·'May 13; 1927 :.-Bridge Tea for War Veterans North Shore Society Event Name Cast and Stall Wilmette Girl Marries Bridge Tea to Be ~in Evanston ToiJl~rrow To Wed in .t\utumn for Play to Follow North Shore Benefit Miss Dorothy Hess, daughter of Mr. Voters, Breakfast · for Diaabled Vets - - - - - - - -.. . . and Mrs. Behjamin W. Hess of 430 By M argerg W ind11 Nine years ago when Big Berthas, , submarine chasers, four-minute Liberty Loan speeches, and five-inch headlines on newspapers were the ·talk of . the day, when young men in mud, soaked khaki wea-e wondering why : they were fighting young men in mud:, soaked oliv~-drab, north shore wives and friends begged for the chance to pay back the debt they owed the youth of the country. Nin~ years can fly and the war is a bad dream soon forgotten in the bright sunlight of apparent peace. But many of those heroic .men were 1 . left maimed, blinded and·· , crippled. I Many of them are stranded today in government hospitals for life. The Kenilworth Neighbors, an activ e group of Kenilworth women, are anxious to make good their promise to pay back their debt and are sponsoring a benefit bridge tea for the disabled veterans at the Great Lakes hospital at 2 o'clock, Wednesday, May 18, at the Keni1worth club. Table prizes are to be given as well as many door prizes. Anyone willing to donate a prize is cordially invited to do so, and is asked to communicate with :Mrs. Joseph Joyce of Kenilworth. Tea will be served during the afternoon, with Mrs. J, K. Farley and Mrs. Robert M. Burns at the tea table. Mrs. E. L. Essley, Mrs. Fred Bulley, Mrs. W. W. Wheelock; Mrs. Alexander Joslyn, Mrs. George Richards, Mrs. Joseph White, Mrs. Ernest Fleischmann, . and Mrs. Joseph Joyce are included in the group of interested Kenilworth women helping in the preparations. for the affak. Articles made by the patients of the hospital in the vocational therapy department at Great Lakes will be on exhibition and for sale. The Neighbors do not confine th.eir activities to one bridge tea a year, nor to one Christmas party a year, but keep up their work continually. They take boxes of ciga.rets, candy and nuts, coats, shoes, and mittens to the men at the hospital. They comb the villages for phonograph r e co r d s, and they gather together playing cards to ease a few hours of lonliriess in the bare hospital wards. But . they need more · cards, more cigarets and more clothing. Sp.ring is cold and bleak, and ·winds are chill along the north shore. ·.If you have any extra clothing, an old phonograph or records, or if you ,have any playing card~ discarded be'c:ause of soiled edges, send them to one of the committee, or phone one of the members of the group, and they will be called for. Mrs. Joseph Joyce, chairman for the Neighbors of the committee for friend.ly co-operation with di?abl.ed veterans, is in chasge of the collection of such :gifts and wishes to thank the women . ·who have made possible the gift . to the boys of a victrola, a ·r~volving bookcase, a bedside table, records, books and a pia nola. 'Mrs. Joyce ac. companied by Mrs. M. - H. Dement, visited Great Lakes Monday and talked with the men in the "21 North," ' the Kenilworth unit. They have asked for copies of Saturday Evening Post. Liberty and the National Geographic magazines. If anyone has such magazints they would care to donate, phone · Mrs. Joyce at Kenilworth 21'~t . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keith, 310 Warwick road, Kenilworth recently have announced the engagement of their daughter, Margaret, to Hughston M. McBain, son of Mrs. Fred McBain of Evanston. Miss "Keith has been attending the Art Institute for the past two winters and Mr. McBain attended the Univ~rsity of Michigan. The wedding is to take place in the early autumn. ·Tbree North Shore Girls May Queen Nominees Five nominees, three of whom arc north shore gi.rls, were chosen Thursday of last week by the Women's Self Government association of Northwestern university for May queen. Those nominated are Agnes Cornell and Alice Catherine Mills of Giencoe, Virginia Ingram of Winnetka, Evelyn Patterson of Chicago, and Joyce C. Dalrymple of Menominee. Miss Mills, Miss Ingram and Miss Dalrymple are members of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, Miss Cornell is a Pi Beta Phi, and Miss Patterson a member of Chi Omega. The coronation ceremonies will take place on the campus Thursday, May 19. · ·· Gtrls"' Club Solictttng for Flood Sufferers The Girls' club of New Trier High school has been soliciting funds for the benefit of the flood sufferers in the devastated areas in the South. Through the personal appeal of the members of the club. $530.66 was taken in by Monday night, May 9, as reported by the club treasurer, Miss Jane Calloway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Calloway of 920 Linden st.reet, Witmette. Anyone wishing to add contributions to the cause through the Girls' organization is called to send the money to Miss Calloway who is taking charge of the funds. Nintl\ street, will be married to Ralph E. Colville of Evanston and Canton, Ohio, Saturday evening, May 14, at 8 :30 o'clock, in the First Methodist church of Evan~ton. Dr. Horace G. Smith of the First Methodist churc1 1 of Wilmette, will perform the ceremony. Miss Hess will be attended by Miss Myrtle Colville of Canton, the groom's sister, as maid of honor. As her other attendants, she has chosen Miss Virginia Moore of Evanston, Miss Betty Rice of Wilmette, Miss Elizabeth Anne Hughes of Evanston, Miss Ruth Arnold of Chicago, Miss Eleanor Fischer of Evanston, and Miss Oneita Hewitt nf Columbus, Ohio, for her brides maids. The be st man will be Robe rt Mahan of \ \Tilmette, ancl the list of usher s includes Jack Ashley of Evanston, Howard Davidson of Oak Park, Joseph Falcon of Evanston, Norman Ericson of Evanston, Philip Hall of Galesburg, and Allen Oviatt of Cleveland. Immediately following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Hess will give a reception at their home. for the wedding party and the inlmediate family. Numerous showers, teas and lunch ~ con s are being given in honor of Miss Hess's marriage. Miss Elizabeth Anne Hughes and Miss Ruth Arnold entertained forty -five Alpha Phi friends of the bride at a bridge party, Thursday, April 21. The following Monday evening, Miss Eleanor Fischer of Evanston gave a bridge party in Miss Hess' honor. Thursday, April 28, Mis s Betty Rice of Wilmette and Miss Virginia Moore of Evanston were hostesses to a group of the bride's f,riends at a luncheon. and bridge party held in \Vilmette at ·the home of Mis s Rice. Mr s. Bertha MacEhvain of Evanston gave a tea at her home, Sunday evening, May 1. A second Sunday evening tea took place May 8. at the home of Miss Elizabeth Anne Hughe s of Evanston, when she entertained the bridal pa,rtr. Jack Ashley of Evanston, included in the group of ushers , gave a dinner party for eight members of the bridal party Tuesday night. A . hridge party was given Wednesday, May 11, by Mrs. Richard Rowe of Wilmette and Mrs. John Buell, both Kenilworth brides of a year ago, at the home of Mrs. John Buell in Evanston. M·r . and Mrs. Hess are planning the bridal dinner for Friday, May 13, at ·the Orrington hotel, and will tints conclude the gay list of particc; and dinners given for their daughter and her fiance during the past two weeJ.-s. Miss Hess is a graduate oi ~orth western university in the class of 1926, and a member of the Alpha Phi sorority. Mr. Colville is also a graduat'! of Northwestern, in the class of 1Q25. He is a member of the Sigma Nu fraternity. After their marriage they are planning to make their future hc,me in Evanston. Reservations for the May breakfast of the Wilmette . League of Women Voters on May 18, must reach Mrs. C. P . Evans, Wilmette 974- J or Mrs. C. vV. Cozzens, Wilmette 669, not later than Tuesday morning, May 14, the committee announces. The b.reakfast hour is to be 12 ·o'clock, and the program hour, 2. Both will be held in the Woman's club. Residents of Wilmette are invited to attend. The cast and production staff of "As It Was in the Beginning" or "A Daughter of the Evolution," a satire on the present in terms of way -back when, written ·by Mrs. James A. Bur rill of vVilmette, is as follows: Paley O'Lith, a r eactionary ... . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mine r Coburn Mrs. P a ley O'Lith, a heart of gold and h ead of l\'ory, ... Mrs. John B. Dodd.i t· Flora O'Lit·~1 , a pre historic flapl)('r .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marie 'Veck"l' Fauna O' Lith, full of animal spirits . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frances Lutz N ee O'Lith, he rald of the new age ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dan Burrill Ab, a throwback, . . Dr. W. W. Hawkin ~ The Dodo . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard Finney The l\Ion st e r . .. ... .. ......·...... .. ... Mu sie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Willi a m Hutchings Prompter . ..... . ... .. .... Anne Bodd ie Costumes by Hunter and Skinner. Cave by Erosion and Seepage. Clift' by Cleavage. Back Drop by Accident. Moral by Inference. The time of the play is before Adam, the place, somewhere in the world ; the scene, a cave dwelling. Reese-Donaldson Wedding Event of Next Saturday Tomorrow evening at 8 :30 o'clock, th e wedding of Miss Marian Ree se and Harry Donaldson will take place. The Rev. Leland Hobart Danforth will read the service in the Church of the Holy Comforter, Kenilworth, and the reception following will be held at the home of t·he bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Charles · N. ReeseJ 829 Ashland avenue, \Vilmette. The matron of honor will be Mrs. H. C. Reese of Chicago, the maid of honor, Mi ss Winifred Bilsland of Wil .. mette, and the bridesmaids, Mrs. Louis Mohr of Chicago, Miss Elizabeth and Miss Dorothy Joy of Winnetka, and Miss Patty Foresman of Kenilworth . Albert Rand of Wilmette will serve as best man, and the us.hers will be Dr. H. C. Reese of Chicago, Chester Speakman of Oak Park, Stephen Lusted and Edward Tubbs of Wilmette, and Olney Brown of Evanston. Meets in Glencoe Monday The regular May meeting of the Wilmette Junior auxiliary of the Inf~<tnt Welfare society will take place at the home of Mrs. A. j. Ruby of 191 Park avenue, Glencoe, Monday, May 16, at 2 o'clock. The assisting hostesses will be Mrs. Arthur ldacMillan of Wilmette, .Mrs. William Haa-msen of Rogers Park and Mrs. Alex McCallum of Glencoe. Troth Announced Mr. and Mrs. Chester T. Bradford of Evanston announce the engagement Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Foresman, of their daughter, Minna, ro Scott 515 Essex road, Kenilworth announce Corwith Greene, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Luncheon Hostess the engagement of their daughter, Dan Greene of 120 Ninth street. Mrs. Thomas L. Grisamore of 507 Emily, to Richmond W. Kenyon, son Greenleaf avenue, will entertain sixty of Mrs. Charles R. Kenyon of Detroit. Mrs. William Waidner, 1046 Green· guests at a luncheon and bridge party Miss Foresman is a llraduate of Smith leaf avenue. Wilmette entertained the Tuesday, May 17, at the Ouilmette college, class of 1922. Mr. Kenyon members of the Travel class and their '·· Mrs. Paul Soule of 807 Foteit ave- Country club, in honor of her sister, served in F~rance with the American da.~ghters at luncheon Wednesday. Jn :,,npe was hostess to the twelve members Mrs. A. B. Beall of Sioux City, Iowa. Field Service and as pilot in the 'the afternoon the mothers entertairted ; : of her dinner and bridge club, Satur · Mrs. Beal is traveling East and will American Air Service. The wedding their daugl.tters with a misc:ebane<>Us ...,.._~!-1\ May i. s~ ·:in Wilmette to . visit her silt~~·> -.~itl ,_iake place on May 21. .1K'?&f~ ~. Announce Engagement .