38 WILMETTE LIFE May 20, 1927 Boy Scouts--Be Ready for the Parade Memorial Day Parade will soon be here. Get your uniform and equipment at Chandler's now. We are the official store for Evanston. Pianist at Georgian Margaret Gilbert Weds in Evanston on May 14 The marriage of Miss Margaret Gilberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Em_il Gilberg of 233 Wood court, to Morns Gur'sta,son, of Lockport, Ill., and \Vilmette took place Saturday, May 14. at th~ Free Evangelical church of E\'anston, the Reverend Mr. Lindquist performing the ceremony. The hridc was gowned in a whitl' satin dress trimmed in lace. Her tulle veil hung from a circlet of orang{' blossoms. Lilies of t1 he valley atHl pink and white roses made ut· ht:r shO\vcr bouquet. She was attended b~· the groom's sister. Miss Helen Gufsta son as maid of honor, who wore yel low' georgette. The bride'~ cou"iin. Mrs. Esther Andrrw5 of Chtcago, at tendee! her as matron of honor. and was gowned in hluc georgette. 'flw two bridesmaids, Miss Deborah Alfors of Chicago, and ~{iss Hulda Erick son also of Chicago, were dressl·~l in pink and yellow georgette gowns. ~f i~ ~ Helen Lindfors and Miss Ruth Grenstrom both of Evanston, were ribbon st ret-e hers, and Mary Jane Carbon oi E\'anston acted as flower girl. 1f r. Gufstason chose David Dclain r of \Vilmette a. his best man, and ?\1 or ris Andrc\\'s and Robert Gt1fstasnn. hi~ cousin, for ushers. . ·ll Fo1lo\\'ing the -ccn: mony. a rccepti < \\'as gin·n in the rooms of the cht1rch. ~fr. and ~frs. Victor Olson of \Vii -· mette a·c ting as host anrl hostess. and Professor Axel \\'idcll of \Vilmdte it ' toastma~tcr. if ore than two hun<irl' d guests \\·err included in the invitation ~. Aftc·r a hom·\·moon <Jt several \H'tk.., at Dolphin Springs, Ky .. Mr. Gufsta:·.c>tl a n d his hr ir1 r \,.iII m a k c t h eir. h nn Jt· in Chicago. Se\'cral !-lHt\\'er s \\Trt' gin' n t! l(' bride ln·forc tl1e wl'dding. ~fr. all d Mrs. \\.illiam Delaine of 1524 Fort' :-t a\'enuc and th . . ir daughter, ~{iss DC' horah Delaine ga\'e a ~howcr Sa tt1r · day. ?\fay 7, at their homl'. On .\pr ii 29, ~liss Deborah :\liors, of Chirag( ·. entertainrd in her honor with ;, shower. A Bike You Would Like to Own The new Hibbard Bike has ballon tires, Duco finish, a New Departure Brake and other fine features. Come in to Chandler's and see it. $37.50. ( f WREN HOUSE'S Finished in brown and green-have detachable metal bottoms. 25c: French and Spanish instrumental selections will comprise the program of Miss Emmy Brady, pianist, and Mrs. ~orman Parker. violinist, at the Georgian hotel musicale, Sunday, May 22, We have a Miss Brady's three groups will co.n Spalding balls racket that is sist of (1) "The Cuckoo" hy Daquin; keep their life just the right "The Hen" by Rameau; (2) "Play an entire seaweight and size of the Water" bv Raoul, "The Engulfed Cathedral."- 41 Girl \Vith Flaxon son. for you. Hair" and "Golliwogs Cake \\ alk" by Debussy; and (3) "The Lady and the Nightingale" hy Granados. "'Matagucna" and '·Segueclilla" by Alhcniz. Mrs: Parker's groups \\'hich will alterPhone 1'\ \0 nate with those of the pianist arc: Univtrsity Davi~ .(1) Francoeur's "Sicilicnne" and "Ri123 Street gaudan," and Lully's "Gavotte"; (2) Ravel's '·Pauane," Debussy's "Eve.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX14XXXXXXXX%X%XXXxXX~~;!!;~~~;!~IYT 4· ning" and Granadas· "Habanera." TENNIS RACKETS TENNIS BALLS . $2.50 up 50c I IRJ ~~!M@l!§@~! . , Announcement FREDERICK E. LEWis Co. i 1 Wish to Announce A Change of Location We are now established. in our handsome new Chapel and Funeral Parlors located at I I 24 Central Avenue, Wilmette. Keep Your Children Strong! Pure~ BeaUty Lies in Healthy EYES It'a not so much :he size or color of the EYES that makes them b:autiful. Rather, ir's the g!ow w·h ich radiates from them. UT"Y lessaceptalwaysclean a~d healthy, EYES lacic ;this alluring lusr:l'\;. MilliPns of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. lt cleanses EYES of irritating par# ticlt!s :1nd keeps them clear and brieht. Contains no belladonnl\.. O..r i!!wtrated hooks nn "Eye CAIN'"' or ""E~r Beau~" are "'RER on requc.lt. FREDERICK E. LEwis Co. fresh milk will make and keep the children strong. It helps to make firm muscles and solid bones. Let the children drink plenty of it. The Murine Company ncpt. 33, Chicago "We Understand" TELEPHONE WILMETTE 3552 fmfff\it<f\ilf&~lf<i\ilmtliB!Itltli!t\ifui&Nittilmtlri\illffilmj~ I ~