Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1927, p. 8

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WILMETTE LIFE May 20, 1927 Methodist Minister Will Address Evening Service Dr. Horace G. Smith, minister of the Wilmette Parish Methodist Episcopal church, will deliver the sermon at the fourth of a series of special Sunday evening services at the Wilmette Baptist church, Sunday, May 22. Dr. Smith will take as his theme, "Shou ld the Churches of Wilmette be Closed?" The se.rvices, arranged through the instrut.n entality of the Rev. Francis Carr Stifler, pastor of the Bapt~st church are designed to be of espeCial interest to business and professional people of the village, the ~ermons being based on a questionnaire sent out recently to members of the \Vilmctte Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of obtaining their views .r egarding the relation of the \Vilm ctte churche~ to community life. The services begin at 7 :30 o'clock. opening with a program of music. Baseball Season Opens Officially ·. Sunday Afternoon The · Wilmette Athletic associatio11 baseball team wilt formally open t lw 1927 baseball season under auspiciou . . circumstances Sunday afternoon, ~la Y 22 at 3 o'clock on the municipal pla\:_ gr'ounds west of the Howard schooLPreliminary arrangements call for ; 1 prog-ram of unu sual interest, which will include the tossing of the first ball ln Village President Earl E. Orner. an~! a flag-raising ceremony. The season's opener will the local nine pitted against the fast-stepping \\'auk egan entry in the ~lid-City league, with which \Vilmettc is a!...: affiliated. Prospects arc bright for one of th l· most successful seasons in local dia mond history. according to Emil :-\ . Nord, president of the Athletic asso - . ciation. The team, hacked by th l' ·\\ ilmctte Cham her of Commerce. · ha _ , presented a strong front in prcliminar _ , engagements this spring and is tH"' prepared to enter upon the regula r season of play ·with every posit ion \\T 11 fortified. All baseball fans, tried and trut:. art · expected to put in an appearance ~ll ll daY for the season's inaugural cngagt · m~nt. Grand stand s. e ats arc plentiiul enough for a good s'izcd crowd and t hl· boys anticipate a record tunwut it 11· the big hlo\\·-off event. (~am<: tinh· i . . 3 o'clock. 1 Great Lesson There is no lesson more important than that of the power of intelligently controlled money. A savings account teaches anyone the earning power and growth of monev,- and it establishes a habit of life-long benefit. This is a friendly bank where your account will have every possible care and attention. Come in and see us. \' Emily Foresman Marries in Kenilworth Tomorrow The marriage of Miss Emily Foresman, daughter of the Hugh Foresmans of 515 Essex road, Kenilworth. to Richmond Kenyon, al~o of Kenilworth, will take place Saturday, ~[ ay 21, at the Kenilworth Union church, at 4 :30 o'clock. A reception will follow immediatelv after the cc.remom· at the home of the bride's 11arents. · The bride will he attended by her twin sister, Miss Dorothy Foresman, as maid of honor, and by another sister, Miss Patty Foresman, a:; bridesmaid. Jack B. Smith of Birmingham, Ala., will serve as hest man, and the ushers will be Horatio H. Chandler of Chicago and Thomas H . Cowles oi Lake Forest. First National Bank of Wilmette Georgie Leslie. four year old daugh ter of ~fr. and }[rs. F. H. Leslie oi 221 Sheridan road, is confined to the f., an~ton hospital with the scarlet ft-,n:r. Georgie ,,-as taken sick Sunday, 11 a,· I. and was scriouslv ill for a number (,i days. She is recovering now, howen:r. Cleanliness_j 1145 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wil. 2814 Quality WILMETTE ALACE I I I ASH HEALTH Fancy ARKET · -, I I I Palace Everyday Prices Are Always Lower Spring FOOD FOR d I I l I 9 d 5 :; I Many Other Items Priced Low But Not Advertised I I I I Leg of Lamb 31¥2e lb. mint free Pot Roast very beat cub Stewing Chickens fresh dre11ed young and tender Broilers fresh fancy dressed milk feel I I to 22¥ 2e lb. Roasting or Frying 26~e Native lb. 4Se lb. Pork Loins whole or half 26¥ 2e lb. Creamery Butter the ftl7 IMat 1 lh. cartoaa Chickens 39e lb. Famoua Brand Rib Roast rolled EGGS ' 31 to 42e lb. Shoulder PeacoCk Hams whole or half 44e lb. 21~e lb. .Pork Roast . 19¥ 2e lb. Our Eggs are guaranteed to be strictiy fresh

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