Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1927, p. 18

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J8 WILMETTE l,.IFE ~lay 20, 1927 Bishop A. A. Gilman was the guest of Mrs. Clara Righter Drake and her daught.e r, Miss Aimee Drake, 1221 Ashland avenue, \Vilmette, and formerly of :\[arcia ConYcrse, daughter of Mr. Kenilworth, for the wee·k -end. When Miss Drake w.as in China her work was and' ~Irs. A. \V. Converse of 396 Hawunder the direction of Bishop Gilman. thorn lane, \Vinnetka, has recently heen selected as the general manager of the annual musical comedy of thr \Vomen's Athletic association of Kortlnn~~ttrn uni,·ersity for next year. Ruth BmHr of \Yilmettc is to be in charge (,f pr::>~rams. Other members of the Show hoard \Yill he: Lois Stewart, a:';;istant manager; Xancy Pence. Fountain Square-E oan~ton £,·anston. business manager; Caroline Franklin. EYanston, assistant business manager: Ruth Hlavaty. music: Charlotte :\dams. dancing: Jane Clover. E,·;wston. costumes; GeneYicvc Koester. properties. and Doris Lakt·, f.,._ anston. publicity. ~~ i:;s ConYersc has hu:n in the pony clwrus oi the sho\\' for two years ancl wa:\ assistant general manager of "In the Rnul!h." this n~ar's . :--how. She is a lllelll llL·r or b t' It a De Ita De lt.t sorority. Winnetka Girl Is General Manager of w·. A. A. Music Show For Decoration Day Playtime! The Golfer! For green fairways - this sport shoe of roseblush calf, shawl trimmed. $6.50. ~fr;-;. 1-:Inma R. Brown oi 1033 .. \.._), _ land aHnue ldt a \Yeck ago for a few week~' trip through the East. She will include ~t\\" York City, Philadelpl.ia. and Atlantic CitY ·in her tour. She expet:ts tu ret ur~1 to her daughter' ..; home, ~I r~ . }{_ J. Bennett. at the conclusion oi her j:mrnry. -0- rs. Philip V. Bright uf i 31 Ashland an.' nuc ::.ptnt the wetk-end of :Moth er's day. Yi:;;iting her son and daughter at Beloit college, Beloit, \Vis. Philip Bright, Jr. who is a senior at Beloit thi:' Ytar. ~\'ill graduate in June. M i:;s :\1cdora Bright is a member oi th " freshman class. - 0- ~1 The satisfaction of knowing that you look well helps your game. And the price at which we la·under golf toggery helps your purse. ~lr. and ~Irs. ] as per S. King of 1452 The Washington Laundry Wilmette 145 The Spectator! First honors to the wearer of this stone calf shoe. $8.50. Oak strctt. E\·an!'>ton, are heing congratulated ttl)('n the birth of a sont Lindsay Ricketts K'ing-, Saturday morning, ~lay 14. ~Irs. King formerly made her home "·ith ~lr. and ~f rs. C. L. Ricketts oi 807 A.. hland aycnuc, \Vil mette. .,--0- Edward J. Freiberg of 510 LinJcn aYenuc, will he hostess at a lunche:m and bridge party, Saturday. ~1a.r 21. in honor of her guest, Mrs. M. Koehler of X<.·\\' Rochelle, N. Y .· who is Yi~iting her until June. ~[ rs. l'o· Dlstinedve :Pel'maaeat Waving Large. D·ep, Nat·ral "taTel, Negrescou's Pure Steam Proceu The Diner! Low as .. . Tile eleranee a.nd beauty of a Permanent Wave Ia dependent on the artistic ~ftlcleDC7 of the waver and not on any of the chemical processes or machines. . BlflllJ advertised machines, low prlcea and misleading promises are no ~ for a successful wave, neither are they any protection acalnst b1IJ'Il1Dc, brlttllng and discoloring the hair. ' Dlterbllnatln.r people choo~e our house and are assured by the 30 yeats' : experience - of Mr. John Negrescou, of receiving a wave that .expresses eleyouth and beauty without the slightest injury to yourself or to your Fascinating Accredited At home with the smartest dinner frocks - this open sandal shoe. $8.50. Bible Lessons Over Radio Station WMBI Wave leQ&th 288.3 RADIO TUES., WED., FRI. Christiana- increase your Bible knowled&e by radio. Learn more about '.:he "Book of Books" thia intere.tin&, easy way. A certificate and credit for every course. Ta....re, a P· ea.-Rev. W. T. Joyce's remarkable aeries, ..How to WiD Men to Christ." Wedae8dar~ 8 p. -.-Rev. R. A. Torrey, D. D.'s famoua courae, "The Holy Spirit." The Dancer! Soft music- waxen floorsand this black pump of elegant simplicity. $7.50. First Floor l'ddara, aeaJ· a. aa.-Mra. tria I. McCord's interestin1"Studiea in the Pentateuch." Enroll now aendin1 in $1 for each course, anl eet outlines ofleaaona and certificate on cQmpletion. ·e.z::e· t r·: Hair Ooo4a-Transformatlona Bob WI&· with natural parts as low as IIi.... Expert Beauty Parlor Service and Artistic Hair CUttlnc NEGBESCOU'S DRAPE lV AVES, Ete. ,.. .. MOODY BIBL& INSTI'J'VT& Radio School of the Bible 153 laatitute Place, Cbicqo .T· RB r&mte lll.f 8tenn1 Bldr., U . WIGGBRY 11(· Sta~Street, Clalea.ro -...' . Tel. Randolpla llli

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