Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1927, p. 40

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40 . WILMETTE I LIFE May 20, 1927 Wilmette Realty Co. McGuire & Orr Negotiates ·rwo Announces Sa I e sin Important Deals North Shore District ~l rs. Henry H. Kennedy has sold her i'ome at 735 Sheridan road. Winnetka. to Chester F. Sargent. The property rxtends from Sheridan road to Lakl· \[ichigan and has a fr ontage of. 1<>2 feet and a <l epth of about 600 teet. Thr impro\'etnents consist of a 12- ro,oJn so lid brick residence of Southern Colonial st ,.k and a detached hric k garag~_· ,,·ith sc.nants quarters above . Tlli.; home \\·a< built hy Frank 0. ~fagn· about 15 Yl'ars ago and in th e ~·c ar 1923 ~lcG;tire & Orr sold it to Mr ~. Kennl'ch·. ~fcGuire & Orr abo mack the sale of thi s property to Chester F. Sarg~.·nt. In many of the se Jargt· home sale:;, the owners are reluctant to publish the sale price, and it is with held in this instance. However. it i-. known that the property wa s lwld at $150 1000. Herbert H. Kennedy of ~fu :;r-.. . Rosenthal. Stein & Bachrach. lookt'd after the legal details for the selln. ~f·cGui r e & Orr han so ld for ( "hl's ter F. Sargent, vacant property 210x IX/ feet on Birch streC't. hetwe('n Sun:l'l road and Hill road. \\'innctka. Thi . . is in the heart of the lndian Hill club development ""hich is so popular at prcst'llt. The purchaser was \Valter J. !\f rG u irc. junior partner of ~I cGu irt' ,'\: Orr, who acqitirecl the property a s an im·es tt.n.ent. The price is not di~clo:-;ed . To Those Who Love Beauty in living and for those who insist upon perfection in every detail of entertaining, The Georgian, the most beautiful residential hotel on the North Shore. offers accommodations unequalled in character and charm. Entertain at our Special Bridge Luncheon every Tuesday. $1.25 · (Includes luncheon, bridge, and a prize for each table .) Dinner Dance every Friday Night Recent sa les bv the \Vilmette Realty company of Vviimette ha H ' been announced as follows: 149 feet of va·c ant on :\shland an:uuc. Wilmette, north front. we st of 13th street. Jared P. Gage. Henry ~1. Gage and Frederick, to Everett L. Kennedy. also 149 feet on the opposite side of the street, from ]. P. Gage tn FnTttt L. Kennedy. The residence at 1515 Fure~t an·nut·. \Vilmette, Leslie D. ~[organ, to .-\rthttr F. Sullh·an. The residence at 411 \Ya shington avenue. \Vilmette, Erne:-;t T.. Clifford. to Ethel M. Newman . I The resideuce a,t 110 Fifth s treet. \Vilmette. S. G. S\\"anlwrg, to Juliet Hitchcock. A lot on Fcrnleaf an:nue, south of .\Vilmette avenue. \Vilmctte. Agnc" S. Christoph, to vVilliam A. Grover. A house in course of constr uction on Gregory avenue. west of Fourteenth <;;trcet, vVilmctte. James Crahh. to L. ) . Dunlap. They hare also r~nted for the sumtlltr the \V cese residence. 141 Kenil,,·ort h avenue. Kenilworth, to J udgc :Mcl\:i nlcy. and the residence at 243 Linden annue, \\' ilmctte. to F. Z. Favor for a year and a half. Dinner and Dancing $ 1. 5o, No cover charge. "An Address of Distinction Davis at Hinman-Evanston J,hone Resenatlons Now-Greenleaf · HOO. Byrnes Travel Service in the Lobby. The sa le is announced oi "Indian Hill Quaintness," an eight-ruom English house on a half-acre of lawn at the northeast corner of Locust r·o ad and Blackhawk in Indian Hill Estate s. tn Floyd B. \Veaklr. sccretan· and trust officer. of the Peoples Tn1~t and Savin!!:-; hank. Chicago. Bills H~..·a Jt,·. Inc .. were' the brokers. · Chicagoan Purchases Announce Transfers in Residence · in "Estates" North Shore Properties Tl 1 e f()llo\\"ing transactions in vacant arc reported by McGuire and Orr: A SR-foot lot on the north side oi Chestnut stn,-ct between Tvvclfth and Thirteenth !'llrt..'l'h. \\'ilmette, for John S. Gage to an unclisclosecl purchaser. 'l'hr nort h\\"est corner at \Voocistock and Leicr~tn road~. Kenilworth, f<lr La \\'renee P. 0\ryer to an uncli sclo st· d purcha ser. . Lots 23 and 24 011 Rohsart road. K('n ih,·orth. tn an uncli!'lclosed bu.n ·r. Lot 23 was formcrh· owtH'cl b,· ('hark " T.unclhen~· of \\'ilmc.:ttl' ancf lot 24 ll\· :\nn e\\·. \\'elch of \Vinndk a. BAHAI FORUM I IHIIIHIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll BETTER than the face value of the Deed itself is the worth of the Deed you do for your family when you buy N o r t h S h o r e home. Sundav. ~fay 22. at 3 o'clock at th~ studio (;i Lot~is nourgeois, architect . . i3(J Sheridan road. \Vilmdtc. tht· tht' 111t· will ht· "The Cenlt..'r of the Connant." These forttnJ:-; arc designed to acquaint the public with the mission and teaching ..; of the Bahai faith. The sill' of its fir~t temnlr in th e western hcm i~phere i:-; itt \\'ilnwttt.·. F.d\\·ard D. Strttn·n. rardaker of the ground~. take . pka~urc in showing vi ~ itllr' lhrough it:-; inundation and exohinilll! its ~nn1Hdisnl, it i..; l'Xplaintd . /\ J:akti stuch· clas~ \rith Dr. T . E. l ·:~skmont', ··nai1aue llah an cl the ~ ew Fra" as t ht· ll'xt-hook. llttTh C..'\TI"\" \\'cdn c~rla\· rnni tH!. at R o'clock. j,; the l1onH· <·i C. P . C'hri-..lt.'lht·n. 1UR Oakwond ; t\"t' I 11\IL'. \\"ilml'lt e. J ! WINS SCHOLARSHIP RANK Edward Todd ~T hcelrr , 26S Wood court. \\'illllctt e. " ·as hot~t'rt ·d at rt spec i a I r n 11 \" o cat ion at t he l n i \"l' r ~ it y of Illinn i:- thi . . \\n·k as one of a gr()~l\' achieYing the "superior scholar ship" This clas'iification inclu k~ rating. those students in the upper three per cent of the sop homor l', junior an.! senior cbsscs. The Club for Business and Profes sional Women of Wilmette is having a dinnrr and social evening Monday. : Mav 23. in the rooms of the Congregational church. Dinner will he sene<l at 6:30 o'clock. 513 Davis St. EVANSTON Greenleaf 161 7 -o- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIII. I '----------------.J Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Read of fJ;IJ Central avenue entertained the tweh-:· members of their bridge club at dinner and bridge, Saturday evening, May 14, at their home.

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