MUSIC FESTIVAL Northwestern University Gymnasium New Organ for Village Now Ready for Shipment \\.ord ha s hecn r ecci ,·ecl In· the Vill:u.:c theater that the ne\,. \\'elt e l\fig11011 nrgan. which is :-;non I n hr in stalled, is· rea dy for sh ipm ent from the iartorv. The organ i~ one of the he st that l:an he procured for mot ion picture accompaniment and for. special . . ,11() \vnrk an d contain~ tnany features II· ·l ordin;-~rilv rm hndied in a t heatrr 0r~an. It h;;o.; bren t ril'd nut by some ,,(t he hcst orga nists in the eao.;t \\'hn I'L' l'(J rt that it is one of the finc..,t pipe lll'!.._:.tt1S of its ~ i zr t he~· ha\·c en' r played. May 23 - 24- 26 - 28 If not, they are on sale NOW at 15 80 Sherman Ave.~ Evanston. Tel. University 40 and 58. I "ALL ABOARD" NEWS WEEKLY AND SELECTED COMEDIES Prices, $3.50, $3.00, $2.00~, $1.50,$1.00 Prominent Artists appear at each Concert . 1st Concen- "ELIJ AH." Soloists: Louise Loring, Doris Doe, Paul Althouse, Horace Stevens. 2nd Concert-Soloists: Edward Johnson, Mischa Levitzki. 3rd Concert-"A SEA SYMPHONY" and miscellaneous program. Soloists: Florence Austral, Horace Stevens. 4th Concert-Soloist: Sophie , Br.aslau. 5th Concert- Soloists: Anna Case. Lawrence Tibbett. Chicago Symphony Orchestra, all Concerts. Entire Change of Program Monday, Wednesday 8 Friday Every Evening 7 to Saturday Cont. 2 to 11 11 J. D. Neilson . and daugh.t~r, nf 1126 Forc: t avenue, are vtsttiliL:" in Ci ncinnati. Th ey expect to retu~·n bv wav of Frrnch Lick. sometime durin g. th e next week. Pegl!~·. ~J rs.

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