May 6, 1927_ WI LM E TT E ·LIF'I! Winnetka, gave a very pleasing musical program. Among the numbers was the Hungarian Dance No. 5 by Liszt. During the evening refreshments were served. Annual Art Exhibit in ·Wilmette Scene of Charming Variety A charming exhibit of works oy Wilmette artists was presented last Alpha Phi Benefit Given week-end at the \Vilmette Woman's · S d cluh. Among some of the prominent In Vanston on atur ay artists \\'hose picturl's appeared were The Alpha Phi sorority is giving its Erma Bentley, Dorothy Berndt, Maq·· annual benefit bridge party Saturday, ~ockius, Anita \Ville~ts Burnham, 11r.l May 7,. at 2 o'cloc~, at the Evanston and Mrs,. B. L. Davts, Harry Hooker Countr). club .. ~frs .. Arthur B. BO\~e, of the Charll's ~forgan studio, \V. T. 1 t~1e chatrman: ts asststed by Mrs. \VtlJ ones, ~f rs. ~~a ric K. Lusk. Lester ham \V. Whtte, ~Ir:s. Arthur .Chilgren, Moore, L. A . Palenski, Florence Pye Walsh Baldwm, and Mtss CathIn~u~ Rei;11ntr, \Villiam Schmerltgen: ~~!cCullough, of Eva!tston, and \V tlham Sohns, ~f argueritc T a y 10 :-, ~~ tss Ehzabeth Cutler of \Vthuett.e .. Albert Ullrich, \Villiam R. \Vatson The patronesses for the affatr m( of Highland Park, forme.rly of \Vii- elude ~frs. Budd Clar~e Corb~s, Mrs. mette) and ~fable \\'hcelock. In one A. D. ~ander~, ~Irs. \\alter Dtl~ Scott, corner oi the center room were three Mrs. C. A. Rtch, ~Irs. R. C. \Vtebol~t, large, colorful mosaics, depicting Eas- ~frs. ]. L .. Turnbull, Mrs. ~; ]. \Vhtttern scenes with Arabs and camels, lock, <;>f .Evan~_ton, ~Irs. I homas C. which wt·n· from the studio of Charles I ~f?uldmg of \\ tlmette, and Mrs. Allen Morgan. Of much interest also were ~ltlls of Glencoe.. . . the .many o;iginal cartoons hy Carcv The proceeds trom the bndge wtll Orr. - be devoted to th.e house fund. £ for V' palatable lunches and dinners you U?ill do well to seek by some oi the youngt·r north shor·.' . There W(: re a few picturt·s exhibited artists, one or two by Carol Lon Burnham of \Vinnetka, and Alice ~~ ar l Thirteen miles of candy bars, conJ1ackson.. Jane ·.Johnson. and ~fyrtlt: sisting of 215,000 pieces and weighting .undqUlst of \V almette. approximately 45,000 pounds, were Particularly intert·sting were the shipped over the North Shore line last group of miniature stages, the work oi ~'londay from the iactory of the Curthe students of !':ew Trier High school. tiss Candy company in Chicago. The \\'ilmette Grammar school was The candy shipment, which was the well rcprt·~l' nted by a large group oi largest ever handled at one time on posters hy the t·ighth grade pupils the :\orth Shore line, was consigned at_mounring the exhibit, by tht: g-roup to candy dealers in \\"aukegan, Kenoot soap ~ tatuette~· in'>pircd by ~Ir s. sha, Racine and Milwaukee. Lusk. and hy the group oi crayon The Curtiss company has recently sketchr" illu~t rating stories 1·rom his- made a world record · by shipping its tory and tht· history of Chicago. products in solid train-load lots. On Friday nening the talrntt·d trio Ct)mpo:-.ed oi 1·'llc Swigart. cellist. Illinois produced nearly one - fourth Ccorge Swigart. Yiolinist, oi \\'ilmcttr. oi the traction engines and tractors and Francl' ;; Anclt:r:-.on, pianist, nf made in the Cnited State during 1926. N Sh orth ore Line Ships 13 Miles of Candy Bars I THE vERA MEGOWEN -one of the finest places for dining on the North Shore. A hundred de~ lightful dishes await you, and an atmosphere of congeniality and good cheer abot1nds. for quiet comfortfor a wholesome family meal- The WHOLE TOWN IS TALKING! Your banker, broker, or business associate. The chap at the next desk-or the best man at the wedding. Men in all walks of life are taking to and talking about this unusual tailoring service. No outlandish claims. A full measure of value. Real tailoring. Individualized clothes-worth the money. Our Feature SUIT OR TOPCOAT Tailored to Individual Order THE VERA MEGOWEN is unrivaled. DINNERS DAILY-5:3o to 8:oo $x.oo SUNDAY-12:30 to 8:oo $1.25 Davis Street At Hinman Avenue $50 A Price Range of $40 to $65 CITY SALES-FOURTH FLOOR 319 West Van Buren Street Greenleaf