Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1927, p. 10

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· 10 WILMETTE LIFE May 20, 1927 wlll take part ln the service, the date of which wlll be announced later. St. John's Lutheran MOTORS SERVICE Inco~7Jo,.oeed EVER.VTHING It Is More Important to JO.,.t!Je AUTOMOBILE STOP TRAM START·. N~VER. -BRAKES1. Inspect brake lining is 0. K. justments; set ments. Make drag. 2. shoes. Make sure Set rear band adfront band adjustsure band does not CLOSED The Largest Motor Repair Shop Inspect and oil all joints and counter shafts; make sure brake fully releases. 3. Test f.oot pedal that it does not strike floor. 4. Test brakes with w he e 1 s off ground to tnake sure they gnp evenly. 5. Test brakes on floor to n1ake sure they take hold at the san1e titne and will slide wheels. Cost from $r.oo to $z.;o. Relining brakes, z wheels, about $r; .oo. We use the latest counter sinking and riveting machines. Also oil treated non-squeak lining. . m Wjlmette Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette On ·1·nursaay evening next t·he Asc<·nHerman W. Meyer, M. A. pastor . , 406 Prairie avenue Telephone 139b sion of Christ will be commemorated by . Chureh telephone 3111 the usual evening service on this holiday. It will begin at 7 :45 o'clock. Mark it on your calendar, lest you forget ~ Senltes 9 :30 A. M. Sunday S<'hool and Bibl"' The C'lasses for the Christian edueati1 ,n classes 11 A. M. Service and sermon. Confirma- of children which have been condu<'tt·tl tion. "Loyalty to Ohirst .." . . all through the year, as well as tlu· Thursday, May 26: AscensiOn of C~rts! ~lasses for adult C'~nfirmands which ha.n· Service on Thursday ewning at c :-ta been given since January 1, will bt> discontinued for t~e summer monh!:!. How o'clock JIN·tlnp:s ever, the pastor will be very glad t u Monday at 4: l'lasses for childrf·ll begin a new class of adult conftrmand s MondaY at 7:45: evening classes any time before this, should it bt> r. ·Monday at 7 :30 girls' choir quired. Tht> children's classes will b· · Wednesday at 7 :30: Boy scout!' resumed in the beginning of Septe mbt ·J·. Friday at 7 : re<'eption for m·wly 1'0 11- Children 7 yE>ars of age or abo\'t"' tna~· enter these C'lasses, which arE> frt···ly .,ffirmed f{'rt>d to all who care to come. The Junior \Va lthf'r leagut' socit·ty wi II observe its annua 1 custom twxt Friday Carl Lochner~ a member of St. .John'~ evening, May 27, of giYing a reception has kindly consented to take O\'Pr tll· · and banquet for the newly confirmed. leadPrship of the Boy Scout Troop li fr,r This will be given in the Sunday school tlu: tim<> being, and will meet with PH· rooms of the church, and it is hOJlNl tl~a t troop f'vt·ry Wednesday evening bf·gin~ all the present member~ of t·~<> .Juntor ning· this week. · society will take part. On the program for the evening are the Re\'. l\fr. Jt>an M. Bailey. Educational Secretary of tlw Walther League, l\fr. Alhert )Jilll-'r of LaGrange, former .Junior Field Secrt·tary. SS·i J·;tm strN~ t. \Vimwtka Mr. Carl A. Fick. representing St. John'~ Pastor A. G. Rohrbach church. Pastor Herman ·w. M:eyel', Howfl-t:J Spnu··' street Telephont· ard Zibble, who will speak for the society and Roscoe Baker, who will repreHours or WorNhip sent 'the newly confirmed. The Junior girls will present a play. La~t ye ar's :-;unclaysreception was suc·h a pronouncf:'d 1-iuecess Sunda~· school ............ 9 :30 a . m . that every f'ffort i~ bdng made to f'(JUal Swedish st·rvict· . .. ... .... . . 11 :00 a . m . it this year. Nothing- will lwlp mort-" Eng-lish st·rvke ............ 7 :45 )l. 111. Subj~ct : "fiood Things in Posst>ssion ... P1an the general participation of tlH· .Juniors. \Vf'dnesda v: Swedish servire .... 8 )). m Next Sunday morning at 11 u'C'lO<'k Saturday:· Confirmation rlass .. 10 a. 11 1. the young people who han:· bl'en prepar".Tt·sui-i is ours. Yea, th(· diYine Tt·ining N1emselves for a hmg time for confirmation, by a systematic stucly of tlH· ity in rnity is ours. Hallelujah! L..t Bible and the Lutheran catt·chism, will us not pin(' and whine, and stint a n!l be formally recf'ived into full Ctlmmun- sian·, sim·p we havP goo~ things in }lo ~ TA·t us livt> In our fiod n ntl ton with the Lutheran Chureh by thl-' s<·sslon. rite of confirmation. Xineteen lH' OJ)h· t'(·joirt- in Him all the day. HPlp us, · 1 will be confirmed. Th' children of tlw Holy (iJwst !" weekday classes wll1 · takt> part in t·~le services, as will also the confirmati 1m Mrs. Arthur L. Foster of 812 Oak · classes of the past three n·ars. E\·e ryone is very cordially invited to attc,n<l wood aYenue entertained fift\· member..; this scrvicP. The ~t rmon will lw (k- of the North Side R"roup of the Vni livered by Rev. Herman \Y. ~Ieyer. n·rsit\· of Illinois Chi Omeg·a alumnal' Preparations are now under way for afternoon benefit b~idge party an organ recital to bt> gin'n sonw 1 im·· ;·t during the month of .TunP. Both th E- Jun- \Y t·dnesday, Ma v 19. The proceeds will Ior and the Senior ehoir of tlw chlll"t'll go toward the fund for the new . nror - First Scandinavian Et'. <II; t····················~···· ity house at the universit~·. M. Portenhauser Painter and Decorator Estimates Without Obligation -o1\f rs. E. T. Selby, 325 Maple an' IIUC' . left 'vVeclncsclay evening- for a tw o months' visit in Pamona, Cal. \\'ith l1cr daughter, :Mrs. J. C. Adams, and Iter ·in fa_nt granddaughter. .Joan Eqctlt· Adams, who was horn May 13. ,~1 MAIN STREET Witmette · ~hone w.Weib~got J.C.Siown A.B. VanDeusen Have the 1030 Greenleaf Phone 2764 -·-····------------------' ·SCREENS Made Now There is a plant right in Wilmette that can give you quick service at sensible prices . . . A Carpenter Shop makes screens like a tailor makes custom clothing. Saturday Is Coffee Cake Day We offer the largest selection of fine quality Coffee Cakes to be found anywhere . . . Here they are. A real old time home made cake of thoroughly good butter flavored dough, with selected fruits mixed in. Just what most people like. Alligator Oriental Braid Ring Pecan Butter Duteb Stollen IN ADDITION Butter Blitz Ftench Apple Cake Plain Apple Cake Apple Strudel Old Fashioned French Apple Cake' Get our figures - Estimates tendered at no cost. TWO STORES 1129 Central A venue, Wilmette 15 04 Howard Street, Chicago Phone 'Wilmette 2998 Phone Sheldrake 9638 W4t iutr4 ®utu Wilmette Carpenter an· dCabinet Co. Store and Office Fixtures 1 14 5 Greenleaf Ave. Phone 2. 8 3 7

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