Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 May 1927, p. 6

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· WILMETTE LIF-E May 13, 1927 Almost Too Good To Be True--· I I TROOP PER THOUSAND . PEOPLE. SCOUT AIM Iaisle Elmhurst Troop 2, marched down th~~ of the big auditorium. The nH 1- ~ ': ' Leader Urgea North Shore Scout Organization to Build Fineat Camp in State "Scouting is a program of co-operative effort," C. .M. Finnell, Deputy Scout Executive of Region Seven, comprising four Midwestern sta~es, said last Friday night at · the Sprmg Council meeting and Public Court of Honor of the North Shore Area council of the Boy Scouts of America, held at the New Trier His:!h school auditorium. "You have thirty-one troops. Let's set as our goal one troop for.. every thousand of our population." he continued, "Let's also set for ourselves the a-oal of having- the finest camp in thi s part of Illinoi s." Troop 35 of Ravinia. under the leadership of Scoutmaster H. \V. Copp, strl.ged a three-minute tableau entitled "The Bov Scout Pageant of P.r ogres :-;." Scouts portrayed the many type s of character that have entered into the making of Am erica. closing with the promise of the men of tomorrow. Honor Glenview Troop Dr. G. B. Lake, chairman of thr Court of Honor, inspected the various troops and reported fir st honor in in· spection eanwd hy Troop 55 of Gl envie,.,·, under the leadership of Scoutmast er E. L. Stanton. and Assistant Scoutmaster Ray Daniel son. Troop 4 (\\.ilmctt e i and Troop 31 (Highlanrl Park ) ti ed for se cond place. For dispat ch in drill 21 (Glencoe ) and 31 (Highland Park) scorerl fir st place. The thrill of th e ev ening came when the snappily uniform 'd Boy Scout Drum and Bugle Corps, 35 strong, of sic filled the auditorium and was tk hit of the evening. Several troops (li the North Shore council have decid t·c\ to develop Drum ' and Bugle corps. Awards made Friday night arc li stl d in the Scouting section of this · issut:. Mrs. A. ]. Mouat of 616 Lake an:nue, spent the Mother's day 'week-end visiting her .daughter, Maggie, who i :; attending the University of Illinoi :-. She was accompanied by Mrs. Richard N. Jordan of 516 Fifth street, ancl Mrs. Della Cook of Evanston. \Vhik in Champaign they were the guests oi Mrs. Mary A. McCulley at En~t· ra House. -o~Ir s . John \\'t-lton Fisher, Jr., () J 826 Greenwood avenue and her thrtT children, J can, Dorothy, and Ja ck have arrived in \Vilmette after a tkn month s' trip to California. They con · fined their visit to La Jolla, Cal., l'X cept " ·hen they stopped to visit frien d , in Los Angeles. San Francisco a 1 11l Oen\'er. -oM rs. Herbert Johnson, who will ·i1 ' cupy the Perry L. Smithers home at 71 1 Lake avenue. V\' ilmette, during th e summer, and lvho lives at 3330 She ri dan road, Chicago during the wint er. entertained at luncheon and bridgl·. Tuesday, : May 10, in her Chicag-o homt·. The gue sts included Mrs. Perry L. Smithers, and many other Wilnwt 1\' friends. Mr s. \\'illiam Holme s of 622 Centr;tl avenue . \\·as hoste ss at a lunch r( ·n party, Tue sday, May 10. in hon or n !· her sister. ~1 is s Quigg. There \\' t'rl' ten guest s. c:;;~ .~~~.~~~.~~~~~· Speeial Food ValueS ILLINOIS ASPARAGUS, it for to 1o C G~~~~ ~~~~'. ~~?.t~~~~.e~: ............. 17C special purchase n1akes possible us offer these teitder stalks at bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + CELERY, fresh, vvhite, and unusually crisp, bunch ....................-. . . . ............ 25 10c C SVJ7o~T. ~~~-~: .~~~~~. ~~~s~ ..... . .. .. ... 25c H~:;~ ?~o:~.~-~-~~~~·~~~~~~~ .......... Sc c~~~~F.~~-~~~~· .................. ~ ... 25c H~: t~\~~~~.' ....................... Sc N~:k ~~!~!~~~·-~~~r·a· ~~~~~~··.......... 99c STRAWHERRIES -o- -oMrs. H. · ]. Richter is entertain i n~ the Friday club today at her homr, 707 Greenwood avenue. 25c 19c 2Sc 29c F~~!~D~c .~~~?.~~: ................. 59c 19C c~~~~~~ ~~~~~~: ................... 2Sc E~~~~c -~~.~~~~·.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1Oc M~~eA~-~ -~~~-~~~~\-~~~ .. .. .. .. .. . s 1.45 c~~;~~~- ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ...... S2.15 qttart .............................. . EXTRA. LARGE .SIZE BERRIES FROM 1'IISSOURI, quart ........... . MEDIUM SIZE FROl\1 'l'ENNESSEE, WHITE CASH MARKET CO. Phone · Wilmette 2779 Phone Wilmette 2538 FRESH PINEAPPLES, each ............................... . CALIFORNIA OI{t\NGES, dozen, 89c, 59c ..................... . 0 LEMONS. A special sa.le for t'vo clays only, dozen . ·....................... . Our Slogan Cleanliness Quality Courtesy Low Prices ... You profit by our 22 Years experience serving the North Sho~e public with Better Meats, Poultry, Game 8 Sea Foods. Compare our prices and quality with others and you will find it to your advantage to trade at the WHITE CASH MARKET 1189 WILMETTE AVENUE I I 't FREE DELIVERIES COSMAS BROS. Opposite Post Office 1143 Wilmette Ave. Phones Wil. 2693..2694 Watch our windows for da~ly specials. For Free Prompt Delivery Phone Wilmette 2 7 79-2538.

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