Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1927, p. 35

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:\lay 20. 1927 WILMETTE ISSUE SCOUT PAPER LIFE HEAR SOUTHERN PASTOR 35 ~""'-~"-""', Crown May Queens in Final Program of College Festival ~1 i::-~ t ~tnn·a ~Iangrum of EYansYi!le. Ind .. and ~[i ~s Kaye Reintges of \\ es_t .Palm Be~ch, Fla., the two girls ~t·retYIIlg the l11ghest number of Yotes 111 _r Queen oi the ~lay, wen cro,yned With the dainty pink and \Yhitc of app le blo-,~om~ la:-.t wc··k. ' 11.. "'".· ~f.·tll. "' . . ·' ·'·' ·' . l!.r~~m :)~: \\ t· ~l ~ll':, d~y (. \'('lllllg-, aJ!d .~~~ ~~ ~~~ 1ntgl~ oil I hur!'d~), at the ~at1on:ll Kuldcrg;nttn .and ~'.icmentary colkl!l', at the conclu~1on 0 1 the: spring fl'stiYal. J_ - - · Co:;tumt~ and srcn<·ry Yied with tiH· artistic conccptic·n of · JlJOH'tnc nt and lllttsic j~~r lir~t plae<: in the opinion ui the audience. and the combination oi , the iom Jll;tcl,· a tnt'dlt\' of rare chann which broug-ht dvlight~d laughter and :tpplatht· ir11 iJJ tilv auclicnre on hC1tlJ I By Critic The ~lav iss ue oi "The Talk O' The The Rev. Edgar Smock, general sec- ~ J'1l Troops," iocal Boy Scout publication, retary of the Bi shops' council in X. Y., ~ ~ ha s been distributed this week to the held the ~en-icc Sunday enning- at the ~Comm· g~ thirty-one Scout troops of the Xorth Church of the Holy Comforter in tJlace ,.. J'1l Shore Area. The curr~nt number, de- of Rev. Patten who ha s charge of the ~ ~ voted particularly to camp and sumn1cr work amon~ the negroes in the south. ~l'·om ~ hiking new:;, is ~ix pages and can·it"i He hruught with him tweln ~"uthcrn ~ ~ an attracti\'e hand-drawn coYer. negro singers who sang negro -,piritua ls ~Paris ~ . .-.--~~-----:---_ in a most remarkable manner. ~ ~ 111ss L!lban J:ncson of 104J A~hland -o:41 ~ a\·enuc has returned irom Detl\'CJ:, Col., ~lr s. Leland V. Pierson oi 804 Forest ~~ · · · ~l'Ji · ,,. l1ere s1 1c I1a( l 1>een tor t1 1e pa!'lt t\YO aYenue returned Frida,·, 1IaY 13, from ~ f~ 11lOI1ths. \\"hilc in J?enHT, ~Iis s Frie-l La Jolla, Cal. ~Irs. P.ierS(IJ1. leit \\"it - ~ ~ sou \\as th e guest ot her brother, Leon mettc the last of January, and has ~ J'1l A. Mousseau. spent almost four month " in Caliiornia . . ~'-"-""-'-"-'-'"-'-"-"~ tO New Yo·k tO I Th G e realest D· rive E ver. ---- ' 1 This will serve to remind you that Memorial Day this year falls on a Monday-May 30. That means you will have S~turday. Sunday an~ Monday. to enjoy a wonderful outing. Take advantage of it\ Of course the highways wtll be pack~d on thts first hohday of the season. Why not leave your car in the garage -let someone else do the worrymg- take the North Shore Line and erijoy yourself? Hundreds of choice spots in the nearby land of lakes and woods are reached by North Shore Line trains connectin~ with North Shore Line Motor Coaches. For example: Lake Geneva, Fox Lake District. Lake Villa. Antioch. Volo, McHenry. The cost is so small, the pleasure so great! Ask your North Shore Line ticket agent for information. .· . UlTrt~ll Hl' . I Tlu· 1dd 1 q ..::·.. v., \\'ith tlll·ir hil!'ll . . tc)IJ·ing r:tl-..v· \\·;tlk. and the pir\..:;tn innin with thtir uimhle clogging wen· tll\: fir ~ t to "brin~ dmvn th e hon-,t·." I Hlt the :\1thical Interpretation. "itl1 it:; t:xqui~itc pearock coloring, trailit1g f l' a t h c r . ' ui blues and greens and hronzt. it~ ,JJimmer iug scarf dancl·, · brought a hrl':tthlt>S -,ikncc of apprcl·iatillll ~ ~ i tht· :-lwc·r hl';lllty of the 1 T h c K i t ch t: 11 :\ w a k l'. w it ll i t s ~ h i itJe., ..; Iri ~h n;aid and its liYdy couring I JH... \\·dcr..-. -.pJcc· ~. brn0ms, and du st pans ;tnd ~di-~ati~fic<l "\\'hipping Cream" I ,, urkt:d up :11 1 uproar which wa s ~iknrecl nnly by t ht cro,,·ing- of the rnrk - and t hl·n can1e the Italian scene ,~, ith it., ga~· rulur and song, the exqui~ilt' d;tintiJH.·-.:-, of Pierrot and Picr- 1 rt"ttl·. tilt· !lla-.ke d hall and the t r;uJl'l' ui tht: guards, attendants an<l l t ht· ~by Queen. iollowed by a rmh vi I he pia) cr · in gay costumes, eager to .. hm\'l': tht·ir congratulations on the (jnn·Jl oi their choice. 1 Tht ;mdit·nrt· on the first CYening I \\a.; rnmpO:-t'd ui relatives and friends ~·i tht stttdt·nt;, and on the second, of a -,carcdy Jt-~ . . appreciative group of I ;tlu mnat and friends of the college, I including tht mrmhcrs of the board of 1 ruste<·s ;111cl their win's. who attended the play iollo'Ying t htir quarter 1y tllt:tting in Ha;rison hall. e:rvice thatma~es MILWAU E a next door neigh.ho~ I T WASN'T so many years ago that North Shore towns had less frequent transportation service to Chicago, at many hours of the day, than they now enjoy, all day long, to Milwaukee! . That may seem surprising, but it's true nevertheless. T oday,on the North Shore line, there is service every hour to Milwaukee. Limited trains from here make comfortable connections with fast Milwaukee trains at North ChicagoJunction. No matter what time of day you want to go-morning, afternoon or evening -the same hourly service is available to you. North Shore Line takes you direct to the heart of Milwaukee's business district-Sixth and Sycamoresaving you time and taxi fare. Go this fast, clean, smokeless way. Dining cars at meal times on Milwaukee trains; parlor'observation cars at scheduled hours. All Milwaukee trains stop at Kenosha and Racine. Those desiring to take Milwaukee trains from Chicago will find our Loop Station (Adams and Wabash) and our North Side Stations (Grand Ave., Wilson Ave., or Howard St.) a real convenience. All Milwaukee trains stop at these stations. For schedules, fares and other infonnation, inquire at ticket office. cn- 1 I )1 r. and ~~ r:-;. G. B. Allen of Gltn \ H ann, Fla .. will spend the week-end with )Irs. Allen's sister, Mrs. H . J. I Richter, of 707 Gree nwood avenue, \Vilmett e. I I DO YOU WANT A Good Lawn A Practice Putting Green A Bowling Green or a Grass Tennis Court Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. The Road WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION Telrphonr ·Wilmette 15 14 Baggage Checked ol Ser.,ice · ., ' INA HURRY ? · I have for Immediate Delivery ORTH SHOftE N LINE Creeping Bent. Turf Fully developed th~t will give what you want INA HURRY Addres WILMETTE LIFE B-321.

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