~fay 13, 1927 ======================-===============:::;::;====-·., I. W ·I LMETTE LIFE Star Salesman PIERCE-ARROW 5-passenger Brougham I. reduced· $ Photo by 'fol off \ V. B. Rood. ) r., sa le sman ior Tom Hay and Son, local Pierce-Arrow dea! crs, won the national president's sales contest of Pierce-Arrow by selling ~30,001 \vorth of Pierce-Arrows in se\'etl days. The prize for Mr. Rood's exceptional sellin g was $150 in cash given hy Mr. Forbes, president of the Picrce-ArrDw company. This sales contest is a national event held by the Pierce-Arrow factory. Mr. Rood, during the week of April 18 to 23, was third with a total of $14,240 sa les in :-nen days. · The reduction of $300 to $500 in price on the five passenger brougham a nd the five passenger sedan, as well as the roadster, has stimulated business to . uch an extent that Mr. Meyer, general manager of the local branch, -,tates that he is right now about three \reeks behind on delivery. Widespread respoDSe of sales followed the recent announcement of new reduced prices on four of PierceArrow's most popular Series 80 models. .Never 1 b;ave prices been so low in Pierce-Arrow history. N~ before has it been possible to enjoy the smartness 8lid CQmfort of a Pierce-Arrow for SO small an investment and on such convenient terms. A car with courteous driver will be placed at your dispoal. 5-passenger Brougham New Dodge Cars Have Sturdier Transmission O ut standing among the changes recently announced in Dodge Brothers entire line of passenger cars is the adoption of a sturdier, more compact transmission ":·ith the gears arranged ior standard shift. The new gearset, according to the announcement from the factory received by C. M. McDonald. north shore dealer, entered product ion at the sa me time as the new Dodge Brothers motor. "The aim of the designer," says Mr. ~IcDonald, "was to provide a gearset so sturdy that although transmitting the increased power developed by the new engine -it would sustain the good reputation earned by the former transmission for long life and free dom from wear. "The gears arc he a vier and stronge.r than those of the former transmission and are made of chrome vanadium steel heat treated in electrical furnaces. "Both of the shafts which support the gears have been made stronger and stiffer than those in the forme.r transmission and are also 0£ chrome vanadium steel. The diameter of the countershaft has 'been increased and the length shortened." The largest county in Illinois is McLean with an area of 1,166 square miles· the smallest is Putman county, having 176 square mile s. Now $2495 now -2495-a reduction of -400 Also new low prica on the 5-passenger Stmdard Sedan 8nd the 4-~ger Coupe AU Jwit:a trt B·Jftrlo, N.Y., 1a a1rt1 · · · Houdaille The Runabout, Pierce·Arrow SaiaBOcanhaftbmdhammered aluminum boclie. mvaecl withl4coeaof~l.cquer. doubJe..actiaa ahock Luxurioal finiah bardwaN ··· h·ndN nw YIIDity caa. Wide,....olcolor .ad upbolltery choicea 70.~ eap.. app-,·.... ...... a&.orben ··· apecia1 Pieree-Arrow f'our.wbeebafety brake..l4to 17am. pergalloa of guoliae,15,000to18,000 milea per ld: of tirel. Natioa ·wide Pierce-Arrow flat·rate MrVice elilca peat operaUa, economy. Asman down payment gives yoa immediate deUver,. Present ear aeeepted as easb. ToM BAY AND Greenleaf 50 SoN Evanston 1819 Ridge Avenue